How To Get The Best Hair On Aliexpress!! | (Don’T Waste Your Coins Sis) |Simisimple

#shoponaliexpress #aliexpress #bestvendorsonaliexpress #tinashe hair

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Hey guys, it’s me, simi! It has been a minute. First lemme say thanks for 1k SUBSCRIBERS love you guys fr thanks for supporting me. Hope you enjoy this video today get out your notepad and If you watched through the end leave me a emoji!



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Hi guys welcome back to my channel. It'S me simmy, i'm giving you first lady, i'm giving you cindy lou a fly, just freaking walked into my room. Who do you think you are who do you actually think you are? Let me scratch hi guys. Welcome back to my channel, it's me siri long time. No see reason for this. Video, as you can probably see by the title, is um all about hair, basically how to show up on aliexpress um the red flags to look out for when getting hair from aliexpress. Well, basically, all the stuff that i wish someone would have told me when looking on aliexpress well personally, i was quite good because i did quite a lot of research myself on youtube, but then i suppose, without all of those youtube videos - and i wouldn't have known What to do so? Hopefully i can be one of those videos for you guys, if you guys are basically just need some help on where to get a really good hair on aliexpress. Then just keep watching this video before this video starts then make sure to like comment and subscribe and let's get started with the video okay guys. So you are on this video because you want to know how to get really good hair on aliexpress. So let me just tell you a little quick backstory so before i started wearing wigs, all i would wear was braids and before i got into like the wig life, i was quite apprehensive to go on aliexpress because one i've never used it before so essentially, this Is for the people that have just never used aliexpress before and just know knows that you can get her on aliexpress, but doesn't really know where to start. So this video is basically just gon na. Take you step by step, hopefully step by step on how to purchase really good hair on aliexpress um, so yeah i never really used to wear wigs. I would wear braids all up until, like i think, six form like the bit before university. So that's when i started wearing wigs for the first time and let me tell you guys the first wig i ever got was shambolic like if i could insert some clips of the first word but before yeah i basically want you guys to avoid that stage of Your life, i want you to get to the good part. Okay, it was hilarious, like i thought i was a baddie like nobody can chat to me that we're gone um but yeah once i started wearing wigs. Obviously i figured out about aliexpress and then i just started doing some research on like the best vendors, which i'll tell you guys about um waiting time, packaging and all of that stuff. So, if that's what you guys are interested interested in, if that's what you guys are interested in then make sure to keep watching this video and let's get started with the tips. I'Ve got for you and you guys, okay side. Note my hair's really cute, like i saw this um, i saw this picture of normani yeah and she had like these cute little like flipped in bits, and i was like. Oh my god. I have to do that, so i did it. I think i look really cute also side note. This is the first time i'm ever wearing a full frontal, like usually i only wear five by fives but yeah. I thought i'd go into frontal ganglia. You see we level up every time. We level up every time. So what the first thing you want to do first, of course, is download the aliexpress app i'll put up the logo for you guys here. So the thing is, you need to figure out beforehand what it is you want, but it's know what you want. Do you want a bob? Do you want long bad inches? Do you want um blonde? Do you want black? Do you want um, curly, kinky waterways? Um? Do you want deep wave? These are all the different textures um. I think texture is the most important thing when looking at hair on aliexpress, because different vendors provide different qualities when it comes to like texture and stuff. So um i'll, give you guys an example. So i've got hair from tinashe hair once and i would never recommend someone to get the curly hair onto your hair, but the straight hair you get. You need to get that sheet. You need to get that like that is literally the best straight hair that i've ever used like from tenacio hair, but the curly hair. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, because it's just not my cup of tea, whereas somebody else would have probably a better experience of a different vendor um on like curly hair. What you want first, once you figure out what you want then do some research on youtube on like? Is this vendor good for curly hair? Is this fender good for straight hair and then you won't waste your money buying? Because, just because someone says avenger is good, doesn't mean that it's going to be good for the texture, um or the kind of hair that you want length necessarily isn't as important, because it doesn't really matter um. But texture, i think, is the most important thing. Um. The next thing i would say on getting hair on aliexpress is not to get forwards. I can only advise you on what i've done, so i would never suggest to anyone to get a full wig, because you can't really fit it to your head shape as opposed to getting a wig cap that you know will fit to your head shape. You know what i mean, because i know countless of times that my sister's got a wig on aliexpress and it's too big for her head or when it just doesn't fit right and truly. I would really suggest to get bundles and a closure or bundles and a frontal, and just make a wig that will be totally fitted to your head shape rather than buying it pre-made on aliexpress. But if you don't want to do that, i mean you: can there are wigs on aliexpress that you can get ready made? Also before i started getting hair on aliexpress, i did tons and tons of research, it's quite overwhelming when you go on aliexpress. If any of you want to get a hair hair on aliexpress, it's quite overwhelming to go there and just see all these different types of vendors. So what i would suggest for you guys to do is just do a little bit of research um about maybe the top 10 um, the top 10 hair vendors of aliexpress, and i can name you 10, like off the bat that i know is good and trusted By a lot of people, ali pearl ali grace, ali alaba, ali annabelle, tanashi, hair, um, tenacio, hair west kiss frickin, just so many that's five right there most likely those vendors will provide of a large variety of wigs. So you don't really have to be worried about one vendor, not providing something that you want, because these sort of um stores on aliexpress they like to cater to a lot of people, so they will have straight. They will have curly. They will have everything. One thing that i don't really see that much at least west is kinky hair. I do see water where i see i just see deep waves like i don't see a lot of kinky hair being sold or maybe just because i'm not looking but yeah. I think you might have to be specific with the vendor when looking for kinky hair, yeah type in whatever um hair, that you want um, be as specific as possible. Don'T just put wig just just put wink and it will just give you any bishop wing needs to be like bundles and a closure um, and if you even want to be more specific, you have to be bundles and enclosure, um, transparent lace, bundles on enclosure, normal Lace, hd lace, um and if you're wondering what these different laces are like, obviously hd and transparent lace, they just melt into the skin more so that's sort of look you're going for then, when you're typing it into aliexpress, make sure to put that in the search Box, so whatever you search just make sure you're as specific as possible um. Equally, you could go to youtube type. Whatever you want and most likely the youtubers will leave a link to the hair down below. So that's another good way of figuring out which hair you want if you're kind of overwhelmed like just see what it looks like on a youtuber they'll, probably have it linked down below and then look what the wording says and then type it up yourself because oftentimes, I do find that when youtubers do, reviews like their hair is like crazy amounts of money. I look. How find whatever wording is on the link copy that wording into aliexpress, and i can guarantee you that you can find the hair for cheap, so once you've done that. I think the the top tip when looking at aliexpress is to change the settings so change. How you see the the different viewings of like the hair and stuff from like best, viewed to like um, most ratings, most stars and stuff like that, and i would put it as i would either change anything to most orders or um the highest rating. So like five stars plus and most orders, because that will give you the hair vendors that are the most reliable, um and you'll know that, because when you click on the hair and you scroll down, you can see so many pictures and reviews from different people that Have bought the hair taken, a picture left a review. That'S the one thing that i love about, aliexpress, that you never have to really worry about the hair being crap, because so many people leave such not all the pictures are nice, but some of the pictures, some of the pictures are scary, like i'm not even gon Na joke like, and it makes you not even want to buy the hair but don't be put off by other people's lack of common sense. How can you be putting a picture, and it's just disgusting and it doesn't make me - want to buy the hair anymore? Oh, my god, but don't let that put you off because nine times out of ten there will be a couple of pictures that will be like yeah. That'S not. The next thing you have to do is pick out like the type of the specific things about the hair that you would want. It would say like the length that you want, if you want it to be a five by five or four by four, a 6x6 or like a frontal. It can also say stuff like if you want it to be natural or not natural, color to the to the wig and then, depending on the category that you pick that's the price um of the wig. So, for example, if you pick a 14 inch, 4x4 natural brown, that's probably going to be very cheap, whereas if you pick a 28 inch, frontal um doesn't really matter about the color. It'S going to be more expensive because one is longer and you're picking a frontal. So just take that into consideration um when you are purchasing a wig on aliexpress, basically the longer the hair that you get the more expensive the hair is going to be, so you can't be expecting to get 28 inch badly bundles and be paying 50 pounds, and Maybe find a really cheap company that gives you um, 26 inches for only 100 pounds or 20 inches for only like 99 pounds or 90 pounds, but the hair will shed the hair will shed and it won't take well to color. Do you know what it means? So you have to be willing to like invest in your own hair and don't be too enticed by cheap vendors, because the hair you get will not be very good quality. Another thing that i would say when shopping on aliexpress for hair is don't be afraid to message the vendors, if there's something wrong with your order. Another thing i like about alex west is that the vendors are always like able to speak to you and always able to like clarify anything um that you might have questions about and stuff like that. Also, i know quite a lot of influences so they're pretty pretty packages they're silk bags when they get hair. But i kid you know: i've never got in a silk bag. Is it just me, but i've never gotten a silk bag like that's kind of rude? How am i buying 28 inches off here, you're, not even giving me the decency of a silk bag? To put my wigs, my bundles in anyways, don't be um expecting all of that packaging because most most likely it will come in a plastic bag, but don't be too disappointed if you don't get like a silk bag or if you don't get like extra like accessories Or stuff like that, because sometimes they just don't be caring like they really don't care, but as long as the hair is good, i don't really care what it comes in. That'S the only thing that matters to me: okay, another thing that i would say when shopping on aliexpress is that the waiting time can vary um. I say this because i got hair from tinashe hair um one time and it came in like three days and i live in the uk, like i honestly, don't know where they ship that from because i don't know how it came so quickly and then up other Times i will wait like weeks for her to come, so it really varies on where you are and like probably the hair vendor, because i really don't understand why it was so quick with tenacity, hair that i'm saying if you want to get hair on aliexpress and You have like a special event coming up um order it like a month in advance just to be safe and also because maybe you want to make it yourself and install it, and all of that just get it. You know a month in advance maximum just to make sure that you are safe and all of that another thing with shopping for hair on aliexpress is that it often comes with a smell like like it comes with a smell, but it's not a bad smell like If every anyone that knows that shops on alex west knows what smell i'm talking about now, but it's not a smell that you can't get rid of. So don't be wary about all of that um. I have really been informative about in this video because i really want you guys to get the best quality hair but yeah, that's literally all the tips and tricks i have for you guys on aliexpress and hair and purchasing hair on aliexpress. I hope you guys found this video useful um. Those are all the things i could think of or like the things that i would want to know. If i clicked on a youtube video wanting to shop on aliexpress, if you do have any more questions, i'd be happy to answer them. If you follow any of my socials leave it in the description bar below but yeah, that's it for this video. I hope you guys enjoyed, i really enjoyed filming it. I just like a nice chitchat, video, um and stuff like that, leave any questions in the comments below as well, and let me guys know what you think about our lake dress. I'M buying her on aliexpress yeah. Make sure to like comment and subscribe and i'll see you guys in my next video you

Hachi Agbirigba: I love this! Super great tips for people looking to get into wigs and buying hair!

yollypop: I started shopping on Ali Express almost 9 years ago when I was a student and didn’t have much money to spare. I was super scared of investing in poor hair so I spent months researching. I bought body wave hair from Mocha Hair, and I kid you not, I still have that hair now. For the first 2 years I wore the bundles a lot bit of course I only bring them out like once a year now. Yvonne hair was amazing for kinky curly hair.

LovelyDay: Thank you for being honest.. We need more honest youtubers!! You rock!!

Epi Dassit: video starts at 3:50

SimiSimple: Hey guys it’s been a minute hope you guys love this video had so much fun editing it and I hope it helps ❤️

Sabrina: would you still recommend tinashe for straight hair? I was going to order an HD lace straight wig from them

Melissa Townsend: How long does it take for you to receive the hair does it take three weeks a week

excel amaefule: I subscribed cos you're on point and sincere and good humour

Here'sJohnny Archive: Thanks for the info, I really got the info I needed, Tinashe hair it is haha

Guchi Black: Wiggins hair is really good for curly hair

fiveelms2011: How long do the wigs last? I know my Ali pearl wig lasted like 1 year (even after I bleached tf out of it)

Sharon Kgomo: You're soo pretty. I love this video. Its sooo informative. Thank you!

flower bby: i’m so excited for this video! you have seriously become my new fav youtuber

THE CHI PODCAST: Please do a makeup tutorial ❤️

Faith Kay: Could you do a tutorial on this look pleaseand where is the hair from? X

Karen Amadi: did you get the hair youre wearing from aliexpress?

Stephanie Williams: Im dying mine was like that too lol!!!!

Tiaxhna: Thank goddddd for you! It’s 2am and my birthday is 2 weeks away and the hair I ordered is not here

No One: what about ali crown straight wigs? are those good for beginners?

Temi Adefolu: Been waiting for this!!!

Anika Starseed: I’m having mixed reviews aloteeee of ppl said tht some hair u think is good was crap my Only Option is take risks see for yourself orrrrrr save n buy raw virgin hair

Kel Kel: how long does tinashe hair take to come is it true to time? X

X X: You’re so beautiful!!

Misha William: What’s a good hair vendor for 613 lace frontal wig HD

Natasha: Your eyes are so beautiful like your so beautiful in general

Lisette Shiy: Great video, your so pretttyyyyy

Judeline Augustin: your accent!!

Lexus S: Who would you suggest have the best blonde wigs

Samke Vilakazi: Please get to the point sooner

Diamond Smith:

Miss Aliyah: what the name of the wig style you are wearing?

NaeT: What about body wave !!???

Kennedy Cortez: Anyone know where to get good kinky straight hair?

Couture: This would’ve been a good video if it didn’t take u a century to get to the dam point

Bukola: Notification gang and that

Dayja Campbell: Can you share some pretty

jobs:): Notification gang

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