Full Lace Wig Outre $19.99 Synthetic Long

Full Lace Wig $19.99 Synthetic Long

This wig is perfect for everyone but especially anyone going through chemotherapy or hair loss. It has baby hairs and is full lace. The best part is its oy 19.99 and its premium hair fibers.

Wig Info:







P.S. It doesn't look too long due to the stylish layers.

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Oh guys and welcome back to my channel guys it's late, I'm tired I've had a day, but the reason I had to come in is to show you this hair. It is absolutely something: okay, look I put them as much light as I could so that you guys can see. This is this parting. This is a full, a synthetic wig and it is absolutely gorgeous. Let me just show you, because I don't know if Lexi NL, i'm sure some at length it's about 30 inches long. It was. It came with these beautiful layers already in it. I'M just going to give serve your little face that you guys can see in the light what it gives there's a lot of times. We do reviews and i wanted to have as bright as light as possible, so that when you're outside you get to see what you look like absolutely beautiful. This is going to be a very, very short short short short video um. This week is, and so that you know that i'm not lying, i got it from a beauty supply store. It was 1999 i paid for it. It'S called a lace front, wig it's by anytime and visit lease, the it's a premium, fiber, the color. Isn'T one being it's I elle style number style number is il dash 206 Diaz and dan s is in Sam peers and Pam, and I am going to show you that there you go it's what you guys will see what it looks like um, here's, the back Of that it didn't come with any pictures, here's the instructions and it did call us and tell you I you know it, but it has all the the will, the whistles and bells and whistles that any other we would have um. It does have all the cones that is to come to the front one large home in the back. It has the adjustable, strap um. I just couldn't get over this wig being 1999. I mean come on this little anything is, is that it already had the layers and it all I did was put the wig. On being honest with you, audit was put the wig on this is not. I was not sent his hair and I was not giving this wit for free. I simply i did put a little powder here and maybe I was a little too ambitious because he really didn't need it um, some of the whites on it at all and the shine that you're seeing is because I had so much light on me. But guys look at that. Look if I want to do alia with that. I mean look at that, sometimes one that you know have a little when I look going on week weekend and what I would do is it says that it that you can curl it up to 400 degrees, because and because i love you guys, what I did Was I put my i set my curlers for 350 and this is the section that i tried to curl. It didn't curl, but it also didn't melt and the hair is just as soft as it was before. But look it's absolutely stunning. I just want two backups little bit, so you guys can get a view of this week. It'S cute, it's gorgeous. It really really really really is, and if I go only to the light just once you guys to kind of get a feel for the way all around it's beautiful, um, the hair soft, it can be worn, because this is a full lace wig, it can be Warned, however, you like to wear it um. I simply did a side part because I never do. I want you guys to see something a little different and I think it works is, I think I know, works next mayor. Well, that was cute but yeah. It'S absolutely beautiful, it really really is um guys go online. I want to go on the line for you and see if i could find the leak online for you guys over 1999. I was not about to let this wig. Oh I've been asked about my ring. This was a present from my husband for my 18 year anniversary, okay and my nails, our Lee press-on nails, the dollar store once had them. They don't have them anymore, so I've got these from the Dollar General, and this piece of hair is getting one of those wait. Wait, let's get it. Let'S get. Let'S get I served face while we get it. I'M a night anyway got these from dollar general and they and if you're, looking at this finger right here, I simply took some glitter nail polish and just polish, that little tip, but these were a dollar 99. You can't beat that I'll get in the ring. From my husband and the nailsworth at all a nine um today i was at walmart. I found these. These were only two dot three dollars. I think that's so cute. So again here's the wig, here's me in it. I just think it's beautiful. I think. Sometimes we get overwhelmed when there's a lot of hair. I know I do at times. I'M sorry guys. I know time there's a lot of hair, I'm like I don't know, but then, when you put the wig on it's absolutely beautiful, so I just want to say good, bye, guys and, as always, be safe.

Victoria Tillman: I'm so mad I just spent $60 on this. Its beautiful though.

Greens & Things: Its Beautiful & u look Gorgeous!!!!!

TheBluebarbie19: is it full lace or front?

msnotsosweet: its a beautyyyyyyyy. i hope i can find it too.

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