Refresh Box Braids, No Re-Braiding!

Hey fam! Today I’m showing you how I refresh my daughter’s box braids. Her hair is very thick, long, kinky, and tangles easily. So I honestly don’t deal with it much in a loose state. I usually invest time on the front end installing her styles and we generally wear them for 3 - 4 months at a time and try to stay on top of moisture and a clean scalp. Much love

Products used in this video:

The Antidote by Tangles & Beyond.

The Mane Choice Prickly Pear Minty Scalp Purifying Spray:

Black Rubber Bands:

Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla Moisture and Sheen Spray:

Large Soft Edge Brush (by Lovanti)

(Sorry it’s no longer available on amazon)

Kinky Curly Knot Today Conditioner:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.  I recently decided to sign up as an affiliate because I occasionally share products that can be purchased from amazon.  For the links to amazon listed above there is a small commission earned. Any commissions earned support my channel.

“Why I Do Not Wear Mini-Braids/Plaits” -

Mini Twist Playlist (Care and Length Retention):

Most Recent 3 Month Growth Challenge Playlist:

#lengthretention #boxbraids


My Line of Hair Rollers:


Video: zUaYzMTv8&t=22s

Instagram: @ProtectivePrincess

Facebook: The Protective Style Princess

Contact: protectiveprincess (no MCNs please)

Royalty Free music from YouTube audio library: Song Title: “Lovable Clown Sit Com” by Sir Cubworth

Hey guys today, I'm going to show you how i refresh my daughter's box braids and her regimen is basically an endless cycle of me, trying to safely stretch a protective style. First of all, this is my daughter's hair. It is extremely long, thick and kinky and it tangles very easily, so we tend to stretch whatever protective style she is wearing so that we do not have to manage her hair a whole lot in its loose state. Now that you have the background, hopefully you will not judge me when you see all of this new growth. I did install these braids at the end of December and I filmed this footage in February. It is now early April and we do still have these braids in knowing how to safely stretch a style can be very beneficial for amazing length retention, and I know her hair really well, and this is how we've been able to grow her hair out really long. When we get done her hair is going to look like this, like brand-new fresh box braids. So let's get started. I am going to refresh her scalp I'll, be using this scalp spray from the main choice prickly-pear line. It is not my absolute favorite. I really prefer the Shea Moisture, no rinse foam, but it is extremely hard to get your hands on sometimes because it goes in and out of production so I'll be using this. It works decently. I am going to just spray this all over her scalp and focus on the scalp and the roots of her hair and once I've gotten all of this in I'll just kind of massage it in and it's going to draw a cently quickly. I will be moisturizing her hair. This is my 360 sprayer and it is one part conditioner and maybe six or seven parts water. I find that if the conditioner has more of a water base to it, then it is easier to distribute. It penetrates a lot quicker and then over time, there's going to be a lot less product build-up. Next, I'm just going to section her hair so that I can moisturize it thoroughly. Her hair is pretty long, so her braids are pretty long and I do have to moisturize the length of all of those braids because I braid it just past her natural hair. Next, I'm going to seal in the moisture I'll be using this Carol's Daughter, black, vanilla, hair, shine spray, it's a very light oil sheen and it is perfect for braids. It'S very lightweight, not heavy, but leaves a nice Sheen to the braids and seals in the moisture. Quite well, I'm going to lightly miss this over all of her braids and squeeze that in and I'll do this to each section. Now that her scalp has been refreshed, her hair is moisturized and sealed. I am now going to deal with the new growth to set her roots. I will be using the antidote by tangles and beyond. This is a light, whipped water-based, shea butter, cream, the water and it provides moisture the shea butter in it seals protects, sets the hair and adds shine. The shea butter in the product also deteriorates the rubber in the rubber band and causes it to gently loosen and break over time. So I'm going to take a little product gather the section make sure all the hairs are back in that section, smooth it out and wrap the rubber band two to three times. I'M not the biggest fan of rubber bands, but the shea butter in this product is going to break them down, as I said over time and I'll make sure not to wrap the rubber band too tightly. So there's no pain for her and no damage to her hair follicles. My goal is to make sure that she can move the braids around still and pull them up if she wants to. So I just continue this process on her whole head until I'm finished, which took about 35 minutes next, I'm going to take just a little bit of the shea cream and set her edges and brush them down gently with this soft edge brush that I got off Of Amazon and I will link everything I used today down below. So this is the finished product. As you can see, the hair looks very fresh. Her scalp looks very clean, there's no product buildup, no flakes no lint, and you can hardly even see the rubber bands in some places. You can't even really see them. I'Ve learned that the looser I place the rubber band, the less visible it's going to be, even though she has fairly thick and strong hair. I never placed the rubber bands too tight. I always leave a little bit of breathing room at the scalp so that if she wants to pull them up or manipulate them, then it's not going to tug break, pull or hurt that looks so much better yeah a little bit longer thanks for watching guys and Don'T let your child's hair stress you out bye,

Panda Panda: I’m a widower with 3 daughters. THIS TUTORIAL SAVED MY HOUSEHOLD SO MANY TEARS! I’m only one man with limited time so I cannot style each girl as often as she would like. Using your method allows me to do a new style on one child, while refreshing the braids for the other two. From one parent to another: thank you ma’am

Kitty Fisouw: The natural hair community plays no games, this is such an amazing solution, I've never seen refreshed braids look that fresh without re-braiding. Beautiful daughter, beautiful hair, beautiful work!

Tiffany Meg: Your daughter's constantly smiling just made me smile too. Also, she's lucky coz I never smiled when my hair was being done as a kid. Or even now when I'm doing it on my own.

Juicy31783: I love how you said "don't let your child's hair stress you out" that needed to be said because I have had some of those days, especially with my first daughter who is now 17.

Google User: She is going to be super happy to have hair we dream of when she is 20 years old. Keep showing her your knowledge.

kamikazeteddy: I just wanna say that as a life-long natural who had a mother who struggled to do my hair, but remained patient throughout the years... The positive language used in this video is so important, and absolutely should be heard more often. You provided encouragement to others who might be doing their child's hair, and explained the logic behind each of your tools clearly. It is clear through more than just the length of your daughter's hair and the brightness of her smile that you are growing her constructively and with care. God Bless!

Anna Bee: in all my 24 years of living why am I discovering a method like this now??? GENIUS!

Lovely Like Jas: I just wanna say from a fellow black girl, your daughter is GORGEOUS, Omg, such beautiful skin and hair. good job mama!

Jhania Smith: You are a lifesaver! I'm a busy (a bit broke lol) college student and this method really helps to stretch out the longevity of box braids and make them look like I just got them done a few days ago especially after I laid my edges. Thank you and your daughter is gorgeous with equally gorgeous hair. Much love!

luluwash01: Easy to manage braids. Your daughter is so gorgeous.

Taliaa Mariaa: This is genuinely the first braid technique that I can say "I have never seen before" in a very long time. Great content

Nilajah Rivers: I remember when my skin was that flawless and markless, then adult acne happened. Sigh Try to encourage her not to pop pimples if that becomes an issue.

Andrea Alexander: Your daughter has wonderful energy. She shines bright. She us breathtaking. What a wonderful job you are doing to keep the light shining in her. Her smile made my day.

Hey it’s Dani: Whoever is reading this Jesus Christ loves you so so much

Alyssa Hayes: Some kids hate it when their parent does their hair, but your daughter was all smiley the whole time! She looks like she was having a good time!

YourGirlSudanny: Love this!! Didn't really think you could refresh braids, usually when they start to grow out that's a sign they're ready to be taken out. Learn something new everyday. Great video!

Lisa Jemus: First of all... SHE IS ADORABLE! And reminds me of my daughter, her personality - especially the little dance break! And secondly... your video is LIFE CHANGING! THANK YOU! My daughter has 4C hair and same as you we try to keep it in a protective style as long as possible. Thank you also for your tips and product recommendations for moisturizing her braids all the way through. You're the best! I'm a brand new subscriber! xo

The Jazmine Rose: She makes those faces we all made as kids getting our hair done

Ms. Banks: I cannot thank you enough for this time saver I had these braids for 3 months now and they were looking like I had them in for YEARS until I found this video.

r o: I've done this twice now with my current box braids and made them last probably a month longer than I normally couldve done! thank you so much

Desireé Slayton: One day ur baby is gonna look back at this video as a memory and the love u have for her will be even more validated because of what we see :) keep giving her beautiful memories all of us moms can take a good lesson from this apart from the styling. Keep making videos sis! Thank you!

Myra Waters: Your daughter is so beautiful, and I love her hair! Thank you for putting so much care and love into her hair! We need more mothers that do this❤️ Thanks for the upload, I’ll be doing this tomorrow!

Love Light: I just can't get over your daughter's beauty!

Joree Wuollet: Your daughter is so cute, mischievous and lively! This video made me smile after a long, long day in the salon. Thanks for the knowledge!

Danielle Hart: Thank God I found this! Refreshing my month old box braids this week thanks to you girl!

Sweet tooth Marie': I never ever would have thought of this. I usually re-braid my hair around the edges. This turned out beautifull plus your daughter looks so happy with the results!

Kinyarii98: I just got done doing this to my hair and it works wonders. My hair looks good! Thanks for the tutorial! ❤❤

Lamica Noor: I really LOVED this video. Thank you so much for taking the time to create it and for showing us what you use. Your daughter is beautiful, she seems to have a beautiful soul, full of life and love. Blessings to you both

Lew Speaks: Your daughter is so beautiful and she radiates happiness in this video. I’ve got braids in my hair now which I don’t want to take out yet so thank you for this video !

Kasey: This is absolutely amazing! You have done a great job with your daughter's hair.

TheDivineFeline: Wow that's smart. Her braids really look brand new in the end.

colorfunch: Thank you so much, wish I had known this earlier. I’ll send this to my daughter in college and use this for the younger ones. Loved the gentle encouragement at the end

clara adeyeye: Your daughter’s hair is so beautiful, it’s like my daughter’s hair texture too. Thanks for the tips, the hair goes up in box braids today so I need to get myself these products for easy maintenance

All Day I Think Of 2PM: Aww your daughter is adorable I'm about to order everything you have in that description box. Thank you so much for showing us this method. I usually leave my braids in for 2-3 months but now I can keep them in a little longer for more growth

Nilajah Rivers: And also, thank you so much for this tutorial. I have to wash my scalp once a week, sometimes rinsing throughout the week in the summer, and my braids end up looking jacked. This is such a huge help.

TeaPeaEm: Your daughter is beautiful! She made me smile through the whole video!

Creative Innovative: I love how pretty and bubbly your daughter is. Love her smile. This non rebranding technique is fantastic! I appreciate you black queens so much as I am on my natural hair journey and learning so much. God bless you ladies!

Saz: Thank you so much for this! I have European hair but my daughter has afro hair and lots of it! I've learned to manage over the years but never sussed out how to prolong styles so we can manage less- so really appreciate you sharing your Princess's hair is absolutely beautiful love from the UK xx

Bri: So simple, yet so genius. Thank you!

Colleen Lawlor: That’s quite a process! Her braids look amazing and she’s so gorgeous

Brittany Hairston: This is super smart! I was trying to figure out how to refresh my soft locs and this is perfect! Thank you!

Nancy Anderson: Thank you! I almost took out my daughters braid and decided to search YouTube for an alternative. This is perfect!!

MzKocoaBX: Great job!! Your daughter is beautiful !! My oldest daughter & I have long, thick, curly hair & it tangles easily as well. Thank you for sharing this video♥️I learned a lot!!

NaturallyCorporate: Her little shoulder shimmy is too cute. Her hair looks Day 1 fresh!

Eris Thomas: I love this teach your daughters how to take care of their hair young!!

Mi Grl: Can we give a standing ovation for the beautiful daughter's eyebrows...I mean goodness, they are gorgeous. And I am so trying this...thank you!

nekay boo: Lmao “don’t let your child’s hair stress you out” I love it!!! But I don’t have kids my own hair is enough to stress over

Wildfire: I love how she’s always smiling. She’s so beautiful ❤️

Chris: That's amazing. I have never ever even thought of doing this and I consider myself a great problem solver lol

OK Jess: I just did my first try on box braids last night and oh my goodness I am so glad I found you! I won’t have to take these bad boys out for a long time now! #Lifesaver! Thank you for this video!!

K Green: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! As a mother myself, this method is going to save me so much money for now on ❤️

Denise Levy: She is so pretty! Kudos to you for managing her hair so well and thank you for showing this video!

isssmag: Her hair is so beautiful and healthy. Keep Up the good work Mom

Monique P: Had to pause only 22 seconds in to like if for no other reason than your daughter’s hair is FIRE . Ok back to the video...

Yass & Jaii: Whoever Reading This Your skin isn’t a paper don’t cut it Your body isn’t a book don’t judge Your life isn’t a movie don’t end it You’re beautiful Be you..Stay Safe

bbgumbabe: Wow. So simple and the result was so good! Her skin is beautiful!

Sasha Fontaine: Your daughter is so beautiful, and her hair looks so healthy. Good job mom!!!

Lunaedea7: Your daughter is so precious, and while I absolutely love this video for the genius and practical advice, I love it the most because she looks so happy and I love seeing happy fellow Black women and girls ❤️❤️❤️

Imani C: This makes me want to get braids just so I can try this

Danielle Elaine: Okay, but this is legitimately genius! I’m going to need to give this a try ‍♀️

seekknowlege14: She's so cute! I was grinning through the whole video. Keep shining, baby girl!

Sha'ron: Absolutely love this! You're Awesome Mom!!!

Quennese .: I think this might be really useful for me I can literally never keep my braids in over a month and I hate it! I hate when they start to losen and tend to get dry scalp and flakes so I just take them out . Imma try this next time I get braids

Nenen Balde: Your daughter is so beautiful and adorable, and Well done for not straightened her gorgeous hair!❤️

Having Tea With the Devil: Thank you! I want to try to keep my box braids in for a while to help my hair grow without having to get them redone to keep my edges.

Just V, Unapologetically: This is genius! Thank you! I’ll be getting braids in a few weeks and we’ll be moving overseas soon after. This we help me with my hair until I get settled.

C R.: Thank you for this! I have 3 daughters with 3 different textures and all of them have thick long hair. People always wonder why I don't just let them wear their own hair but they don't understand I will be doing hair all day every day with no time to spend with them. This will definitely help out.

Lisa J: I use to do this all the time to my daughter's.. It definitely does help prolong the style & times when you just don't feel like taking it down just yet lol!

Angelique Hutchins: Straight Fire ! Absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing your gift and talents!!

Jordybee: Loved this tutorial I’m gonna try it on my old braids

Michellaneous Me: Tried this and my daughters hair actually turned out really good! I’m so glad I found this video.

LaChon Smith: This is something I will definitely try. Your daughter is so cute, she had me smiling the whole time.

Sally-Ann Marcus: You did a wonderful job. Now I know how to keep my hair fresh.

no notreally: She’s very lucky to have you ❤️ you’re teaching her to look after and love herself naturally

Maxx's Mom: This is a great idea! My hair is frizzy and I never keep braids in longer than two and a half weeks because of the frizz.

Jamie V: Wow this popped up on my recommendations. I'm so glad that it did! I'm cutting my hair after getting a relaxer and returning to natural. I put braids in 2 weeks ago and they're already messy. This will help me to leave them in longer. I get frustrated with my hair and don't feel like re-doing and do more damaging styles. Thanks

Faith T: She did amazing on that girl’s hair, gonna try to do what she did on mine!

Taja Gee: I am absolutely loving this technique ♥️‼️

Sew & Sow Design Studio w/ Felicia: Great job! Your babygirl's smile is everything... pretty little chocolate drop. Thanks for the video.

D W: I’ve been doing this! I thought I was just lazy because I didn’t want to redo my braids Great video

Golden Matthews: Hello and thank you for taking the time to make this video because my hair braiding journey has just been enhanced. I braid my hair with yarn using the rubberband method and now you introduced me to some new hair products to help me keep my braids in longer. Thank you again and have an awesome day on purpose!!

Kxrrin: Aww your daughter is so beautiful and thanks for the video because my braids cause growing roots like crazy

Miranda Nwakah: She’s adorable! Also that’s such a good tip, will try it out

Tia Fontaine: This is amazing!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this method. I rebraid my hair literally every 2 or 3 weeks❤❤ so so smart

AlllSmiless: I have no kids, won't for years, but I love your videos and expertise and LOVE that you take the time to share it with us. I really appreciate you and wanted to say THANK YOU!

Oma Jay: Your daughter is so beautiful and you did a brilliant job with refreshing her hair

T Y: Thank you for the video! Your daughter is so pretty and her natural hair is so beautiful!

Erica Lewis: I never knew anyone else did this! My mom used to do this to my box braids and that was 25 years ago ! It definitely held us over during our summer braids!

Dongy Sakura: Two questions: What kind of sorcery and where have you been all my life?

710 Gemini: you did a great job and your daughter is sooooo cute too✨

Jemma: This video was so helpful! Also your daughter is absolutely beautiful, she has an amazing smile ❤

Ashley Williams: That child gives new meaning to the word THICK! Blessings

A’Leighaa Mariee: I used this method and it is very effective and quite easy to do thank you

J Powell: Ugh ! Her skin, her beauty is just

Jasmin Perrier: I know I just watched the video but I'm still scratching my head over how she made braids from December look brand new in April...

It's Kamo: Your daughter is so beautiful, couldn't help but smile when I saw her face! And obviously her hair is gorgeous!

rynbk: Thanks so much for this work around. It really helps in a pinch, when you can’t get an appointment to get your braids redone.


kel: This was soooooo helpful! Thank you so much! New subscriber here by the way!

Latrice King: I was skeptical at first; thought this was click bait. I was pleasantly surprised. It was great seeing your daughter smile and hearing your loving voice.

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