How To Fix Your Ripped Lace Wig And Make It Look New!

Hey loves in this video I show you how to fix/repair a hole in your frontal!


1. a thin needle

2. invisible thread


Hi guys welcome back to my channel, so in today's video I am going to be showing you how to repair a ripped or a broken lace, frontal or closure. It'S actually pretty simple, it's not as complicated as some may think. So. Basically, I have here one of my wigs that I first made when I first started like learning how to make wigs, so it's more like a year and some change since then, so, obviously from then. Until now like it's, you know it's not like a new wig. I watched it and blow dried it and brushed it out. So that's why I look crazy, but it's fine yeah I've had it for a year and overtime. My lace begins to rip. Obviously, that's like the biggest main concern this hole right here, but I don't know if you can see, but I kind of along the sides. There are any bitty little holes forming too, like that. I know that if I don't get they'll become bigger. So if you're worried about having to throw away your wig, because you know you have a rip in it - you don't have to do that. I'M going to show you an easy way on how to fix these problems, so you can continue to wear all your wigs. Just as if they were brand new, so this is the frontal right here up close and, as you can see like around the hole, you can see other holes like right here and some over on this side and over here, and that's perfectly fine, because we're going To fix all of that, so the first thing that you want to get is a needle, and you want to make sure that this needle is pretty small. You don't want a big needle, because a big needle means a bigger hole, if you think about it. So you want a small needle to go through your frontal and not cause any more damage than you already have. The next thing that you guys will need is invisible thread and invisible thread is your saving. Grace invisible thread is made out of polyester, so it's literally not like a linen or some type of fabric thread, so the thread does not break it's not stretchy at all. So this won't like snap, your frontal or, like you know, cause any more damage. So against the black surface, you can see the thread, but in any other surface it's really like clear, like this is a clear thread. So this is what you will use. So you loop the thread in the needle like you would do any other thread and then at the end you tie it off and you just begin to start sewing your frontal where the holes are so where the hole is I'd like to start a little bit Further back just to ensure that the hole doesn't grow or get any bigger, and my first knot, I go through three times just to make sure that the thread is secured and locked into place. This is what it looks like after you're done sewing it, but when you flip it over, you can barely see the thread like it's barely there. This is honestly the easiest way to repair a ripped, frontal or closure. You don't have to worry about throwing away the whole wig because there's a hole in it. This is how you would repair it. It might take you a couple of tries just to get used to sewing the frontal, especially with that type of thread, but once you get used to the hang of it, it's really simple. So I'm going to go and fix all these little holes that I have here and then I'll just come back and show you what they look like when it's all done so we're gon na. Do this one more time and I'm going to show you step-by-step again how to sew this hole so first you want to locate the hole both under and on top of the frontal, then what you want to do is you want to pull the hair away from The hole so that you're not sewing any of the hair into the hole next, when you flip it over what you want to do is you want to hold the frontal with your thumb and your pointer finger and then under the frontal you want to hold it With your middle finger, just that you have a good grip on the frontal and then you want to start sewing up your hole and that's gon na eat. You guys, when you slow up the hole, it really becomes invisible and when you flip it over, you can't see the part, and that is how you repair a red pencil. So literally guys. That is what I do to fix. My frontals, you guys, can't see anything like honestly that big hole like the bigger hole was literally right right here in my freaking Center, so I had to fix that. But it's not even there anymore, I'm gon na try to zoom in so you guys can see it but yeah. I like you, guys, can't see it. You can kind of see like the thread right here, because it's so zoomed in and then I have my lights on it, but other than that, like you can't see where the hole was like. If even if there was a hole. It'S lit because I saw the all you need to fix your friend to like brand new and you are walking around with a new wig. I got my invisible thread from Julian's fabrics, but I'm pretty sure you can buy it anywhere like online or store like Michaels. I hope you guys found this video helpful. If you did please make sure to give me a thumbs up and to subscribe, so you can catch more videos and I'll see you guys in the next one.

Mar: My rip is smack dap in the middle of my 2x6 lace closure - thanks for this !

Dana Bratt: THANK YOU NORA! if I'm correct it looks like the hole was in the middle of your part. Yours is the first video to show sewing that area rather than just filling it in worth makeup once it's on. On my way to my own repairs now!!!

Destiny Bogle: What if the hole is in your part?

Diana Miller: Yes I got mine from Michaels and I'm going try to repair a shedding area in my frontal wish me luck I'm going to use an old frontal to put with the newer

Uniqua J.: Where did get the thread from

deana diedrich: You look like Naomi Campbell with your hair long.

olivia_ twyst: Not a baby

Ekram Mohammad: Can you send for me wigs as I have big problems with my hair &I have not money

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