How To Choose From Lace Frontal Wigs, Full Lace Wigs, 360 Lace Wigs , Closure Wigs, Viniss Hair

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Hi, dear I'm, making yesterday, I want to show you different types of lace. Wigs many customers ask me what is for this week. What is three six and eight week? What is the front awake and what is glory? Wig? Let me show you one by one: okay, first, this one is 36. In this week you see the front natural hairline will be here. You can change pattern anywhere, as you like, and the back side see so cool the advantages of the 3 6 miss week. Is you can make high quality? Can you see you can make high ponytail in the back, so beautiful unnatural? It is cheaper than fall this week, but when you tie the hair up and the natural as a fall this week, yes, this is 360 swing inside over the cap. The hall around is handmade and natural hair line will be be here and the next one. Let me show you from tall weeks: first 30 by 4 lace, frontal. You say here also air-to-air pronto, but here is a 4 inch. Yes, also you can't in part this is 30 by 4 lace, front of a PC, so beautiful color, okay. Next, one 13 by 6 at least frontally, similar with 30 by 4. The differences is here is 6 inch. You can make a very long hemline in the middle and the change part anywhere. Yes, this is that these differences also natural hair baby. Here you see, this is a 188 ten state 24 inch nose, deep see how for the lake is? Yes, we only supply the best thirty by six and next one. Yes, for this week, you see insider or the cap this week or 100 % handmade. You see this takes much more longer time to make the wig see, and this is the most comfortable way you can make vamp until half on tail side, ponytail or two ponytails or no problem see how for the wig is very beautiful color. Can you see? Yes, this is a 1b and 6:30 inside on the cap already, and clips and adjustment in the back side, so natural hairline, yes and next one. It'S the glory week see this beautiful cloner wig use chloroplast bottles to make this week, for you very full and the base with the double draw here you see very full and a beautiful Dyna color see. This is very easy to maintain. Just when you cut the wig cut the front and the light just like a cap here so very easy because inside we already ended upon for you easy for you to put on under, take it off. Okay, yes, now you know that difference is you can choose the right way you want if you want to make high ponytail 2:36 miss. We all fall this week. You know, but the fall this week is the most expensive style. It comes 100 handmade, okay, easy to maintain trust, Gloria, wait. Okay, then the front hallway. Okay. So any questions just comment below or message me: okay, don't forget to subscribe. Okay, we only supply the best quality, I believe. Maybe in the near future, you and your family need a quality way. Okay, then messing me and when I say

Hlompho Ramorakane: Has anybody ever successfully purchased hair from Viniss? I’ve trying to buy from them for 2 months now. Or can anyone recommend another company with great 10a hair.

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