How To Ventilate With Crochet Latch Hook

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So guys um, if you said we should try ventilation with a crochet needle. So this is the crochet needle i'm using. We all know this okay, so i'm using a hard veil lace to do this. I just placed it on this black nylon so that you guys can see the knots um the holes. Sorry, i keep making that mistake. Let'S start to pass this through i'll. Just go like this then, over to this side, because i'm really trying okay, let's go through this other one, so i don't end up ripping off the nets, so i'm just going to take two. Is it up to two? No okay, i'm going to take two hairs and then it closes back and then boom. Then we grab it. Okay, we grab it and then we cover it and there we have it. So we do it again, but there's something i need you guys to notice. If you look well, you find that that you find out that the net that particular one is a bit weak now the net over there is now weak. You can see that hole, it board there, but let's keep trying you get again. You have to be very careful. Let'S pick another two strands close it out, be careful, so it doesn't rip off the net. Did it nothing, but it did not, and then we close it back and there we have it. We go a third time, so maybe for those of you that want to experiment with this. I want to try with this. So what you have to do is to open up your crochet needle like that open it up. Then you pass it through the net. You can see the way past it like you, don't try to push it in. You go in this way using the hook you go in this way, then you push it out like that. So you can see what i'm doing then push it out. Push out everything when you push out to take your two strands of hair okay, then you push it back out and then it's like a risky thing so make sure that the hair passes this hook. I mean this closure. Whatever it's called passes, this stuff, you can see where the hair is so now you grab the hair and then you push it back out. I decided to use a black hair this time, so you guys can see so you can see the holes. So what you'd have to do is to pass your crochet needle, like that into the hair, then pass the hook out towards like so push it up, push everything out, including this stuff. Here, then, you grab two hairs and then you just push out just push out. Two knits man when doing this, i'm a bit scared then pull the hair itself, pull it and across. Let it pass that same hook, then you grab your hair and that's it you're. Just not! I don't know if you guys can see what i'm doing so. We keep going again. Some people would wrap the hair like this on their hands. Then pick two strands of hair: pull it out place it like that, and then you knot it. Let'S go again pass everything out, pass it through. It'S, oh good. I mistakenly hooked the other hair. Okay, let's go again grab the hair pass it then you just pass everything out like that. So what i have to say about this is it works. I'M not gon na lie it's working, but the risk of searing. The lace ripping of the lace is also there and it weakens the lace as well so, but if you feel you can never learn how to use the ventilating needle, please i think you can give this a try. I think you can give this a try. Okay, so um pass it through grab your two hairs, pass it like that grab the hair you're, not so whether i would be using this to know, i think i'll still go back to my regular way of men. Okay, let me hold it the way i've been holding since just scrub to the his men for me, but if you're using a squeeze lace, the risk of tearing the lace would be lesser, it would be way way lesser. It will be lesser because this swiss lace is actually tougher than this particular one. You grab your tie, so guys hope you can see what i'm doing. So, if you like, if you prefer this method, it's your choice for me. I would definitely stick to my way of doing things. Okay, so for those of you that prefer the ventilating method, you go ahead and keep ventilating to me. I feel the ventilating would give a cleaner um finish, but if you feel you can't find go ahead and use the other one okay, but if you're using a soft net, it's soft net veil net be careful stay away from the crochet needle, because it will definitely Rip it apart, but if you're using a swiss nets, you can take that risk and hopefully i think it will work besides. It didn't really rip off this one, but it made the holes a bit weaker. So i hope this tutorial was helpful and um have a nice time guys do subscribe to my channel if you haven't subscribed yet and like give me thumbs up like like the video, if you enjoyed this tutorial, so have a nice day, guys bye. This could be good for me lately. I was feeling like. I need a purpose.

Karabo Chuene: Very detailed. Thank you. I’m busy with my wig. Hoping for the best ✨

yes yes: thank u for this video ma’m! your video is best tutorial on youtube for this

Ehis Constance: Thank you for this will try this

OKUDO OGHENEROBO: How did you make your ventilating needle

Temitope Loveth: Can i use small needle to ventilate

Mmeyeneabasi James: Beautiful

Bwato Pwanoigi: Thanks a lot. You are the best

Sophia Kingsley: i can’t afford the ventilating pin so i got this

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