Human Hair Blend Full Lace Wig | Brown Sugar

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Please watch: "How To Customize Your Curly Wig 2019 | 0 TO Baddie!"


Oh sorry, you down Brittany welcome back to my channel so today I have a lovely review for you guys. I'Ve been doing a lot of these, but I already like book reviews and they're so affordable. So, let's do it so they I'm the owner of you on our first ever it my first time ever doing a review on a full synthetic full of lace, synthetic wig. This is the one that I have today. It'S by the company brown sugar. I think it's under Isis, I'm not sure so. The main cuts up here so uh brown, sugar, whole lace, wig and I knows a couple other for lace, please Harris and eggs. There are right now, but I haven't tried either of those I saw this one on their website and stands for you offered to send it out to me, so I could not say no so, like I said, here's this biker again, it's cute! So what it says on here this is in the color one. By the way, sorry, I'm just jumping all over the place and the color ones. My first time getting one I usually at least get one B, but they were out of the other colors. So it just says: best-tasting human hair style mix. So that's what this would be like. A human hair style mix no tracks a hundred percent into fluid individually full hand. Time quick, Oh they say mouth full, but yeah. This office has maximum comfort, full body and volume, full ventilation, because the cap is all, ladies, of course, undetectable hairline, all this stuff, easy style and we bout to see. Okay, we about to see - and of course you can party anywhere because it is full: okay, okay, so let's get into this baby, I'm so excited alright. So cap construction is gon na have the typical cap construction, but you can see that it is full lace on. If you can't see that, but it's full lace throughout the wig looks like I'd be very comfortable, so you have two cones in the front and you have a comb in the back and adjustable straps. Y'All can see that in the back of the wig, and they also have a little bit of like little baby Irish, I don't know if you call that when it's not back but when they have that, there's no hair for when you pull your hair up, they Have some that in the back, so I'm really really interested in seeing how this looks. This looks beautiful. This looks gorgeous. Look how pretty she is. Look at the body. Oh my gosh she's! So pretty I love the curl pattern. The waviness it looks natural, which I thought this was fully synthetic like this is some kind of human hair blend, but look how natural she look. She'S, not shiny. She has body, oh girl. This looks like something bondo, somebody way, bundles. Sorry, I'm looking at my viewfinder. Sorry she's so pretty though, yes and I think I'm not sure how long she is active look, I can't figure it out out there in the description box, but she's pretty long, I would say about 20 to 24 inches. So yes, basically, I'm just going to cut this lace off and throw it on so y'all can see because I'm inside it I'm excited okay. So if you're interested in this makeup look because I might get a couple comments about it - this is using one of my Julia's place palettes. This is the Nubian two. If you're looking into trying them out make sure you enter my giveaway. I have a good boy. Video, I think it was actually the last video I uploaded, I'm giving away a gift card to Julia's place so check that out. If you're interested in this Julian, I have a review on it as well. So I get everything out the way it is by you make hair, and it's also my channel so make sure you check it out. I got to switch it up, cut this place off and let's get it poppin some people put foundation. You can put concealer. So if you notice this is the lazier you have right here for Express it's all laced with the part under here is black, so it won't look as natural if you try to park back that far, so you actually don't have that much park space. It just depends on what kind of thing: what are you trying to do? Oh baby? Yes, she is already surprised, she's, obviously my life, Oh Freddie and then of the eggs, Wow, okay, she's. So pretty so here's a up close shot of the hair texture. Everything - and I try really really hard to not cut any of the lace any of the baby hairs off cuz. I don't know if I'm the only one I struggle with the head put the things we've had to get good up all the time. So let me just do it. Oh, this is so pretty here's a close picture or a little closer shot of what it looks like now. Just try out the Box on my head. It honestly doesn't look like it needs much work. You just do whatever, where her missing there. We go. Sorry guys. I have like a mirror back here cuz, I can't I don't have a mirror close like a seesaw you'll, see me looking behind the camera. That'S why all right! So, oh, she is so cute. Yes, miss you. Yes, my fly fly fly fly, I'm sooo talked about this okay, so she's beautiful. Let me see if I can fine, I actually I was looking at the baby. Yes and they were not that bad. You look how gorgeous she is so off the bat, no tangling well a little bit of tangling, but she is wavy like if I put my hand, storage, I will get a couple snags, but she feels really natural, no shooting at all. Even after I cut the lace, the body's on point yeah, it's been yes, okay, so yeah, I honestly didn't have to do much to it and it looks natural right now. Okay, now that's right, but I'm just actually got a pretty this here is it's very flexible? So what you wanted to do - and so I got my hair like a little messy, but it was a little bit harder. I'M used to doing my bullets with straight hair. This it was kind of wait II know the hardest part was trying to actually make the bond cut. The ends are curlier, but it it's so pretty. I love it. I just want to give self Beauty a big shout out for sending me this to review, because I am in love, I'm something to let this dry a little bit push it down and I'll show you how to finish results when I'm done, you

Jessica Sezz: This soft wave style is so flattering on you!!

Tee Chantel: Girl Look at how freaking gorgeous this unit is ! It's looks so pretty on you ! I gotta buy this today lol

Essence of Mae: This unit is so beautiful & natural looking. The bun was so cute!

kita lee: After seeing your review, has me obsessed. Ordered her and I can't wait!! You look amazing and it does look like some bundles!!

Yolanda Phorne: .. that's a nice one it really looks natural .. thanks for your reviews

Ms. Shabria Gxo: It looks very beautiful

Champagne Rene: This is pretty! Looks really natural too

Ree Ree Blessed: I'm so happy with this wig it's fun and for my very first wig this did the trick....funnnnnnnnn

Ericka Bielby: How long is this wig? Just ordered it by the way it looks so beautiful!!

Applehead Gal: Gorgeous!!!

mzgigibaby: What glue did you use to glue the lace down?

BeautyKrushh: I need to go grab that !!

Per Goddess: That high bun Needssss

Oge Ubabuike: I really love the hair hun.

Brittani Jones: thank you so much for showing the back of your head after you put the hair in a bun lol real want to buy this wig but I did't know if it would look good in a up do or not and that i'v see that it does I'm definitely buying it

Ngaty Seck: Is it soft lace or hard lace?

Nichola A: How did the wig hold up?

Keneisha Mighty: lol enjoyed ur vid, girl a how much wigs u got u betta sen mi some dwl they all suit u perfect

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