A List Lace Hair Wig Review - Full Lace Wig

Showing you my A list lace hair wig that I was super lucky to win in a competition! I don't know a huge amount about it but I can tell you what I think about it and show you how I apply it (Well try to apply it....!!)

I have not been asked to make this video, I am simply answering questions that I get asked every time I share this wig on Instagram.

I was 1 of many winners back in May who won a competition and was invited to their London salon for a make over and free unit.

To check out A list lace hairs website click:


The wig I wear in the start of the video is my Jon Renau Rachel in Venice Blonde available from Mimowigs - Check out my other videos for the review on this!

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Hi everyone its Rachel here and I thought today I would do an a-list video. Well, actually, I thought the day before yesterday an alias video but forgot to turn the mic on. Oh yes, my a-list wig is probably the wig that I get the most questions about on Instagram. So I thought, if into a video, then hopefully you click through and there won't be so many questions coming through, and this should hopefully answer anything that anyone has to say about it. So I won this in a competition back in May. I was so lucky that me and a few others won the competition. I think there were so many people that they wanted to win, that they upped the amount of winners, so I was really lucky, so I got to go to their studio in London and have it fitted as well. So it was done on a first-come, first-served basis. Like an ombre is start darker and it is very light towards the end. I don't have the actual name of this unit because I could say when I was choosing what color I wanted. They just got a few different ones out for me and I chose the colors and I wasn't too fast about what it was called or anything like that. So I don't know what this one is, but I'm sure if you contact unless they let you know um, I was told it was 22 inches. But I have a feeling it might be slightly longer because I do have a week. That'S 20 inches, and this is quite a bit longer, but again I'm not fast at all. I do really like this week is the week that makes me feel the most girly. I think, because it is so long and I've never had hair this long, and it is also probably my lightest week with the lightest root as well, because you see I do tend to go for quite a darkroom. So this is a full lace, wig, which is something I've never had before, and I've also never had human hair because it's virgin brazilian hair. So I won't be commenting on the quality of the hair, because I have nothing to compare it to, but from for my impressions, it's my compared to synthetic. It is incredible and I've not experienced any shedding not excessive anyway, just no more than usual there's been. No. It'S not dry, it's not gone frizzy. It'S not! It'S not done anything that I thought it might have done. But again I did wear it quite a lot when I first got there now. I have quite a busy schedule all week because I work weekends and all during the way I have nursery runs school runs, so this isn't put on and going week like these one side. This is sort of a special occasion week now I will show you the inside of this, because again this is a completely different cap to what I'm used to. As you can say, you'll see the residue of glue and makeup possibly, but I have tried my best to get most of it off. As you can say, it is full life and when I had it fitted it didn't have this band in all these combs. It was just the full lace and then they measured that elastic to my head and then sewed it in while I was there as with the combs, because again I've. Never. I had no idea what these kinds of for - and I was thinking - I don't have any hair. So why are they putting combs in? But they actually slide under the band to keep it nice and secure, and they have also top and Stitch the adjusters down which I've I've got no idea what the reasoning is to that. But I suppose the elastic is quite a tough elastic anyway, so I can't see that even if I could loosen that, it's not going to loosen the elastic anyway. But yes, as you can see, it's all been cut around to go around my ears and yeah. So that is the cap on it. Do plan to put this on in front of the camera, but I will have to speed it up because it does take. Quite some time, whereas with these type of weeks I just put on I - don't I don't glue these or anything these secur again. This is a glue list. 360 life swing, which, yes, you don't have to glue it in terms of securing it, because it is once it's on it's not going anywhere. But you do, however, have to glue it all use the got to be glued gel to keep your edges down, because I find that can be a bit flapping around the ears. So I have been using I've built up a little bit the collection in terms of got to be glued, because this is what they used at the salon and the girl that done it. It was absolutely incredible when she made it look so easy, but too easy, but it took me quite a while to find this one in the shops. So I started off with the yellow one which the black one is off your clear gel, and this is more rocker, a white waxy. It'S a bit more gloopy and this I bought on a whim because I watched a YouTube, video and also their music and that's the blasting free, throw which does leave the hair quite crispy. So try not to get that on the hair too much it's more. Just around the front, so I do tend to with the yellow one it doesn't last all day unless I use a couple layers of it, whereas the black one does tend to last or die. But again it all depends on the heat before sweating. Everything like that, but even if it does come off like if the glue it loosens because of the way the hair folds, you can't say, is it's not going to fall off or anything it's just more. If the wind catches it, then you can see the lace at the sides right. So this is the wig put straight on it's not glued or anything. I haven't even tucked the combs in underneath, so it is I'll show you you can see. I'Ve got no hair. That is, went band sits along there and then these combs will go underneath the band just to secure it, but that side and the wig is not going anywhere. That'S all like. I said I can understand the glueless aspect of it, but to me bluelist, I'd like it to be glueless and edges laying flat as well. So that's where I was slightly disappointed again. We can't there's. I don't think, there's any week that I'm 100 % happy. If there's always slightly goes with things, but again, this is the perfect wig, like special occasions, makes again I have half an hour ish in the morning to get myself ready. So my makeup is most important to me and just throwing all week just to do the school run is fine, so I'm snow can come back and do this if I want to, but anyone with three children, a part-time job and life understands that once you've done Your hair - already, you don't want, have to do it again, so I will show you a close-up of so this is. You can obviously see the lace. This has got the baby hairs cut into it as well. So they've done that for me at the salon. So they're all they're taking that away. This is the bit that I mean. So if you didn't glue it, it looks okay, but if the wind catches it, it will be flicking the lights up and I find it really hard to blend this section in now. I don't know if it's because I have slight buildup of glue underneath which plays, if anyone has any advice of how to get all of the glue off the inside of a nice wig. Please tell me because I can't keep washing it every time. I wear it. If I don't really hard to wash just the glue off the knife and even getting all of it off, is it neon impossible? So if I'm not wrong, please let me know it again. This is all no to me. I'Ve never had a week like this before at all, and I was so worried. I was gon na ruin it, but it's still it's still pretty much like the day. I got it sewn and that was back in May. I think I've washed it a few times. I haven't done a deep condition on it yet which I heard it's supposed to be done. So that's probably Jo, but it's not my everyday wig sty. What I will do for the video are usually, I think, I'll use the white, but the one, the yellow on, purely because it's white and it shows up on the camera, and so I will glue it on the camera to show how I use my eye. I may have to use the mirror over here. What hands do is it by joining it with a hairdryer it you don't want to just because again, that's probably totally to what you need the glowing to not be dry but not be wet makes sense. So that's probably a little bit too wet, still sign that glow is really quite tacky now, so I'm just pushing it down and again. What is good is if you tie it off round to hold it, but my scarf is down in my bedroom, where my little girl is asleep at the moment. So I will just be applying pressure, so I'm just going to glue the sides down and then I will show you how I attempt to do my baby hairs because again I can't do it how they seem to do it. So is it impossible in yo when the mirror is over here, but I'll do the same on the other side, so o-obviously usually about now about now I would have a scarf around my head just holding it there, but we just have to pretend, but so that Is the they're all stock down ignore the baby hair? The bangs haven't done anything with them yet, but I'm not sure if you can see, but I'd say it looks pretty natural. We use the black got to be glow gel for my baby hairs and I use this so it's actually a part of an eyebrow pencil, but a nice hunk of use too far she's in a little 20 brushes. But this is pretty much all that I have because again, this is the only wig that I need any of this for so please don't expect big things for this, because, honestly, I am clueless what I'm just gon na. Let you just pull in the baby hairs down there, I'm rubbing the gel into again, I'm not 100. Thinking on how, with the little loops is usually done on this, so mine's, like a half attempt at that. So but again it's just who's. Not mentor doesn't have to look perfect cuz already. It could be worn, as it is really. I put a little bit over the other side, because my right side isn't going of slight kink in the front as well. I think that's from where I am washed out. All the globe last, but that isn't great at all, but I'm sure by seeing how bad I am, she could show that pretty much anyone can do it, but it's it's one of those things that I could probably fill it into my morning, routine. If I kept doing it and getting better, that's it, but I just haven't got the time - and I quite like that. I can have this for special occasions, because it is so much longer than any of my other weeks. I'Ll just do a turnaround so that you can say again it is a full nice week, so you can glow all the way around and have it up in a high ponytail. If you wanted, which is one thing, I would love that again. Finding the time to glue all the way around, I think I need to find a friend that can do it for min as a bit more patience. But yes, so this is obviously me. I use lace, hair and when I got it, I got this for them because, like I said, I'm a newbie to human hair and I did go online because they're so big on Instagram and all of their little video clips and pictures are amazing. But then, on the other hand, when you turn to YouTube, it doesn't seem to be as positive on there. So I was slightly apprehensive, but on this is I can't say if it's any different to other human hair wigs, but it seems fairly. I think it's probably still the reason why I've never ventured to get a human hand purely not he's not purely because of the cost, but it's also the upkeep. I don't really have time to have another child in the form of a wig, so synthetic seems to be pretty disposable for me in time. I can get them to last a lot longer than what they say with not even that much care really because, obviously, but I suppose it's all an individual thing, but again I won't be commenting on the quality of the hair. I'Ve had no issues with it. I don't wear it daily. I did wear it daily from holiday and a few times a week I used to wear it, and now I haven't worn it for quite a while, but it's no different to wear nice. It'S like, if anything, you've got on the carpet right. I would say, though, the one thing I did notice when I washed this is the color, because I'm under the impression that this was colored at their salon, because when I chose it, one of the guardsmen. Oh, it's one. I colored. She said it's so nice to see it because I think usually they have such a high turnaround on wigs that they literally do everything to them and ship them out because they're constantly shipping, it's all over the world. So this one of the suits tops of dark and goes like that, once I washed it, I started to see slight patches of really dark bits showing through which I think you can sort of stay in certain lines and underneath I found patches of like a bit Of hair, that was like black like a little section like that, but it's underneath it didn't so as much, but you can kind of see it in certain lights begin. It hasn't deterred me from wearing it. It'S still a week that most of my friends have said to me is most like my natural hair, because I think is quite a it's, not a bulky wick at old. The density on this is 130 percent, which is quite low really so now a lot of people like 150, but 130 percent. I would definitely go for again. This is perfect for me and again, like I said, like just sit quite flat, which is how my hair used to be. You can obviously make it bigger if that's what you want, but I like that, it's it's nice and flattened it is so secure. It definitely isn't going anywhere at all. Yes, I obviously it didn't take me as long to put it on today, but I would usually faff quite a bit more than that, because it's when I was weeks that I feel looks amazing from a distance. But then, when you got close, I can see the lace, but again I'm fairly certain it's down to the build-up of glow, because when I had it put on straight away, it was incredible you, I suppose this isn't my normal week review. I don't know huge amount about it, it's more of just showing you more of the a-list wig, because I know it does seem to be quite popular, but I would say I'm happy with I've. Never had a band on that cap like this and when they first fitted it, it was so incredibly tight, but I was told it's supposed to be, which I suppose, if you're worried about your hair, you're weak falling off. You all have no worries for this because it literally is going. Nowhere is every time I take it off. I will have the indents of those three combs real deep in my head, so, but when I first wore it, it did give me quite the headache, but now it is, I'm quite used to it now. I think it's also loosened slightly in terms of the lace where I have got it on and off a few times but yeah. So it's not your normal cap, if you're used to say John Renault and the likes of those types, a lot more versatile in the sense that this I would feel more comfortable wearing braided or like clipped up, because, although with a fully hand, tied wig like this One you can see when it's parted the knots, a lot where, as I know, obviously that is a darker wig, but this lace on this is it's so much more natural, but again I'm a lazy, hair person. So I very rarely do anything like that with my hair anyway, but I know I have seen the alias weeks in two French plants which looks amazing, so that would be quite a nice idea. I hope this video has been helpful. I feel like I've rambled on quite a lot, but just to give you a feel for what I think of the week. Obviously I did win it. I didn't pay for it. I haven't been asked to do this video, it's just purely of my own back. I know it's quite popular. I think I do have quite a rotation on my week, so I have a different week for work and a different wig for during the week. I have a different week like going out and I also have a straight and a wavy version of my weekly week. So I I don't wear the same one, all the time which I think he's quite is. If you can afford to do that, then it is quite a good thing to do because then it keeps the life of them longer and in terms of synthetic I have a steamer, but in terms of human hair I wouldn't go out my way to buy another One because I just feel the upkeep on it is just too much for me, but obviously once my children are older and I've got a little bit more time, if that ever happens, then I would love to expand my human hair collection. But for the moment I'm very happy with this and, as you can say, it does look like my hair yeah. Any questions just comment below and I'll get back to you trying to think. If there's anything, I've missed because I don't feel like I've said much about this. Ælis likes are based in London, which isn't too far for me just a short train ride. So I was very lucky that I was chosen. So let's show you the part. Please excuse my eyebrows today, they're, not the greatest. I was in a bit of a rush yeah. So thanks for watching and hopefully see you again soon with some more week, reviews or makeup tutorials thanks, bye,

Suku Mac: About getting rid of glue. Have you tried the stuff called “it stays” - dancers use it to hold stocking or straps in place - it stick to skin but is water based and washes out without leaving residue. It’s great stuff - in Canada we get it at the pharmacy.

Patty Carosi: I just found your YouTube today. Love all your wigs! You look beautiful in them all. Look forward to more of your channel.

Mel E: Thank you for this video! I've been wanting to purchase an A List wig, but still hadn't decided yet. I had cancer this past year and lost my hair. Now it's growing back, but it would be nice to have long hair again during the awkward growing out phase. Does the wig in this video get tangled easily? Also how do you usually wash/clean the wig. Thanks for your insight and hope you have a great day! :)

Will Campbell: Hi, you were asking how to get the glue off the lace? There’s a solvent remover called ‘Walker’s C-22 Solvent’. It’s a lovely solution that doesn’t have a strong chemical-y smell. In fact, it smells of sweet oranges. If you get that, spray a few pumps onto the area, then wipe it onto a mirror. I know it sounds bizarre, but trust me, it does work. The glass acts like a cloth and wipes the glue/tapes away from it. If you need further help, please feel free to message me. Oh, one more thing, your wig looks absolutely beautiful! Such lovely colours, really well chosen!

Zara MK: Hi Rachel just wanted to say I admire you so much, I’m struggling to come to terms with my hair never growing back at 19 years old. I was wondering if you had any advice as I’m an athlete and am not ready to go back into sport without hair. Is it possible to wear a wig for sports? Thank you

MeganDiamond: so beautiful, loved this video❤️❤️❤️

Imantė Šarlauskaitė: Hi, Rachel, you look fantastic! What do you think about this wig after wearing it for a while? I have alopecia, I'm traveling to London, just for buying this wig, but I found a lot of bad reviews about shedding ant tangled... Thanks for respond :)

Esse: Absolutely beautiful ❤️

Geeky Stuff: Beautiful

Jennifer Verdusco: I want this wig. I wish you knew the color. They have a few different ones on the website.

Kayla Deveau: FINALLY! A fair skin woman showing me what these companies wigs looks like! I will now order from them

Miche Moffatt: Gorgeous honey x

PersonalIsPolitical: I use the walker's blue tape and a remover called 'lace off', so much better than got 2 be, quick and less messy. I have two kids, hairloss and use blue lace tape every day as I live in a windy place!

hot chocolate: I'm scared to order from them cuz I'm worried but I love you hair looks beautiful

Latira Williams: Use 100% alcohol to get the glue off

natalijamartina: Excellent review! You should look www.hairalicious.com, they have Amazaing hair, lace... I subscribed to your channel, hope to see more wigs on you.

Toby Hess: Thank you for sharing this helpful video, I order the wonderful product from newigstyle..com last week

jhhf jff: COOL,I love your video,thanks for sharing this video, I buy the same one from newigstyle..com last month, delivery by Fedex,amazing quality !!!!

Shelly gaming geek: Hi, can you part the hair to put up in pigtails?

Charlee Ritter: Which wig is this? I like to order this one and need the name of it.

Siouxsie T: Those wigs are more maintenance and require glued down to look more natural n melt into ur skin...

Tamara: Wich density is this wig ?

Elly M.: how is this wig still holding up?

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