Find The Lace! Real Hd Lace Wig Blends Into Skin! Super Fine Hd Swiss Lace Wig! | Hairvivi


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►BUY 1--$20 CODE: BMSM20

►BUY 2--$50 CODE: BMSM50

►BUY 3--$90 CODE: BMSM90

**$10 code: monroe (permanent) **

Hair details: 18 inches, 160% density, Cappuccino fake scalp color

**NAILS in the video** (Not free gift)

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Look at this don't mind the curling iron burn on the fourth day of wigmas. My true love gave to me so what's up to all my beautiful queens divas of a more mature age, welcome back to my channel! Thank you so much for joining me here on my channel today i am the eva monroe and today i have hair. I have hair from the lovely company hair vv. Now, if you have watched any of my wig videos, y'all know that i have a favorite. I'Ve worked with many companies, um and hair vv has just they have my heart, and i say this all the time it's because i feel like they got the wig game on luck. Now let me be honest about about something because y'all know i like to keep it real hair. Vv pays me the least amount of money. Their processing times are the longest, but they have the best wigs nobody, nobody does wigs like they do that that i have received so if you know of another company, especially if they pay more holl at me now. I have a lot of makeup on today because i'm actually going to be taking some photos after i do this wig. So let's jump right into this unit. Okay, this is the box. Y'All know the same old same. Oh, the hair actually comes in this silky bag. What do y'all use these for? Let me know, because i have so many of these - i haven't thrown them away, trying to think of a good use for them before i actually throw them away. I keep my wigs on heads, so i'm i'm gon na during wigmas. I'M gon na show you guys where and how i actually keep my wigs as well. So i don't know what to do with these, but i have a million of them, maybe like undergarments or something i don't know for traveling. Okay. So what they have included in the box is some stiletto nails and y'all know i don't you know they're actually. Are they coffin or stiletto? I don't know the difference, because i don't rock with either one of them, but there they are there and then they they're actually press-ons. They have some sticky tabs, a alcohol wipe a file and a cuticle stick in there for you to apply your coughing nails, it's funny, because the companies whenever they reach out to me they'll, be like. We watch all your videos and if they watch all my videos, they will know, i don't rock with coughing nails - and i don't rock with stuff like this, because they always send me these as well. I'Ma put these on one day just to humor y'all, though, because i have so many of them that the wig companies have sent me okay, yo, let's get into the unit that we're gon na be working with today and i'm gon na do this install this is Gon na be one of my quickest installs ever i hope, because sometimes it just doesn't work out like that, but she is 18 inches and she is honey blonde and i would say, like a brown color. What is that? Like maybe number four, i would say, she's got the hair vv invisi scalp. That cannot be touched. You got one two combs on the side, one on each side, your piano keys, elastic band, their adjustable elastic band. You still have your adjustable straps and you have one comb in the back: there's no lace on the back of this wig, which is fine with me, because you guys have probably seen me. I always forget to cut it off. You probably see me like showing a wig and then you can see the i don't know why i do that, but oh pre-bleached hairline, the the lace on her is actually hd lace. So you see, when i put my hand in there, like you, can't even see that there is lace. Look at that. That is crazy. Oh my god! It'S not! Their units are not pre-plucked, they're pre-sewn, so they're sewn like an actual hairline, and you can see how well the knots are bleached, there's no over bleaching they're. Just i'm telling you they get it right. So, let's put her on. Shall we all right, i'm telling you! I really want to do this video in in one shot like all right, so i'm going to take this off and you guys will see. I have my queen latifah set it off braids on, which is how i've been rocking. My hair period is how i'm going to be rocking my hair also, and i'm just going to take my ponytail and pull it up like that, and i like to slide my cap back just like right there. I don't even know well actually why i have why. I put the cap on is because of the fact that i have um. I have to have some way to tuck the end of my braids, so i don't know if i want to put it up or we'll try it like that. Okay, i'm go. Let me adjust the straps, i'm telling you. Whenever these wigs get delivered, when hair vivies wigs get delivered um, i i snatch them out the box as soon as i can, because i want to see what they look like. I actually have a stack of wigs over here in the corner. Some of them have not yet been open. Oh my god, you guys, oh my god. Oh this is, i could go. I don't even have to cut the lace off of her right. I could just go out and do me today until somebody gets like right up on me. They wouldn't even know. What'S going on, they wouldn't even know my business. I have some leftover got to be on the sides of my hair, oh and, and she fits like a glove. You guys look at this. Look how low she comes on me. Let me turn around cause. I y'all know y'all be having a whole fit. If i don't turn around oh the slayage that is about to occur okay, so let's get busy with laying this baby down, i'm trying to decide how i want to lay her um. I think the thing i always have to think about is how long i'm going to keep her on and because of the fact that i do have some other units to review. I probably won't permanently adhere her, so we'll go in with some gods to be and lay her down like that, i don't. I don't even think you really need anything. Let'S not! Let'S not do that right off the bat. Okay, let's just cut the lace off of her and and then we'll make an adhesive decision when we cut her legs off. Okay, so now, for the nerve-racking part, we're just gon na cut her lace off, and i always feel like it's better to not take enough off in the beginning than to take too much off um, because you can always come back and keep taking little bits and Pieces, i feel like they copy my hairline, like i really do because i'm thin right here on my natural hairline. They they probably do that. I i i'm going to ask them one day: do they actually, because they they be studying you girl? I i think they actually copy my hairline y'all. Let me know if y'all have ordered one of these wigs. If your hairline looks like mine now, i'm going to get my i'm going to take just a little bit of mousse and move these little hairs out the way because i don't i don't want to take any chances. I don't want to cut any of the hair that i don't need to cut. I mean the hairline is so fine that and that lace is so transparent. That is hard. It'S almost hard to see to cut it crazy, beautiful. Look at that y'all, i'm telling you is it's really it's so transparent. It'S really hard to see to cut it, which is it's freaking amazing. I don't want to mess nothing up here. Okay, so i'm gon na have to go behind my ear, just a tiny bit. So she will lay okay. I have cut the lace off yo. The hardest part about this install so far has actually been cutting the lace off, because i couldn't see the lace to cut it off because it blends into my skin so perfectly like it just matches. My skin so perfect, it's crazy, so i have laid her down. No i'm lying, i haven't look. It looks like i have, though, right. Oh my god, look at that. I'M not going to um go all around my hairline with the got to be i'm just going to do my ear tabs and that's just so that when the wind blows back the world doesn't know my business and that's that's all i'm gon na. Do this got to be that i have here, don't do this wash it out when you get done, but i've had like seven um, wig installs and after this, when i take this one off, i'm actually going to wash my hair um. Take my braids down and wash my hair all right. This is this: is it y'all? This is all we're gon na. Do you want to let that dry a tiny bit just until it's like almost clear? Oh, don't scratch yourself in the face, though i'm so here for this i don't even know what to do right now. Let me pull her back to where she was because she got unsituated with me playing playing around with her, and then i just will take my little sides. You can take your comb out and get my rat tail comb and just lay that down - and i like to come. Um i'll come back in and cut some little hairs out that wasn't dry enough, but it'll dry, it'll, dry, clear and then we're just going to do the same thing over here. Just tack it down. Take it down, take it down and that's it, i'm not even going to put freeze spray, but i am going to make sure that those sides don't lift, and so i'm going to tie it up, for i probably tie it up for about five minutes just until The gel dries so we'll just use this okay, so my sides should be good. Now, i'm just i'm only gon na put a few see i just so y'all know i still i didn't put anything up there. Nothing only put a little bit of gas to be on my sides and i'm not 100 dry, but that's okay. Remove this out of the way and listen. I'M gon na cut make my little fake sideburns. Here i see i have a little bit of lace. That'S going over my ear that i will definitely have to cut off, but that was some more that lace that i couldn't see and i just will take a little bit of styling gel and lay my little sideburns down. When i'm done doing everything else, i got ta. Do i'm telling you if you want, if you're looking for a wig that you can just put on your head, take five minutes to work with and go out the door because after i've done all this, i don't have to do this again. Oh my! This is what happens when you mess with the gel, and it's not dry. Just for the record. Don'T don't do that, but i can i'll be able to go in and clean it up. Let'S move all of that out of my way, these little sideburns act as um anchors as well. For me, they just some just a little extra protection there. Okay, so i got my barrel curler out and i'm actually just going to pop a few curls in her okay, so i actually got her laid down and i just used my freeze spray to lay her down. I put a bunch of curls in her y'all notice. I, as i said previously, i went back in and side parted her because i feel like i would like her better that way. So, let's just get her situated so pretty right. I think i feel like she could be a tiny bit thicker. I like her enough to go in and possibly like sew some um some tracks in her. If i like a wig just that much and it's just slightly too thin, i would definitely do that. You guys know what i realized. I'M gon na get some new hairspray. This stinks to me when you use it with the um, the curling iron and the flat iron it just it has a horrible smell. My husband came in here one night when i was in here curling a wig using that and asked me if i was using relaxer and i said no, but it smells like it and it's not the hair. It'S it's that hair spray, it just it doesn't smell. Nice doesn't smell right all right. I'Ve i like her. Yes go, get your life! How about it? What do y'all think she's pretty right? She comes about right there. You know you got ta, get her little loops and swoops. I have hair all over me all right. So again, the pros and cons of the hair are, i the pros are definitely the lace. The lace is amazing, i mean y'all, see the lace. The lace is, the lace is flawless um. This is a wig that if i was gon na use some type of adhesive, i would use it on this and i would keep this bad boy on. If i was going on vacation or something like that, um i'm here for her, she could be a little bit thicker. But, as i said i like her enough to go in, i would probably do it with the. What is this number four um just so some number four tracks in her to make her um a little bit thicker, because i like the hair to be just a little bit thicker and as she starts to shed, she would thin out more. But um. Look at that amazing right. Thank you guys so much for watching me today. I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you are enjoying my 12 days of weakness and i have another amazing unit that i will be back with in a few days as well. As my wig 101, so until i see you again be blessed and

Adorned Beautifully: Good Morning Sis! That lace is EVERYTHING!!!!! I agree it is thinner than I like. As far as the bags, shoe bags for travel or to organize undergarments are great uses for these. You could also use them as bonnets depending on the fabric.

Beautiful life: Love your channel, it inspires me and I get the best tips

Lory D: Hey love! I think hairvivi makes an amazing hairline and lace but I absolutely despise how thin their wigs are. Like they’re giving 120% density and passing it off as 150% and my minimum is 180% density. But thanks for the amazing review!!

Lynn Erickson: Oh my gosh I love what you do on your channel. I have learn so much. I always wanted to try wig but had no clue. Thank you for sharing in detail in learn. How fun!! Thanks again

Resa.ATL🔥: Use pump it up spritz or Aussie Freeze spray!! They both smell good. That wig looks so good on you and the way you parted and curled it looked so good!! You did a great job!!

Shelley Vielle: I just recently started watching Eva she is so cool. She's so down to earth Real and gets to the point.

Lisa Murphy: The edges were popping before you even trimmed it. Hunty this one is more fabulous than the last one I saw. Love it!!!

Gloria Carter: Now that is a beautiful wig and I love the lace. I agree with the use of bags for travel undergarments or great giveaways for small items.

mighty Strong: QUEEN I love that look on you with that head wrap ,you look Royal ! Anyway that is a beautiful unit, you slayed her as always. You can use those bags for travel to put underwear,stockings or a good pair of shoes in or just to travel with a unit but I guarantee if you know an older lady give them to her she knows exactly what to do with them bags lol TFS

roma armstrong: Congratulations on installing this wig! It is gorgeous! You are super quick question? What is the name of this particular wig.Would love to purchase it.

J j: Thank you for showing us how to do that. I have often wondered how it is done

Hattie Colley: Eva that one is so beautiful and fits like a glove. I also luv the color and density. Ur forehead is perfect for this unit, and the HD is Brillant. Just so pretty. Luv ur make up as well. Great content and pics. I appreciate u Eva. Keep up the great work and thank u for sharing!

Sunnyside Up: Come on wig!!! Cute unit. That unit is just perfect for me. When the density is not too thick it makes it look more natural. Great video.

Alwaysbizzy Ari: Wow the matching of the lace is ridiculously on point!

Rochelle McKinney: This wig looks so natural

Taia Watkins: I'm convinced! I have to get one of these units!

Kimberly Ulloa: Love your channel found it this morning and subscribed. Tip of advice if you use the spray instead of the gel it won’t rip the hairs out of the lace or any of your edges. I learned that the hard way lol

princess gabby: Yes yes yes! I have never worn a wig but this made me want one! You slayed !

Pebbles Stone: Dynamic or Divanamic !!! Love that wig and that color is the Bomb !!!

Leslie Fountain Williams: Thanks for sharing this brand. I checked out their website and will definitely place an order

Cynthia Smith: You look good Ms. Eva when are you having a wig saleI love this wig. Hair VIVI always on point with there wigs, I am going to purchase Debby I like this particular unit from Hair VIVI. Have a very Merry Christmas

leoQueen: First I would like to start off with I am loving that closet Next I will b trying that wig for sure Thank U Queen ps.New Subbie

Chantell Johnson: Makeup is flawless thankyou so much for tips !!!

Country Gal: Send those bags to me! Lol! I love those little bags to corral my belongings. Great video! Merry Christmas to The DEva Monroe!!!!

LOVE LIVE HOLISTICALLY: So glad I found you...You keep it real. Thank you

AA: The second you started cutting that lace I thought the exact same thing, they most definitely copy your hairline auntie!!

Poised Joy: It looks beautiful on you!

Sabrina McEwen: Made DIY slaps (silk lined caps) and those bags make great cap liners

divalashous53: Please link this exact wig. It’s my first wig purchase & I don’t want to mess up. Thanks for this. Gorgeous on you

Lea Hayes: Love your content!

Kanay Monae: You’re giving me Lisa ray from the the look it fits you the color and all

R ROBERTS: 4th day of Wigmas. I love it!

GlowNaturally 247: I use mine for when I’m going out of town to put my wig in

Jacky M: Love your eyes

Resa.ATL🔥: I don't wear wigs but I find videos of installing them are fun and interesting to watch. I mean I be all in the videos too lol.....

Courtney Ray: Keep the bags incase you're moving or traveling, to store the wigs.

Miss D: Wigmas? I’m dead!

Nappy Scribe: I share your channel with everyone including my husband!

Florence Graham: Hay, much love. I was thinking that you can give some of your things to women's shelters, spread your items around /not all to the same place.

Reyna Amial: I ordered the Lillian and Lydia and everything is so natural! However, they looked extremely similar so I returned one. The wig was so easy and Looked like it was coming out of my scalp! Absolutely love it.

Meredith F.: Morning, are you on the east coast? I love the hair!

Chirpeechik: Hi 'the Eva Monroe'. This is the most amazing lace I've ever seen. Totally transparent on you. Does the lace come in a darker shade?

Jill smith: Well done!

Adriana P: You are absolutely gorgeous dear Eva!

Estella Cohen: Wigs have come a long way!! Love you and your channel!!

Jill smith: Small beaded/satin evening purses or put shoes in for travel ( use of silk pouches)

CrisceeCoCo: Problem with hd is that is doesn’t last for more than a few glues. My real hd wigs fray after 2 uses! The lace can’t be saved when they keep unraveling and fraying at the edge area. I don’t know how you deal with it

Karen B: Wow your eyes changed color (purty).... beautiful wig... you rockin it! What size do you buy?

ITALIAN SISTER: Ms Monroe flawless you wear wigs well ....... The companies that send you wigs should be pay you more you do them much Justice Thanks for Sharing

NeickhaSuPRA: 1:54 if you travel that bag is good to keep

Renee Mczeal: Hair vivi is my favorite I have not found anyone better.

Alberto Gonzalez: Hola amiga por favor donde compro la peluca para mí esposa gracias eres muy bella

Maria Ford: Please, don't throw them away. Use them for traveling bags. I have been trying to find some. They are hard to find. Plus, I have tried to get April in 20 inches but can only find 16 inches on vivi website. I have alopecia and the wigs that you have, are the ones that I can wear, with very little to no glue. Because, I have to take them off at night And you can not tell that they are wigs. They are a perfect fit! Love your videos!!

Ethel Lewis: Will your shoe's fit in then for travel not sure how big the bags are. Now that wig is wonderful.

Resa.ATL🔥: The lace is sp spot on with your complexion it's crazy. The texture of the hair looks so real. "I'm gonna "got to be" the ear tabs sp when the wind blows it doesn't tell my business!!"

Miss954: Been wearing headband wigs all summer and I want a lace wig for the New Year... This is a pretty wig BUT the line of demarcation from the fake scalp is very noticeable... wonder if there’s anything to disguise it??

London Jean Semberg: China Best Wigs. Their caps, piano key elastic band, bleached knots and EVERYTHING is exactly the same as HairVivi. So much so, I believe they are HairVivi’s supplier and factory. I asked them, but off course they declined from telling me.

Dimples: This wig looks very nice. However, I ordered from them last month , per I also wanted an easy, no work wig. The lace was sheer...but unfortunately the knots were NOT ALL, Big disappointment! They had the audacity to tell me to just put makeup on it! Uh...NOPE! So I sent it back!

silk62004: Lady, I love you. BUT very scared to spend this kind of coins with a mail order product. I will pray on this.

Alexander Underwood: Thanks for sharing this awesome video, I order the same product from last month

Diva9000x: Hairvivi looks like the real deal, but they don't have the kinky straight in 12 or 14 inches. They're always out. Thanks for sharing.

Ms. Vee Edwards: Shoe bags when traveling.

FT2J: Wigmas subscribed from the word. Use satin bag as shoe bags or gift bags or send it to me

Pamela Bailey: Maybe use the bags for your shoes when you travel...

sandra smith: Beauty Hair! Enjoy the Photo Shoot!

Hey Miss West: Damn thats a nice wig wow

jo ken: Please can you reply me with the wig name and details for me to order. I live in the UK. Thank you x

Lisa Sharp: Morning Queen! She is pretty! Love your channel!

kizzie kente: It only takes 5 mins cuz the dag on thing so high lol Imma buy me one tho

Chloe DeBre: VERY PRETTY!!

Mekdi: ANYONE bought this wig from hairvivi? please let me know

Karmen Danielle: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tennessee Minnissi: I didn’t get any of the extras...not that I’d wear coffin nails either lol

Kim Carter: damn i need morev hair on the hairline mines comes so low

StarSpell5: Use the bags for your shoes , like suede, patient leather and if you have clutch bags to pack away perfect. You store your stockings,pantyhose and tights in them to make space. Also you can put you gloves in them two or three pair a bag.

Orava Song: Good morning

Betterme4lf: If you find another company with nice lace please do share.. My purchase with hair vivi was not good so I refuse to purchase with them again

Cåt ll: Can't access to the website without a password. How come?

Iridescent Unicorn Farts: You can put your hand bags or shoes in them.

Catchmeifyoucan: How you changed your makeup just like that?!? the lace looks nice but the hair looks way too shiny like them synthetic wigs, I am not feeling the hair

Daniel Simpson: Have you tried myfirstwig?

Mr Thickster: Giving us vivica a fox vibes

Marilyn Capehart: Thanks 12-21-2020

Aurthina Douglas: Use them for heels or sandle u travel or hang them in closet

Roni C: Underwears or swim wears bag when traveling.

Mr. steampunk: You look normal without a wig but with wig on you look butiful

B L: New Sub Sis here!

Alice Session: She is pretty just need to be thicker

Yosry Anwr: Nice eva monroe

Christine C.James: Hey sis i have that scarf you are wearing.

Paula No: Hold on..Best Wigs..are the Worst Wigs..with their FALSE ADVERTISEMENT...DO NOT ORDER FROM BEST WIGS...SCAM ARTIST AT BEST.

Abby Gail: I purchased a wig and it was not like this at all. They send the influencers the best wigs and the ones they send to customers are nothing like that. The wig I received the lace was not Hd and the knots were over bleached. It also had a lot of short hairs sticking out. So this is a review based on what they pay you as they send you the best quality but they don’t send their customers that good quality at all.

Just me and myself: Are you a man?

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