Loose Wave Headband Wig Ft Luvme Hair

Direct link for the wig: https://bit.ly/3C3csFk

Length: 16inch

Other styles for headband wig: https://bit.ly/3qwPqnU

Luvme Hair Website: https://shop.luvmehair.com

Luvme Hair Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luvmehair

Luvme Hair Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luvmehair

Luvme Hair YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/msluvmeha...

BOGO SALE(Buy one get FREE one)



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Hey you guys, it's your girl, simone welcome back to my channel today, i'm gon na show you guys how i start this cute loose deep wave, headband wig from love me here, make sure you stay tuned. Okay, you guys so today we'll be using this hair from love me hair y'all. This box was super cute. I don't know why. I'M thinking the bow was supposed to be pulled apart, but it wasn't, but anyway look at the packaging. The inside is beautiful as well. So the wig came in this cute little bag and i just wanted to go ahead and show you how the headband wig is. The texture was amazing, it gets super soft look at the band. Y'All got the velcro straps, like all the others and y'all look. I love that they have small and big combs in there, so that was a plus, so i just wanted to show you guys. These are some of the headbands that they sent over to me, and i love these headbands like y'all. They did their thing with these. This is cute, so they have this one. It'S like a gray with gold stars on it. The a plain white one as y'all could see a cheetah print, one, a polka dot one, and then this other brown one with pearls on it. That one was super cute. As well, that's the extra velcro. If you need it, and then they did send this cute little letter as well as this cute pouch that i'm about to be using, because that is super cute and i could put a lot of stuff up in here anyway. Also, let me send me some tweezers, a cute headband, an elastic band, some bobby pins. Then they also sent me an edge, wrap y'all. They sent a lot of stuff in this goody bag. I mean in the box, so y'all make sure y'all check out everything because you'll be getting everything as well, a weird cap, y'all and then this is a flyer just going to show like their socials and how to care for the hair. So i already got my edges slicked down and i'm gon na show you guys what i used. I used this edge control on this eco styler gel. I don't know why i was shaking it that hard y'all, i'm not sure where i did that, but y'all get the picture. That'S what i used. So i used that in a toothbrush - and i just did my hair down so now - i'm going to go ahead and show you guys how i'm about to apply this wig on my head, hair. Wigs are so easy and simple and just go like man. I love it, so i make sure i adjust the combs in the back first and then i'm going to adjust it on my head. How i want it before i go ahead and put that velcro strap down, and you guys i did just want to go ahead and mention black friday is coming up and they are having a bomb sale. Y'All, it's a buy one get one free sale, so make sure y'all check everything in the description box below. So you won't miss that sale. Turn your notifications on something because you don't want to miss out on a get one free wig. What so, let's go ahead, and now that we got the wig on let's go ahead and get into these cute headbands that they gave me y'all. I love this length, it's 16 inches and it looks so natural, like you can't tell me that this is not my hair with a headband on, and i love it because it's like you could wear the black headband. If you want to - or you could put your own little headbands on there, so i'm gon na go ahead and show y'all. So this is the cheetah print headband and i'm gon na go ahead and put that on. I don't know why i was moving so slow like that, but anyway y'all. So this is cute. Let me just let y'all watch so i did want to just show how i could wear different styles. This is like a cute half up half down. You could do with that. I'M really just in love with how i did my edges, y'all, i'm just like okay, they look good do so now we got on the silver one with the gold stars. This one is super cute i feel like this is cute. If you got on like a cute little like probably pajamas or something like that, slumber party sleepoverish and you got your headband wig on. I feel like this. One is supe so cute. Give me that nighttime vibe cute vibes for the appointment, i'm just kidding, but now it really is really cute and i thought i'm like putting the messy ponytail up at the top, because you know you could see like okay and you guys don't have to worry about Nothing coming off the back because it's a headband wig. So in the back you see the headband so yeah, it's copy, your hair bandwidth. So the plain white one is so cute too: it's giving me tennis, vibes it's giving me venus and serena. It'S giving me go! Do your thing on the court? It'S given. I could wear like a cute like tennis, skirt outfit with this i'm just i don't know why it's giving me tennis vibes and i love it like it is so cute. It'S just cute y'all. I like this. This polka dot one is cute too. I don't know why y'all, but it's giving bear in the big blue house, like. I really think it's so cute, like it's really giving just. I don't know it's just i like it like. I don't know why it's given that for me, but that's what it's giving it's just it's just cute, so yeah i did want to just show you, even though i did these styles with the other ones. I just want to show you how i look with these headbands, so yeah. Let me go ahead and let y'all watch me okay. So now i'm about to go ahead and put on the the brown with the um with the pearls and this one is so cute. As well y'all, my little sister was like. Oh, i need that one so yeah. I think she took it. I'M gon na lie, but this is so cute. I love it like it's really given where's my starbucks cup, it's cold. It'S giving us boots. It'S giving like this one is so cute as well, and i did just want to show you guys that you could use your own headbands as well. So this is one that i got earlier that day from the beauty supply, and i think it's so cute. It goes with a bag that i have, and it's just green like as y'all, can see with like little pearls rhinestones in them, yeah so yeah. You could do just so many different styles, like how many like you're gon na get hair bands with the wig like they do send headbands so you'll have those cute headbands as well. As you can add your own y'all, it's just cute, so you guys! That'S all! I have, for you, make sure you check out the description box below see the link to this exact hair and the other hairs that they do have. Thank you guys for tuning in make sure you start make sure you subscribe to my channel girl girl, thumbs up and comment down below.

Satia Vaughn: I’m not into hair all like that but I love your story times so I want to show love on these videos too lol keep doing your thing, I love it!!! Ps: your hair always bangs!

Nika81: omg this wig is everything,it has the perfect inch,it's curly,nd it looks full. Your edges on point thts a plus nd all the bands are beautiful even the one from the beauty supply store ‍♀️ #loveit

Mimi Hardison: I like the way their hair looks. Always see their wigs that are super cute. Haven’t ordered yet but this is a go. They sent the whole deal. Very nice. You look pretty.

Andy Appleseed: Looking beautiful asf I like the cheetah print headband it’s a vibe ❤️⭐️

Destiny Alston: I’m just here to say CONGRATULATIONS ON 40K #100Kupnext

Brittannika Nicole’: This is so bomb on you ❣️I just ordered me one I love youuuu

Monica Fox: #LuvMeHair is the best out there, imo.

Lajuan Hunter: Very giving sis you rocking it well❤️✌️

Asrield Wright: Super cute hair!

ComeAtMeBro: Ily

Mark A. Clark II: Oooooooh Symone, she cute.!!!!!!!

Life Of Slimm: First ❣️

Nurse Ray: Third lol

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