#Amazonwigs #Wigreview Morvally Headband Wig Synthetic Long Black Body Wave Unit || Beautifaht

Morvally Headband Wig Synthetic Long Black Body Wave Wigs


Texture: Synthetic

Color: 1B

Length: 22"

Pattern: Body Wave

Price: $25.99

Shipping: Free with Amazon Prime (Arrives within 2 Days)

Previous Long Wavy Headband Unit Video: https://youtu.be/2qriiVpD9FQ

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Hi everybody, thank you so much for tuning in my name is tia and welcome to the beauty fat channel. Today'S video is going to be featuring this unit by this company and it looks like to me it is pronounced either morbally or more valley. It says make your life spectacular, so let's get into this review and see just how spectacular this unit all right. So the first thing i pull out is the headband and it looks like it has quite a few in here so uh, let's see what all we got. Oh, this is pretty look at this one. That'S really pretty, and this one that's a nice pattern and i think everybody has this one. I know i want to say this is like my third uh cheetah print leopard print, whatever you want to call it, but i really like this one but anyway, so we know we got headbands and and there's like an info sheet and in the unit there's a Weaving cap and then the unit itself wouldn't say: oh it just tells. I guess the product number is ykl603 in the color 1b. That'S all it says, and then the unit. So my thing with this unit is, it looks to me like. It is a unit that i have already done, but the unit that i previously did the unit did not come out the package. Looking like this, i will put a link down in the description box and i'll probably put something on the screen too, for the previous uh video that i did with this unit. It was just with a different company um. So anyway, let's just go, get right into it and see um if there really is a difference between okay. So as far as texture of hair, the texture is definitely synthetic um, it's real synthetic um. It feels like it's gon na tangle a lot, but you i expect that with synthetic units that are this long, especially if they're curly, so that doesn't bother me at all but combing through it. It'S not shedding that much. This is all i'm getting for shedding. If you can even see that, so it's not a big shedder, let's look at the cap construction. So the cap construction has a comb right in front of the unit, two combs on the side and there's a comb at the nape and then of course, velcro - and this is just the standard. Velcro velcro strap you see, but it gives you a good bit of velcro just in case we have, some of us have smaller heads. Some of us have bigger heads, but at any rate standard cap, construction and here's the unit. So we're not gon na draw this video out long. I'M going to stick my combs in and go ahead and install this unit and see how it styles in comparison to the one that i have that's similar to it or just like it, and go from there make sure holding it right. Okay, something is not right. Why does it feel like it's? Not oh, so this is a little different, because usually the soft piece goes underneath the other piece, but this one is different. The soft piece goes on top. So that's why i'm having a hard time? Because i'm thinking this shorter piece is going to go underneath, but that's not the case with this one. So that's a little different. The soft side goes on top. So i'm just going to show you, so you can see what i mean. You see that the longer piece goes on top instead of underneath - and i can't say that's a plus to me that would be a negative because without the headband that's going to stick out all right. So let me just pull out, so you guys can see the total length of the unit, and it goes right here to my breasts. So i'm just gon na finger comb. It pull the tangles out, or apart with my fingers, and see how pretty oh now, she does seem to be more curlier than the other unit. The other unit was more of a wavy. This has like these waves are a little bit more tighter, more of a curl which is a plus to me. Oh yeah, that's pretty that's pretty before i give you a 360 of it. Let'S go ahead and put on a headband and see what it's going to look like with the headband that tab sticking out is aggravating. So i don't, i can't say whether or not all of the units are made like this, but this one with that belt. The long piece being on top, instead of underneath that's no good but anyway, let's put on the headband. Oh this headband, is pretty look at that ain't that pretty oh. I love this headband anyway, let's get through some of the tangles, so you can see how much it tangles it's a tangler, but it's a pretty tangler. Nonetheless, anyway, let me let you see the total length and where it falls. Let me stand up, so you can see how long it falls. Can you see that this is how long it is and i'm five five well not necessarily five, five, i'm five four and three quarters just about five five. So - and it goes down to my bottom, but in the front it stops right here right beneath my breasts or right at my breast similar. So let's see how she styles. If i wanted to put it in, let's see about putting her up in a ponytail, i don't know if i should do it again, but we're gon na see oh yeah, it's going through whoa. We don't want to though, but we're gon na pull it through. Anyway. All right, so, let's get this headband that right before i even style it. What is it looking like? What do you think about the ponytail or how about in a bun? I bet it's gon na be real cute on the bun. I have no hair pans out here with me. Oh yeah, look at that bun. I bet this. Let'S take that down. I like this ponytail, but that tangling is going to be a problem. You see. Oh there we go all right, yeah, let's try the half up! Half down all right, so let's try half up half down, excuse me, but i'm trying not to edit so much because that takes so much time. It really does. Oh so going forward in my videos, i'm going to be doing less editing, which means you're going to get to see more of like what takes, how much time it really takes to prepare units and do makeup and stuff like that, because sometimes, when you're editing trying To save time, ah piece of hair, you don't get to see how much time is really spent on creating a style okay. So what is going on hold on yo, too much going down all right, all right, so half up half down see this would be really cute if it wasn't so tangly. Oh, look at that right, cute right, you can even pull it more forward in the face see these curls make this half up, half down, look really really cute, especially with it pull forward like this. You pull even more of the hair in the front. Isn'T that cute all right so final thoughts, so with this unit i feel like it has more curl in it than the previous one that i did like this um. I think they are both the same size. I will put, i mean same length. Excuse me i'll put all of those details down in the description box, so you'll have information on the wave pattern, the color, the texture, as well as the length. Now, with this unit, like i said, i did get a lot more curl than i did with the other one, but i will say i feel like they're both the same unit. Just this one has a deeper curl pattern, also um. As i continued messing with the unit, it did tangle it continued to tangle um up more the more i styled it, the more it tangled up, but i'm gon na tell you that's what you're gon na get with all synthetic units, all synthetic units that are long And curly in pattern they're going to tangle, so the best thing for you to do is get you a good detangling brush. If you're going to get a long synthetic unit, i cannot say i don't like it because i do. It is really cute for pictures, and especially if you're on a budget and don't want to spend 70 to 100 up to 200 on a unit, then getting you a synthetic headband unit is going to be your best. So that's it for today's video. I am off to taking a couple of pictures, so i could post them on instagram with my long headband wavy synthetic unit. If you like this video, please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up. If you haven't, subscribed, already put your way, noses go ahead and hit that subscribe button and show your girl some support, thanks again for stopping by my channel, and i hope to see you in the next video bye guys now.

Tennie XO: Love your make up always. And that final look no one can lay a unit and transform it like you

Creative Designs with Curtisia: I love the curls in this unit. I live for a beautiful curl!

Tiffany Charrial: Easy quick hair due. Love how it comes our on you. It's true editing takes up extra time. Like a 3 hour or more process

Magikalblackness: I love when they send goodies U rocked this hair very gorgeous

chinwe Izukanne: I love the Length, the colour, the texture and how you styled it, is very beautiful ❤ I enjoyed watching new subscriber let's stay connected

Ginniccole: You pump these videos out, I love human hair units, but this particular synthetic unit looks very pretty on. I have this one too, but it may be a different company ! I need to get. Back on a few of the hair videos as well

Simply Taneica Dionne: Hey my beautiful friend! Yes, the long, curly units do tangle. Sister girl, I say that all the time in videos, I don’t edit that much usually, you get raw and uncut and messing up with me, the real deal, pretty or no. So I understand when you say you are gonna edit less as possible. This unit is cute, I like the length on you. The ponytail is super cute, the bun is super cute too, the 1/2 up 1/2 down is cute with the curls falling they way it did just like you said. Loved your decor in the background, it’s so beautiful.

JackieNaturals: Hey beautiful, you look really pretty & the headbands are super cute. Too bad it feels synthetic but that is good it’s not shedding much. I have that issue with a lot of strap sticking out. She is pretty & I like the curls too. She looks really nice & I love that first headband too. Too bad it’s a tangler but it is pretty & that is expected with synthetic units. She is super cute in a ponytail & I like the bun too. Half up is cute too. FW & have a great weekend

Ken Million: So great to watch keep the good work. So beautiful and amazing to watch

Tiffany Charrial: Your home is beautiful btw. Love your channel!

Queenin Coco: I Love the Looks!!!! Cute!!

Tiffany Charrial: You look beautiful. You find the best synthetic wigs!

GiGi Robinson: Love it!!

Magikalblackness: Its because the companies get their hair from the same source

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