Pretty% | Rui Mei Si Hair Headband Wig Amazon Review

Hey everyone it's your girl Pretty%. I recently purchased this headband wig off Amazon from a company called RUI MEI SI. Here is my review on it and thoughts. Be sure to comment and let me know your opinion of this wig if you have it or favorite wig styles. Also like, share the video, subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up to date with the channel.

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What'S up everyone, it's your girl, pretty percent, that's spelled p-r-e-t-t-y with a percent sign. I bought a new headband wig from amazon and it's from a company called rue me see these names. They have child before we get started. I want you to go ahead and subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell so that you could be up to date. Every time i drop a new video all right. I can't wait to see what's in this pretty little pink bag. It'S from amazon. Once again, a headband wig. The reason why i wanted to buy this is because it's a human hair, 16 inch premium, brazilian virgin hair and that's the same kind of hair that i use. When i do my own sew-ins. So i said i have to try this out all righty. Okay, it came with a headband that you can put on with it. I'M loving the headbands that come with it. I love the little surprises in these bags. Oh look at this one. It'S cute green! This is a match what i have on today. I might put this one on with it. Here'S the hair wait just one more thing: a little cap. You know we got to put the little wig caps on before you put the wigs on all right. That'S it! Okay, let's see how this hair looks, can't wait to see it. It'S wavy also came right out of the package take out the little neck. I like these knits because it keeps the hair really fresh when you put it on your little wig mannequin. If you have one, i have one all right, so this is the headband wig virgin hair. You see the clips. This is the hair. Oh wow tell me, that's not pretty it's 16 inches, it's really 16 inches. If you straighten it out now, i said that you can curl this and i'm going to actually try that today. So watch me put it on 100 real human hair for 100, pretty percent. That'S me! I'M gon na go ahead and take off this hair. One thing that i like about it: it says that it's not synthetic, it doesn't have any animal hair in it. I wonder if this one has animal hair in it, because it's synthetic you have to catch that on my last video that i did on this wig. Okay, let's place this down. Oh yes, i have my hair twisted up under here. I'M going to go ahead and put on a cap that i have out already. You know the best thing about buying these wigs. It comes with so many different surprises in it. My last bag had some um eyelashes in it. It had a little wig, um comb and it had like this little brush that you can use and that's the one i'm using today. One of these little brushes didn't come with this one. This time all right got my wig cap on now. Some people like to go ahead and do their edges. First, i'm just moving it back far enough to keep out some hair in the front, but i'm gon na put the headband right over it. Make sure. Let'S try you take it out, like that. I'M gon na put how many combs in it one two three four four combs, so this first top one i'm gon na put at the top of my hair. That'S so cute! I have my curling iron on i'm gon na wait before i do that. Let me fix this up here. I think i did something yeah okay before i do that, i'm going to go ahead and do my edges. I use edge booster. This one is about 8.99 9.99, get my little brush just comb out my hair, okay, all right one thing about these headband, wigs, they're, very lightweight, and that's what we love and the length of it. This is actually body wave. I love body wave, so you can wear it down like this. Once again. They said it's no synthetic hair in it. It'S no animal hair in it, so i'm gon na believe them because sometimes they lie different companies lie to you and most people are scared to buy them because of them lying. But when we do these reviews put it in our hair. Let you know the truth. Okay, so that's one way to wear it. I wonder what kind of curls i can do i'm about to try. Since i say you can curl this this time, i'm about to try it for real. I'M gon na put a little curl in the front. Have a little flat iron, i'm going to use all right. This is a style that i would really rock just at work. I want to put in a ponytail i'm going to try another hairstyle, that i saw that you can do that's another thing i like about these headband wigs. You can style it up. Any kind of way you want looks like you have a sewing end and i left out a little hair in the front, not too much hair, because my texture isn't the same as this hair all right guys. I don't know how to look in the back, but this is one of the styles. Isn'T that cute blended it in check out the back. I don't know how it looks. You guys have to tell me voila. Why lie voila. I probably have to curl it somewhere in the back like that, but you get the hairstyle. This is with one of the headbands on and i can rock this today with my outfit all right make sure you comment below. Let me know if you love this hairstyle make sure you like and share my video. Please give me some pointers and some tips on different hairstyles that i can do with this wig, this human brazilian hair. It feels so good you guys you got ta, try it out, i'm not getting paid for these once again, but you got ta. Try this out thanks for watching. My video see you next time show me

Ang: How’s the longevity of the wig?

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