How To Ventilate A Lace Wig

In this video, I'm going to teach you how to ventilate a lace wig. First, you will need a few materials. A ventilating needle, lace, hair, and a wig block. Make sure you have ample amounts of lighting around you. Whether it' an LED light, an extra lamp, or natural sunlight. Depending on your vision, you may require a pair of reading glasses or a magnifying lens. Lastly, you will need a lot of patience. Ventilating a lace wig takes time but seeing your work at the end is the reward.

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#LaceWigTraining #HowToVentilate #HairVentilation

Hey it's Marquetta Breslin and I'm back with another video.. So in this video I'm going to be teaching you how to ventilate a lace, wig., (, upbeat, music, ), ♪, Breslin, Breslin, ♪, ♪, Author and the speaker, ♪ ♪ Master stylist, using every gift. I got to teach her ♪ ♪, Just wan na reach her ♪ ♪. When life changing motivation is his key ♪ ♪. You can look wealthy ♪ ♪, But no the greater is he ♪ ♪ It's Marquetta B, ♪ ♪ Breslin, Breslin, Breslin ♪, But there's some things that I want you to understand. Number one. I don't have enough time to sit here and teach you all of the intricacies of ventilating a lace wag., But I do have time to teach you the basic skill of tying a single knot.. Now there's multiple different knots with lace. Wigs. There is... That was my rice maker or something going off downstairs. If you heard that noise. Okay, there is the single knot., There's the double knot., There's the split knot. There's the double split knot. And there's cross knotting now cross knotting is not a different type of knot is just the placement of your single knots.. So, there's a lot that goes into ventilating a lace wig., But what I'm going to be showing you in this video is how to tie the basic single knot.. Now, the other things that you need to consider when making lace. Wigs is your directions for ventilating.. All of this is covered in my list with training system., But I've seen a lot of content about ventilating, but I wan na show you how to do it. The right way., All right., So the things that you're going to need you're gon na need some hair you're gon na need some lace and you're gon na need a ventilating needle.. All right, you may need some clips or something like that.. This particular piece that I'm working on was started probably about a year ago and ( laugh ). It has not been finished yet., But it's a perfect Canvas for me to show you how to tie the single knot.. So let me give you a little bit of disclaimer.. I have been washing my hands like crazy, because we're quarantine from the Coronavirus and my hands might be a little bit ashy, but it's okay. All right. So let me do this. Let me grab my ventilating needle. I am using a size three needle okay. This lace is a very very thick lace is not my lace is the lace that came from the manufacturer., So I can use a little bit of a bigger needle.. Alright and the hair is the hair that matches this texture right, here. All right, so you just want to pull off a little bit of hair at a time. And I'm also going to grab my glasses and I'm gon na go off camera real fast and put Some lotion on my hands because this looks trifling. I'll, be right: back., Okay, so before I get deep into the video, let me just explain a couple more things before.. I know I said pick up the ventilating needle and the hair.. But let me talk about a few more important things before I actually start ventilating.. Okay, the first thing you need to make sure you have is you need to be working on a Canvas, wig block.? It doesn't have to be canvas.. You can also use something like this.. This is a Styrofoam wig block., It is a holds. The shape very very nicely is true to form.. It has the occipital bone in the back is flat here. This approach.. And it's very, very light.. This I purchase from Atelier Bassi same place where you can get your Canvas. Wig blocks from your Canvas. Wig blocks are stuffed with sawdust and they're covered with a canvas, but there are also other materials, but you wan na make sure you're working with the proper types of materials.. You don't want that traditional Styrofoam head that you can buy from Sally's.. That'S not what this is for., When you're, making wigs and working with wigs you wan na make sure that you're using the right, materials., Okay! Next, I'm gon na talk about lighting. Lighting is very, very critical, because if you can't see what you're doing you're not gon na do it. ( laugh ). It'S just that. Simple. I've been teaching this skill for over 10 years and having people come out to my seminars and all of that good stuff. To learn this skill of ventilating. And one of the number one things that is always a deal breaker could be a deal. Breaker is lighting., So I always bring in additional lighting into the hotel rooms in the meeting spaces.. But what I highly suggest is that you purchase an LED light, something like a ring light I'll link you to something on Amazon. I'll, give you an Amazon link in the description box of this video, depending on where you're watching the video at there will be a Link somewhere to a light that you can purchase that will be an Amazon affiliate link.. So I will get a small commission if you purchase it.. If you don't want me to get the commission, not a problem at all., Just Google, whatever I'm going to put in the description box, so you can find it and purchase it on your own.. Okay, now I talked about lighting. I talked about the Canvas wig block.. I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't think I am. So oh your chair., That was the other thing.. You wan na make sure that you're keeping your proper posture and that you're not bent over and slumped over, like this doing that for multiple hours will cause some issues. Trust me been there done that using a bad posture during this process.. The other thing is, you want to stop every 45 minutes or so to give your body a break to stretch., Not work out, but to stretch your arms and all of that stuff, because this is a long and tedious process and you don't.. Just hit the camera. And you don't want to overwork your body or be in the same position for long periods of time. All right now, your site. Not only do you need good lighting, but sometimes you may need to use a reader or some sort of magnifier to be able to see the tiny holes in the lace.. What I'm wearing right here is these are prescribed readers. And what I mean by prescribed readers is this. These. I cannot go into CVS or Walmart or Target and buy these off of the shelf, not because they were sunglasses and I turn them into readers, but because I have a specific reader prescription, specifically for wig making.. So when I went to my doctor I said `` Hey, I do a lot of working with tiny little things'' and making wigs and I need something''. That'S gon na really help me to zoom in'' and it's not gon na, be too strong.''. That'S not gon na. Be too light ,'' but still allows me to see what I'm doing'', So he prescribed me a reader that works amazing.. This is first time I've ever had a prescribed reader.. Now I do wear no progressive bifocals, so it does give me a little bit of that. Magnification at the bottom, but not at this level. So I have one eye - is weaker than the other., So I have one prescription in one eye and another prescription in another eye.. This is amazing, I'm not telling you to run out and do that because not everybody has seasoned eyes.. I don't have all eyes they're, just seasoned., Not everybody has seasoned eyes like I do., So you could get away with just getting a reader or maybe just wearing a small, magnifying lamp or glasses, or something like that.. Alright. So now we can get it started.. Alright! So I'm gon na put my readers, my wig, making glasses back on and that helps so very much.. I can actually see if I do like this and I'm trying to just look at it with the naked eye.. First of all, I got to adjust because that looks like a bunch of fuzzy mess.. So if I push my head back a little bit, I can see those knots, but not the way I can, when I put on my wig making glasses. So now. I can really see exactly what it is: I'm doing. Now, when you're working with certain types of hair, you will find that some hair is a lot more slippery than others. And if you run into that, where you're working with slippery hair, all you have to do Is add just a little bit of water to the hair and you should be fine.. Water helps maintain the control, helps the hair stick together., Some wig makers. I know this is gon na sound disgusting.. You don't have to tell me in the comment down below., But some wig makers will chew literally chew on the hair, because it breaks the enzymes in your saliva breaks down some of this hair and they'll chew it and use it.. I know it sounds nasty, but I'm just sharing with you this information. All right. So the first thing you want to do is we are looking at the holes in your lace.. You want to find the single hole first before I get into that. Let me tell you how to hold the hair. Alright. So what I have here is this is Cuticle hair, I'm not gon na, say Remy hair'cause, that's a whole nother video breaking down what Remy hair truly is.. So I'm just gon na say that this is Cuticle hair. The hair is still intact., So with Cuticle hair. All of the cuticles are unidirectional they should be, which means all the cuticle should be laying in the same direction.. The reason why that matters is because, with Cuticle hair, if you mismatch the cuticles, it will cause severe tangling and matting, because what happens is, let's say the cuticles. My fingers are cuticles right, So the cuticles are here right And if I mismatch, hair and put cuticles here, what's happening is locking up.. This was gon na happen. Is the hair is gon na lock together and it's gon na cause severe tangling and matting.. So when you're ventilating, you do not want your cuticles to do that.. So where are you fold? The hair is called the Turnover.. That'S where you turn the hair over to ventilate.. Now I know you guys have seen these manufactured wigs, where you have these long turnovers. That look like they're about three to four inches.: That's a no no. In the wig making world. True wig makers, you don't go any longer. You should not go any longer than somewhere around a two inch turnover.. Now you can go back and cut your turnovers out. That is a thing and I'll show you how to do that on a whole nother video., But in this video we're not doing that., I'm just teaching you how to do the basic single knot., All right, So you're gon na turn your hair over and then I Like.. Everybody holds their hair different, so ventilating is just like braiding hair. People may pick position their fingers different, but you get to the same result.. So what I like to do, after I fold the hair over, is I just like to twist that hair in my pointer finger and thumb that's very important. Okay.! It'S not sticking out from the sides is sticking right out from the top. Okay. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to find the hole in my lace., I'm gon na insert my needle wave that hair across. Use my middle finger for tension., Pull that needle back through rotate 180 degrees and pull through.. Okay, I'm gon na. Do it again. Insert your needle. ( light upbeat music ) Insert our needle wave the hair across. Little finger for tension. Rotate down, pull all the way, through. ( light upbeat music, ), Alright! So I'm back, we just switched the cameras out to give you an even better look., So it might look a little bit darker, but you'll be able to see my hands a little bit better.. So again you want to insert your needle into the hole. A lot of one of the biggest mistakes that people make. Is they go into two holes ,'cause, it's hard to see.! That'S why lighting comes into play and your glasses., So you wan na make sure you're not going through two holes.. You wan na make sure you're only going through one hole at a time. You're gon na just wave that hair across. ( light upbeat music, ), Okay, Use your middle finger for tension., Rotate down and pull all the way through. All right. Let'S do that! Again. Insert the needle. Wave that hair across. Use that middle finger for tension. Pull the hair back through rotate down, pull all the way through.. So when you wave the hair across the hair is getting caught on the Barb., The Barb is the tiny little hook on the ventilating needle.. It is designed to catch that hair. The size of your ventilating needle tells you how many hairs it is designed to pull.. But what you're seeing me do is only pull one hair at a time.. That'S because I have control and it's easier for a little bit easier for you to see what I'm doing. If I just pull one hair at a time.. So you're also notice that I'm sitting in front of the wig block and I'm pulling the hair away from me. You. Never I see people do it all the time and I always teach my students. I make them change the way they're doing this, because it's so dangerous to ventilate and pull that hair towards you, because this is a hook and it is sharp. And it has been stuck in my lip before it's been stuck here before from students.. It'S been stuck. Some of everywhere, so you wan na, be extremely careful. And when you're ventilating you wan na make sure to pull that hair away from you're watch.. Okay, I'm sitting here, I'm pulling the hair away from me in the direction. I want it to lay in. Alright. So I'm gon na do it a couple more times at regular speed.. Just so you can see what it looks: like., (, smooth upbeat, music ). So the reason why I have this tiny little piece of hair sticking out is because I accidentally splitting on it that here. So there's multiple different ways. I can take care of this., I can pull it out or I could just leave it., I'm very meticulous. So I just pulled it out.. I don't even know if I said that right. I'm a very detail, oriented person and a bit of a perfectionist. So I don't like those little short pieces like that., So I pulled it. Out. ( light upbeat, music, ), Okay, the key to ventilating is control.. Now, sometimes that happens and you actually pop the hair. It actually happens a lot when you have, when you're working with synthetic hair, it's easier to pop that synthetic hair. And with certain types of human hair. That is the case as well., So you just wan na be mindful of that.. It happens. I don't care how long you've been making wigs. It happens there. It is., I just popped that hair. And that's okay., You just pull it drop it and keep it moving.. ( light upbeat music, ), Okay. So I'm going back in gon na insert my needle wave that hair across rotate down the hook, ( light upbeat music, ), Now you'll notice that I see some people.. I see some people do some of everything. I've seen them wrap like this.. It should be a fluid movement. The rotation of your needle should wrap the hair around the hook. I'll. Show you what I'm talking about.. When I insert my needle pay attention to my right hand, that's holding the needle holder.. Okay, that hand is not moving barely once. I wrap and rotate it wraps around the hair catches on that Barb and I pull right back through that hole. All right. You just want to make sure you're paying attention to that. ( light upbeat music ), All right, so I'm just gon na place a couple more knots. And these again these are single knots.. This is the base.. So what happened? There is my hair just got a little bit too messy., So when that happens, most in.. A lot of cases is because you're holding too much hair in your hands and sometimes with longer lengths of hair. It just happens., And so what has happened here is. It has gotten completely.., You probably can't see this'cause, it's only a few pieces, but it's completely messed up.. So I'm just gon na grab a tiny bit more.. I'M gon na go at regular speed and then we'll end. The video off. ( light upbeat music, ). Okay, This is one of the things that most of my students get the most intimidated by, because it is something that's foreign., It's not like braiding hair, where you have an idea of how to do it.. This is something that a lot of people have never even attempted to do so they don't even know where to begin.. So just take your time and be patient with yourself.. I promise you when they say patience is a virtue that is the truth.. So what has happened here is my turnover was super duper short.. Now I can handle this in multiple different ways.. I can just pull this out and regroup, or I can still make that knot. So to make that knot. I'M just gon na press that hair down. Pick both of those pieces up rotate and pull through all right, ( light upbeat music, ) Now ventilating is a skill that is very time consuming., But you can do a lot with that.. A lot of people think that, just because you learn how to ventilate now, you're gon na sit there and make lace wigs all day long., But that's just not the case.. You need to learn how to do this skill if you work with frontals and closures, because you need to know how to repair them.. So this is it.. This is how to ventilate a lace wig.. I just showed you how to tie a single knot.. Remember there was multiple other knots to tie and then there's directions, but the thing you have to master before you get into anything else is the single knot.. So do me this favor. Now that I've taught you the correct way to ventilate? I want you when you try this. I want you to go. Follow me on Instagram and tag me # MarquettaTaughtMeHowToVentilate. (, laugh )! Alright! Thank you guys. So much for watching and I'll talk to you soon. ( upbeat music, ),

Giovanni Giakaze: A gift! She's one of the best teachers/mentors in the world! Informative, detailed, & genuine! Thanks Marquetta for always dropping quality content/gems!

Uniqsol Sessions: 11:20 Im only time stamping so I know where to come back to because this needle work is the hardest part for me. Love how you explain it

Liz Lele: Thank you! I’m making my own wig with my own hair and you helped me learned my first single knots

Sophie Vanderbilt: Great tutorial! I think it's so cool how you even went over lighting and proper posture in your chair. A lot of people don't think about that stuff. I'm using this technique to make doll wigs (for 1/3 size bjd) but I'm gonna assume it's still the same steps. Thanks for the tutorial!

Cookie Kunty: Thanks ! Super usefull! Been wanting to do a money piece on a synthetic lacefront for a long time now and you just gave me the confidence to try it out ✨

Vincent Dubois: This is tutorial beautiful, generous, and amazing! It just got me started on my first attempt, and after 40 minutes I was standing in front of a cute tuft or hair on my lace. A bit messy, but it’s _my_ mess and I’m so proud!!! Thanks for sharing this in so much thoughtful details!

Katie M: I really love this tutorial. It is very well thought-out in not only how to ventilate but also the proper materials needed, not only with the lighting but hook size and how to fix mistakes. I'm planning on making some hair pieces for cosplay and this is going to be a video I heavily reference while I work on my project. :)

Amber Smith: This is great. Such a in depth tutorial. I made the mistake of overplucking a part on my newest lace front. I havent had a chance to wear it yet and dont want it to go to waste so I ordered ventilation needles to repair it. This video has the best visual focus on the actual ventilation technique and explains the process very well. Thank you

Eden Lewis: I needed this so much. I overplucked the part of my synthetic wig and I didn't know how to fix it. I was gonna try to use eyeshadow, but the space was still big. Thank you so much for this. I will be getting my canvas block and needle next week.

N!cole: This great to do especially during quarantine! And I you do a good job you sell your wigs for business and make tons of money!

lini: thank you so much! these instructions are amazing, I need to do some repairs and replacements on wigs I have worn daily for years. This will make it so much easier!

sarah ogbgu: Hello your tutorial is so much detailed and informative am just watching and do just like you’re teachings and I find so smooth. God bless you ma’am

yafah lindsey: That was spectacular thanks for sharing ! May God bless you always ! Thats a true labor of love ! Your eye shadow is Beautiful ! You as well

Dante Velasquez: Best demonstration and explanation of ventilation ever! Thanks :-)

Hanna 99: You are a fantastic teacher and this video is worth it's weight in gold! I'm going to check out everything else that you have shared! I will not give up until I've made a gorgeous ashy blonde comfortable lace wig that stays put on my head (I have alopecia).

Katherine Njobvu: Wow I really love this and I will try to make one as well thanks madam

Travis Maupin: Great absolutely a fantastic teacher and an artist thank you

HAIR CARE KUWAIT: Well Done Professional Tutorial LOVE the Glasses

Love Wins: Best one! Thank you! I knew this cheap small crochet thing was not it.. the lighting was everything!

Yvette: Great content...I want to start making crochet wigs and there is a T-Part crochet wig cap on Etsy that needs a little ventilation to look realistic. I can do a little ventilating but not alot.

Breanna B.: That eyeshadow is everything sis !

Teresa Ames: This is the best how to video I have ever watch.

Doris Masakhwe: Great advice, thank you

Fina Khan: Glad I found you as I am looking for a teacher that I can send hairdressers who need to know the fundamentals of what it takes to make a wig as they are transitioning to work in the film industry I teach the fundamental of working with wigs and all kinds of false hair, I am a wig maker trained in England, worked in Theatre for many years in Toronto and mentored and trained many who are gainfully employed. I protect my canvas bloc by covering it with light green paper and apply packing tape, it’s easier to see the holes, I also wet my hair loop with conditioner, I keep a small plate with diluted conditioner, I also have a cradle which I use to rest my bloc when ventilating, a cradle is a small wooden box with all 4 sides cut out in a curved form so the bloc with the foundation can rest on its side and be stable so you can rest on a table to ventilate. I also use a dog tooth pattern when ventilating as I can create highlights or low lights and also when I stop for the day I can continue till I can get back to a easy flow.. I will check your other videos. Thanks for sharing the art of wig making.❤️

Margo Lijadu: I started folllowing you 10 yrs ago and thru life forgot all about you... I just love you so much you feel like a friend I never met but known forever. I learned so much just watching this one video. The only thing I hate is the commercials cut right in when you are making a valid point. other than that. I love you have hope you never stop teaching may God bless you with your gift. Happy holidays and stay healthy because you rock.

Zakeya Brookins: Thank you soo very much for sharing. Your generosity WILL be rewarded. Blessings.

Rubin Powell III: Thank You so very much For sharing Your experience and Craft with Me and Other viewers

Urisk: I did some ventilating for the first time yesterday (struggling with holding the hair and making sure my knots are tight enough brought me here), and after getting the barb of my tool stuck in my palm for a minute I understand why the call it a needle.

Liz Lele: What do you do with the tails of each knot? (The short part of the knot) I cut them close to the lace and it feels spikey. Do you have a video on this?

Mikaela V: Once I’ve mastered, how long does it take to make a wig?

Lukrécia Macskássy: You are so gorgeous a human being. I just started to watch your videos because I also want to make a wig-let for my mom. I'm a business office person and most likely I would not leave my job making wigs, but I want to make my mom's first wiglet no matter what. In addition my recent mammogram wasn't perfect either so I'm on a short call-back schedule to monitor what is going on so want to prepare for the worst. At least have alternative hair that I made.

matthew Favour: I really love this it amazing

Insideout Beauty: Thank you for this video very helpful

J Official: I skipped through at the beginning but baby I started over and watched every ad!

Antonia Francois: Thank you so much for this video. My ventilating need keeps hooking onto the lace and when I do finally ketch the hair strands it's bursting it. Sighhhh

Angel Fire: How do you control the density? How much would you sale this for? Thank you for sharing this info?

Nnadi Agatha: Thanks you a wonderful teacher and you have a great gift

Teronica Heath: How do I sign up for your class? I’m very interested in learning this technique!

Fiona Fay Creative: Brilliant teacher!!

Lolo Future: I like ventilating- I find it relaxing. But I only have patience to make closures. How people make full lace wigs is beyond me

Chevy M: Have you ever used thred wax? Would it help prevent tangles?

Marianna Wiesner: omg you explain so good

Sunnysideaudrey: I was trying to find anyway possible to not throw away my favorite wig and I came across this. so happy YouTube finally gave me some useful recommendations

Dey NM: This video was very informative, I can't for my class :D

D O: Wow never realised the work and time involved. I will never moan about the cost of a wig again I have a whole new respect for wig makers .Pay it and and bless those that make it

Onyebuchi Perpetua Nneka: Nice one mma, thanks so much for this

Tessy Moses: Wonderful

Andrea Wilson: Amazing thank you

Tejiendo y currando maría Alvarado: Muchas gracias por todo tu y un abrazo fuerte desde España

Iddrisu Humulhaira: How many strands of hair do you pick at a time?

Ashley Ras: I might've missed this, but why exactly can't you fold the strands in half? Wouldn't that make things easier as you have twice the amount of hairs?

CJ Campbell: Are we able to do this on a 360 lace ?

Stephannie Alany: mommy mom Thank you for this you're so generous

keshia kay: I will try this

Hair with Mo: how come this video has just 9k views. this is great content! btw i use this method, but I've noticed the strands are usually not secure on the lace after i wash my units, the strands come off. please do you have another method to secure the knots?

Tammy Willis: Once you learn this technique, how much can you charge for this?

Nesey Royce: Where do I buy the loose hair to do ventilation?

JeanMorgan: Holy Mahagoni, Batman! How long does it take for to do a whole wig like this? I admire that patience.

Lunden Issac: where did you get your needle

Bernice Sipes: Where can I get the needles and lace

Tierra Alexander: So for each single knot it has to be a single piece of hair. What happens if you have a little more hair when ventilating one single knot

Morghana: Thank you so much for this video.. I am needing to make eyebrow wigs for the dolls I modify. Some of the materials of the dolls I work on does not do well with hair punching, so I am looking for an alternative. Plus I need eyebrows and facial hair that is not just black or brown.. All the other videos the person did not clearly show how to make a knot.. Yours does.. Again thank you so much!!

Margo Lijadu: PS do a video on how to apply eye shadow too, Your make up is the bomb and I would love for you to teach eye shadow techniques too. Ms Beautiful.

kingdom trends: I usually don't like to compare people but Marquetta is set apart. Her book really started to lift somethings in my heart concerning the industry of not feeling good enough or like a failure (The Million Dollar Stylist) . I genuinely felt the light through her when I took her class in Atlanta. She keeps it simple, but she is assertive and detailed in her approach. Appreciate her for always sharing her knowledge with the masses.

Victoria hairline: Beat video tutorial ever Wanna ask this question Can the knot of a handmade closure or frontal be bleached?

Megan Burson: What a freaking sweetheart! I dunno man I'd marry this chic. Something about her. She's gorgeous and her personality is everything. And we just talking about wigs..... I bet she is incredibly intelligent in all sorts stuff. OH MY GOD SHE JUST PUT ON THEM GLASSES! BACK OFF SHES MINE!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Raiana Laguna: <3 Thanks

Soufiane Sebouti: I wish i was able to do that on my hair so i can get real hair cause mine is gone

Denise Wellington: Do u sell ventilated needle? If yes how much

shell ski: i dont always know if the hair im using is remy or not so if i dont do returns any longer than 2 inches with any type of human hair will i be safe from the "backcombing effect" having the strands rub together?

Terry Duani: hello! do you ever make wigs for sale?

Faith: Whats thé 180° turn for when looping?

Chef Harmony: U are my best teacher i always understand u wen ever teach u make sure dat we all understand i love dat. u just gat ur self a new subcribe

chad a-bomb prince: Where do you buy hair to do this?

ClassicDiva33: Question I know single knots creates thinner unit in the end and knots not as large,but doesnt double knotting make the wig last longer? I recently bought a wig and it is already balding though i haven't been rough with it it all Iit looks like it was single knotted. I'm looking to repair the bald spots by ventilating myself. Just wondering and suggestion from a professional to a newbie thank you for this video! Really helpful!

Omolayo Quad: This is so mind blowing

Makeda Asante: What kind of hair would you recommend? Can I cut hair off my wefts?

Angela A. M. T. Anointed Mimes Turner: Where do I get hair to ventilate Where do I get a ventilating needle

Alex Richard Thompson: I have a question which way should the lace be what I mean is the hexagon holes should they he from left to right or up and down if that doesn’t make sense I will email you if what I mean

Debra Goss-Seeger: Do you have any classes - where I can pay and take a class? I don't want to make a wig - just repair my wigs. Having a hard time pulling the needle back thru.

Cee Cee: How quick can someone ventilate a wig if the worked on it steadily??

Dezeree Queen: I love this video frfr I went to look on atelier and I can't find the styrofoam wig block

Traci Thomas: Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!! Oh, Did I Say, ................Thank You ????? Outstanding Video.

chajena wallace: Wish they sold the needle in Jamaica

protectthebrand: i’m mad asf i messed my 30 inch human wig up might as well just not buy a wig againi’m SCARED i don’t even know how to ventilate i tried and it didn’t work Update i’ll try again cause this looks fun

Joy The Birth Pro: Hi, my bestfriend has cancer and I am looking for someone to make her a wig out of her own (grow out her scalp) hair. If you can make a beautiful natural wig please comment. This is a real inquiry, serious buyer, and I would love serious wig makers. Thank you!

Akhil Geevarghese Alby: Which Material are you using for wig... that cloth like thing

Galaxi: 2 years later and I still cannot grasp this

Debra Goss-Seeger: ok I am able to insert the needle and grab the hair - the problem is when pulling the needle back thru - the needle snags on the net and I can't get it to smoothly pull thru. I must be turning the needle the wrong way or something - can't figure it out?

More Than Grills, Lagos by 234 Foods: Please how can i make use of my curly hair on lace

Annet Nsubuga: Thank u so much.frm Uganda

Esther odoh: How can I register for ur online class

Jayla Trindy: I’m so freaking annoyed I still can’t get it right

Lace Perruque: Thank

b b: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Deborah Johnson: I been trying to teach myself to ventilate I get mad because I cant get that knot I dont want to quite I need some help I no it cost but do everything got to, box

Lois Griffin ☎️: Does anybody else think that she’s really pretty

Angela A. M. T. Anointed Mimes Turner: Needles

John Patience: Too much talks

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