Sensationnel Synthetic Cloud 9 What Lace Hairline Illusion Swiss Lace Wig – Solana | Divatress

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Name of Wig: Sensationnel Synthetic Cloud 9 What Lace Hairline Illusion Swiss Lace Wig – Solana

#sensationnelwhatlacecollection #sensationnelhair

Color: Flamboyage Chocolate

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Wow sensational, I'm impressed hi guys welcome back to my channel wow, that's kind for those of you who are new and if you aren't me what's up you already know today's you girl is back again today with another wake review, so today's wig is brought to you By diva Trish common, do you want to say thank you to them for sending me this unit to review super excited to review it? That was rude. The unit that I'll be reviewing right here. It is from sensational it's from there what lace collection the unit is in the style, so Selena Salonga not really too sure how to pronounce the name of the unit. However, you guys get the picture. You see the name. The color that I got is slim voyage. Chocolate, hopefully I'm saying that right as well, if you guys don't know what the what Lakes collection isn't sensational, they recently came out what's about like three units, I want to say it could be more, but from what I know there have been three units and the Hair line, it's a very natural looking, it isn't a full whole thick like frontal line, it's more so plucked and it looks very natural when you place it on head. I also reviewed one of their other units I'll make sure I put that in description box below as well. It'S at the top, so you guys can check out that unit as well, but yeah. Let'S just go ahead and get this baby popped open. So you guys can see what she looks like, so this unit is more so on the curly side, they do have some that are straight as well. If you aren't interested in the ones that are currently is one, that's come with a little bit of loose curls. His chocolate vibe, I'm really here, for I actually love this color blend, it's a little bit more chocolate on the top, and then it fades them to like this caramel color with a little bit more of the chocolate at the end, the curls are very bouncy. I love so what I'm gon na do is go ahead and place the unit on my head and then I'm going to cut the lace off all right, so I got the legs cut off. How much I want it to be, so you barely can see any lace as of right now. What I'm going to do is add just a little bit of powder to the legs, just like parts where it's showing because, as you can see, it is a pretty pale lace. But we can get past that because we can finish it so right at the ends. I'M trying to show you guys what I'm doing, I'm just dusting powder on the end of it definitely not going to bleach this, because that's just gon na cause issues. It'S already synthetic wig. I don't want to be messing anything up, so we're not gon na. Do that we're just gon na add some powder to the end, so that way it'll just blend into my skin and he won't be looking false over here. So the cap size is actually very big head friendly. So I'm going to go ahead and make this a little bit tighter, because when I placed it on my head just to cut the lace, it was really loose, it didn't feel secure at all. So I definitely want to make this tighter. So I use the combs that came in the wig there's two combs right here on the sides. They'Re literally placed right here and then I have a comb in the back and they even have the adjustable straps as well. So we're just going to lightly comb through this more so starting at the ends of the curls, and now I'm just going to add a little bit of powder to the part. Wow sensational, I'm impressed so these little two-part pieces, I'm just going to take them and flip them back the style that I usually like. Do you guys see how easy this unit straightens like look at how that just straightened out honestly feel like I could probably straighten this whole unit and it's going to look pretty bomb, because that whole front piece is straightened out with like no hesitation, alright guys. So, just to get into a little bit of detail of the units that you kind of saw me style it and get it to how I want it to look. I really actually adore this unit, I'm all for this. What lace collection, because there's like minimal, like legit the minimal amount of work that you have to do to the lace like you saw all I do is just add some powder just to make it look like you know, blend any one, my skin, but I didn't Have to do a plug-in, I just cut the lace. I did add a little bit of powder to the lace just because I didn't want it to look super bright. No, I did not tack down the unit because I'm actually just reviewing it, I'm not about to wear it out, so I'm not about to glue it down. But if you are gon na wear it out, you definitely could go ahead and glue it down to make sure it just feels a little bit more secure, not that it doesn't feel secure right now, because it does with these combs. And since I did the adjustable strap, it feels very secure of my hand, but you know just for just good purposes: let's go ahead and glue her down if you're about to go out and be super duper active. I do really like this color. I would like to try it in a black color, but I'm actually I'm feeling this. I love the color fade, it doesn't look like choppy or cheap, like they didn't put much care into the coloring, but they definitely did so. I really appreciate that it's handles a little bit, that's kind of expected, especially since it's long and currently the curls are going to tangle just a bit, but it isn't like too bad. Also comb two through it with my white tooth comb and it didn't shed a lot it shed it just back a little bit. Nothing major though, for me to dislike it. I do think this wig is worth the price I think they run like 70, maybe maybe 40. I honestly don't know. I know a little bit more expensive, they're, definitely not $ 20. So you only pay more than 20 or $ 30 for this unit, but I definitely think it's worth it. I do see that it straightens really well, because I went ahead and just took a little bit of pieces right here in the front because I like for my bane pieces not to be super curly. I just don't like how that looks on my face and I like how it shapes my face, but it definitely straightened really well. So I'm kind of wondering like how this unit will look. If it was straightened, I don't have a fear of if I was to straighten it all the way out. It probably won't curl back like this, so I don't know if I'm gon na take that chance. There, but just so you guys know if you want to do it, that might be like a last resort in this week like if you know you might be finished with the unit, then straighten it, don't straighten it. If you plan all the play, probably curling it back cuz, it might not catch the same curl effect. It'S come back years. I did not put any baby hairs down personally because I just don't meet them. Baby hairs aren't necessary, something necessarily something that you always have to have, and I know that's like the trend now that people are just like baby hairs, 10 years 20 years, but it's not something you always have to have like we did. You know there was a time when we wore wigs or had hair and did stuff without baby here, so don't come for me on the baby hairs because I don't want to lay them down. I like how this looks just like this. This wig is also versatile. You guys so the lace is not just. It doesn't have to be worn in a middle part. Actually on the model. She has a little like twist braid thing going on right, so I actually would like to try that. But your girl is not that talented when it comes to braids. Okay, I wanted to get a little closer, so I could show you guys what the lace is. Looking like up close yeah, it looks pretty legit, I'm like in love with this. It looks so good for this to be a synthetic wig, I'm living for this lace, this lace - oh my god, nice little link. We got you're wrong about that 20 to 24 inches, it's pretty bomb, it's pretty bomb. I didn't want to say thank you to D, but rice not come for sending me this unit, make sure you guys check out their website. The link is gon na be below, so you can catch this unit and other knit I said they have his will on their website. I do thank you guys so much for watching today's video and until next time, I'll see you guys the next one bye guys

Nikki Laniece: I'm loving the what lace collection too. This one is real pretty & the color is nice!

FashionJunkey14: I cannot wait to get my hair on this unit! It looks gorgeous on you!

K. Gray-Jackson: Gorgeous! Love the way you styled it, the color suits you. You can truly wear any color. Great review...thanks for sharing.

Ron Williams: Don't fall for this she has a face that any wig she puts on is gonna look good on her because she is just pretty ! she looks good even in the damn wig cap alone!

Jassy Nicole: Girl this style and color looks amazing on you!

Nichelle Loh: This is a gorgeous wig! Thank u & appreciate u!❤

TheHeartsandCake90: Yasss! This looks great on you

Kesha De'na: Omgeee!! You are ABSOLUTELY beautiful!! This is the "GIRLFRIENDS" look because the thumbnail is giving hommage to the lovely MS.Golden Brooks AKA MAYA!!❤

TamikaTfit: Fitness- Lifestyle- fashion: Yassss this is cute girl! Might have to try this one out

SetfreeT M: Absolutely beautiful!!

preese100: The unit is spectacular on you....excellent video!!!!

Danielle Davis: Great review! You look gorgeous!!

allykatt1849: Daaayyyuuummm! That is one gorgeous unit! ♥️

DeDe Shep: Love it

Danielle S.: Really pretty on you sis!

King Brown: yassssss you made me buy this wig sams beauty finally stocked on this color y'all!

Porcelain Doll: Omg it looks gorgeous on you!

Bella Lagunas: So beautiful on you!

LaTissia: Thank you! I'm so tired of the baby hairs movement....#ImNotAboutThatBabyHairLife #AndImReadyForThisTrendToDissapearAlready Btw thumbs up I LOVE THIS LOOK and I'm saving it to my fave wigs playlist!

Rosita The Diva 👩🏽‍🎤: Yasss what setting did you use the heat on?

Chantel Gross: Wow I don’t even like brown hair but that color just speaks fall flavor!!! I’m in love !! Btw that looks great on you

Richalena Adelaide: Ik loving the color and I am definitely going to order from the what lace line by sensationnel

Ayeesha Barnes: Looks good Kya

Ladybug Ladybug: Yesss this wig is very very pretty

Magikalblackness: I love this great review hun You always slay If you get a chance can you checkout my review on this same beauty in 613

phiephie: It looks so good on you! You gonna make this sale out sis

FearfullyWonderfullyMade: Not even a month old video and I can’t find this in a number 2 on ANY website‍♀️... I’m super jelly right now, enjoy your wig sis

Frances Lock: Why would you straighten those beautiful curls. Baby hairs are starting to look formulaic and overdone by some. It's got to be natural, fast and out the door. Great review.

Nancy Avila: One of my favorites wigs


M Denzie: How would compare this unit to the outre perfect hairline wig?

Delphina Laryea: Is this unit thin or full?

Joy Leath: Please tell me what powder you used for the part??? I saw that it was NYX but specifically what color???

Exercise Twins: That color is lovely what lip color are you wearing?

Tyneidria Harvell: It’s sold out everywhere

BodiedBykeira: Omg so beautiful girl like wow wow wow ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tejada Talks: This was the first video I saw of you

Lisa Hurtt: Do they have it any in 14 inches .

Sammy Da Goat: This Unit Snapped

S L.: Here y’all go making me spend money lol

Katie B: 0:28 I dead ass looked out my windows ‍♀️

ThisFashionista: Will you be reviewing the janelle wig too?

naturalpn7: Is it thin n the back?...other reviewers complain about tracks showing

Kim Correa: What color was that beautiful

RRFfanforever: You are so beautiful

Anjel G.: Damn I thought this was ole girl from that show "Girlfriends" Maya she look just like her.. "Jabari!" and her cousin "peaches" and her husband "Darnell" anybody else sees that, or am I tripping??

Sweet P: 0:27 I thought that was a sound effect. Like at 0:15.

Glammed By Leilo: Where the hell is this wig lol seriously guys my birthday is in 10 days and I cannot find it anywhere

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