Chit Chat Grwm: $115 20" Brazilian Lace Front Wig From Amazon! Ft Vip Beauty Hair | The Tastem


13x4 Lace Front Wig

Body Wave

Length: 20"

Price: $115

Density: 130%

Link to unit:


How to Apply A Lace Front Wig

How To Create Baby Hairs On A Lace Front Wig

My Everyday Makeup Routine

How to Correct Your Over Bleached Lace Frontal

How to Record YouTube Videos From Your iPhone/Tablet


Lusana Studio Softbox Light Kit (2)

Canon T6i

Canon Lense 18mm - 200mm 1:3.5 - 5.6 IS

MacBook Pro

iMovie Editor


Snapchat Lxvedom

Instagram @DomTheTastemaker


Business Inquiries: [email protected]

FTC This video is sponsored by VIPBEAUTY

Hey-Ya so obviously [ __ ], almost rupture Lance, almost drowned Cheers today. Obviously, we are gon na be doing a get ready with me one of my favorite videos to do with you guys - and I haven't done one in a couple of weeks, so bring in one and again. Obviously the first thing you need to do is these brows. This because I sent a tail, I made my eyebrows a lot thinner because my boss can get pretty thick and if I fill them in like how they naturally grow in then I'm just gon na have like some big-ass eyebrows and oh my gosh, you guys. So I was looking at like some of my older beef, and I was like oh my gosh, like my eyebrows, was so bad and the funny part about it is like people would tell me that my eyebrows look bad, but because I just thought like I could Do no wrong and I'm like [ __ ], who are you you know I kept doing my eyebrows like that and then now that I look back at it. I'M like. Oh, my God, my eyebrows was so thick girl. Then my brows was so thick and dark. There girl - I was like, oh my god, I cannot believe my eyebrows was this bad and it's like. I can't get mad at me like why ain't nobody told me cuz people was telling me like girl, dem eyebrows, my god. I have some products that I'm really excited to try out like. I really want to try this venti bronzer, if any of you guys have tried to finta bronzer and you're. Like my skin tone, please tell me what your experience was. If you liked it, if it's worth the hype, because I think it's like 30 - something dollars for a bronzer - and I do use bronzer quite often - but mine is like super cheap from colour-pop boom beach. My thing and I look crazy um so yeah anyway, I've been really wanting to like get better with my makeup, so I'm going to start watching some YouTube. Tutorials myself on like this different makeup, tutorials and then try to like replicate those on my own time or sometimes maybe with you guys and just trying to work on like my makeup skills cuz, like my makeup, skills aren't bad, but I just don't try different things. Like I just pretty much stick to what I know like I stick to the neutrals you guys know by now, you guys probably can memorize every step that I do. If you're, like an old subscriber of mine, you guys probably already know what I shadow I'm friend of yous, like that's, not cool, so I just want to make sure that you know I'm switching things up and trying different things, and I think, like you know, if I work on my makeup. More like the different eyeshadow looks, is what I'm talking about, and I want to give like different vibes cuz. I want to take like more pictures and things like that. I'M really really working hard on improving everything as much as I can and that's what you should do. You know, I think it's important as an influencer. You know to switch things up and you know be honest with yourself and be open to change. You know a lot of people, don't want to change a lot of people just stay stuck in the same way all the time and be stubborn like that was and be out here, looking crazy like so now, we can go ahead and move on to eyeshadow. Now I don't really know what look I want to do. I did watch a video um last night, actually from Aaliyah face. I don't know if you guys follow her, but she's a youtuber of course, and her channel is mostly like makeup focused or whatever. So I'm just going to put some more concealer on my lid and you know what you guys, I'm getting darker as well, so I'm gon na do some like makeup shopping. Maybe I'll make it a vlog. I don't know, but I need to get like my summertime. Colors because I've gotten darker from being in Atlanta, I went to a pool party recently, okay, I found that eyeshadow color, so I'm actually using this highlighting shade. It'S called meteor and it's by you guessed it morphe my favorite and it's just a gold color. You know something neutral for the summertime, and this color is really pretty. I used it as a highlighter, but I've never used it like as an eyeshadow color. I think I'm just gon na take my finger and cuz. I feel like the finger may apply this better. Like me, make it brighter, you guys still can't see you guys can't see because it's gold, you guys I was in such a funk in July, and I was like looking online and I know it's like there's so many clothes. Let me not say that I was watching other people's videos like on YouTube, and there are so many people that were like pretty much talking about the same thing like how they random [ __ ]. They just really wasn't feeling it. People are just taking breaks from YouTube or just a lot of different things like not even just youtubers, but just like everyday people who, just like July, is was girl. But for me it's not even that I was like going through anything technically, but I just wasn't like feeling good. I wasn't feeling like myself. I didn't feel pretty. I didn't feel like. I was like subconscious about, like my body and my you know what I mean. I wasn't feeling good about my youtube channel and I couldn't even see that my channel is growing because I was too busy worried about nonsense. But I'm really black like be back in the groove of things and, like you know, feel better and not like. So down about everything, because it was really taking a toll on me like I was low key, I don't want to say I was depressed like I don't like staying there, cuz, that's just like girl. What is depressed anyway, what I am gon na do, though, I'm gon na go into my hypnotized palette and I'm gon na take the gold shimmery color out of here, because I've seen Elliott do that she took like a glitter eyeliner, and then she put it like On top of the gold, so I'm gon na do the hatch and I'm gon na, take this goal from the hypnotized to palette on my finger and then I'm just gon na dab it on my eyelid. Just to like give this more of a pop and kind of look, you know, and then I was thinking about doing like a color since I have this green there's like this green in here. I'M thinking about maybe using this. Let me see this may look dumb, but I don't know I'm just trying it just to add some color and I'm just doing patting motions. I don't know what this color is called I'll put it on the screen. I think this looks cute just a little pop of color in the inner tear duct area. So now I'm just gon na take my eyeliner. This is the even New York or Evan New York. I don't know, but I'm really about to start getting like that on. My makeup [ __ ], Oh for real cuz. I could do so many like product reviews like every time the new products would come out. My girl, I was on it. You hear me on it. If you have not seen you for it, yet you should definitely check it out. It'S so good, I would say it's definitely a show for yourself like watch it by ourselves. Do not try to put this show on if you got kids in your house, do not put this show on if your husband is. I know your boyfriend's at home do not put this show on if your mom is visiting girl. You got to watch this show with other people that watch this show already, because it's just crazy, it's crazy! You when you watch it and you have watching you watching you gon na, be like oh wow, there's a lot of themes in this show that are like you don't want nobody walking in on you watching that particular scene, and you look crazy like me, and my Best friend was just talking about that. Like her, my mom and my niece was over here the other day and I had the show on and I was like him. I got ta turn this off world. What I'm trying to do? Oh flash your stuff and shout out to all my new subscribers out there getting gang welcome to the group this, I'm so glad that you [ __ ] with the kid. Hopefully you stick around. I always love seeing new faces. I'Ve been noticing a lot of you guys, commenting more as well, so I'm really grateful and thankful for that. So I really appreciate everybody who would like to listen to my cry. My last get ready with me, and now you guys are commenting or - and it's like crazy, because all you have to do is just freaking ask so if you're a youtuber out there and you're having trouble with like you know your comments, your engagement just ask your Subscribers and just tell them like hey y'all, helping them out. I'M really happy about, like my progress and everything. So, thank you guys for just like you know, supporting and showing love Jeremy, that what a pop of green is so freakin cute, even though it's simple like it makes a difference like it's really cute, so anyways, I'm gon na be taking this illuminizer before I put This on those I'm gon na use my ELF primer. I haven't use this in a WoW DS because it's probably just a little bit too greasy for me at first it was fine, but then, after a while I'm like dang, this is kind of like putting oil on your face. Like you know, [ __ ] it it didn't feel like. My makeup was like hitting like how I wanted it to. I want to go back to my tooth primer because I used to use the hangover primary like a while ago, like I'm telling y'all like y'all gon na see, I'm still gon na be doing all kind of makeup videos, and you know trying new products out stuff. Like that cuz, that's what I was doing and I just wanted like diversify my channel cuz, I'm gon na be real with char. Like I'm looking cuz, I was thinking like when I was like in my little runt. You know to me, and I was in my little reddit or whatever I was like looking at other youtubers and, like you know just trying to like other youtubers, I do hair. You know what I mean and I just wanted to see like what are the views like in general for hair videos. I was trying to figure out like what is like the average view for hair videos like hair content and, to be honest, there's only a couple of channels out there that do hair videos that have likes a lot of views like there's some you to words that Get like a gang of views on their other videos and then as soon as they do like a hair related video. Their views go there. Oh yeah, like I just want to know like. Is it like YouTube? That'S just not pushing those kinds of videos out or is it that, like the subscribers, are just not interested in hair videos anymore? Is it because it's just like too many hair videos, I don't know, maybe they've seen enough, you know of the hair content. I don't really know like cuz I'm looking around and I'm like it's a lot of people who I'm talking about people who are a big youtubers like people who have like 100k or close to 100k subscribers and then they'll upload different videos. But then, when it comes to the hair videos, I'm noticing, like typically they'll, get like - maybe thirty thousand views on a video. They do a hair, video and get sites. Two thousand views like and I'm like. That'S a little weird. You know what I mean like the same people are watching your content. I just want to know like what is it with the hair videos so because of that, and just in general, because honestly, like it gets so repetitive, doing just like hair videos all the time. But I have to cuz it's just like my job and that's just like. What'S paying me, you know what I mean cuz of YouTube views by itself. I mean it's okay money, but I just want you to check from our car now. I want you to check those two, my car and that's pretty much it, but I mean I'm definitely going to be incorporating a lot of different things. I guys you guys saw like I did my first Mustang recently that did really well a lot of you guys really liked that video. So I was happy about that and it was a lot of fun. I am going to be doing another one really soon and I'm actually gon na do one this month with somebody, though I'm not gon na, do it by myself this next time but yeah, so I've just been trying to do different stuff, like on my channel, like You guys thought they're like a swimwear trying huh, but that was cuz that company reached out to me. Honestly. I didn't. I wasn't even thinking about doing a try on haul they reached out to me and wanted me to do a review in their swimwear, but that went really well and you guys really liked that video. It got a lot of views. I wonder why I'm thinking what I want to go get my nails done again, but I think I might get them a little bit shorter because I want to do like some braids and stuff like that, and I can't braid my hair if I have nails so, But I still like my nails, you know what I mean. I don't know what to do but yeah. So we just doing different things. Man, I'm vlogging more actually having a bit that I'm gon na go to tomorrow and I'm gon na vlog that for you guys, I'm gon na look at it like this. Like my blogs, I know it's gon na take time for people to like wanna watch. It want to catch on. I feel like the more that I do it, the more you guys will be interested in watching. So I'm just going to make sure that you know I'm just uploading them if it gets like not the if it doesn't get the views that I want so way. You know I mean push the videos out and just wait for them to grow like just like my hair videos, like my hair videos, didn't really get that many views at first, unless it was like a synthetic wig, video human hair. Wig videos wasn't really hitting like that for me at first, but now [ __ ] people calling me to go doll alright. So my views are going up on that. Something, like you know what I'm just gon na go ahead and do it do y'all. Just stop worrying so much about the views. Sorry, you guys. Somebody had knocked on my door cuz. It is stupid as management here. Let me tell y'all something so, let's see since we got new management here, I want to say like a year ago, you guys probably remember when I first got, if you guys are old, you guys probably remember like when I first got my being my new bands. Cuz I've been had a ban when I got my new bands um there was this guy in that I was having an issue with like he wasn't trying to give me my parking pass, because before I used to just be able to park him out in the Back of my apartment building and you just park back there like every it wasn't like no assigned parking or nothing. You just go and back in part. But then, when a new management came in, they start giving assigned parking spots and they put a gate and they and they put like clickers and stuff. So you can't just get in they give you like a little tag for your car so that you know you can identify. You know that you can park like it's a partner for me right and back then he wasn't trying to give it to me. So this is just like a quick little backstory. So right now my neighbor knocking on door he's like you might want to move your car because they put it um. They put a toe sticker on your car and I'm gon na put a toast around my car. So let me go back there and go movie now when I came back from Atlanta and at the beginning of July they had when I was throwing they had put a toe sticker on my car as well. I was like basically like saying that they're gon na tow it because I have paper plates on my car right, there's another car back there and there are other cars back there that also have paper plates. So I'm like. Why is it that they don't have a warning sign on their car, but I got one on mine so right now, when I went out there, I want to go recording I put. I made a video on my phone to show that they put that damn sticker on my car again and that it was another car back there right now. That also is parked back there and doesn't have a sticker, doesn't have a entire code even be they don't they have paper plates to it. They don't have a warning sign on their car. So are you targeting me or what hello yeah? I was calling you because why did I put another sticker on my car right like to like move it or whatever, but why? I just made a video, because I'm so [ __ ] pissed off there's another car - that's been back here as well. That does not have place, they also have paper plates and they don't have a sticker on it. They don't have a sticker on a car. So I'm like. Are you guys like just targeting me or what? So you guys obviously aren't checking like that because their car - it's not a lot of cars here right now, so you can see every cars in a parking lot. So why is it that they don't have one on their car? So I recorded this y'all gon na. Go to the office. I just wanted to see how close you are: hello, yeah, I'm sorry, okay, I'm finna go over here. Okay, come a got me [, __ ] up, even though I move our car, but I just want to make a point, but that's not! That'S not right, so are you guys targeting me or what like? Are they telling you specifically like mark our make sure that she don't park back here, because that's weird, you know what I mean yeah, if y'all put troubling like says and why don't have a sticker on a car and it's not the first time moving right along Girl, I can't wait to freakin move from over here, like oh, my god, you guys don't even know you guys have no [ __ ] clue, okay, so this is my place so far they say: there's no settings for you don't have anymore. This is literally all I have. This is like a corner. Well, I'm trying to use it anyway. Okay, so here is the dang old hairline you guys from Amazon. Are you kidding me? Look at the other side, hello, y'all, not understanding, y'all, not even understanding and the Nazis helis small boy, his way, cuz all these sub arms, so I'm gon na take it. I need to take a girl on even taking out the duck I'm so excited. I neva took the dang net off the hair, okay y'all, so here it is. Take I'm not to take all this off. I'M so excited about this way. So here's the inside constriction. Is it bleach? No, it's not neat. Look at the inside okay, so you don't get like a gang a space and the lace is a little bit rougher than what I'm used to. But look at this hairline is so freakin. Perfect, like just bond here is the hair itself. Olanta hair is so soft. You guys girl, you always said if I hadn't had a witness nice and so long, oh my god, so freakin soft. I am so surprised this from Amazon's inside construction. It does have these little silica gels. I don't know why company they're putting these in the wigs now but anyway, there is a adjustable strap in the back for you get a comb here and then they also make sure to put the combs all on the track area and not on the lace. I really like that. I'M gon na go ahead and unit and then we're going Stacy Mercedes cause ain't got a clue all these holes. I made all records I produced. I might take all my exes. They put them all in a group. The dysfunction in the battle in the 305 [ __ ] chibi, like they were we going and I set the move, got it was oh [, __ ], it's tough to go home, adjusted clothes, put the [ __ ] together, I'm the glue someone said so. Instead, our show would eat daddy, mama [ __ ] got these other pretty sure anyway. This is the finished look for my hair and my makeup. I'M wringing her hair, so she couldn't stick say bye to you guys. I love little quantity of this hair because I'm not trying to be, I see beauty hearing. Are she definitely check them out of their heart and was on a bender, and this hair is super firm and I succeed like look how beautiful it lays right when this, though, but like up identity? Like I don't know, I don't see. This is no episode like well bye. Thank you guys. So much for watching I'll see you guys when it

feli robins: okay so i ordered this wig not that long ago and i just wanted to let y’all know sum before u order. the hairline is not preplucked as shown in the video, u definitely need to pluck A LOT, the knots are small but they swell for some reason if it gets a little old, the lace is tinted but not much (bleaching is recommended), oh and braid outs on this wig are bomb asf

Meow: I bought this unit almost a year ago & it’s STILL HOLDING UP , my unit is still thick , little to no shedding , I wear the unit everyday for almost a year I’m very impressed

Amera B: Yes girl... don’t worry! You are amazing, not just your detailed reviews, makeup and hair but your personality seems very authentic and relatable... the people will follow! All the best to you!

naturalpn7: U killed this. This is what affordable and accessible means...can u school the other utubers?

Eboney Singleton: You glued this so effortlessly!! I have such hard time when I get a new wig

The Tastemaker: Hair Starts at 18:01

Ashlyn Kane: I’m a new viewer and i love how honest you are about everything

The Original Princess BRONZE: You did a great job. It's so easy watching you keep up the great work . I want to get better matching makeup for my skin tone especially the eye makeup.

Toni-Ann Scott: People definitely watch you for you’re personality. The green actually came out really nice, I might try it.

Mau Hri: I personally love hair videos! Usually I look up hair videos for different colors, styling, and Instagram inspired hair videos. Anyway I enjoyed this grwm and your look turned out beautiful.

Loli mcimco: That baby is SO cute! Beautiful hair too! She’s adorable btw making me want another baby

Aja Brown: i love ya energy! Instantly subscribed and btw I loved this look & hair ☺️

Dominique Pressley: She’s a baddie:) love her videos!!!! I’m going through them all

Miss Bando: IVE BEEN LOOKING AND LOOKING FOR THIS TYPE OF WIG WITH THIS CHEAP PRICE thank you! ❤️ and I got the last one hehehe

Bae Violet: I just subscribed to you. Girl I totally know how you feel about the apartment complex harassing you with towing stickers while everybody else is doing the same thing or worse in your parking lot. Because this has been happening to me. I definitely feel targeted. I don’t know what’s going on but this happens everywhere I go

Candice Brown: I’m sold! You did that! Best review I’ve watched ❤️❤️

Brittany Norbert: Love everything about this ❤️

amina jamanca: I ordered this wig!! I haven’t installed it yet but OMG girl I’m in love if you thinking of buying it I defo recommend the only downfall Is I’m trying to put a middle part but it just doesn’t look right other then that I love it thank you hun for this video xx

Rahela Abrahams: Yassss girl!!! Always killin it!!! Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

SavageJayyy: Soo beautiful as always ☺️

Chaylyn Jackson: I really enjoy you're vlogs you're very entertaining,I would like to see more storytimes.I even told my sister to subscribe to you're channel.Keep up the good work sis you're killing it

Shay'auna Alexus: I've been peeping Amazon wigs are where it's at. You did such a good job. So pretty!

Sammy Da Goat: I Love Your Hair Videos Very Much And I'm Loving Your Vibes And Your Energy

Aye Stella: Just purchased a curly wig on amazon yesterday... will be buying this straight wig today lol. Not only is it affordable, but it looks like it’s good quality despite being a lesser density. Thanks for the video sis!

YanLi Marie: I've watched plenty of your videos and you're great very spontaneous sis ♥️ I need tips

Sensitivevirgo: Definitely more vlog videos and aliexpress try on hauls ! I’m a fairly new subscriber n I love your personality

Brenda Schenk: I enjoy your channel. You always slay on the hair!! Your makeup looks great well. I wish you much success on your new endeavors. If I could just give one piece of advice. Use your ring finger around your eyes. It is our lightest finger and will help us girls out in years to come. I was told that is high school and never forgot that. Tfs.

Jayy Lynn: I just ordered this. I hope it's worth it, the conversion rates for me almost tripled the price (shipping too) Yall pray for me please. I love this wig on you so I hope it does this girl justice.

Drea Tate: I love the way you apply the wing eyeliner. I can never get mine that straight lol

Rosalie Braziel: Love the realness from you ❤️❤️❤️

MOVE WITH LADY V: Gurl, why did I just pause the video to add this wig to my amazon wish list? LOL Love your personality! About to watch your mukbang video next! ;-* <3

Montana Royal: Def trying your makeup look! An fire orange in the tear duct would be bomb!

Ke’una K: Just ordered mines today! I can’t wait!!!

Akijah Monae: For me it’s easier to get inspired and follow makeup tutorials then hair. I’m not brave enough to do it myself just yet even laying it down with the flus is mess it up.

Nikkisthe1 _: girl you are the mvp. I love it!!

Mzfancyy: That wig is very gorgeous sis

Mosi Robinson: beautifully done hon.... love the makeup

giveme pizzabro: What did you spray the wig with before putting it on your head to make it shiny?

melaninbb.y: Ima new subscriber, andddddd I’m inloveeeee with ur channel. You literally slay everything u touch ❤️

Omfg_im QUAKING: The way u do your eyebrows is so satisfying I can’t use concealer but I have really dry skin and it cakes up and looks crusty

Marquita W: You did that look beautiful sis

Kawaii Franchesca: That’s right girl. Slay!!!

Gxlden Barbie: Ahahha the wig looks great, and that baby is so cute

Boujee oN A Budget With Jas: How did this hair hold up? How is the parting space on it

Kit Katt: The silica gel packs or to keep moisture from building up in things that keeps mold and mildew away as well.

Kay Lauren: Was it preplucked? I missed that part , you killed this ! I have to buy one

Lannie Thomas: Love it...❤️

DesireDivine93: First of all amazon and I are Bestfriend’s

Chiny Zurc: What concealer/foundation you used to clean your top brows? And what brush ?

Raina Monét: that hair looks sooo good

Akijah Monae: Fenty Bronzer (I’m shade Sandalwood/Nutmeg in Estée Lauder double wear) was dumb red like wth was she thinking. I had to try to finesse it with other products to add some brown to it . If you’re ok with the finesse have at it but it’s a waste of money to me because I had to use more than one product in the end when using it

Popping mvp: Can you show us how you make a realistic parting space on this wig?

IamOdessa: Love your videos

Mikaya Cox: You’re so beautiful Dom

Quila's Skool of Glamology: You are hella funny and cool great content

All About the Herrings Herring: Girl I’m subscribing now!!

Imhile James: I just found your channel. I’m going to watch all your videos.


xBabygurlx P: So pretty

miyana shiggs: This like the 12th video I've watched by you so, I might as well subscribe lol. Plua you be giving honest reviews ily

mia brooks: Subscribed. I love your personality

Malissa Holly: Your amazing

Hersheykisss03: Did this come pre plucked or did you pluck it?

Barbie: Do a basic to baddie makeup and hair video ‼️ #NewSubscriber

ADE: what was the product you sprayed your wig with and what does it do ? thanks !

Shaunny Santana: How long did this wig last you?

Yvenette jean: New subscriber here love your videos

Sheila Adjei-Mensah: What was the stuff you were spraying on it while using the hot comb? It makes the hair looks mad nice

Erica Miller: What products are you using for the hair?

Shania Alexander: Hey, would you recommend any other retailers?

Anieya s: I LOVED YO THICK BLACK BROWS idk what everybody talking about lmao

Malissa Holly: I love you thanks for the video

Jay Tee: Awww she so adorable byebye your hair and makeup always beautiful sis.

Mandaboo87: This wig bomb asf

Sasha M: You are like a breath of fresh air on the whole YouTube scene I feel like we’re best friends and I don’t even know you first video and I intend to keep watching❤️

Black Diamond: This wig is bomb

Evelyn Rose: Just by seeing all your videos ...BE MY MAKEUP ARTIST you’re too good

Marquita W: What did you spray on it before you press it down?

khokolatekisses31: Beautiful!!! What foundation was that

Silllky ab: Yay more VLOGS!!

A F: How long did it last? Was there a lot of sheeding.

Days Of Shay: Hi did you have to bleach the knots? Or mess with the hairline

Nakita Greene: Just your personality make me subscribe one time

Tofunmi Baru: Did you have to pluck the frontal?

Dee Armadore: Those baby hairs are laid asf

Bold, Beautiful, and Battle ready for the Kingdom: What brand foundation do you use? Very pretty by the way.

Keepingupwith Arri: Where do you get those lashes from? Super cute and what volume are they?

LovelyAshley: There she go!!!

Dimples R Us: Is the hair still in good condition a month later?

Kiyanna Washington: What kind of lashes are those? Im in love

ThaRealjsav: Ugh it’s not 115 nomore sadly it’s 138 but it looks very bomb

Facing Anya: You laid they hell out that wig

Brittney Middleton: The hairline was pre-plucked bought a 20 “ but mine is definitely not as long as yours in the video mines look more like a 14 “

Amanda Williamson: You r sooo real I had to subscribe

Asiaa tv: This wig is 150 now‍♀️

Kate Taylor: Great brazililan hair you buy, i have the same style wig from newigstyle,

Nile Jones: what do you use on your eyebrows?

Shyaira Richie: What Type Of Flat Iron’s Do You Use?

angel123963: Bronzer not worth it bought it tried it once never used again

Da Nesha:

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