No Lace! No Glue! Best U-Part Body Wave Wig Install | Ft Ronniehair


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Wig Information:

Real Glueless Body Wave U Part Wig

Four Combs (Front*1& Sides*2&Back*1)

Hair length: 26"

Hair density: 180%

Cap construction: U Part Wig

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Hey beauty, queens welcome back to my channel and i'm actually really excited about this video because i had cut my hair really short for um new year's last year, and this will be my first time like um flat ironing my leave out so that i can do This balm, you part wig from ronnie here it's 26 inches, it's 180 density. It'S a body wave texture, um, i'm going to be leaving a little bit of my hair at the top, as you can see yeah, so i'm totally excited about it because i haven't won. Leave out in forever and my hair grew out really really good, so i'm excited to see you know how this is gon na work. So this is what the inside of the u-part wig looks like. It has clips along the border so that you can secure it, and i really must tell you guys that this was the most secure u-part wig, that i have worn um the longer combs give it more of a sturdy um hold um as long as your braids Are in properly, you will have no issues with this staying and it really really looked really natural um. So it came with this elastic band as well. It'S adjustable. It has um three adjust options, so my hair is braided. I have two base braids and then the rest is braided all up that incorporated in back, and so you can put your elastic band down and put the comb underneath. Don'T tell nobody that i didn't tell you nothing, because that is the magic your wig will stay. Secure you won't have to worry about it, lifting or anything as long as you have that anchor braid in the back, you will be great so now i'm going ahead and i'm putting the combs in on each side. This is why you need these two braids. If you make these two braids, if you don't want a lot of leave out, those two braids are really really really crucial. Um. It gets very close to where your leave out is at and it gives you you know you won't have to worry about. Having like spacing issues because sometimes when you don't do your braids close enough, it winds up looking like it has like a little gap. So as long as you do these two base, braids you'll, be fine. I'Ve got the front on now you're going to take your band you're, going to put your band, where you see me putting my band at and you're going to take the wig where the comb is at in the back and you're going to put the comb underneath This band that you're putting that you have going along your back hairline once you should secure that underneath it's like a grip like they hold each other together, so you secure it underneath you can tug, you can do whatever it's not going to come off. So here is exactly what it looks like once i got everything on um. My leave out is separated, so you can see where the u-part wig starts. So now that we have done all that, i'm just going to go ahead and blend my hair with the rest of the way. Now it's up to you, how much leave out you want to have out you can make your base braids closer together. So you don't have as much leave out or you can make them further apart, so you can have more leaves out or you don't have to have a base braid at all, if you're going to have a lot of leave out. So it's completely up to you. Another thing that i really liked about this wig, the sides of the u-part wig come really close to the front, so you don't have to leave any of your hair on the side. If you do not want to, you can just leave the middle out. It'S completely up to you. My edges are thinner, so i didn't want to braid them, so i just left them out, but you can't even see them um. So here's the finished product. I really really like the u-part wig um. It'S 26 inches, like i told you guys it's 180 density um, it's a body wave texture, i'm going to leave all of the information for you in the description box, as always for you guys to purchase and look at all of the other cute wigs that they Have on their site, um follow them. Follow me on instagram comment below and let me know how you guys feel about it, and i will see you guys soon.

Marquita Clayton: I love it!!!

Azisha Pitts: Beautiful!!!

a handful of love: Love this!

Christa: Soo gorgeous

Chrissy T: What products did you use on the hair?

miss sharon: Pretty but too long for me. 14 inches would look more natural though

C: Wowww

Natnice: Yo, that's !!

Celine Mobley: I tried to order one but the payment method is so difficult.

Alisha Taylor:

Queen Eliezer: The website they didn’t have the GLueless wigs they only had yours can u help me find a bob GLueless wig please.

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