Nadula Hair Straight Highlight Lace Front Wig | Undetectable Lace!

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►Hair rocked in this video:

Hair Color - Highlight T1b/27# (can be dyed always)

Hair Length - 20 inch (8-24 inch available)

Hair Texture - Straight

Hair Density - 150%

Lace Size - 13*4 inch

Lace Color - Middum Brown

Cap Size - Average Cap (Cap can be Available with Adjustable Strap)

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Let'S get you to if you're got mashaallah here and then back at it with another video now this is your first time ever being on my channel, then I'm gon na need for you to smash that subscribe and enjoy my family and, if you're, any part of My family then welcome back fam. I welcome to another video now before we get started like. I think you guys think it's a game. I think you guys think that I'm kidding, I think that you guys just aren't taking me serious, like this, is serious smash that subscribe button and join my family and, if you're, a part of my family, then I am so happy that you're here to join me On another video, let's get into today's video first off, I do want to apologize. If my voice sounds a little off, I've been really sick lately or I'm feeling like I'm getting sick, it's horrible! It'S like literally two days before Christmas, and here I am feeling like I'm getting sick. I don't know why what happened between yesterday and today when I went to the housewarming and today, but I really feel like I'm getting sick, so I'm so sorry if my voice sounds a little different or off anyways. Today, the video is on at this amazing hair. This is a wig that I actually got from Ana doula. So here's the box right here so today the video is in collaboration with Missoula hair. Okay, so I know you guys want all the tea on this unit sis so this unit. Let me just go through the detail. Quick, this unit is a highlighted unit. I know you guys see the little birthmark effect that we have going on the two little. You know peekaboo stripes, which is so cute. Oh what so. It is a 1 B unit and then the two highlighted spots are the color 27. This unit is 20 inches and it is very much true to length. I could say that this unit is 150 percent density and also in average cap size with the medium. I brown the lace now this laces. Oh, let's get into this lace, sis sauce, this girl girl, yo. Oh this lace, this place this place. I am absolutely in love with this lace. It literally melts in my skin like butter, y'all, admit: okay, you guys this lace, I'm in love with it, and this unit also does come pre plucked. They did an excellent job with the plucking, like literally you bleached those knots and it's a wrap it is. It is a wrap, like literally sis, wet lace. I can truly say that, like I love this hair and this lace like off tops - that's all I got to say, but this is the box that the hair comes in and looks like. Anna do look at a new box as well and then on the back. It just has some facts and questions very nice packaging. It was really nice assembled really well, like everything was fine. There is nothing wrong with it. I do believe that it was prime shipping, so I did get it within two days, which was great. Like I said I have 20 inches, so the cost for this unit was 155 dollars. Most of the time they do have promo codes. So if I do have any promo codes to offer you, then I will keep it down below in the description box and also like I was saying since I said, prime you sure you know right where I got it for and I got it from Amazon, so They sent me it from Amazon, so yeah you're gon na expect it within two days. Communication is always great with module. I never have any issues now, let's get into how I feel about the actual wig itself so upon receiving it. I was completely and utterly surprised by how nice the quality of the hair is. The quality of this hair is excellent. When I first received it, I was like this hair is literally smooth to the touch. So then, I was a little sketched because I was like okay, what happens when I wash? It isn't still gon na maintain maintain that quality and, of course I have washed this hair and maintained the quality. I also bleached the knots, but let me tell you guys something that I notice when I read first received it so when I first received it, it does come in a middle part and what I noticed was it looks like they had bleached the nuts, but I Couldn'T quite tell and looked like they had like either some type of brown dye or they tinted the lace or they bleached the nuts in the middle part. But I just decided just to bleach the nuts all over the frontal part and is a 13 by 4 inch frontal unit. So I just decided to go ahead and just bleach my knots, because that's what I do with all of my unit and as you guys can see it's taken bleach really well, like the knots definitely lifted, um guys. This is so bomb it's so bomb, as you guys can see. Um yeah the knots definitely took bleach, just fine and then all I did is. I went in with my pressed powder, of course, to make it look just like my skin complexion and this we're melted. We are melted and we are melted out here, so I did wear this unit out a couple of times I wore it out to downtown Seattle. Also, I wore it to a housewarming and I actually got a lot of compliments like a lot of people really liked. The colors, so all the people think that it actually is a really nice, like color job, with the two little birthmark facts highlighted in the front. A lot of people actually really liked it. A lot of people thought that it really brought out my face whatever yeah a lot of people actually really liked it, and I liked it myself, I'm just not used to it. I do believe nadila does have other units just like this, but with a different color of the birthmark effect. I'M pretty sure, don't quote me, but I am pretty sure and you can just be sure, to check out their storefront just to like make sure I'm correct. On that, but I'm pretty sure it does now this hair, like I said it, maintained its quality. It is a very soft, it is very silky. I love it and something I noticed about my unit is the ends of the hair is not raggedy at all. They take care of the ends of the hair. My unit, you could tell that it was definitely a trend, so it looked like it was trimmed and it looked very healthy. The hair looked very full from a root to tip, so we love a good fullness from root to tip. We don't like licking all straggly and thin at the ends. So I was, I was just impressed you guys like. I was just impressed and I love this. I like it, I like it so much you guys comment down below. Let me know what you think about this unit. I think it's definitely worth the money for fifty five dollars or one hundred and fifty five dollars for a unit. That'S 20 inches. That comes with a little highlighted effect. You don't have to go in and dye it yourself and it's already plucked and all of that comes with baby hairs. Like do, I need to say more, do I really need to say more, and I just think it's cute - you guys comment down below what you think about this unit. I'Ve seen it on a lot of babes, so it's trending girl, it's trending, sis and you guys know that this whole little birthmark effect has definitely been trending. So I definitely like it it's something different for me. It adds a little bit of color a little pop of color, but it's not Oh Dean, it's not doing too much so yeah. I would recommend this unit. I think I'm done rambling, but if you guys have any other questions regarding this unit, be sure to comment down below I'll leave. All information in regards to this unit in the description box and be sure to check out medulla on Instagram as well I'll check out their YouTube as well and definitely check out their Amazon storefront. But that's it for this video again give this video a thumbs up. If you liked this hair or if you liked this video or if you like medulla, give it a thumbs up and I'll see y'all in my next one, don't forget to tell your mommy onto your brother, your brother's girlfriend and yo grandma to join my family and I'Ll see y'all my next one much love. I

Evie E: Amazon hair the future. WE WANT SAME DAY!

Chasity Brielle: Is it big head friendly

Jasmine: What is the intro song?

Crazy Cat Lady: The intro have me jammin what's the song

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