Curling And Teasing Synthetic Wigs: Centre Part Wig Styling Tutorial

In this video I'm doing more curling and teasing with a centre part this time! Stay tuned for the end when I try it on and show how I wear and secure my hair!

This is the third wig video I've made with this retro finger wavey style hehe I just love it so much lol. I'm gonna change it up in the future and try new hair styles! Subscribe to stay tuned!


Thanks to Dona Love Hair for sending me this wig to style for you guys! Use their code "onlinekyne" to save money at checkout on their store!

Wig link:

Follow Donalove Hair... and tell them I sent you! ;)



Music Cred: "Buddha" by Kontekst


Email: [email protected]




Snapchat: kyne

Hi guys this is kind welcome back to my channel. Today'S video, as I'm sure you can tell by the tail, is going to be another wig song tutorial. I keep getting more requests to do the like finger. Wavy Marcel Crowe - that's really popular right now, but today I'm going to be showing you guys how to do it as a center part. I'M really excited about this one, because I'm working on a brand new wig, this wig was essentially by Donna love hair. They reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to feature one of their wigs in a video I could not refuse. So it's going to be the first time that I'm showing you guys a wig, that's straight out of the bag. So this is what the hair looks like it's 26 inches of synthetic hair. Let me go put the song okay. This is what it looks like straight out of the bag. It'S quite expensive on the side, I'm pretty sure it's like 110 120 dollars somewhere on there, which is a lot of money. Considering you can get synthetic waist funds for like half that price, but I mean my first impression is that the hairs do feel very soft and silky and the wig is very dense, so you're not gon na be able to see any tracks while you're wearing it Plus the fibers are also pieces, so you can use your styling tools on this and they also throw in a free wig cap and a wig brush with your purchase. So I was very impressed to see this so I mean I guess I understand what a high price point comes from. I mean if you have the money and you want to invest in some nice luxury, wigs and I'll link it down below in the description, and they gave me a coupon code. Show you guys online caius. If you like H, always to check out, I don't make any Commission off of it if you're wondering just a way of letting them know that I sent you. If you make a purchase, so you know, maybe they can sponsor some more wig tutorials in the future and it's a win-win situation. Anyway. I'M going to take this off because they look like processer and let's get into the tutorial alright, so I pinned a wig on my canvas block if it looks different, it's because I covered it in a bunch of tape and plastic wrap. I got a comment on one of my los míos. One of you guys recommended that I do this to protect it from getting moldy from all the steam that I use and because I also use lots of hairspray, so this just protects the canvas block. You'Ll also notice that the lace on this wig is longer than usual all the way down here. That'S because it's hair straight out of the bag and when you buy a lace front wig, if you're not already familiar. The lace is usually kept extra long because some people like to modify the hairline by trying in their own hairs here and because they want you to be able to cut the lace to your desired length. Lots of people just cut right up to the hairline because it looks more natural. That way I like to leave about a centimeter to half a centimeter of lace left because just long without way, because I glue the Big John when I wear it. But I'm not going to cut the lace just yet because I'm not wearing it yet I'm saying keep it out this blank. As you can see, it already comes with this nice beautiful factory curl. So you could just wear the wig like this. I mean it looks good enough that I'm going to show you how I style it. So, as always, I start out by parting the hair where I wanted to, as you can see, since this is a lace on wig. There'S lace right there so that when you part it in the middle, it looks like it's growing out of your scalp and the way I'm going to set the rollers is I'm going to set them. Diagonally, like this, going all the way to the ear, so the hair is going away from the part on each side, but also going towards the camera, and I have a new product that I wanted to show you guys. I went by Sally's Beauty Supply the other day and got them and papers, and I think they're meant to like keep the hair more organized at the end. Basically, what you do with them is you put it on the hair like this right at the end, and I guess the purpose of this is to save you from having kind of like kinky tangled and when you're cutting the wig and then I'm just going to Curl, it all the way to the base and pinning it in just like so now, I'm moving on to the next section and picking out a panel of care and I'm going to brush it out with a brush skin with this wig. Alright, let's finish now roller setting the first roll of hair, which is right at the hairline, which I would say is the most important part, because this is the part that people see, and so, if you mess this up, then you might as well just give up. But as you can see, all the curlers are away from the part so that when I take them all out, the hair just naturally wants to part there and then I'm going to continue this pattern all the way around the head. So this is what the finished rollers that looks like this would be the front hairline, as you can see right at the part, the curl is go diagonally out, but if you go towards the dock they kind of full from diagonal to horizontal. The thing was doing curlers. Is you never want to adjacent curlers to be like in different directions? You want the curls cut and all to flow together so that the hair kind of looks nice and cohesive yeah. Now the next step is just to steam it. So I'm gon na go fill my steamer up with some water and then we're going to set these curls in place. Okay, so I snuck a bag over the wig which, if you watch my videos, it's something I do pretty often it just helps. The heat circulate around the wig instead of going all up in the air. I'M going to do this for a couple of minutes until I kind of get the sense that the wig is nice and hot and damp. I wonder if you can like put oils in the hot water, so this B makes a wig smell like vanilla, like chocolate, okay and good at change off now, I feel like it's been not even like three minutes, maybe but like a minute and a half, and Now I'm going to leave this to dry down and cool down and I'll be back in like an hour when Alan local, you could honestly leave this like overnight or however long you want to, but I recommend taking the bag off once it's cooled down. Otherwise, the hair is kind of just soaking in all this, like wet condensation. So now I'm going to take all of these curlers out and let's see how it turned out my verdict, I'm using the endpapers by the way which just to let you know I didn't use it over the entire head. I started to get tired of putting them in, I feel like it does make a small difference in how clean the ends come out and because sometimes when you're putting it in rollers and the hair is different lengths, it can kind of get kinky up in there. But the thing is, it doesn't really make that much of a difference that it's worth the extra time and effort that it takes to put them in. But if you're interested trying them out, I think they only cost like two dollars. Tell you your supply. So these curls came out beautifully and you'll see as I promised earlier. The hair re has a nice built in middle part without even trying that hard and it even has volume without any teasing. So you could wear it like this now, but I'm going to show you guys how I kind of styled the finger waves and add some teasing, so I'm suppressing it out for now I'm going to grab my teasing brush looks like this. I'M going to get two teasing on this side of the head and you always want to tease on the sides of the hair that are not going to be visible, so it would be the under size of it. So I just backcomb at the like this, and you see it just ends up on its own, like that. This, by the way is still the hairline. I haven't, started teasing this. Yet I'm just teasing like this part of the head, then I'm going to tease the hairline turning it around just so you guys can get a better view and just back home just like that. Now I'm choosing the parts that are near the ear and I just flipped the two sections over. So I they're out of the way, looks like a huge mess and that's because it is but we're going to smooth it out later. I'M just going to do the exact same thing over to this side and a tip is to take the jacent sections that you've teased and then tease them together, so that they're all one big unit, okay yay. So this is what the hair looks like now that I've teased all the roots it has to go through about stage before looking good, and you just have to kind of trust yourself with the teasing. The next step now is to smooth out all the teasing and in getting the brush they provided with a package. I kind of like the flesh, actually not freshly hard enough to undo the teasing, but for me brushing to get the surface of the hair so that the surface looks neat again alright, so I brush it out and if you can see it looks a lot less. Like a big sewer rat and we're back to that coral pattern that we had originally it's going to look a little bit flatter than how it looked before, because obviously you just took a bunch of teasing out. But the point is that it should have more volume than it did without the teasing and you'll notice. If I press down on this, it has a bunch of give, because there's still that cushion of teasing left at the bottom. Since I only brush out the surface and didn't detangle all of the teasing, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my clip and then suction this off. So I can work on this side of hair. First, so you'll see the section of hair fall straight on my face, which I don't like. What I want right to do is for the first curl to go up, I'm going to use a little roller to push this first crust up and make sure it stays up, and I'm going to pin it in place and the purpose of doing the teasing is Because I wanted a bit of a lift there, but I can go ahead and judge it up a bit more. If it's not enough, since this part goes up and out, the Mexico is going to want to go down in tin. So we have a cross in the trough so taking that trough that just naturally appears because of the rollers and I'm going to emphasize the deficit by sticking our roller in there and then pinning it in since this one's down and in the next one. Again, it's going to go up and out so taking that in my fingers and organizing it, so it goes up and out and then putting a roller there. Even if the hair already looks the way you want it to look using all of these rollers and pins and clips will ensure the hair stays in that place when you freeze it with hairspray and a blow dryer that way, it doesn't move around alright. So this is a hair now, all in its rollers and pins. All I'm going to do now is just freeze it with a hairspray and a blow-dryer and I'll be right back all right, so the hairspray and blow-dryer will have hopefully frozen the curls in sleep. So now I can take out all these rollers and pins and let's see how the hair look: okay, yeah. So this is what the hair looks like now, I'm going to clean up the ends a little bit because they're a little bit frizzy, all I'm doing, is taking the hair in my hands and then just brushing it so that it's nice and smooth like that. It kinda reminds me of that purple McDonald's guy grimace, if you guys remember him, oh I love it. I think it's a gorgeous before and after I think I'm gon na go put on a quick face and I'll show you the wig in its full glory. Okay, so I did a really quick beat and now I'm going to put on this wig and before I put it on, I wanted to show you guys how I cut the lace. So if I put it on just like this you'll notice that the lace is far too long, I don't like to kind of when it's on my head, because I don't feel like I have that much control I feel like you, should also use, like a smaller Pair of scissors to have more control, but this is all I have cutting a little bit at a time. I'M cutting about a centimeter away from the hairline and the closer you cut the hairline, the more realistic it will look when you're wearing it. But I like to give myself a little bit of space to make it last longer and also because sometimes I glue my wigs done when I wear them. So I like to leave a little bit of space for that. So now, when it comes to putting it on I've, seen people do it upside down like this and they just dip their head into it. I'M not a big fan of that method. I feel like it ruins a style. I put it on starting at the back. Oh, my god, I just realized. I didn't shave my office, I'm going to be right back. This is why I hate wearing anything. That'S not a huge fur coat so, like I was saying before I take the wig and the back of it. I line up with the back of my head and I start there and once it's back there, I just pull the wig forward like that and then line the little side flops with my real hair line. On my side burn, I like to put my weight hair line just a little bit below my rear hair line, because I have a big man forehead. If I'm going to be going out, I like to secure this part down with some pros-aide I'll. Also, do it like I'm doing up to and sighs exposed, but since I'm just going to stay here and since the hair is falling down and covering up the slides anyway, I'm just going to leave it like that, and that's why I put on my wig. If you need more security, you can take little bobby pins and I usually do. Is I find a spot? That'S like underneath the hair like right here and then I just pin it into place just like that. I don't like to pluck the hairline or put in little baby hairs, I'm not really that extra with my wigs, I'm not trying to trick anyone into taking this. My real hair, I mean as long as the lace isn't uke lockable and my sideburns aren't showing it from underneath. I am satisfied but yeah, so that's to finish. Wig thanks again sadhana love hair for sending me this wig to try on, for you guys, be sure to check them out I'll link them down below in the description eleven know who sent you thanks so much for watching everyone. I can't wait to read with you guys tops today in the comments and I'll see you next time. Bye,

Natalina Mua: Thank you so much for you wig tutorials! Just amazing

Just Jailyn: okay who is out here paying $100 + on a SYNTHETIC wig... but anyway, it turned out BEAUTIFULLLYYYY

Najla Al-j: For more defined curls after setting them and removing the curlers, brush each curl separately instead of the whole wig at once. This way you'll get a more defined and structural curl.

aliyah🌻: this series makes me want a wig

The Victorious One: Love how your drag personality just popped when you put on that wig! Thanks for sharing. Loves

Raquel Mollineau: Thats SYNTHETIC HAIR?!!! IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!

Corey Gish: You could totally put essential oils in your steamer !! I've done it before and it also gives your wigs some extra shine and smoothness

isatheqween: I'm a beginner drag artist I've never performed or fully debuted her yet and your tutorials are super helpful plus your drag is so gorge and fierce girl werk

Tate Mash: You taught me how to tease my wig and curl my synthetic wig for prom and I loved it I worked my ass off to make it look good

Ptr S-born: The end papers makes a big different when setting short wet hair with lots of layers. END PAPERS can be used as blotting paper for people with oily skin / way cheaper!

Far4h: Legit feel like you're my drag mum

Veronica Ewing: I just used your tips to style my own wig with steam, and I couldn't be more THRILLED. it turned out so well, THANK YOU for the awesome tutorial, big fan over here.

Kryztyna Williams: Beautifully colored hair. I love your wig videos for synthetic hair. It’s always perfect and following along is soooo easy

Charl Naude: Thanks for all your videos, really enjoy them and love learning more about wig styling!

Kelley Broussard: OMG - This wasn't a tutorial - this was an entire education!!!!! Damn, thank you for this K - I"m a new subscriber and I can't wait to see everything else you've done and will do. Thank you, Sweetheart!

Bubbli Chardonnay: Fabulous tutorial! Absolutely love that wig too.

katlady5000: I love that wig style it looks amazing and your makeup is perfect.

Max’im Beautii: Looooove this Kyne!! I've been binge watching your videos ❤️❤️

Yasmina Q: You are such a babe! You've given me a newfound appreciation for synthetic wigs <3

Christina Webster: I have been trying to fix wigs for my daughters for ages and this is the best tutorial I’ve seen! P.S. Wig, makeup, everything - GORGEOUS!

VeganDemon: This was so helpful and amazing!

Chrysantha Piano: Dude you have this down literally like a science. This was fascinating and SUPER informative, not just for wigs but for my own hair (if I ever grow it out again, heheh). Thank you so much for sharing this!!!!!! <3

Liloua: This looks soooooo pretty. And love the color

OrlandoCraze: Great video. The wig looked gorgeous!!!!!!! Great job. And thank you for showing us how to style wigs.

Zakia Chanell: You snapped on this!!! The wig doesn’t even look synthetic

T Rowan: Wow well done! I watched many wig styling videos and did not like any one of them. This was great. No too much chatting. All the talking was needed for the instructions. I learned great tips and cant wait to watch more of your videos! I hope there is one on how you do your make up which is flawless!!!

ashotofmercury: I know you posted this FOREVER ago but I'd really appreciate a tutorial on this make-up look, especially the eye make-up!

Mat: Love this tutorial and your channel! Would love to see some tutorial about how to do big straight hairstyles

Wendy: You give very clear easy to follow instructions. The color really suited you. You're adorable!

Felicia Romano: You are so creative and very detailed. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. :D

Beverly Frederick: Love Watching Your "Curling Wave Technique" and Rockin your Gorgeous Makeup ☆☆☆☆☆

alex garcia: this is so beautiful thank you so much for making this tutorial !!!!! just a question: is there anything i can do if i don't have a steamer??? (my one idea was steaming my wig with the tea kettle lmao)

Jenny Pyrope: Wow.... this looks absolutely beautiful

Gina Colada: so helpful thank you so much for your fabulous videos!!

Lamb: This looks so good! I have one big question though. Ive been following ur tutorials for my synthetic wigs but I find that no matter what, there is always a substantial amount of frizz and the curl patterns never end up smooth and defined. In this video the wig is factory fresh so its silky as hell. But after a few wears and washes I feel like my wigs get rough and i can never achieve the same smooth texture you have in yours

Live Love Li: "This is why I hate wearing anything that's not a huge fur coat" these are words to live by omg

AriJadeHairandMakeup: You are very talented and creative you would be a force to be reckoned with if you had your cosmetology license!

TashaDaily: you're the bomb! im going to try and replicate this for my wedding

onxyi: love these curls

Olivia Miller: The end papers are usually for perms when you wrap them but I guess it works for this too!

CHARM B: Love the styling tip can u do a tutorial on this makeup look

cereyza: "I'm gonna take this off because I look like a crossdresser" BOI LMAO. but fr I'm glad to see you getting them sponsorships yassss here's to many more!

Amanda Yousey: I love your channel I learn so much kept the videos coming!!

Jae Gantt: You are amazing, I'm a new wig wearer.You have taught me so much about technic.

Mandi Jones: You are supposed to spray water on the endpapers and pull them down to the ends and then roll them up. It makes more of a difference than just putting it in dry. Hope that helps!

Chenelle Vibes: i really just want to know why nobody has hired you to do makeup and hair professionally.... you're really good❤

Rachel Minot: I’m using this for my sailor neptune and UGH ITS ART

dayja sherrill: love your videos. makes me want to buy a wig right now

Darena Nicole: I love to watch your videos because it helps me with my wigs

Gail Coffee: Turned out so cute!

Damian Jones: Good job, that wig rocks on you

A K: Your voice is so soothing. I haven't been to sleep for a long time and I listened to this before the best nap of my life.

Net- A- Hampstead: Absolutely fabulous..Thank you.

Keee 1: Loved it

Ashley George: you look amazing in purple!!!

Shakira Jonay: That was a quick beat? It'll probably take me an hour to do something like that lol youre amazing. love the hair and makeup !!

Jaime-Arturo: That wig is gorgeous

Pup Alex: end papers are usually used wet and it sticks to the hair making it super easy to fully curl the hair

Resource Therapy: I am loving these videos. Can you please do some Disney inspired wigs?

wiggy lampshade: sooo beautiful! love your work x

Prettyteetee23Official: I've only seen End paper used on Wet hair. It helps with gripping the ends on natural hair.

Tom Sugar James: AAAHHH! That colour purple is GORGEOUSSS!

White_shadow35: im tryng thid out rn i have watched this tutorial like 8 times i hope it comes out good i steamed it so im waiting for it to cool down for a few hours then ima do the next step , what a night but hopefully pays off

Jazzlyn Scott: it's gorgeous!!

C C: End papers are for perms, so the ends don’t fry. I’m sure they help keep the ends clean though ‍♀️ anyway, loved this tutorial!

Lacey Noel: Gorgeous! Love your channel!

Moeh Senpai: I'm gonna go home and style my new wigs! Thanks bb

Draglife Draglife: Tip. Before you take them off hairspray it and actually let it rest for 1 whole day it will loook amazing To tease it use dry shampoo it helps

Mel Mar: This is the best video. Ty. You rock out the wigs. Lovin it❤❤

Axel Esparza: Love it

Wahine65: Thank you for the steaming and styling tips. I’ve gone through chemo (yea I’m the one out of eight to be diagnosed with breast cancer ) and have several wigs that I now need to do maintenance on. I’ll be investing in a steamer. The chemo went VERY well (I’m having just a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy) and my hair is just starting to grow back, but I’ve had so much fun with the wigs that I want to keep and maintain them . I really appreciate your video!

ADHD&D: This is going to be super helpful for my new cosplay

Mark Brown: Hold the hair away from you as you back comb. This will give you maximum volume when you flip the hair back towards you. As you back Comb. Don't jab at the hair. Run the brush slowly using only. The tip of the brush. Do this in long stokes. This is called French lacing. Use foam wrap when you doing your roller set then let that dry over night. The curls will be super set. Keep working at it and it will Get much better over time.

JoElla S: I freaking love you lol! I'm not trying to trick anyone into thinking this is my real hair- lol! <3 xoxo

620n1: you make it look so easy

Liusila: Hair paper used to be used to hold a small rolled up curl of hair in, so you could squeeze it with these heated metal pliers and not damage the hair. You’d tie the roll of hair inside the paper and leave it up until it cooled off.

akosijondy: let me say look like manila luzon..and i love you..the way your wigs looks is somewhat similar to what i get when i curl my cosplay wig(coz i cant affort lacefront)..and because of you am saving some money to buy a lacefront wig(and i hate that) but i love you..

Victoria Walker: The paper for the ends of the hair is usually used when you perm the hair. It protects the ends from the chemicals and helps to keep the ends tucked in and uniform.

Mrs. Renard Noir~🐺: YOU'RE A LIFESAVER!!

ben11ur: Wow! Sooo good. <3 loved the makeup too ~ u r awesome

Perris McKnight: I love the hair but the singing is fabulous. What a treat!

DKC Plus TV: “This is why I don’t like wearing anything that is not a fur coat.” ME!

Kiwisun12: I'm getting my first actual wig not a halloween one lol. Thank u for posting this video

justin wtson: this is perfect <3

Kosmic Dolls: End wraps are for when your doing a perm it helps to protect the ends of your hair from chemicals

nice ralph: You are such a beautiful artist.

Brandii Lovee: I loooooooooooovvvvvveee this wig I LOOOOOVVVEEE how you styled it

MEE'HARIA TAZO: definitely new subscriber... glad you're doing this to help

Hector Vee: “Anyway, I’m gonna take this off because I look like a cross dresser...” I love Kyne!!!!

MM: Wow! Gorgeous!

Cooki3sCorner: i swear this wig is on amazon for less than $60. i have this color, red, blonde bc the quality is sooo great if you can you def can get away with charging soo much but on no.

Samantha L: you are so talented and your makeup skills are amazing

Quick Tutorials: ❤️❤️❤️... LoooooL... Yeah! Just like some ppl commented, watching u makes me wanna get a wig... As Always good tutorials!

Cerena Evona: let the first turn of the roller be all helps so you won't get fish hooks at the end and makes it look you sugarfoot

Eva Shelle: Thank you so much I have learned alot from you

Sophia-Michelle Crimson: thanks for the tips doll hugs

Edgar Zelaya: me encantan tus tutoriales, he aprendido mucho, saludos desde Honduras Baby

White_shadow35: hey kyne ! i tried it last night and waited a couple hours like 4 and it still was pretty straight.. is there any tips i steamed it for 10 minutes

soshiangel90: "quick beat" Looking ten thousand times better than mine

Monica Wright: may sound weird but your videos give me the same sensation I get when someone plays in my hair lol if that makes any sense.... btw that's a good thing

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