Bob The Drag Queen'S Iconic "Ugly" Wig Recreation

Not a joke, just a fact we are recreating Bob The Drag Queen's infamous wig. Now this is in response to the dozens of you who keep asking me to transform this wig. It's not going to happen, Bob said she wants to keep it, so i took it upon myself to take some wigs and make lemonade. So sit back and enjoy this iconic wig recreation!

Outro montage music by my hot and talented music man @tylrcmpbll






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Hi everyone, james mantle here, bringing you yet another video. Oh my god, you guys today we're doing something very special. It'S the very first vegas edition of celebrity with recreation. Yes, i'm going to take a famous or infamous wig in this case from history and try and recreate it for you folks, on this channel now. Today'S video is very very special because the wig in question is actually well super super infamous i'm remaking by the drag queen's famous ugly wig from her youtube channel. Yes, bob famously wore this wig and they were dogging her out for actually that was kind of cute. Like it just needed a little bit of styling, but other than that, it was actually like not that bad, but we're gon na recreate today, because you guys keep asking me to transform it and she's already made it known that she has to reach 400k before she Sends it to me, oh, she is well, then i'm gon na make my own. Yes, i'm gon na make my own wigs and she's selfishly keeping the wig for herself now. So that's what's gon na happen today. Yes, i've got some wigs here that i you know prepared for this assignment and i'm gon na make a wig that is so fabulous that bob's gon na see this and want it and i'll be like you can't have it unless this video gets 5 000 likes. Yes and you show photographic evidence that you're subscribed to my channel bob she's, never gon na see this anyways. Let'S get started, i'm gon na prep the wig head with the wigs and we'll just get started. Okay, brb. All right, i am back now. I have been studying this wig. Yes, i've been trying to figure out how this wig thinks you know, and i looked a few pictures. I noticed that the bottom seems to be like a yellowish rusty blonde. So that's what we're gon na do today, this wig i actually had created for my website. I was going to sell it, but you know what the factory it up. So it's not going on sale, but we're it's gon na be perfect for this wig, because it's actually very very close to the original wig that she wore. So this is good. This is gon na work out for me and for those of you asking me when's the wizard's gon na open back up again guys moving is a process. Okay, i made the appointment for my business and everything so just be patient. Things will be coming soon. Oh, my god, i sound like such a youtuber right now. Things are gon na be coming so soon you guys just be patient, please! Oh my gosh, i'm only one person, cue, the sad music. Yes, very that now um the original wig didn't have that much teasing in it. But this is my version: okay, so we're going to remix it. Yes, we're recreating it and remixing. At the same time, it's sort of like with nicki minaj re-release beam me up. Scotty. Only she added new music to it to make it even better. Yes, that's what we're doing today, it's the beaming up, scotty of wigs! Oh my goodness, here we are just gon na tease out this top portion there and there just to give it some body. Yes body now, everyone has been asking me about this wig, like i don't think a video goes by where someone's not in my comment, section bringing it up, and it's like guys, you got ta, understand y'all made this wig iconic she's, not gon na give it to Me anymore: okay, it's just not happening. She likes it okay, so i was actually really looking forward to it, though, like i would have totally sent it back to where, like no charge whatsoever, just would have sent it back just for the thrill of doing it, but we're gon na make her own and She'S gon na be dripping with envy as soon as she sees how great this week is going to be. I say that now but wait you know cut to like 15 minutes later it wakes a complete disaster, which i guess is fine, because you know what the source material isn't the best. So it can only go up from here all right, yeah yeah, that's how it works. Okay, now i'm gon na tease the rest of this off camera i'll, be right back, but i'm leaving the bangs unteased for now so yeah brb. All right, i am back. I have all the yellow hair just about teased out this golden blonde mix, hair that i have, i feel like it's pretty close like i feel, like i'm, pretty much nailed it with the colors. Now we just got to make sure we can restyle it now like. I said i left the bangs unteased because i'm trying to tease those at the end but we'll see okay now this part is just about done. I have to cut it and everything, but wait till i'll. Do the double stack. So, let's work on our double stack right now, so let's take her off the head. It'S not going to like be right back, i'm just going to like a quick cut and then we're going to cut there here we are. She is looking great. This is our reddish auburn, like fiery auburn kind of color. I didn't have like a bright red, it looked like it was red or it could be auburn. I couldn't really tell from the photo, so i got as close as i could with a hard front, because i'm gon na basically not even worry about the bangs, i'm gon na do the whole back of it just so. We have a double stack. It'S okay! Here we go now, as i was looking at this wig like there's, also like sections of it that are like crimped, so we're gon na. Do that too. We'Re gon na make it work all right here. We go start teasing this one out now. Yes, now, i have to say, like everyone was giving bob a lot of for this wig, but i actually thought it wasn't so bad and like if you look at the history of bob, the drag queen's wigs one of the things i really liked about her was Like you look at her performances on rupaul's drag race, some of her runways. She would have like that pulled back. You know snatch back wig with like a topper on top. Almost like you know, bianca did something very similar where she had like four wigs. She brought that were all bases, like you know, ponytail pullback and she did toppers for the back of it, and i remember before bob had left, because i remember i followed bob before or back when he was hidden with a whip. Yes, there's a throwback for you, because i actually was thinking about using that as a drag name, because i love that anne margaret movie - oh my god, if you haven't seen that one check that one out anyways, i love that movie and i love that name. So i was googling and even see if someone had it - and i saw this big beautiful drag queen with like thigh high boots on and a whip, and it was about the drag queen before she changed her name. And so i was aware of bob - and i remember like following her on facebook back like that was the first thing they introduced like you could follow somebody if they had too many friends and yeah. You saw the evolution and she suddenly became bob, which honestly was a great great switcheroo, but now, like back to drag race, she had worn a lot of snatchbacks. I remember seeing on like instagram and facebook. She would post updates of like wigs. She was working on and she was learning how to hand tie, and you could see some of the wigs that she eventually appeared on drag race were being hand tied by her, which i thought was so cool. You know, because very few queens were actually doing it at that time like hand tying their own staff like it was one of those things like. I had no idea what the hell that even was that's like a very like you know, small understanding from like videos bobby pins had done, but like that's what you had to do in order to get like that flawless hairline. That goes all the way down, because wigs back then, which isn't that many years ago, yeah wigs, have advanced so much since then, like wigs back then like they did not stop the places you needed to go and you had to like glue down your sideburns with Glue, it goes horrible gladly. You know the wig industry has caught up with the demand and know that you should probably extend the sideburns down. For the most part, a lot of hairlines are pretty decent. Now, there's still a few out there, where you know it looks like a paper plate, but if the wig company is reputable, usually that problem isn't really an issue anymore or in some cases i've seen some wig lines where it goes so far down that it probably Looks like mutton chops, i styled a couple wigs like that where it's just like okay, i appreciate the effort and make it cover my sideburns, but it doesn't have to go all the way down to my jaw all right and this one, i'm just teasing out everything. This is gon na, be the back piece and also it's gon na cover the front too, like i saw a little bit of like the red peeks into the bang of the front of the yellow, so yeah we're gon na try and do our best to double Stack these two together to recreate this as well as do some styling and some crimping apparently crimping is going to happen too. I brought out my crimper all right. Let'S just tease her out all right. I got a good start going. As you all already know. I'M gon na tease the rest and we're gon na. Do our double stack and start styling be right back all right. I am back. I teased out both wigs now it's time to start our double stack now before i do. Let'S take our brush and that section of bangs that i didn't use before we're going to quickly wrap those up, because that'll help disguise the double stack which is part of the problem of the original wig is the double stack wasn't hidden very well at all. It was dying for like a bow or a headband or something which i'm sure she probably wore the wig with before it's just you know, girl, we're filming, youtube, videos and stuff like this podcasts. All that stuff internet drag can get like that sometimes you're. Just like girl. I put the full face of makeup on if something's lacking in one area, i'll i'll, live and i'm sure with bob you know so much good is having her career. It'S just like one. Bad wig isn't gon na be the thing people remember when she's talking. Okay, now, let's do that, let's get our other wig and start joining them now, if memory serves, i believe, there's a bit of the hair in the bang yeah there's some red in the there's. Some red in the bang, okay, so let's pull out some of the bang on this one just so we have something to work with where to cut the bangs too. So that's handy handy, handy handy, oh my god. Oh my god, okay, okay, and just like that. We'Re done okay, kitty, it's gon na need some styling still. So let's do some finessing. Now i got ta connect the wigs. So let's, let's do that? First, all right! Let'S grab our zip ties and start joining them. Now i saw in some of the videos some people have been commenting like my method for zip tying and i've repeated myself a lot of times. I actually have done a very like in-depth. You know version of how to do this, like in one of my other videos, but i'm thinking, maybe i'll, just make a dedicated video to how to zip tightly together, because i keep getting the question a lot so look out for that now. Could you be just you know, like your guide for any time like you need a zip tie or learn how to do it? You know i'll just link that in the channel, what makes you say that, because it looks really ugly, i haven't styled it yet. Oh, my god, you know what i'll stand by what i said that wig isn't ugly okay, i've seen some ugly, wigs, okay, i've seen some bad wigs in my time, girl and i've styled some wigs that weren't exactly winners, especially in some of these videos. A lot. I'M just like i did not you know, didn't take me long to give that wig away. When i moved i'm trying to think what was my favorite wig i've styled so far. If i had to pick one that i've styled that i really really loved, it would probably be those vintage ebay ones where i made like the double stack with the barrel curls. On top it was like a fall. I wore it in a couple videos afterwards. I liked it so much it smelled like mothballs, so it had to go. My hair smells bad enough on its own to need that helping me making my head feel like an attic, i'm enjoying myself way too much all right. Let'S get a few more zip ties in here all right: i'm gon na zip the rest off camera i'll, be right back all right. We are back. I have it all connected now, it's time to start smoothing it out, so we can style it some more okay. So slowly, gathering hair back like that with the smoothing brush, so it all you know, goes all the way back there. We are small sections at a time a little boring, but this is the kind of tedious stuff you have to do with wig styling. Yes, in order for it to look as gorgeous as it possibly can, i feel she's practically already there, like she's, looking really sexy. I love that, like it's, not a bad color combo to do. I love that okay, trying to avoid the bangs as much as possible. Don'T hit them directly like i did because we're going to go to the bangs last smooth, smooth, smooth, smoothing out our hair, probably should put a bobby pin there, because it's starting to raise up a bit a little few bobby pins. Just pin her back son. Make sure she stays flat, it's almost a little tracy turn bladdish like ketchup with mustard tracy turnblad. Well, i can smell that crimper warming up like smell the old burnt hair, on top of it. Okay, now one side's looking pretty good so far like that's pretty pretty cute, let's do the back song because the back's uh, the back, is certainly the back and just smooth that over with the brush as much as i can, without pulling down to teasing too much. Yes, smooth smooth smooth, it does remind me a lot of tracy turnblad like in reverse, like the dark is on top and the blonde is on the bottom, like bob, if you see this, can you comment below like what was the inspiration for this wig? Like did you make it because it seemed a bit like a creation that was put together like i'm, not mad at it like the color combo is actually kind of cute. It is very ketchup and mustard other side of the side of the side, similar to the other one we're just going to slowly work our way in sections, because with joins like this, it can very easily come undone and it looks like crap, because you know you Pull too hard, so i'm trying to go very, very soft and patiently just go section by section, and this is very much like a girl, groupie kind of hairstyle. Like 1960s, a lot of girl groups wore big. You know double stacked, bang wigs like this, because it was easy volume and easy, easy easy maintenance, because you just took the wigs apart comb them out and did it over again, like you think of like the ronnettes or the marvalettes. They always wear hair like this or um. For those of you brits that watch my channel pp arnold. She always wore hairstyles like this in the 60s and 70s. Oh, that's a fun story, pp arnold! She was one of the eye cats and when they went to england, she fell in love with them and they fell in love with her voice. So she's like well screw this. I'M gon na leave this group and go solo and i believe it was mick jagger that convinced her like yeah girl. You need to like leave that group. You could be a star here and she's, like you know what i think i just might and lo and behold she left and she is an icon in rock music in the uk. She has a gorgeous beautiful, beautiful cover of the first cut is the deepest by kat stevens. I think she's, like one of the original people, to like record it and sing it, and her version is iconic with those rolling drums ugh and she looks so cute in those old 60s videos with her little like mini skirt on her long hair. Oh gorgeous girl check her peepee arnold out, one of my favorites. I think she's also the first to do angel of the morning. I could be wrong on that, but she has a cover of it and it is fabulous or her cover of eleanor rigby by the beatles cute stuff. All right now for the bangs, i'm going to be brushing downward like that and be mindful of the sections, and thankfully this wig is a little shorter. I'M actually going to cut the bangs a little shorter too. So that gives me a good guideline of where to go all right, we're going to the bangs last like i said so. Don'T worry about that right now, just doing the top section and like the bottom sections were a little like crimped, like certain sides had crimps in them. So that's what we're gon na do so, let's pick a side, pick a side and do some crimps. Now i'm going to do here, i'm going to take my wet spray and spray it like that and take my crimper start crimping and hairspray. I know what it is like with synthetic hair. It really does work. It'S like a nice little barrier. There crips crimps, i'm gon na make this wig look like stephanie mcmahon. That'S another reason why i love bob so much because i found out she was a big wrestling fan like me, like she's, a big old mark for wrestling and we're watching. Those like rupaul's drag race revisited and she was talking with thorgy about wrestling and thorgy's. Looking like she's describing elephant tusks like what are you talking about she's just about there? Was there more scrims in the wig or is it just that one side? I think this is like random spots. Oh well, we can do that, like someone's, like the honda right here - okay, that's too! Oh, we can do that, but that's fine, i'm fine with random. No that adds personality to a wig. Now the wig is just about done. I'M gon na crimp some random sections and trim the bangs to my head and i'll be right back. Welcome back. This is the final result. Oh my god. I actually kind of love it. It is definitely my interpretation of the infamous bob the drag queen wig. Yes, let me know what you guys. Think of it. Oh my gosh. Now this wig is fabulous, but it is just missing one more thing: the james mansfield magical, wig spray from black phoenix acne lab. Let'S just give this wig a spritz. Now my hair smells just like cream soda available at, so yeah i took this wig and i really made it my own, so bob's, ugly wig on twitter. You can delete your handle now. Okay and stop bullying me, god! Anyways grooming could be an absolute drag, but thankfully i have manskate use my code, james m and say 20 off plus free shipping. It'S for your no-no, bits and i'd like to take a moment a very moment where i think everyone is tipping on then now. I am doing i'm using my psychic powers, i'm gon na thank sergio ahead time, because i know he's probably gon na hit me up with a venmo tip any moment now. Also, i made him like send me a secret code with his last venue just to make sure it was him. So i could add him on instagram and thank him thanks, honey all right, but i do have some paper mounties that i forgot to read out in the last video so make sure you get that done right now, okay, hold on a second. I would like to thank catherine and kate. Thank you all so much for that. Now i enjoyed recreating this wig. It'S actually a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be like people were building up like it's going to be a big daunting task for me to take on a wig like this, but honestly, it's actually really cute. It just needs a little bit of styling, which is the case for most wigs. You know if you have a vision and you want to style it just go for it. You know just style a wig and bob i'm serious. If i reach 5000 likes on this video, i will send you this wig. If you even want it honestly, it's completely up to you if you want it or not, if not i'll, just keep it for myself and throw it in the wig pile now, don't forget to like comment and subscribe, and until next time bye now hit the outro Click here and see me use the color x, barbie collection or see me make easy big hair come on click it. You know you want to. If you don't click it bob will burn her wig, so click it

MelanieScribbles: 'There's no way Bob will ever see this' Anyone else just waiting until she comments?

Daniel Pérez: I really think Jaymes should send It to Monet instead whitout Bob knowing

Dor Moldawsky: Oh God, now there are TWO of those

Matheus Gurgel: Bob will have a heart attack watching that the one and only Jaymes Mansfield recreated the famous red wig

MeganSin: Jaymes: “This is very ketchup and mustard” Me: getting flashbacks of Tina burner

Eric Ocasio: Send this to Monet so they can both wear it at the same time!!

Ezeckelle: "This is crazy, THIS IS WILD!" -Bob the drag queen, 2021

SOSEXYMAGAZINE RobinWatkins: I LOVED the wigs you designed and styled for yourself and Trixie for the campaign. Phenomenal

Curtis Bouvy: jaymes should make a video where she turns a nice quality wig into one that looks like a $5 party city wig

hawkedriot: I wanna see Monet's face after Bob buys this and has 2. maybe they'll breed!

Just the Gay Bits: do Akeria's all-star wig. lol

nina knox: Nobody: Jaymes: "it's the beam me up scotty of wigs"

ludovic De Oliveira: In a purse first impression with Naomi smalls, Bob says that she made the wig probably back in 2016 and she was inspired by Hedwig and the angry inch and also a little bit of ginger spice.

Leon J: I believe this was created simply so Jaymes could do a test run before the actual dreaded wig arrives.

Lauren Galloway: “actually not that bad” is my whole aesthetic

Catri: I don't understand how Jaymes is so underrated. How does she not have more subscribers?

Lea Demi: The original Bob wig isn’t that bad. Jaymes’s version is like a Hairspray version.

Edgar Rosas: The Bob Jaymes duet in matching wigs is going to be so fun! Hope there are cartwheels in the choreography

Veronica Forker: I thought Jaymes’s favorite wig that she’s done was the Cardi B doll head wig from the Up video

R Yvr: “I’m only one person…”.Poor Ernie, no recognition for all his hard work, he’s practically a martyr. lol

Marcus Merritt: Now I need a Bob and Jaymes collab

Century Countess: Oh Jaymes the combined hair colors look great on you! This wig is glorious you look like you could be the daughter of Jem, if they were to revive her series only it takes place today with Jens daughter who wants to follow her mom's footsteps.

Clint Rasti: I love how many pop references Jaymes always has during her videos! So fab! also great job on the wig!

narci149: Sad she didn't send you the wig yet. Hope she does soon lol

C Lee: Omg, Bob is a wrestling fan too??? I learned that Kahmora is from Ring the Belle! Jaymes, if you ever did a wig series based on hair looks from women in wrestling it would be so good!

Keke Darius: Don't throw water on that wig. It'll multiply even more.

Pieter Patho: her laughing like a puppy you left in the other room is so cute

Jill Roberge: This is so fun!! And girl, your pop culture knowledge is so impressive!! I always learn something new!!

Vitor Marques: Jaymes' laugh just reminds me of my old house's wooden door. Iconic

Risen Fenix: “Kitten With A Whip” was once on Mystery Science Theatre 3000 BUT I feel like it’s one of the movies holds up with or without commentary. (I have an Ann-Margaret-obsessed friend that I watched with)

B Bear: i think part of the reason everyone came after the wig is we had ptsd from tina burner's welcome to mcdonalds storyline

Miguel Morales Media: At this point we need to have everyone taking pictures with the wig like the Cornacia wig

P G: Tina Burner will buy that wig before Bob ever sees this!

chadabouttodie: omg i love it when you recreate vintage hair

cameron brooks: I’d love to see bob recreate a jaymes Mansfield wig, lol, or perhaps a little online competition just for the fun of it?

Eden Cook: im so glad im not the only one who actually sorta liked the original wig. i saw it and i was like "it's sorta cute!". been waiting for this video!

Samuel Line: Now I want a double stack wig reveal where the top wig is taken off to reveal the full style of the wig underneath

Gabriel González: Bob watching this video: This is. . . WILD!

Maria: I think by showing HOW to make that wig, James, you have opened a Pandora's box

Martin Führer: Is like Elvira and Peg Bundy did the Dragon Ball fusion technique

Jess MT: “And just like that, we’re done!” Honestly still prettier than the original

LauryB: I'm gonna need Bob to react to this please.

Lora Brock: Bob retweeted this vid! Love that you did a recreation of this infamous wig!

Mason Finley: 1:07 Omg Jaymes I love it. Blackmail! Revenge! Sorcery and Taking control of the Wigs Journey! Bob you started it! ✌✌

Ts Satrina: This no longer looks ugly, how Jaymes? How?

Dave and Gena: I love this! It looks like something an alien in The FIfth Element would wear!! PS Cher's hair looks GORGEOUS!!!

Ren Qiang Yuan: I was expecting Jaymes to save that wig, not create another one

Nathalie: That talk about the sideburns on wigs is interesting. I re-ordered a (human hair!) wig recently that I'd bought a few years ago, only this time it had weird sideburn flaps that as a woman I didn't need. Looked crazy, felt really uncomfortable, so I had to cut them off to make a normal hairline. I guess things like this should be part of what you can customize on a wig, instead of assuming every customer has the same wants and needs.

Ashley Brooke: You always slay wigs and I was rooting for this wig transformation sooo hard!!! But I find the blunt cut of those bangs to be a little harsh? Maybe a more feathered bang would have given a softer look. However, the original bangs were choppy boots! ... So... Work that method approach! <3 Love u Jaymes!!!!!

Codename Kendall: Jaymes redoing bobs wig Bob: wow this is crazy!!!!!!

Jovanna Flor: I LOVE THIS SERIES!!! Thank you for gracing us with such content.

Emily: You should totally still sell this!! I’m one of the few that secretly live for these wigs lmaooo

Seamoan: YES!!!!! I HAVE BEEN ASKING AND HOPING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR SO LONG! this is literally gay pride

Aura: the Bobbleheads have been waiting for this day Jaymes ❤

Bryce T: Omg it's hideous! It's the second most disgusting wig I've ever seen, you've done an amazing job Jaymes!

brendahamlincoln: This is the perfect birthday eve gift.

Karen Ann Volpe: No shade to Bob, but your wig came out so beautiful, love it!❤️

Your Friend Bunbury: Jaymes is clearly a Cousin.

james thomson: I'm also a fan of Bob the Drag Queen and I will be eagerly awaiting her comment on this video if she does see it. You made this recreation look easy, Jaymes.

Jose Salazar: I love the way jaymes looks this episode! She’s gorg also that apron is super cute! You should make your own “Jaymes aprons.” I will say tho... the way she contoured her nose makes it look bigger than it is in real life but regardless she looks stunning and I lovedddddd the wig.

Travis Stephenson: I’m absolutely here for this video, this combo always reminds me of ginger spice

Denise Frame-Leitch: Ketchup and mustard iconic! It's amazing, Jaymes! You made Bob's wig look better!

Lauren Robinson: Jaymes you’re sick and twisted for this

Edgar Ian: Just a wig from james is absolutely a blessing for pride month ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

T Dawg: i love it! well done! a lot of fun! great job jaymes!!!!

James Robbins: Omg I’ve been waiting for this video!!! Love the wig storyline from both channels!!! Thank you!!

Medusa Katz: I absolutely love Bob's wig! I don't know why she got so many rude comments about it.

Roller Blaze: I never comment on videos but I am CRACKING UP! Your humor never misses! It took me a second to realize this wasn’t *** THE WIG MAKEOVER!!!! *** It’s even better!

Jace Breland: That P.P Arnold cover of The first cut is the deepest is my second favorite next to Rod Stewart's version. Absolutely love it!!

VANITI BANKS: I think I’m so addicted to watching Jaymes because I love when they jump in an out their voice

Carolina: Amazing work, queen ❤️

Atewennatekha Bottom: Love That You Did This

christopher .jones: Fabulous redux ! But I have to say that I have really enjoyed how the original has worked everyone's nerves so much, I hope Bob never stops wearing it !

Princess Sampson: You write all the iconic artist you talk about in the description box. I love looking them up.

Damara Carpenter: I’m still waiting for Jaymes to makeover Bobs wig... she’s just flexing by literally reproducing it ❤️❤️❤️

Shawna F: Yessss I dropped everything to watch this!! It's giving me Ginger Spice!

Charlotte M.: Gosh. I just love your laugh! I love that wig!!

Elena D'Amico: Thanks for bring my attention to PP Arnold! Just watched a bunch of videos of her. She's great and so beautiful.

7'0 Felon: I have to get up for work in 4.5 hours and I can't sleep, so ill be binging a bunch of these videos until I'm relaxed enough to get some real shut eye

Kris Rockwell: Is anyone else delighted by that little chihuahua laugh she does? I hear it an i think of my sneakers scuffing on a hardwood floor. Who says Jaymes Mansfield doesn't have unique traits?

Snack All Day: This Queen rescuing a wig with the most gorgeous curls on her head WE DONT DESERVE YOU

Violenzia Domestica: OoOo the sound sounds waaaayyy better this video ❤️ so happy to see you settling in!

Tropic Lush: Jaymes you look great in any wig!

Venikins Art: I SO needed this in my life today, ty! <3

Colin H.: THE VIDEO IVE BEEN WAITING FOR i clicked off that minecraft new update video so fast just for this thank you so much jaymes

Jennifer Welch: As far as inspiration Bob has said it was based on Hayley Williams from the band Paramore. I’m really hoping Bob sees this and reaches out to you!

NelsonTh: Shame on you Jaymes! I thought you were going to save us from Bob's wig, not clone it!!!

Ollie Drennan: Jaymes has officially cloned the wig!

adrian hook: An infamous wig from history indeed

Ashleigh Calvert: The original always seemed Ginger Spice inspired to me, it wasn’t the best but it wasn’t the WORST

Celestial Virgo: Oh the day has come where jaymes styles bobs wig, I've been waiting forever for this. Looks amazing jqymes

Bunty Joy: "It's not ratted, it's feathered"

Cucumamacacapipi: Jaymes, I wore a wig for the first time! But it kept getting hair in my face. How do you keep it out of your face?

Becky G: I think it’s the lashes but Jaymes’s eyes look extra femme this video, love it

Catherine Shinn: Yessss, I have been WITING for u to do this wig.!!! THANK YOU

dunklekind: Check out Claudia Lennear from the Ikettes. She was in the documentary 20 Feet from Stardom. Love her cover of “Let it Be”

Jacob Jones: Those bangs were a choice! But I live for this content! Loved the video!

Elizabeth Eichner: Went to check out P.P. Arnold, you are a woman of truly amazing taste

Sam Wheat: This legitimately made my day

quantafreeze: I hope Bob sees this! I love her!

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