How To Clean Glue And Makeup From The Lace Of A Wig

Wigboys Theatrical Wig rentals presents information on how to clean glue and makeup from the lace of a theatrical wig.

Cleaning a wig after each performance takes only a few minutes and is more efficient than cleaning it once the glue is dry. Here we show you what tools you need to use and how to quickly clean a wig so it is ready for your next performance.

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How to block a wig ►

Hello, I'm Howard from wig boys and I'm going to show you a couple of important techniques: how to clean a lace: how to block a lace wig, how to properly prep a head to put a wig on and the correct way to put a lace wig on And in this video we're going to show you how to clean the lace, so what we're going to do is clean the glue and makeup out of a lace on a lace wig. What you will need is either a toothbrush or a stencil brush 99 % alcohol. A container for the alcohol or a squeeze bottle for the alcohol, a rat tail comb and paper towels once the wig is on the block. Take the paper towel fold it over the rat tail comb and slide it under the lace of the wig, either using the bottle and a toothbrush moisten. The lace with the alcohol using circular motions with the toothbrush work, the glue and the makeup out of the lace, and now that lace is clean and you move on to the next area, if you're doing it with a dish and the alcohol. It'S just a matter of dipping the brush in the alcohol and bringing it up. What you're doing is forcing all of the glue and the make up out of the lace and then to the paper towel. The whole process will take less than five minutes. Okay, continuing on so now we're going to do the other side, and I must tell you if this is done. Every performance, the glue comes out much easier. This wig the glue, has been sitting in it for several weeks, but if it's done every performance on every wig, it takes about three to five minutes, a wig to do so once again, dipping the brush in the alcohol bringing it to the wig working in a Circular motion until the glue is loosened and brush it right out into the paper towel, try to keep the hair out of the alcohol whenever possible and brush it right out and there's a perfectly clean lace ready to go.

Kirsten's Hope & Heart: So helpful, thank you!

70’s Fashion &Hair Channel: Hello I had a question, I used a eyeliner pencil on my synthetic blond wig to create a root, now I want to get it off the hair and I tried makeup wipes and that didn't work. Will alcohol work to remove the eyebrow pencil I used?

Helen Joanna: Can this technique be use to clean material Swiss lace? Would it destroy it all all? Or human hair on the wig. Need help ASAP....Thank you x

K H: I recently bought a used wig online the hair is beautiful but the woman before me had put really dark makeup all over the lace. It doesn’t match my skin at all and I cannot get it off. Will this work??

Tomara Thompson: Brilliant

testy1iiiiiiiiii: Won't you make videos anymore?

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