Testing Wigs On Roller Coasters *Wig Literally Snatched*

Testing Wigs on Roller Coasters *WIG LITERALLY SNATCHED*

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Watch next, “WEARING WIGS IN PUBLIC FOR THE FIRST TIME”: http://bit.ly/2Fg2yDk


I always wondered how easily wigs can fall off especially if you are only securing your wig with the built in clips. In today's video I test out 3 wigs (cheap, lace front, long, short, etc) on 3 different rollercoasters (fast, loop, drop) and learned that not all wigs get the credit that is due! I learned that you can actually feel the wig slipping before it is noticeable so you could easily hold the wig down if you feel you need to but for this demonstration I tried my hardest not to touch the wigs to show naturally what would happen.


Lace front blonde wig - https://bit.ly/2FLJEUJ

Short ombre pink wig - https://bit.ly/2rn1fOr

Short ombre lace front green wig - https://bit.ly/2JWgpRu


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About Hannah Forcier:

Most relatable yet unrelatable lifestyle youtuber you'll ever watch. One day I used the wrong product and my hair fell out within minutes, after I posted an explanation video my online life changed. My main focus for my videos are not only to entertain but to also make people feel like they're not alone in beauty disaster situations.

Hey guys so today I am off in a little bit, I'm going to an amusement park today and I'm bringing some wigs. I don't know about you guys, but I've always been. I'Ve always been very curious as to know whether or not a wig counts. Like a hat, you know all the signs tell you to take off your hat or hold on to your hats when riding - and you know, depending on, if you tightened your way or not that day or glued it down that day or not, you might have a Huge issue with going out to an amusement park wearing a wig, so I decided to take it upon myself to grab three of my random wigs and I am going to see whether or not they stay on my head. I literally might die of embarrassment today. Please pray for me just so everyone knows I am NOT gluing these wigs down, I'm only using the elastic band that was made into the wig. So wish me luck. Well, let's go! Thank you. Thank you warning diamond good week. Number two is clearly: let's go. Oh, my god that was literally one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. All I was picturing was that we were gon na be rolling back up so that the next people could get into the roller coaster and they were going to see me holding a wig wearing a wig cap, and I was literally in such panic mode. I'M assuming. I would have gotten different results if I did in fact blew down the wig, I'm guessing there's a few different factors that went into that last one yikes, please, please, please make sure to leave a thumbs up and subscribe to me. If you have in give me some suggestions, where should I go next, give me all the potential embarrassment so that you guys can never be embarrassed? I swear. I'Ve got your back. Thank you! So much everybody! That'S taking the time to tweet out my videos, because that means you are sharing it with your friends and your family and other people that follow you, and you know that means a lot to me. Thank you guys so much for watching, and I will see you guys next time. Bye,

Jana Hay: How funny would it be if a wig fell of and flew right past someone’s face and they thought it was a bird or something ps I love u so much and I hope you are feeling better after the incident last week

layla ricks: you see, I would not be able to do this for the simple fact that I would have too much anxiety that my wig would come off and somehow fly underneath the roller coaster and malfunction it leading to the roller coaster breaking in the middle of the ride. Worst nightmare but you did good though!!

Kay R: Can we take a moment and see how strong she is to hold the camera in such a big rollercoaster


Riley X: i love her so much shes so happy and bubbly truly my inspiration

cupcakesugarbunpwow: Girl, Your a freaking pretty princess! You dont need a wig! Your beautiful just the way you areeee!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

m: *wig falls of on ride* “didn’t she have a different hair style?” OMG MA GAWD HER WEAVE FELL

mckenna fisher: I loved seeing how happy she was on the first roller coaster riding it

JerseyKanna: You have no idea how helpful this video is, I'm going to Disney land this year and I wear wigs due to hair loss, and seeing your wigs hold up to most of these rides is crazy lol I'll def glue mine down for the extra safety

Clear Hero: Bro I'm going to universal studios in costume and I'm very worried about getting snatched oh well

Juan Moran: I like how she cares more about her wig being snatched by the air then her actually being on a rollercoaster lol

Isabella 123: i love you girl your amazing! i am happy you growed hair! :3

Doggie'z Life_YT: Ugh Hannah, you don't need to wear a wig! I know your scared to show your real hair because of some bad shampoo, but you still look beautiful! Who cares about what others think?! Just show them you are brave and confident in yourself! Tell them to not focus on looks, tell them to focus on how kind you are!

Mars ASMR: I can’t get over the fact how cute she looks with her hair short it looks great on you

Kelly Halidone: You just made my day i have not laughed this much for while ☺ thank you xo

Sam Easter: Omg I actually love your natural hair! You look so good with it!

EXoTic pINeaPpLE: Your hair is still perfect no matter what you are brave and so strong I love you!

Aubri Vera: Such a fan I love your choice your the best.I asked for a wig and my parents stared at me and I said I was following your footsteps. You have influenced me so much! I love you

Soda Pap: I had so much anxiety during this fearing that she'd lose her wig somewhere and never get it back. I'd probably be holding my head the entire time if I was her XD

cutie pie: You. Are. So. So. Brave.

Renz Lajara: i really love her reaction on the third wig. AHAHAHAHAH! still she's gorgeous! <3

Chase Buccaran: Those wigs looked stunning on you!!!

Christine Barger: OMG!!! I think I laughed as hard watching the video just now, as I did when your wig came off on the coaster!!! You’re amazing! Much love!

Sandra Gudino: You don't need a wig your perfect the way you are :)

Claudette Ku: girl slay you know why cuz you look pretty on the inside and the outside and no matter what people say don't not listen to them girl you look pretty anyway you know why because you look pretty with your wig on and when your wig is off I like your wigs anyone agree

dead as hell: I never really like really blonde hair, but you made me change my mind! You're so beautiful!

cynthia mathew: lol i love how chill she is on the ride i would be yelling my ass off

Giselle Yanez: Ive always been so scared to get on rollercoasters with my wigs

Elle Louise: Your such an inspiration to every one of your fans because you never give up and you are always in an amazing mood I love to girrrrrl

Thanh Tang: I'm having anxiety about the wig just flying off her head at any moment.

MaddsScientist: Omg you looked so good in the first hair

Melinda Mel: I'm amazed that you can ride the roller coasters 3x in a row with your eyes opened, holding cam, and wig lol. I would have faint at first ride.

Jocelyn L.: i freaken love this video your smiles are everything, pure happiness

Amoni Wilson: I actually love your natural hair and the way you look with it

Kawa11C0r3: I’m dying Love ya Hannah!

NABI_OO: The second and third wig looked so funny I cried of laughter!!

Phoenix DelRey: That was so much fun. Made my day!

Sophia Gewarges: I just wanted to say, I watched your first video of all your hair falling out & watching all your videos of your adventures and the joy you have just makes me feel so happy! it looks like an accident turned your life into doing things so out of the ordinary, but making you enjoy life way more.Thanks for inspiring me to live life and not let insecurities get the best of me.

AngelFlow3r: oh my god i never seen any one so steady with the camera on a roller coaster! also this video was super funny and i know this video is gonna be one of those videos where i watch them over and over and over you know what i mean! And i dont think you should worry what about what other people would think about seeing you with a wig in your hand i can understand that but i'm sure they would understand xD

littledonut 88: You are amazing You don't need wigs your natural hair is amazing very cute and everything about you if perfect we love you

Kathy Kilduff: Third wig coming off....I was laughing out loud at 2:00 am! I wish you would've just let it fly off. The people watching would've peed!!! LOL!!! Hilarious. :)

Carlos Rocha: I know this is random for this video but She inspires me so much I ❤️ her

Ice Vencedora: The friends laugh made it funny for me. She practically pulled the last wig off though

Kaprina Tatum: The main perk of her riding with these wigs is if they come off she still has hair under the wig cap. Imagine having to do this with corn rolls and no edges underneath lmao.

Rebecca 88: This is such a helpful video for people with alopecia or cancer who want to go to an amusment park who are not sure if their wig will get snatched or not. ❤ thank you for making this video. I've gone to an amusement park before in the past wearing hair extensions (i was a scene girl lol) but I kept my hair in a poney tail mid way through the day in order to keep the clip in hair extension in, and I also teased/back brushed my hair with a comb and used hair spray on my real hair in order to create a buffer for the hair extensions to clip onto and stick better. I think clip in extensions honestly work fine on a roller coaster for anyone wondering! I went to great america with my hair extensions in and had a wonderful time! But I always worried about the day I might need to wear a wig instead, and feared riding a roller coaster and losing the wig! (I have genetic hair loss, runs in my family) I used to worry about not being able to ride a roller coaster or go swimming in the ocean with a wig on but after seeing this video I feel much less worried about losing my wig doing those things! I feel hopeful that if I invest in a good wig and good glue and style my hair in a way that helps keep the wig on, that I can wear a wig in public places like that and not lose it or have it fall off! One thing I have learned from cosmetology school is that technology has improved a ton over the years so wigs have definiteley improved a ton in recent years! The glue and bands to keep the wigs on have also improved (so have the hair lines; a lot of wigs look very realistic nowadays!) so I think the majority of wigs that we have now, are likely to stay on, because of some of those technological improvements. I'm glad to be alive in a time era where we have these options! (Also, random tip, but I noticed if your hair is up in a bun or poney tail that helps the clip in hair extensions stay on better during a roller coaster better than just having your hair down with the hair extensions in! Just from my expereince!) Thanks so much for making this video! I'm transitioning from extensions to wigs and was worried I might miss out on some things in life when wearing the wig. I'm glad to know now that that is not necesssarily the case! Ahmen to that! ❤

Hector Diosdado: Hannah you don't need a weg to look pretty you are already beautiful

Annie K. : you are so adorable as you are! and your hair looks great! Keep it short!!

lol: Youre so confident after the hair loss thing i u and stay confident!

Samuel Rodovalho: You don't need a wig you look perfect just the way you are

Miku Cherry: *W I G S N A T C H E D* You look perfect with no wig:3

Wolf Love: Imagine someone seeing her twice and seeing two different hair colors. LOL

Faye: This is surprisingly enjoyable

Arty Girl 808: You looks beautiful with short hair. I don't know why you didn't like it. I think it suits you.

EmojiQueen-_-: These wig are so Beautiful I wish I had all of them every single one you have

Shannon Whiteside: This answers a lot of my question if I can wear my wigs on rides amazing video! Hello from England ❤️ love you! Your amazing

Marilyn Harper: Love this video girl hilarious thanks

Larissa Rodriguez: You should go to the trampoline park and where a wig lol love you Hanna

Abigail Zipp: You don't need a what to look beautiful!!!!❤

Olivia Allen: You look amazing in the first wig

emelia: One like on her video = one wig not snatched on rollercoaster

someone gave me all the gender: Imagine just watching the roller coasters and you see a hair just flying off...i wouldve been terrified!

Regena Hickson: You don’t need a wig you are beautiful and I love your natural hair

Rachael Huffman: Just know that you don't have to have hair to look beautiful

Yadianys Ochoa: you look awesome with or without hair

Juju’s Life of wonder: Omg u should do a underwater wig test


Caroline Danford: She looks so good in blonde!

Asia Collins: I’m so glad to see u smiling u are so beautiful

Kaylarella Vlogs: I laughed soooo hard especially towards the ending

laura Collings: Who else thinks she still looks good without a wig? ;-;

Nikola Trzeciak: Love you hannah that video was amazing you should do more videos like that❤

Valerie Alfonso: Lmao she is so chill in the first one

Jaidyn Ororpeza: Who else actually loved wig one on her!?

Bianca Marin: *wig snatched* ahhh you are still perfect

SeaShells Productions: I bet it was fun in the roller coasters

Rio Davies: I loved this sooooo much! ❤️

Dannya Torres: i went on ride #2 & i had my eyes closed the entire time & holding on so tight onto my best friends hand but she looks so happy & not scared at all omg howw but definitely subscribing

X Lyrics: Girl...I would've dropped my camera riding on these roller coasters

Greedy Banana: Hannnnnnnnah posted a video!! Such a happy video too! Love ya girl <3

Tomos Jones: Your hair is growing back so fast!!! <3 You

Basically Maddie: You are beautiful without a wig! I hope that you know that

Runaway kid: Fact #1: ADD SUPER GLUE IF YOU WANT YOUR WIG TO STAY ON Fact #2: don't ride a rollercoaster if you don't want your wing to fall off Fact #3: your pretty without the wing ;)

Nicky: You still look beautiful with your normal short hair

Annette Testa: OMG!! That was awesome!!!! I really am looking forward to next time you do something like this. :)

Julianna Nara: You are still so beautiful with or without the wig

Millen: You need a Milano wig band. Trust me you will love it. I wear wigs now and I’m also trying the wig life and this is a life saver.

M Newlands: Haha that is so cool Stay strong u look good the way u r What ever makes u fell comfortable just do it Love your vids I have subscribed Oh and anyone that reads this I don’t say things like this to get attention I just do it because I fell good saying things like this to people it just makes me fell good and that I have made someone fell happy I write things like this everyday it really helps, it makes u fell happy and make someone else happy Love ya

Lailah Prestridge: Just so u know even without a wig ur still pretty I ❤️ u

Kyucci Tee: I lobe how Hannah is only smiling while on the rollarcosters but if I went on them I would screaming

angelEnrgy: It all depends on the speed of the rollercoaster. Wigs would stay on little baby roller coasters

Maisie Bennett: You don't need a wig you are beautiful the way you are.

mereldanielle: Your face is zo cute!! It made me laugh! Keep going :)

cyberdeite: Gets to wear pretty hair and roller coasters all day for a youtube video , IM IN

Carolyn Baumgras: Next you should try wigs vs waterpark

Janessa Johnson: You looked great in the first wig

Alfa_Estella: Hannah you go girl if I was in your siguation I would not go anywhere

[ Glitz ]: Your so freaking funny I have no explanation on how funny you are.

t: Yayyy!! Your hair is growing so fast! Its bueatiful!

Lori Stotler: omg SNACHED. The *rollercoaster* was jelly and said "Nope. Sorry hunny it's mine now!"

Caycie Annalise: I love ur natural hair! It’s very cute!

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