Aliexpress Synthetic Lace Front Wig Review | Ombre Synthetic Wig | Super Affordable

HI BEAUTIES Welcome back to my channel :) Today I wanted to share another wig review x

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£21.77 50% Off | FREEDOM Synthetic Wigs For Black Women Heat Resistant Straight Dark Roots Blonde Lace Front Wigs Natural Hairline Cosplay Hair






Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All opinions are 100% mine. I only talk about products I genuinely like. Thanks for all your support!

Welcome back to my channel today's video is another Wikipedia, I'm gon na, be your ruin, the wiggle, my head, of course, although this idea of person they are today because I always I know everyone can afford one door honey, but you know he's still one of this. You know I do so absolutely and I'm gon na actually do read of myself, so I've been wearing this base in seven times day. This was my Valentines Day bus. They usually like when I get a new ways. I like to wait to a somewhat, not significant date by when I start wearing the new we're gon na win, say like oh, it's an icon, Monday or like maybe I'm going out just because you don't just want to obey it on a casual day. You know. That'S beside the point, but the point is I'm ready since Valentine's Day. The dates is currently the 28th. So literally exactly two weeks and the wiggler's hold up pretty pretty well and it was always a bit wavy. The ends were a little bit like Wayne really really much, not wavy. How are things I'll try to enter a picture, but they weren't? It wasn't bunch day excited to say, but I wasn't like wavy and I still kind of inaccurate description, but if I can so, I can find a match of how it was years. I'Ll put it in, but it was almost basically straight, but I was it's been two weeks now. I'Ve watched the wig a couple times since I've had it watch the days of course name, and it turned up really really well. The light description of the bacon is a free color. I'Ve heard that try kahnawake. It'S got this kind of nice dark brown at the top. I don't want to say 1b. Perhaps it may be a 1 being a 2. So it's a blackish-brown. Look what this really guys cool, just kind of ash blonde and then at the bottom. I want a saying, I don't need one say: a try kind of big three colors of the hombre and a nice deep side, part economy and the wig. Oh. What is it only some powers in 26, but I am 110 such I'm gon na load up the very John Aliexpress. Just to give you guys accurate details, I think I'm what is with last year. You know not gon na lie. I think I bought this with last year and before I went home for Christmas, and I ordered it said that when I came back to uni, it would be - and I can't my accommodation that can't exactly tell me how long it took, but I wouldn't say more Easily, it's kind of in violets best moves. Actually they did come by all time, so yeah. So I bought the week for 26 pounds and 81 heads. It is currently 21 pounds and 62 minutes. That'S not bad at all, and I got it from the set of freedom on Aliexpress. They'Re really good and very can show that were not nice to wait with them and the way this actually 28 inches and very kind of natural color. At the end, it's not like kaboom today as it is. How do I feel about the hair and stuff the hair is super super soft? It is synthetic well, I don't want to go as far as saying that it could pass the human hair, but I mean it's close. Obviously, is this a thing we got after a while, it does get stiff, but I like to carry around a hairbrush with me. Just a brush it out and make it look a little bit. You know a little bit nice, as you can see like this right now looks good, but after a while you just loosen their head gets a little bit stiff. So I carry around a hair brush when the Hansons backwards - it's just you know it just makes sense and the hair itself. It'S really nice, really soft good quality. Does it shed? Yes, um, not too much by a does shed more than I or synthetic hair sheds? Let'S talk about the lace now, this lace is okay. I did Pocky, I'm not gon na function on the book, so you guys can see - and I did pluck here and I thought like after I propped it kind of mashed it up the finish. The knots are very, very visible, so I was like ooh. Let me pass the party and I feel like a match. They are, but I'm said recently, I haven't been wearing it with a pine out. I'Ve been wearing that might do well, but I've just because I because I realized that it's not in as much as I wear synthetic wings. I like their lays on synthetic wigs. I'M always going northern light really obvious. So sometimes you know I might do mad when they like, when the wig don't have isn't like fantastic but yeah the lots of really really visible. So I'm just gon na show you guys, sighs. I don't know if you're going to be able to tell how physical the knock are and place the pine on camera, but they are obviously connected. The next was some concealer and powder. I usually tend to do it on the inside. Just looks a little bit more natural doing it on the inside, as opposed to the like, on top of the wig but yeah I plucked it my stuff. Well, that's a little bit visible by minutes workable. It lays down nicely if you knew it and choose to believe it, but I really only blew it with I'm going to like a pie because I don't know anyways not chances. Last and last I problem a momentous. No, we came over. I think I've covered everything that I wanted to talk about. Basically, there isn't much to say about it. It'S a really nice big. I think I'm gon na retire it soon as we watch here. It'S maybe leave it for another week, something I won't get some break or whatever like that, but yeah. Thank you for watching my video, I'm gon na link the awake in the description box below and everything. If you have any questions. Thank you very much for watching this review guys and I hope the I was Internet video, bye,

Queen Knotti Styles: I love a nice ombre!! Beautiful look!!!

Lilo: Looks so lovely on you! Which colour is it specifically?

L.Y.S Hedrix: Can you upload the direct link to the wig ?? I love this wig and i love it on you

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