Outre Synthetic Wavy 5" Hd Transparent Lace Front Wig Luciana

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Do hey y'all and welcome back to elevate styles? I'M your girl treasure! If you don't know, you must not be subscribed with us, so go ahead and click that button right now, because we are going to get into some looks honey if you're not already catching you're. Not already catched up now i'd like to see girls trying to get food out if you're not already caught up, please catch up. Okay, so i'm gon na get right into it and get into this one wig cover look at the color look at the color. Is it giving you jessica, rabbit vibes or is it giving you poison, ivy vibes, i don't know, but we're gon na see. So this one is a deep five inch parting and the color is deep burgundy. But it's giving me red, but it's a deep burgundy and her name is luciana luciana. What'S up girl and this is hd lace wig. So that means it's pre-plucked. The lace is parted, it has baby hairs and this is by audrey. So it's the least front with audrey some care instructions on the back different colors that they may have or you might want. So this is the inside of the lace. So it's just the lace parting and then lace front. Okay, as you can see, you can see through it and it does have the two tuck combs on the side, one in the back with some adjustable strap. So i'm gon na go ahead and pull this right on. Let me show you because it does have the baby hairs on it, because i didn't get into it, and i didn't show you that in this pattern, a little curly vibe i've been wanting a little curly belt for the longest, but yo. This color on me is so freaking bomb and i honestly didn't think that i was going to like the short curly, because i had just tried on like the big one, curly butt baby, i'm not even lying. Look i'm running my fingers right through this curly hair. It'S not tingling on me, it's nice and soft. It has a bounce to it and it's like perfect, because the summer is here and nobody wants to deal with a bunch of hair, but we still want to look sexy. You know like this is so cute. Look how cute it is right off of the shoulder, and i got the little baby hairs. I don't have to even like sweat pulling them out. This is that parting on it. I will go down my part with just a concealer, because that will make me happy with this color it's to die for look i'm impressed audrey. Yes, i want to take sophie said to the show, because this is so i'm shocked, i'm as y'all can see. I don't even know what to say it's just so bomb. Okay, let me just show you out of it. So the back is nice and short. It did what needed to be done. Yes, okay, okay, okay, so i am obsessed - and i don't want to take this one off to be completely honest - i'm going to finish up my day with this one. It isn't so i'm going to go ahead and add the link down below below. So you can get your purchase started and show me pictures. Please show me pictures, please. Let me see i have this little brush, i'm going to comb it out just a little bit more, but i'm scared because i, like the curl pattern, i'm just going to mess with this in the front. So i can get like some front like action going on right here, because i don't really really want the part. No more. Like i mean i'm lost forward. This is super duper duper different. Can you this is like: okay, okay, okay, so i'm gon na catch y'all on the next video, the next review. Oh, this is so cute all right, y'all until next time i am treasurer and i'm going to see you on the next review. Bye,

shena reid: Just bought mine just now 1B

Bella OneLove: ❤❤

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