Tutorial:How To Sew In A U Part Wig

Body Wavy Indian Remy Hair U part Wigs.Minimum shedding and tangling.

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Hi guys today I'll be showing you how I sold out my tea part wig um. So this is how my hair usually looks under my. U part wig, I do have a video showing you how about do my freedom patterns but I'll leave it below. So you guys can see how I do my braid pattern, but these are the tools that you'll need your little song. I don't know what these are called. I got those from Sally's, I guess the closest I got these on Sally's and you'll need some of these clips. I use these clips to hold down the parts of my hair that I'm leaving out and I like to have for pre threaded needles. There we go. I pre fit my needles is because I don't have to stop and rethread them. So I use about 4 and you will also need your new part, and I also have a video showing you how I mix my new part so I'll leave that below as well. So the first thing you want to do is position. You part to your head, and so now, as you can look here, I my anchor braids, are really really small and the reason why my braids are small is because it looks a little bit more flawless when you have smaller braids. So you want to take your? U part and you want to go ahead and put it on top of your anchor braid and just position it just like that. So the next thing that I like to do is I like to go ahead and take the clips and just clip it in place. So that when I'm sewing, it does not move and I'll just click down the first two I'll just use two clips to clip down the top. So I'm going to start with my first pre threaded needle and what I like to do is when I've lit it. The first time I will make a nut. That is the only time I will make on that. After that I will not not until I get to the end. So I'm going to take this first needle and I'm going to sew from here all the way to the middle of the you part. So you want to start by getting really close so to the beginning of your braid and to whether you press start, and you want to go ahead and get the end. Now, if you can look here, the N is knotted and I'm just going to clip off the excess thread. Then you want to take the needle, and you want to put the needle through the thread just like that, so that you can secure it with the knot and make sure that it is the hair gets in the way. So it's going to look like that. You want to pull that really tightly, so I'm going to continue to sew, but I'm not gon na nut and I'm going to sew really close together. That way, you don't have any bumps and the lid will start falling down. The closer you get to the braid, the better your blending will be, I'm just going to go ahead and I'm going to remove this clip right here and make sure your clips are not in the way, because you'll have the same problem that I'm having right now. So just keep going and make sure you do not make any knots as you so long. This will make taken au part off much easier, because all you have to do is cut this first nut and cut the last knot. Okay, so now that I am a stiletto I'm going to end my sewing, I'm going to take my thread just like that and I'm going to take the needle and I'm going to make a knot pulling the thread through the hole I'm going to pull that really Tight lead and go ahead and put your thread and make sure that you don't have any long strings hanging. So this part is secured really well, as you can see, that's what it should look like. Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing for the other side now make sure you leave all is not in the way, because you don't want to accidentally sew any of your leave out so just go ahead and secure it down and the Reason why I don't dread it this way. I don't do it one time all the way around, because it'll have like bumps and stuff like it. I have fun, then you'll have a flat sticking up. That'S why I like to do two different threads, because it just stays down flatter when you use two different thread, so you want to go ahead and do the same exact process that you did with the other side. You want to go ahead and start it with the knot. Take the end, not it and also make sure there's no excess, the right ending and make sure I secure it really. Well, I'm just going to remove that and I'm going to continue to sell. So I'm at the end and I'm going to finish the end off with a knot. So, as you can see, it's very very slowly, I'm not going to have any problems blending because it's it's so flat on my anchor braid, I'm just going to take that mixture. Slowly, tight and just cut it off, so that's how I fold up the top of it now so the next part is, I have to sew down the side, and then you want to make sure your edges are out of the way. Now what I like to do is gather all of the hair from the side. Take all the side hair and I'm going to be using this clip to move the hair out of the way you want to make sure all the hair is rolled out of the way, because when you sew it down, you want to make sure that you don't Sew any of the hair. That would not be good alright, so you take your other thread needle thread and you want to get as close to the top of your anchor braid as possible. So my anchor braid starts about right here, so I'm going to pull the weight down just like that, get the needle I'm going to go ahead and pull that needle do the leg now, just like I started the other two, I'm going to do the same thing. So I'm going to knot it only one time when I start and I'm only going to knot it. When I finish and like I said, the reason why I do this is because, once I take my, it only takes me like one minute literally one minute to take my new part off, so just continue to pull down and sew. So just pull down, and so and here you can't really tell where the edge of my you heart is, but I can feel it so I know where I'm sewing and it'll be the same for you when you're sewing your asana as well. So, like I said, make sure you know get any here as you're sewing be really careful, and so I'm just going to continue to sew until I get to the bottom of my head and that is tight. Go ahead and cut it, just as you put the other two also look like that. So that's what the side will look like and decides to look like that, so that when you put it back and the wind blown, you can't see anything make sure. That'S blended! Really really well, okay, so you want to go ahead and do the same thing you do for this side, with the other side, go ahead and brush that back and make sure everything blends good, and that is pretty much it. That'S how I so on my way and then have a really secure and flat fit. I don't have any problems. I keep my wigs on for about a week and I repeat the process once the week so I'll take it off. Watch the waves wash my hair and do the same process once a week. So that is what it looks like. So you can go ahead and blend your hair once you're done and if you have any questions, feel free to ask and thanks for watching

Tersena Bass: This is so nice. I need to try this method whenever I'm planning on sewing a u part wig down on my hair

myshaylon: Thanks was looking for a video to sew a u part wig down the thought of having to do it had me troubled at first but GOD is amazing thanks for the very informative neat nice video GOD BLESS YOU

Keylowlow 🌍: Getting back into u parts. Don’t know why I got away from them. I will see mines down too

PowerHouse: Super helpful video! Well explained. Thanks!

Shar J: Thanks

Tracy Neal: nice video

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