Bust Down Bobiana Ft Isee Hair 6*6 Lace Closure (Brazilian Straight)

This is my FIRST 6*6 #LaceClosure wig ever and it's so BOMB!! Watch to learn all about my #BrazilianStraight bob using #ISeeHair. I also discuss my Bold Hold allergic reaction and 50K subscriber giveaway so please watch in 1080p :)



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The hair I'm wearing in this video is: http://bit.ly/2KWrODS

Brazilian Straight Hair

3-12 inches + 6*6 Closure 12 inches


IG: http://bit.ly/2IyNNkJ

FB: http://bit.ly/2IydC4q

YTB: http://bit.ly/2IzQy5g

Snapchat :iseehair

LACE TINT QUEEN: https://lacetintqueen.com



ALL ABOUT MY WEIGHTLOSS JOURNEY: https://youtu.be/8bZtejXvhxk

TOP HAIR VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

TOP MAKEUP VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Up you go basic girl, Sierra down here, and today I am here with, I feel, like I say this, every single time, Jesus Christ. I know it's been a while. I know I have to do a 50-ton subscriber giveaway. I surpassed it to tell the subscribers final. Thank you so much for picking up subscribe button. If you aren't subscribed, you should click the button. It will be somewhere on the screen to make it easier for you, but I am about to start the new year off just pumped with content out, because it's been too long and obviously look, I feel, like you guys, know me from way back when I, when I first started - and I haven't been doing my part as far as being consistent with the content and original article and subscribe. A lot of Yahoo are still rock with me. Thank you so much. It means a lot because I know the worst there's just so much things. I have to talk about a lot so much, but eventually like I'll talk about on my channel is just a lot. Life is, let me tell you playing life: is life is being life? Okay - let's just say that so I'm here today with a hair review, as you can see, my name is Fabiana, but yeah Bobby Jana. That'S my name is Fabiana and this here it's only been a couple days and this here is feeling like so baby. You see my mother's a little quick Stanzi, so so the hair that I have in is from I see here, I'm going to be inserting a link down below this. Here is Brazilian straight and let me tell y'all a little secret. This is a 6x6 closure. This is my first Xbox exposure ever I had to stop messing with friendships for a little bit, I kind of mentioned before. While I was going to stop - and I touched on it - the fact that bold hold the adhesive. Actually, I have an allergic reaction to it and when I say I'm allergic reaction, I'm gon na get like a little bumps. I mean a serious allergic reaction, so if I had to stop using it go to a dermatologist and I have like these dark marks along my hairline once I do the video discussing that I'm going to show you guys pictures and let you guys in my experience, But I always say this in every video: a lot of these brands are not FDA, approved and that's why I like from the bottles, there's no ingredients as much as they say. Like oh yeah, we don't use this. We don't use that. There'S really no way to really know if that's true or not so I'll, get into that in another video. But this is a 6x6 closure, and this I think I'm gon na be rocking at least for a little bit, because, although it's not the same like eyes, click right here to the sound like this, I feel like it looks closer. Like I'm y'all know, I could just leave me an extra, but I arrived there with Bob's for me specifically I'll, just keep it all the hair in the face, the closure - it's like from here, mr.brother pillows from here to here. So it's from Temple to Temple. I know we say for my for coaches: I've come for the temple, but that was not accurate, the more that they started, making bigger size closures like six five, six, five, five, five, seven by seven, I flip those are getting more popular than the standard. Four by four, because obviously you haven't, played more card space and way more space to do any other styles that you want. So I have been really pushing people to get 5x5 enough. I have in their Brazilian straight here and the closure and three bundles work both well, not both they were all 12 inches. I ended up only using two bundles and I love that with Rob's. You don't have to make the hair super thick, because a stupid, big, blob kind of doesn't really look right. So I feel like this is the the luster is up there. I just added some of the blue Miami moves to it to like flatten it out. I plucked the hell out of this closure. It wasn't like RL at the original video. I showed you guys before, where, like it looks like the fake cinematic waste, this was like plucked in the front already, but I just went through the whole closure, like part of it and just started. Plucking parted started plucking throughout the whole entire closer you're, not just the front, not just a part, but throughout the whole thing just to lower the density a little bit because I feel like it was a little much but so far I have no complaints. They are also - actually I see here is having a huge Black Friday, so right now from I think it's the end of this month or at the top of December, so this hair, it has been great, so far, are granted only they don't be. So you guys know I'm gon na come back with the follow-up. Let you guys know what I think on it and all that good stuff, but so far as an introductory type you know unit it has been behaving though the hair came really quickly came in like two days. I'M they told me when they were shipping it, and then all I know is that when I was at work I saw the date show up and I seen that yellow package. I was like bundle, I guess so happen. I see that eh. Oh, that is that's like well, even like the FedEx cuz. Sometimes it comes with FedEx with each other, but anyway I did cut, because the 12 inch closure was longer than the rest of the bundles. So I'll cut it with a scissor and then went through with clippers they kind of like even it out. So that's why I just you can see it looks like it's even all around the parting. One thing I will say is that the knots on this bad boy, bleached, like nothing like it, was so seamless and easy. The lace was thin, so that's great because, as you can see like it doesn't look like the like. You know that you tell them. There'S a thick piece of lace sitting on top of your head. I also did not use it. He civ, so I have been using the olive oil spray specifically made for wigs specifically made for wigs. That also contains cash to oil in it. So as much as like the arm, you know your wigs, does it to your edges? Well, a lot! This will help with that. So I'm testing that out right now, just because I told you guys, I can't use adhesive anymore. Maybe somebody eventually will come up with some nice and he said that I could probably mess with, but right now, I'm seeing with this out of all they have a gel, a spray and then also like a spritz, but so far I only used as spray and I'Ve been using the spray by itself, use most use the jaw and it's pretty clever, but I've been using the spray right stuff. I just tried to jail today, so I'm kind of seeing how it goes, but so far so good. I am in love with that. Spread and I'm gon na keep trying to until I see an issue for the least on this. Once you see the video on the video I showed earlier of the hair. Originally the lace was nice. I did tint it, so I used this lace, hood that is elite when I treat elite, like I think, it's from the least hint lady, at least to or something I'll put the image or the link down below as well. I bought that I'm about to fight again because it's Black Friday and they're having a massive sale and I need to load it up, because that adhesive I mean that he said that ladies tent spray makes the tent the lace look like scout. You can put it next to your skin and it look let's go so I definitely highly recommend that the lace is from least to me and I believe, but I'm gon na put the link down below. I am in love with that lace. I also bought lace here from other companies, and I thought like, oh maybe at least ten is just like: oh hey. No, it wasn't until I started using this one that I was like. Oh nah, this issue's legit. So I'm gon na put the link for that down below because no one likes light lace and then, once you do use adhesive or you you know put it on, you can see with one splash hits it like it's. It shows like. No, we don't want that. We want it to look like skin so that when flash hits it, it looks like you're, Scott but other than that. I'M obviously gon na keep trying to hair out I'm gon na keep you guys updated. So again, this hair is from I see here, I'm going to leave a link down below Peter check them out also be sure to try to get and catch all of their Black Friday sales or any Black Friday sales at that, because the sales throughout this whole Week and the first top week of December is about to be massive because then there's Black Friday than their Cyber Monday and CC is a cyber money mommy, because I'm gon na do the in-store madness all right guys. I just can't um so definitely be sure to check them out. Thank you guys for rock with me. The 50,000 subscriber video is coming soon, so be able to look out for that. I can give you guys a hint that some of the things I'm gon na be giving away are things that you will see on my channel, so just keep an eye out on there's gon na be obviously rules and ways to enter so be sure to check That out once I dropped that and thank you guys again so much for supporting me. I appreciate you guys more than you no and when I tell you more than you know, I mean more than you know, because my Youtube upload schedule is insane and the people who have been sticking with me and I appreciate y'all and our promise to make it Up to y'all this year, coming up, we've got to be on a different way and I feel, like I said that before, but I'm gon na say it because I mean it and really tries to get so I'll. See you guys again in my next video and thank you guys so much for watching

Sylvia Miller: I love your channel! Glad I ran across it. I’m learning more about lace frontals and closures...thank you!!!

Beautiful Savannah: How did you apply this unit? It looks so natural

91geps: U look so good now sis

stephanie zephir: Sorry for your loss babe RIP Woo

ISEE HAIR: so pretty you are

Gorgeous George: Yesss it's crazy I went searchhhhhing4 u❗❗❤❤ I'm like wtf . Glad ur back n well.


Kristina Lucas: Where have you been⁉️ We missed you ❤️

Kola Stone: Oh I misssss uuuuuuu!!!!

Sebastian Walker: Girl you need to tell me how the fuck you whiten your teeth because bitch I’m obsessed with your teeth uhh ❌⭕️❌⭕️♥️

Teyona Leshea: Plz come back permanently

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