Lace Closure Sew-In

Hey guys welcome back to my channel, I'm back with another video in the salon, so today we're doing a lace closure sew in, of course, I shampooed and conditioned her hair, and now I'm just detangling so that I can blow-dry it out. As you can see, she is relaxed, it's been quite a while, since I've actually done relaxed hair. Just to be honest, I think pretty much everybody has been natural. I don't think I've done relaxed hair in quite some time. But yes, so I'm just detangling her hair. She has some pretty long relaxed hair. I remember when I was relaxed I could. I will always get to a certain point and it would just stop growing like it just I guess I kind of depending on how well I was taking care of it, because at one point it actually did get a little lengthy, but for the most part, my Hair has always been like the same length. It always gives to a certain spot and it's it just seemed like it stops growing, but I am determined to start growing my hair. If you watched my silk out video that I did at home, then you know I did trim my hair and I haven't trimmed it since then so be on the lookout for a new silk out video. So now that I have her hair blown out, I'm going to use just a little bit of edge control to change those edges and I'm braiding everything down. But I feel, like I kind of should've left out like a little bit of edge in the front. Just because the shape of her hairline is not, you know straight across, and you know when you put a closure on it's typically straight across. So I don't know if I'm explaining this well, but if I end up doing her hair again, then I'll show you exactly what I mean by the closure being straightening. Her hair line is not straight, so I should have just lift out some hair so that the part could be just a clean straight part across, but I feel like I'm throwing you all off. Okay, so we're just gon na continue on with the video. So when I'm doing lace, closure sew in is I'd like to keep the braids in the front much smaller than the brace in the back. Honestly, I think you just makes the closure lay a little flatter and, as you know, I always do my braids. So the bad guy, typically don't use to be admitted anymore. There was a Brady pattern that I used to use, but to me it seems like writing it to the bank is more efficient. So now I'm just sewing down the closure and I typically sew one side down and come back to the other side and sew that down just so. That is pretty much in a good spot and then I proceed with sewing down the sides. So once I have the sides stitch down, then I just go and make my part and then I'll separate the hair in the front and just sew that down is well. If you want to make sure that you're not sewing where you a party, that's the reason when I parted it out first, so that I can make sure I'm not in an area where she will partner hair and I'm just going to do the exact same thing. On the other side, so this here, I'm not quite sure exactly where she purchased it for arm the closure was not pre plucked. So I do have some trouble. You know trying to plug it and make it look natural. Also, the nuts were not bleached prior to it, so in so I'm just trying to do my best to pluck it and then, if you watched my previous video, where I did the traditional so in the red here, my hot comb went out, and this was literally The next morning, so I didn't get a chance to even go out and purchase another hot comb and then, as I'm watching the video I don't thinking to myself like I could have used a blow dryer. I don't know why that didn't come to mind, but instead I ended up just spraying, her closure down and trying to tie it down with some wrap strips and I put her under the dryer and it helped a little bit. But I still wasn't pleased, but she was happy with their hair. So that's all that really matters. I just feel like that. I could have went back and hot combed it a little more and then I'm kind of upset that I thought I got the blow dryer and missed it after the fact so yeah she probably will be in for a touch-up or so, and hopefully I have a Hot comb by then, I've already put my order in for one, so it should be in by the time she sits another appointment, but, as you can see, I'm just using the rap strips to try to lay it down like. I said it didn't really help them much, because I couldn't even get the strips on they're good and I really really wish I would have blow-dried a button, so this is after she came from under the dryer like I said he don't really look like he did Much because I feel like the strips weren't all tight enough and she also requested some strip lashes, so I apply her some strip lashes as well, but this is the final look. I believe she is wearing like some natural wave here and again. I do not know where she purchased it from if you're looking for some hair. That'S similar to this texture, you can check out my deep wave hair in my premium collection. The closures come pre plucked and you literally only have to do minimal customization, but that's all for today. I will see you in my next video give me a big ol thumbs up and make sure you subscribe.

Taneeka smith: Nice

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