How To Make Hand Wefted Indian Virgin Hair

Allure Hair Chennai India demonstrate how to make Hand wefted hair weft

So everything that our community, the missions classics in the mission you can see it was very thick white, okay, yes yeah, but the see that technical funded by this we know the goodness and that's all just folded somehow in there yeah once it made behind you make One see pieces in the machine right so can make only watch statistics in the mission. Okay. That'S just me. Yes, yes, so this is a nice big West. When you don't want it to fall and then you can add colors and everything when they analyzed it. What else, because she's doing something different here or she'll, check the lines nits in nightstands see lights? If anything, is there analyzing it we manually be removed? I don't use any chemical process. Yes, so we have to remove the manually if I use a chemical, the quality of the heart will spoil given to the first they remove each and every one. Why it's? Okay, so they go by section by section yeah per day. They can may see one or two pieces per day, okay Godfrey. She will check each and every stuff yeah after that, once she made checked it. The other random check by the supervisors writes: okay, yes, yeah! So that's why they make sure and sliding all the PCs. Just just in case yeah, okay,

Bendic Rot: So u sell raw Indian hair too

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