How To Co-Wash Bundles Ft Ali Pearl Loose Deep Wave

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Hair in the video :

#curly hair #cowash

What'S up y'all, it's your girl malik and i am back with another video. So today, i'm going to show you guys how i co-wash my hair um first thing is: i make sure i have my conditioner my wide tooth comb, my shampoo and we're going to get started so i'm basically just um taking the hair tie off the hair. I'M just making sure it's loose, then i'm taking the wrapper off and then once i get all of that off, i'm most likely just gon na lay it down flat so that i can start with shampooing and conditioning the hair. So, as you can see, you see that like gold, um, rubber band thing, that's around my hair. I also have to get that off, but i started off with just the pink paper wrap that is on it and once i take that off, then i'm gon na go ahead and take the gold thing off. So, let's fast forward this and we'll be back so, as you can see, i already took off the pink paper, along with the gold wrapping that was around the hair and i'm just gon na leave the rubber band on the hair and then we're just gon na Get started with washing the hair, so this is me just washing the hair trying to avoid the top portion of the hair. So once i'm done washing this, then i'm gon na go ahead to shampoo the hair. So now that the hair is definitely damp wet right, you want to make sure it's super wet. We'Re going to go ahead with my shampoo biotin and we're just going to rub the hair with the biotin. I'M going to rub my finger through, it make sure all the curls everything gets some shampoo on it and then we're just going to repeat that method for every single one of these bundles that i have also i'm going to be doing my closure. So you just stay tuned to see how i wash my colder. So this is how i rinse my hair, like i just go from the top to the bottom top to the bottom and let's fast forward through this video, because it's going to be the same thing for both. Now that i'm basically done with all three of my bundles i'm going to get my closure, which is in this little bag right here, so we're gon na get the closure and we're gon na take the net off it. That'S if you still have your knit on like i normally do and then we're gon na go ahead and wet this closure, so make sure everything is good and then we're just going to wet this soap, the closure and um. Once we get done wet in the closure, we're just going to shampoo it doing we're repeating the same method that we did with the first three bundles. So i'm just washing it out making sure the hair is pulled back and then i'm gon na go ahead. With my shampoo so stay tuned for the next step. Yes, so now that i am completely finished, i am going to grab my conditioner, so this conditioner is really nice because it smells like coconut to me. So this is the cantu hydration cream, conditioner, sorry y'all. I have it, i didn't, have it the right way, but now i do so natural hair or whatever sweet. I don't care, it was somebody's hair, so anyways we're gon na make sure we saturate the hair, we're gon na put the conditioner all over the closure and the other bundles and we're gon na apply a lot just because you want to make sure it is like Getting that deep, conditioner feeling, even though it's like weave you got ta, treat it like a real hair. So this is me just applying as much as i want to on the hair, and once i get done with that, i'm gon na show you guys what i do. Next, we're gon na get started on a bundle and when you apply the conditioner to the bundle and you get ready to comb, it out, be sure that you start from the bottom up, because the hair gets tangly. So you want to definitely start from the bottom. So you don't like rip out the hair because you got to treat it like it's your natural hair, like i say so, you start from the bottom up. Then, once you get all the knots out continue brushing and, as you can tell, i put my closure in that plastic bag. That'S where i'm gon na have all my hair saturated like this. That'S where they're gon na sit in deep condition, so yeah so like stay tuned and see what's next, so so now that i'm done with all three, i just rinse my hands of all the conditioner, and i am going to eventually close that plastic bag so that Everything can sit and be deep conditioned, so i'm probably gon na leave it for like 30 minutes, so we're just gon na leave this here for 30 minutes and i'll be back and i'll. Show you guys what i do so i definitely cut off the um camera and i'm back now, 30 minutes later. So i'm going to take the hair out of this plastic bag and i'm just going to wash the hair of all the conditioner and i'm just gon na thoroughly wash the hair and get all the conditioner out. Making sure that i don't get the top portion of the hair with, like all the hair, that's above the elastic band, i'm gon na make sure that i don't get that wet so yeah. So just watch me wash my hair y'all. So i'm going to add this part, because i want you to see how i define my curls so once i whip my hair and i finished taking out the conditioner and everything i kind of do that right there that you're seeing yep. I definitely do that with all of it just to make sure it's extra curly extra extra curly just like that yep and then this is me washing my hair again. So, let's fast forward this part, so so, once everything is rinsed out, i'm going to go in with my oils, you can use whichever oil you prefer. I prefer this one because it smells good and shiny oregon. Well, ah, so i'm just going to spray that on my hair, i think it was. I think this bottle was just not acting right, so i'm just putting it was not trying to come out y'all. So i think i just opened it and i was just like yep there we go, we opened it because it was not trying to spray out and it definitely wasn't trying to work when i was pushing it against my stomach. So i'm just gon na apply it to the hair. Don'T add too much, but i don't know if it's your it's kind of like a natural hair, so just treated like a natural hair yep see it wasn't trying to work but yeah guys. Let'S just keep watching. I'M definitely just going to keep oiling each and every one of the hair making sure everything has some oil on it and it smells good. Do let's take a look. Let'S take a look. Yeah look at my hair. I am done with everything. This is exactly how i co-wash my hair, making sure that it smells nice. Look at the curls. Look. Look at me check me out. Oh, but yeah so definitely follow this. I will follow this. If i was you, okay, definitely being that, i washed out the conditioner. I just took me a little spritz bottle and i put some conditioner in that bottle with water and i'm just gon na spray it all over the hair so that the hair could smell like coconut or you could smell like that conditioner. So whatever conditioner you decide to use, which is fine, whichever you prefer and i'm just gon na spray, it all over the hair and then once i'm done with that, that would be it all done. Y'All make sure you like this video subscribe to my youtube channel, hit that bell notification button peace,

Алексей А: Здравия желаю товарищ сержант! я тоже от Руденко. Удачи тебе в твоих начинаниях!

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MilitaRen: Привет SGT я здесь благодаря Rudenko. Отличные видео!

Wilson Ball: Ничего не понятно, но очень интересно)

Scott Ritter: Привет Селли. 26 октября 2020 года я смотрел твоё интервью на канале Руденко. Мне очень понравилось твоё интервью и особенно понравилось твоё желание побывать в Германии. Я бы хотел предложить тебе приехать в Украину. Я практически не говорю на английском, я русскоязычный человек, но английский разговор местами понимаю. Мне было бы интересно рассказать тебе и показать множество красивых, исторических мест нашей замечательной страны! Буду рад, если ответишь☺️;

Miel: Hello ,I'm from Kazakhstan.Could you shoot a video blog about your training in the army of the United States. What kind of exams did you pass ? How did you prepare and much more ?Thank you for taking part in Vania's blog.Sorry my english ❤️❤️❤️

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Роман: У вас не продаётся славянский шкаф??? Привет от Руденко!!!

Марк Крам: Hi from Moscow!Nice to see you,you're beautiful!

RocksDShebeck: Привет с канала руденко))

Роман Албагачиев: Russia from Rudenko. Good job!

Алек М: Hi from Rudenko!

ОбИван: Почему вы так любите накладные волосы

Geser Banchikov: Hey, I watched your interview with Ivan Rudenko. Now I follow you. And I am from Russia. Also I speak fluently German. If you can speak German, have you more chances serve in Germany? Sorry, English is not my motherlanguage!

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Kostya Kovalenko: Please record videos about military and your service

ДАЙВИНГ ОХОТА РЫБАЛКА: Пришёл к сержанту от Руденко. Я ни че не понимаю,что она говорит,просто поставлю ролик на просмотр. Пацаны, подписывайтесь на мой канал,ну это если есть желание помочь. Всем удачи во всех начинаниях!!

Павел Москалёв: In support from Rudenko

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danya tv: Hi from Russia

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Вася Пупкин: Hello, im from Ivan with Love)

Rinat Shari: Love is

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Н.Н. До: From Rudenko :)

Сергей Гармашов: Russia with ❤️.

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Сергей Комыхов: Hi from Vanya Rudenko )))

Dionis: Кто от Руденко?

Николай Долматов: Хей, если тебе интересны путешествия - то разве что могу посоветовать посмотреть про одно из туристических мест России (есть субтитры)

OneMasterLomaster: @ Rud&Co Hi from Rudenko!

SAM S: Hi, Selli ✌

Kocherga: Она что лысая

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Сёма Рыбкин: Sorry! Mey i com in ? I m from Rusia.✋✋✋

Crazy Gamer: video upload at 9/11 ...

Crazy Gamer: Hi . i am sub , pls you 2 )) Please sound rise up , so silent )))

Alex Inke: Шо тут? Есь хто?

vlad kali: hi sergeant)

Lemar: Hi

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