Diy: How To Make A Lace Closure Wig |5 Important Steps|Ft Nadula Hair

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Hey guys is she rushing to Jannah, I'm back with another video, so today I am working with my doula. They reached out to me to do a review for them. So here we go. I am working with them and this is a 20 22 24 and 20 inch closure. I believe, if not it's done description. I am using this specific cat for 399 for local beauty supply store. This is actually the mesh cap, and I like this one because it's breathable you get aired through your wig and I'm gon na go ahead and put it on to the head and have a nape of the neck. I'M gon na go ahead and pull it down because you want to use as much stocking cap as you can and you want it to go around the whole stocking cap. So you want to pull it down at the nape of the neck and this part is important, so make sure you pull it down back there. I'M gon na show you guys the lace closure. I believe it's four by four is pre plucked, but I'm gon na show you guys the bundles and, I believe it's 24, 22 or 220 and the closure is actually a 20. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, everything is gon na be done in description and we're gon na jump right in ATL. So, basically, I'm going to go ahead and put this on the front of the stocking cap and you want to pull it down just the inch just the inch you need to pull it down just inch. This is very important. I believe it's very important because it's just important, I can't break it down to you, but just make sure you pull it over an inch because you don't want your frontal, your closure to be pushed back too far. So you want to leave just the inch so that you can see it, and you won't see that the side edges are up there as long. I can't really break it down to y'all right now, but I'll show you guys. One side install this on the next video, but I'm just gon na wrap it up and get it out of the way and while I'm doing that, make sure you like comment and subscribe share this video, having did a closure video in a while. That'S actually Halloween viral, so I'm just recreating this and all the different techniques that I've learned over time so guys. This right here is how I sew so I'm taking my needles already loaded and ready to go boom BAM cow. I have Musa 9 of them. I couldn't find my other one, so this part right here y'all. This is important to me. I make sure that my stitches are really close, because I don't want the closure to wrinkle up. So I make sure that my stitches are very close. I put on my snapchat and someone's like and like a machine made that, but basically it was just me. I just keep my stitches very close and I'll lock every stitch. So basically, as I'm gon na show you right here, I'm gon na go ahead and zoom in so I'm just gon na. Basically just tie it off. First, we're gon na go in and we're just gon na go ahead and tie it off first, I did one side really slow for y'all cuz. After this I'm gon na speed up the video. I don't want to make this video super long where you guys are getting lost so yeah. So I said I'm gon na go ahead and lock the first stitch and if I hurry up hurry up girl, lock the stitch and anyways. Ok, I'm locking my first station and then again I'm gon na keep it really close. So I'm very close to that first stitch. I just locked I'm going to lock it I'm gon na twist it two times pull and that's lock in a stage more time. I'M probably going to detail more about how I lay down my friends and closures, but right now, I'm just gon na show you the basics to times lock, so I'm just going through locking it two times boom boom and pulling it out. I came a long way with sewing. I'Ve gotten very great at it, so it took me like five minutes just to so this whole thing around so yeah y'all. Basically, I'm just going in keeping my stitches very close, I'm gon na zoom in a little bit more once I stop this voiceover cuz. You can't really see, but basically I'm just going in so I'm going in. There'S mesh look two times pull it and when you pull it you're locking that stitch right on in there. This see how you see how my stitches are very close, they're really close together. I think this is the best way to actually make a closure run. So especially if you do sell them, you want everything to be clean neat and we don't. We want our wigs to last us a long time we making this week for just a day or two. You want this stuff to last at least a couple months. You know I'm saying so. Basically, I'm just going in one more time. I'M gon na show y'all and then I'm gon na go ahead and speed. This video up so basically going in boom boom two times pull it. So, basically, I'm going in again one more time: I'm gon na go in again: okay, okay, I'm going in now boom boom, two times pull and I'm Keith my stitches very close, like when I say very close. They are really close. There'S no gaps in between only for my front tools and closures. I do keep my stitches close, but when I sew in my hair, my stitches are always like a centimeter apart. So I just want to. I just want to see. I'M gon na show you guys how I actually do it, so this video is gon na be a couple more seconds than me so on again and then I'm gon na go ahead and speed it up just keep on keeping your stitches very close. You don't have to do this. This is optional, but it's best. If you do it this way, so you won't have your closure wrinkled up and we don't want our closure. Wrinkled up cuz in our hair will not lay flat and I'm gon na be doing a second video on this, not Dula hair and it's gon na be an actual install a closure install because it's been months since I mean it's been a year since I've actually Did a closure install and I was getting requests - onions Instagram about it, so I'm gon na go ahead and do that for you guys I'm going to actually go to the second side, so you want to do the first side, you're gon, na move on to the Second side and we're going to the back last, because that is very important, so make sure you do first. Second, and then you go to the back last, because you don't want our closure to pool. We want it to stay level on each side and then once we're done, we're gon na go ahead and pull the back and fold the back up. Okay, so I'm just gon na be quiet, and it's just going to fast forward. Okay, also, now that we sewed in both sides, I am going to show you guys how I do the back. It'S gon na be in a speed because it's gon na be the same thing, but I'm gon na show you now that we're gon na move on to the second. You want to do the left side, the right side. Then you want to move on to the back. This is very important. It will stop your closure from linking up. Believe me and now, I'm moving on to the back using the same stitch form the same to swirl, lock, basically with its gold and then now guys. I am moving on to the back, so at the nape of the neck. You want to just sew regularly, as you sew any other weave, but you don't want to go through the last Bend. Do not go through the elastic band because gon na take away the stretch and it's gon na make your wig wrinkled up so go above it so you're just gon na stitch above the material. Basically, so just go over it don't poke through the rubberband part. We don't want that. That'S very important as well to you, I'm putting like five facts. That'S very important in this video. As you can see, I'm gon na show y'all. Once I move this needle I'm going over the band not through it. As you can see, I'm picking up some of the mesh lace and I'm going to just sew it on top. If you guys know what I mean and then once you do that I'm just gon na go ahead and just fly pass here. I am actually double wedding, so two bundles are double F get. The last bundle is single. Two bundles double with last bundle single. That'S how I do all my wigs and only cut some parts I am do. I am going back and forth up until I get to the top once I get to the top, I start to cut so I see, as you can see, I'm halfway well, not even halfway almost mid to where I'm almost done with the wig, and I want To show you guys, you want to keep each stitch between your tracks one inch apart. That is very important because you will run out of hair. You lookin crunchy in the face honey, so make sure you keep an inch in between each track. Plus you don't want your wig to do like this weird shrinkage thing it does around each elastic band. I am going over it. I am NOT going through the last band doesn't matter if it's on the left side, right, side, back, side, front side and I'll go through it, go over it, and basically I'm just going to go ahead and speed up this video and I'm just going back and Forth, literally just back and forth with the closure, it's super simple, foreclosures you're, just going back and forth, and now I'm on to the second bundle, just doing basically the same thing all day in the back, just going back and forth back and forth, just going back And forth you all I'm taking a piece of track that was left over and just putting it in the middle, don't mind me looking ugly, I look a hot mess when I'm at home I'll be walking around my braids and the caps alone, but y'all this video Is about to come to an end we are going to get to. The things are the fourth important part, and this is the top part. Basically, I want to do the same thing, but what we do not do is we don't want to go through that lace? At the top of that closure, so you want to stay on the mesh part. So when you lock your stitches, don't lock them closed? Will you lock them close to the closure, but don't put it on top of the closure, because it's going to start to pull and it's going to be wrinkled up once again, so just don't attach your tracks to the closure. Just put it to where you just close up a gap but y'all this is it and this is the fist. I believe this is a fifth important part: we're going to go ahead and cut this black patch out, so that we can give ourself a realistic part. You want to get this mesh part out of there, make sure you cut it, but do not clip do not cut close to the stitches cuz. Your whole week will come apart, so make sure you cut it carefully y'all, so just basically cutting it getting it out. The way you want to see our closure or not the blood part, so getting that out of the way - and I am okay guys so basically, this is how the wig came out. I am gon na show you guys how I get it flat at the top. In the next video, when I'm installing this hair - but basically this is how you guys make a wig. This is a closure weak from not doula. I left it in this natural form, so this is the natural form. I just brushed it out with my fingers and it's giving us this little natural type thing and I'm kind of liking it, but so yeah y'all, just gon na go ahead and just give you guys a look of how the we came out, and I gave you Guys five tips on how to make a closure wig. I hope you guys enjoyed this video, don't forget to Like comment and subscribe. It'S crazy. This week looks so natural but um. I just left it that's the pattern. It came me and that's the body wave and um if you like what you've seen don't forget to Like comment and subscribe, don't mind my muscle, built body on the side, miss built in all kind of ways, but anyways y'all yeah just leave some comments down below. Tell me what you think this is how I make my closure. Wigs haven't made them in a while, but I was highly requested for this video, and this is basically how you make it easy steps. You can pick up all the important parts of this video and you gon na have your bomb-ass week, okay, girl, but thanks for watching guys - and I am out don't forget to catch me - my next video when I install this work piece.

Monsie babe2: Superb tips! At last someone explained why my wigs end up too small! I place the cap carefully on the mannequin and measure it ... but it’s always too small. I’m going to try leaving bigger spaces between tracks as you said, 1 inch and I’ll see if it makes a difference. Could you please do a cap placement tutorial. love your work

Princess Rayah: Omggg... Nunna remembered like 1/2 years ago we was watching queen hair review from Nidula and u was like I can’t wait till they start sending me hair... god works in mysterious ways

chulo: Why do you have to space the tracks out?

Erika Q: Can you make a video on how to make a 6x6 or 7x7 closure wig please?

Mahogany P: Did you bleach your knots?

Princess Rayah: And you gotta 2/2 ad

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