Omg This Wig Is So Laid! Look At These Curls!! Start To Finish Glueless Wig Install Ft Ywigs

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Wig sales page - @CAwigss

Personal instagram- @holaa_caro

EMAIL- [email protected]

The wig I received is from Ywigs.

Direct Link to the wig:

Wig Info:


Hair Length: 20"

Hair Density: 180%

Cap Construction: 360 Lace Frontal Wig

Use my code "CA10" for 10% off.

Ywigs Offical Website:

[Contact with YWigs]

Thank you.

Hello, everyone what's good! What'S poppin welcome! Welcome back to my channel! It'S your girl, caroline! That'S me and hi, okay! So, let's already get into it. You already know i'm not much for long, lengthy intros, so we're gon na be doing another. Wig install love, her yay, of course, and the wig i'm going to be installing is from it's. This wig i'm going to be doing a um, basically showing you guys how i like to reinstall my wigs once the lace has already been cut. So if, whenever like, maybe you bought a wig from someone like? Maybe you bought one of my pre-cut lace, wigs that i suck i do sell my wigs or maybe you bought like um, or maybe you have a wig that was installed by a stylist and i try to sell it yourself. You know what to do once the lace is cut yeah, i got y'all, so this wig is from y wigs. It is a 360 wig right, so it got. It'S got a lot of legs on the inside like towards the top, and it has a little bit of lace down here in the bottom. All i did was bleach the knots the hairline came pretty pre-plugged. In my opinion, i might do a little more pre-flushing once i install it later already did tint the lace when i was trying to install it, and i tipped my lace using this 3d concealer 3d cream, ruby cases 3d. Whatever i use the shade 11 in the darker shade, that's what i used to tip my waist so put on a wig cap just to protect the braids, pushing the hair back, because we don't want the wig cap to show under let's go ahead and pop this Bad boy on i just went ahead and pushed all the hair backs right here. That'S my hairline, the wig cap sheet. All the way like right here so that therefore it's not showing on the front. So it goes over my wig caps. You get you get. So i kind of do the same thing when it comes to cut versus, not cut it's just when it comes to a cut lace, kind of a little bit harder to pull the lace down. If you don't have things to pull down to, but i'm just going to try to show you guys what i do got my ebb and lace spray we're using this love her and i always start with the sides first, because the sides are the most stubborn. For me, so what i'm gon na do i'm gon na spray a little bit under? I mainly do this for the size. Like i said, the sides are more stubborn spray that i'm using my fingers to also spread the product around. So it's nice and thin and even and then go in just like that and i'm spraying basically on the lace and in between the lace right here using my fingers. You know spread the product around and then i'm going ahead, i'm going to try to spray as much as i can towards where the lace meets my skin get, and i use my fingers like before tap tap tap and now what really is going to help and Sometimes easily, just like that, you're, like okay and with my blow dryer and a cool setting, and when i'm just trying to start pushing down all that lace and see just like that, it's already sticking, i would say you couldn't get it to stick that way. Another thing i will do too to really help me because to give me an anchor is i'll go ahead and pull out hair from the front that will most likely be the baby hairs. I'Ll pull those out right like this, and i use my spray and i got ta, make sure i'm spraying on the lace so make sure you're looking because and spraying mainly in the lace and on the actual baby hairs. The lace that's going to be on the edge, because you're trying to lay the edge of the lace go ahead and spray that tap tap tap. You know pull this piece out too, and also gently holding on to these hairs in the front. To kind of help me to kind of give like an anchor or something to just help, pull down on to make sure i'm ensuring the lace is nice and flat. Tap tap tap, also brushing your baby hairs, while you're using your blow dryer like combing them out. Can kind of help them not get too stuck, so they can swoop back to normal when you're trying to do your baby hairs. So i just also um, you know spraying i mean not spraying but blow drying. I'M making sure i'm combing out the baby hairs to help sure the tendencies are not getting stuck down. Okay, see cool nice and stuck, and i'm just gon na repeat the same thing all over my same thing. So, as you can see too, i'm even like grabbing onto this tiny little piece of lace up here to help me have something to pull down to i'm spraying there you go dry. What is your name? Okay, cool? Now the lace is feeling nice and secure. I like to usually just like look around to see, there's any lifting that needs like an extra double spray and to make sure everything is really nice and stuck before. I do anything else. I just stop where i am right now and i get this my elastic band and i just go and put that on and i usually will wait like probably 10 minutes with this on, to make sure all my hair has properly dried. Before i proceed to the swooping, okay, are we back all right see now that lace is looking real, stuck, i'm just trying to pin this hair back because it it's so much easier, a lot easier, but it just gets less stressful when you have the hair out Of the way these random hairs, i'm just going to pull them so now we can proceed to doing our baby hairs and, of course the hair is still a bit stuck. So i just like to you know comb it out to loosen them up, but don't be too hard because, like i said, got ta watch out for that lace a little bit, i'm also gon na cut the baby hairs down. Like i said, i didn't pluck this wig because i like the way it already came pretty plucked by the company, but i will do a little bit of plucking just to tweak it because it's just a little bit thick for my liking. So for my baby hairs, i'm going to use our eco styler, i'm just going to put some in the back of my hand for easier access and then i'm just going to proceed to sweeping my baby hairs like normal. I wonder if i died. I'Ve been working on this side of baby hairs for like an hour now would y'all. Believe me like most times i'm doing my hair guys it's. I like. I get a lot of comments saying. Oh my god, caroline you make it look so easy make it look. So easy and it's it's called editing y'all, because half the time no cap most some of my installs will take me a good. I don't know six hours, sometimes even if it's just a simple closure install but of course i'll like edit, most of it out, because y'all not gon na sit through a six hour. Video because i know mostly i'll be skipping through this video anyways and plus. Most of the time, i'm not even doing anything different than what i'm showing i'm just continuously repeating the same step over and over again until i get it to look the way i want it. So if you're like, following along my videos and you're, doing like following along what i'm doing and you're not getting the same result, don't get discouraged at first, because even i won't get it right at first. I just got to keep doing the same thing over and over again until it starts to look the way. I want it to look okay, so now that i'm semi-satisfied with this side like low-key, i could still continue fixing the baby hairs on this side, but i'm just going to take a pause and just move on. Sometimes you got ta take a moment and just move on to the other side, like i would say the most i know for sure, cutting them straight across makes them look very weird, and what i like to do is just cut them in a diagonal angle, like This like this way not this way and that kind of helps them get more of a fluffy look on your hair hairline is is all right. Now we're just going to hold all of this down. Now, let's get into styling, i'm just gon na brush out the hair a little bit just to make it detangling easier, and i'm gon na cut everything just a little bit blunt. I just like black cuts on my hair. Just always makes the hair look better when it's in a blunt cut, i'm not going to cut too much of the length, i'm not really going for, like a bob, so i'm cutting like probably less than an inch just cutting to where the hair is the thickest. I'M gon na cut a little bit right here. I'M gon na be using this mousse instead of water, it's actually half mousse, half water. You know normally i'll use water in a spray bottle, but i can't find my spray bottle, so i'm just going to use this i'd recommend doing this because it is wasteful, i'm okay with doing this, because this is half water and half the product. I'M just gon na saturate it up with this mousse and plus doing this instead of like drenching out water, like i normally do kind of helps the curls get helps the hair stay big, but it still helps to get defined just make sure i get it all. In the hair i'm gon na just brush like normal until the curls start to form the way i want to form scrunching scrunching if it's still poofy. That means it needs more product like so then brush, and then you know i like to make sure i'm scooping my comb. Like my brush like that, and then i scrunch it to help all the little curls form, especially towards the ends, because it's the ends that i really want to curl up, you see that beautiful, scrunch scrunch don't run your hands through the curls once you get them To form in the ringlet, that's what's gon na help them keep that shape once the hair dries okay, see beautiful. I think i'm gon na cut just a little bit more because these curls aren't forming that. Well on this side, you just want to train them. Curls around that brush bam, and that is this side and then now we're gon na do this side just the other side. I wonder if i died on the track just the way it's looking right now, because whatever, if i can like the hair, when it's wet, that's how it's gon na make it, i don't really ever really like the curls or like how the hair looks when it's Wet, but when i'm already filling in when the hair is wet, that's how i know it's about to be a good. It'S about to be a good install, so i'm just going to cut some of the hair down here, because it's uneven, oh yeah! Whenever you cut your curls, make sure you go back in and re-brush everything again, because the ends will be blunt. If you don't go back and brush it back in okay, so yeah, i'm gon na let the hair air dry completely. I'M not gon na wear. My fingers through it i like to keep it forward that way, i'm not sitting on it and squishing the curls, while i'm drying i'll do the finishing touches now just to save us some time um. So using that same concealer palette that i used earlier to tip my lace, i'm going to go with the lighter shade because it has like a light and a dark shade. I'M going to use a lighter shade to just you know, put that right into my part. So i can pop just draw some nice little curve and if you have like any over bleach or like little bald spots, you can use your mascara or eyeliner to just kind of draw in any gaps you might have just to clean it all up make it Look nice and neat and professional yeah, and i'm just using like my old eyes, old mascara. That'S like basically dried out. It has a little bit of juice left in there gon na be cute once it's dry, like it's already cute like this. Okay, i'm back when it's done: okay, y'all, so it's been like several hours later, like i haven't. Had my whole outfit change, i just you know i did some editing and here's how the hair is looking fully dried. I'Ve like lightly put my hands through the curls, to separate them a little bit, but for finishing touches now i'm going to go in my hot comb to kind of just press the hair down in places to just shape it the way i want it. Oh i'm trying to see if it's melting, my hair, i think she's a little bit too hot y'all. Like not me, almost burning my wig off okay, it's a little bit too hot! So i'm turning down the heat yikes like what oh, my god, i'm gon na use a little bit of wax since, for some reason, this piece is being since that's my hot cone. It'S probably because that's probably the gel on it and i'm just gon na wax down the other pieces just to help mold the hair and smooth it all out, especially towards the top. This needs a little bit more tinting in my opinion, so i'm going to go in with some of the this pressed powder that matches my skin tone. It'S also a ruby kisses product and i'm just going to tap that in on top of my lace just to help blend it all together. I also put some on the top of my forehead too. So, like you know, it's going to really melt here. We are fish, look bow check out the outside profile. You see her she's, like yeah cute cute. Well, we have made it to the end of our video. Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope it was helpful and comment below something nice. If you enjoyed this video or not girl, i don't know do whatever you want to do. I'M kidding and i'll see you guys in another one peace out, girl, scouts, good, bye,

Mariah True: Okay girl, we need a video on what wigs are best in quality thus far, bc girl you got me about ready to embark on this wig journey


aliayah: Your installs are to die for!

Incolorwig: So natural and stunning! Love the video~

AmminaWith2Ms: I genuinely trust u when it comes to wigs

Hlengiwe Msomi: Thank you . We needed a vid like this

Zoe Gray: ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/elizeid de mejor 1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10 Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos desde pantalla,, se que estuvo Sorprendente .

Krystal Lira: You ATE this slay!

Pablo Norton: Apreciando a una mujer tan hermosa. 2:5 sentadillas son unos HOTBABY.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados Saludos desde la Cd.. de world losb mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

Trinesha Lashon: how do you secure the back of the wig?

Aleksis Novak: Hermosa eleccion 6 LIKESEX.Uno de mejor siempre en mi corazónq mañas no se la. Son unos de los mejores conciertos.

D Tetteh: Exactly what I needed

eryona: these curlsss

Obiageri Ananaba: Girl need some tips from you. I only wear closure wigs because I suck at installing frontals. Any time I install my closure wigs I always feel a pulling sensation at the front after about an hour and then I end up having to take my wig off because I’m so uncomfortable. This is with a band sewn on AND I’m using the wig fix and nothing is working it always feels like my wig wants to slide back but it not only because of the got2b

lovely: thoes curles were poppin


Zoo Petty: So pretty and u remind me of jordyn woods

SashaDonyae: favorite!!

Alicia Cooper: Where did u get the orange wonder lace spray

Ali Pearl Hair: Pls check email~

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