Rx Hair Updated Review

This is an updated review on RX Hair, a vendor that was found on Instagram by a lady in my vendor search circle.


Any questions feel free to comment below. Let me know if you all want a long term review on this unit. Also, if you want to see how I colored this unit comment it down below.

Hey y'all welcome back to kick in with ari, i'm ari if you're new here welcome and if you're returning. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. As always, i have been m-i-a and i am sorry it's it's been some time since i recorded and um i've just been super busy with work. My my regular job in youtube. It'S a lot of work. I didn't realize not that it matters, that's literally no excuse. I signed up for it. I apologize, but i'm back with another hair review, um we're going to do a review on a hair called rx hair vendor called rx hair before i get into the review. I'D like to first thank the five ladies who joined me in the vendor circle, as i mentioned in my previous video, that i'd be helping with helping them with finding a vendor, and we all agreed on trying hair from rx hair and they pulled in their money. Together me included and we purchased this unit. It is a 20 inch deep wave 13x4 hd lace unit, um from rx hair. In long the name is wrong x in hair and on instagram. I believe they have. I think it was about 18 over 18 000 followers. So we were like really excited about the hair um. Their page looked pretty good uh. My initial reviews on the hair were livid. I was not happy with this hair as soon as it came in the mail. I was like what is this look at? How does the lace look? It looks all right right now, it'd be picking up different in camera. I only glued down the front piece. The sides are just flapping, but um yeah. When i first got the hair. I was like so disappointed the and i'm still fairly disappointed because i feel like it's not what i asked for the frontal on the hair is an entirely different texture than the bottom bundle's hair. I don't know if it's picking up well enough. We ordered a deep wave, which i believe this down here is a deep wave and the closure. The frontal looks like a kinky curly. When i opened up the package, the frontal the ends were frayed, they they looked dry. They were just dusty looking and the bottom hair was like. It was exactly what we wanted, that deep wave really pretty light like water, wavy texture, and it felt really good in comparison to the top um. The top frontal piece as well - and i was just like mad like why would you have two different textures on a and then i was also upset, because the frontal knots were huge, the first inch of the frontal they were nice and thin. It looked like it was just like you know, single knotted, but you get to behind the one inch it looks like it was like triple knotted. They were huge and um. I was chatting with the ladies, and i was like. Am i being a big baby about this? Like i, we spent the unit 20 inches deep, wave 13 by 4 hd frontal 287 dollars collectively put together and for us to spend that much money and not get what i asked for. I just wasn't happy so i contacted the vendor and i was like hey um. I sent her the pictures that i had posted and i was like hey. The hair has two different textures. The top part looks more like a kinky curly, and then the bottom is definitely the deep wave and the vendor told me that i was wrong because they don't carry kinky curly hair and that it was the same texture like flat out, told me that i was Wrong and after that i was like all right cool like i, i'm just not gon na deal with that vendor anymore, because i don't need that type of energy in my life honestly. So when it's wet it looks ridiculous like and then as soon as it dries. This part, unless you like this, is fluffed out right now, that's why it looks halfway decent, but when it's not fluffed out, it just looks stupid like it just literally stops, and this is straight and then this is big. You know, and this part dries up way faster than the bottom part. It was just way more work than i wanted it to be than we wanted it to be than you know. We were expecting uh. As you can see, i threw in some random streaks of blonde just to give it some definition. A little bit of fun. Trying to you know, make the best of the situation, and it took color really well, and the wig construction of the cap is beautiful. It fits my head perfectly. There are the little clips that, like hook into the little, you know what i'm trying to say hold on. So this wig has the little clips that i'm talking about these strings. Is it a drawstring? They have these that go into here and then it also has an elastic band, also um. So it's it's pretty secure on my head. I did put a little bit of got to be spray literally just right here, but i do believe it could be glueless because i put it on and it was on it just needed to be blended a little bit better um the the lace is gorgeous. I don't know i bleached the knots, so i don't know how big they look. But, to be honest with you, i would give rx hair another shot, maybe just not in deep wavy. If you know i'm looking for a traditional, deep wavy, because i don't care what they say, this is looking real kinky kinky curly. This thing is huge. I just looked at my this thing is huge. This is a lot of hair and for them to tell me this is a loose wave. I'M not even stressed, though it's fine life happens. This way. Bro. You see that and it's pretty it's not bad. If i wanted kinky curly, this is the back, but this is rx hair um, the hair is soft. The way construction is beautiful, the lace is gorgeous like it meshed with my skin really well, and i i put like some tent in it, but it's the lace is gorgeous. The hair feels good. I'M upset with the knots um the two textures and the customer service that i received after telling them that i wasn't happy with what you know i received, but aside from oh and the price i so the wig was 287. How much am i supposed to resell? This, for, if i wanted to you, know, get them as a vendor. I feel like that's pretty expensive. Call me cheap, i don't know, but i i can't think of my clients that i have you know around the neighborhood who would want to pay. So i get this for 287. I customize it do whatever. I want add another 100 to it. Are you paying 387 dollars? For this i mean, if you are, let me know but like i i personally wouldn't, but that's it i'll, stop it there um. I don't know about well, i'm lying, i do know about shedding, shedding wasn't bad at all. I don't know about tangling in the back, because i haven't worn this unit as soon as i put it on. I saw the textures i was just upset, but if you guys want me to i'll wear it for a couple of days and you know give you an update and uh, i guess that's it. Thank you all for coming back, um i'll, see you in the next one peace.

JDivine: I paid around $400 for my first wig then $500 for the 2nd one(613 hair). Both were for special occasions so some ppl might pay that much. It really just depends on what you want your company to be and who and how you market your brand. I’ve gotten some cheaper wigs from Amazon that I love but after having to get them customized and add hair it’s was close $300. I haven’t been able to find a curly or wavy one for cheap yet. I think curly and wavy is just expensive in general.

Get Ya Vitamin Tee: I definitely agree that the frontal looks like kinky curly, I do think we should give it another shot but with body wave bc it’s so versatile so we can see if it holds a curl or stays straight, IDK where you’re located but in NY someone would deff pay 387 for that (if the frontal matched)

Moti Squad: Looking for a good hair vendor!! So thanks for sharing your experience with this hair company

Sheisroyalteee: Heyy can you please do an update on the iqueenla hair if you can or tell me how it’s holding up?

Mizz ambition: I've been looking for reviews I want to get bundles and not a wig but I'm so nervous did u ever give them another try

Sashiney Davis: You can cut it & get it in line with the front tbh

Sammy Da Goat: I'm Loving Your Vlogs Very Much

ItsLiyahLanae: I would like to be apart of the group !

Sheisroyalteee: Heyy can you please do an update on Iqueenla hair if you can I would like to see how it held up

Shay Williams: I wouldn't say it's worth trying again but I guess you could. Doesn't seem like they give you what you want

Jayne fernandez: That’s way to expensive. Not for that

Cheri Quinn: I purchased their hair and it tangles so bad

darrione collins: What’s the group

Sashiney Davis: They rong that girl dispute it at least get back half ur money

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