Mane Concept Bsf10 Lace Frontal | Sogoodshop

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Haidee was so in today's video i'm here to share with you guys this fabulous unit that i am rocking right now. So, if you guys are interested thing, go ahead and stay tuned, okay deal is so the unit that we have today is my main concept. It is from their brown sugar collection and the style that I have today is BS f10, and I have her in the color number one B she does come in other colors. She comes in 1, 2, 1 B, deep mocha honey, ash o as violet as well as P, 1 B 30. So you definitely have some color options there, but ya deal is if you guys, are interested in the rest of the details and the specs like the cap construction and what I feel about this unit and all that good stuff then go ahead and stay tuned. Now you do my show you. What see me wear nice video you, my friend, I am a Mac user. Give me give me any money, didn't so go ahead and tell you guys how I feel so this unit is absolutely gorgeous. I absolutely love the captain structure. So yeah, let's go ahead and talk about that. So, as you guys can see, when I showed you guys, there was a 13 by 4 float or a frontal. So that is absolutely amazing, because you guys can get a frontal for an affordable price and you don't have to like break your pockets for that. So I think that's amazing. It does come with two combs in the front and two combs in the back, as you guys seen with adjustable straps. I think that the construction of this cap is really really good. It does stretch, so it is super duper stretchy. So I would say that it is a medium to large-sized cap now, if you do have a smaller head, all you have to do is go ahead and use the adjustable. Straps are the combs or whatever you do to make. The unit fits you. So as far as the closure, it does look really good. I didn't add any powder or anything like that, and I just kind of like has it. I don't know like I've. Just been really feeling like to just flip. My hair over I've been liking. The way that look, let me know if you guys like that, look on me or if you guys, like that look I've been loving. That look lately. So that's what I just decided to do, but you can't Park this unit any way you want to. You can also wear it up. My hairline doesn't allow for that, but you can just go ahead and wear it up in a ponytail and it does come with a baby hairs in the back and you guys can wear it up in a ponytail without worrying about any tracks showing or anything or You know just like, I think that that's a good option to have me myself. Personally, I don't wear my unis in a ponytail because I've not come across a unit that is like that can go with my hairline and everything and make it look right without making them look too weak. So, that's why I don't do it, but if you guys, can you know you guys do have that, like this unit has tons of styling options? So let's go ahead and talk about the texture of the hair. I absolutely love the way this curl pattern is like it's just so beautiful, and it's just so like I don't know I just really it is soft. It'S SuperDuper soft, like I really love how soft it is, and it's just it's just absolutely gorgeous, as you guys can see like the texture, is amazing. So as far as okay, let's talk about density, so the density when you initially take it out, it does look like it's gon na be thin, which I absolutely love the density that it was when I take it out, because sometimes I don't like my friendly styles To be like too voluminous, but as you guys can see, it does get bigger like once. You start running your fingers through it and just you know - and I don't know over time, it will get bigger. So the density is definitely full after you do that. But initially it does look. You know it looks like it is a lower density, but you know can't make it higher density. So let's talk about shedding and tangling, so I did not experience too much shedding. It was something that was really like normal. It was no machete. Now in the tangling, I did experience tangling like in the top area, and you guys can kinda tell because it is a little bit frizzy. However, I do notice that I experience tangle of shedding. Excuse me, I mean tangle is oh, my goodness. I can't get it together. I'M doing experience tangling with all curly units that I've ever had like whether they're human or synthetic fibers, like I experienced shedding our tangling. Excuse me with curly units. It'S just something that is very natural. However, after you experience the tangling, it's not like too much like it'll go down after a while. I would suggest after you like, write your fingers to it to put on some mousse. I don't know where my mousse is like. It wasn't close and I was honestly too lazy to go and get some more. But if you just put some mousse on here, it will like make the curl pattern. Might not look so frizzy, so you can definitely do that. It does not have to be a human hair unit for you to do that. You definitely can go in with some moves and it'll really define the curls and make them look nice and neat and lay down and for the length on me. I am 5-2 and I do have like a shorter neck. The length on me is like it's eight to thirty inch, Lagos, literally all the way down, so it is pretty long on me but yeah. I really do like that. I mean we are in fall and winter, so this is the season you know like for us. I mean I feel, like you, should wear long hair all year round. You know I don't personally like to wear when it's scorching hot, but for the fall and winter. This is like SuperDuper perfectly. I do really love longer hair and be a salt I'm now. I'M that's another thing I want to talk about. There are layers, but there are long layers which I don't mind. I really do love longer layers. However, if you want something that is more layer, you may have to go in and do it yourself. I did want to let you guys know that, but I think it looks absolutely perfect, but I guess it's just like it's just based off of personal preference. So, overall I would definitely give this unit a thumbs up. It is SuperDuper fabulous and I mean who would not want to get like a super affordable front so like come on now like you, can get the look and you do not have to break the bank. The lustre I forgot to mention. I saw the luster on this hair. It'S like a naturalistic like it doesn't look too shiny, it's just it's just perfect. It just looks really natural, but yet deimos, that's all I have. I want to go ahead and think so. The shop for sending out this fabulous e unit - thank you so so much and I will have a link to this unit down description box below, as well as a link to so this shop be sure to go ahead and check them out for this unit and Other fabulous unit and all your beauty supply store needs, but yeah anyways. Thank you guys so so much for watching. I really appreciate it if you guys did enjoy this video or find it helpful and easy to follow, then go ahead and give me a thumbs up. Be sure to go ahead and leave me a comment down below. I would love to talk to you, lovely Fiedler's. Tell me what you guys think about this unit, or do you have this unit already thinking about getting it? I want to say hi just talk to me. I would love to communicate with you lovely divas and be sure to go ahead and subscribe if you haven't done so already and also hit the notification mill, so you can be notified when I upload videos, I do upload quite often, so you definitely do not want To miss any of those but yeah, but thank you guys so so much for watching. I greatly appreciate and I'll see you lovely list in my next video bye,

Tyniesha Nicole: That wig looks good on you I don’t think I could pull something like that off

Precious 1980: My how wearing wigs have changed. Just bought his one and it will def look different. I like full but not too full.


Shelley House: Yazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!;

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