Best Curly Lace Front Wig! + Wig Install | Amazon Find | Andria Hair Review | Britney Andrea


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This wig was a new one for me, I decided to RETURN it because I didn’t like the overall shedding and the color just wasn’t for me. I hope you all enjoyed this video, please subscribe for future videos.

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Andria Curly Hair Lace Front Wigs...

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IG: ByBritneyAndrea

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Hey you guys welcome back to my channel so today i am going to show you guys a review on this hair that i'm currently wearing right now stay tuned, hey! You guys! Welcome back to my channel, so i'm gon na just jump right into applying this wig. I'M not using the ball cap method, i'm just putting a cap on my hair, i'm using the got to be high insta hold spray. Today you can see here is the hair by andrea. It always comes with some lashes, which i just tossed to the side, and this is the hair, so my first impression super soft. Just like my previous wig, i really like the texture. It came with baby hairs, which i don't normally don't use the baby hairs because either they're too short or too long so yeah. This is a 13 by 6 or 13 by uh lace. The lace is a really good color. The last lace was kind of light. This lace was actually pretty decent. However, this hair had a different type of smell to it. It wasn't too harsh, it wasn't too bad, but it had a smell for sure. So i'm gon na just comb that out brush it out and, to my surprise, lots of shedding. So i was not a happy camper at the beginning of this, but i went forward anyways. I did have some trouble putting this wig on, because this wig was tight. I literally took it off, put it back on, took it off, put it back on numerous of times just to try to find something that was going to be comfortable for me, um yeah, it was just tight. It was a little tight for me so, but i made it work. I'M gon na go ahead here and just pull back my hairs and put in a clip and then i'm not gluing this wig down. Because, honestly, i didn't know how long i was going to wear it. So i just used the got to be glued and the got to be glue spray and i just blew dry it for a little bit until it got really tacky and kind of clear. And then i went ahead and applied my wig. So, as you can see like it has no hairline um you can you can pre-pluck a hairline and see if that works for you, but i didn't try to do that. I just kind of wanted to put it on to see if i was going to like it or not mind you again. This is not a color that i normally get so i was already skeptical to begin with, but i went ahead and tied this hair down. I'M gon na go ahead and do my makeup and i will be right back to show you guys the finished look. Okay, so i've got it all down. Makeup is done. I feel a little better um. This wig is supposed to be a free part, wig and it doesn't seem like it's free parting and the reason being is because the hair is so mush together that there's not really a way to do a part. Unless you pluck your own part, i did not feel like doing that, so i just did the concealer trick, which is to part your hair put some concealer to make it look like some scalp is there. I went ahead and sprayed some got to be sprayed to go ahead and just keep the flyaways and kind of make that part more distinct, and that is it. So here is my review on it. Okay, so i have completely put the wig on and i have a few things to say. Actually this is not like my other hair reviews where i'm like. Oh, my god, i love it so much and nothing's wrong with it, whatever, whatever um, as you guys know that this wig is, i i got from amazon and it's from the hairline. I believe it's called andrea um and i've ordered from i've gotten her hair or that hair before and um had no problems, no complaints. I wanted to try a different color. They had this wig and like a ombre blonde, and then they had this one, which was like ginger um, i'm not too sure about the color. Just on me um, i might grow to like it, but i i have to play it by by sight. I, like the curl pattern. I like that it's full um, it's a wavy pattern, it's not curly um and it is really long um. I thought i got 24 inches, but this seems to be longer than my 24 inch, one that i currently have it comes. It comes with baby hairs already. I did not give myself baby hairs, i'm still debating on. If i'm going to um, it doesn't look pre-plucked um, it's it's not pre-plucked, but i like it um. I will say this: i did struggle trying to put this on. I don't think it is the same wig cap size as my last one. It seems a little bit smaller and your girl got a big head, so yeah the quality of the hair. It'S very soft, but i will say this: it did shed a lot more than my last wig that i got so it's not the greatest, but i mean um, it wasn't expensive. So i'm not just i'm, i'm not disappointed. It'S almost like you know. They say you get what you pay for, but um. There are some really good, cheap, wigs that i have purchased previously, that don't have all of these issues, but um every wig is different. Every line is different, so i can't really just like judge based off that, but my last wig from this company was a1 and i wear it all the time. Yeah we'll see how this how this one works. Um, you know if i keep or delete and or if i cut it or keep it long. I don't know i'm probably going to just play around with it for a little bit and kind of get a feel of things. So yeah that's my review for this video. I hope you guys all enjoyed it and don't forget, while you're already here click the subscribe button. Like this video leave a lovely comment, and i will see you guys on a upcoming video bye. You

OMG It’s Katt !: I love me an amazon banger/affordable slayer so I’m here for it girlie !

Angel Sandoval: My ass thought the wig was heat resistant..but my ass ended up messing my bangs up tryna curl them

StylezBy ROBIN: Nice

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