Cysterwigs Color Spotlight: Jeweled Peacock By Cysterwigs On Kona By Belletress

CYSTERWIGS COLOR MASTERCLASS SERIES: This video is part of an in-depth educational video series about wig colors! We've made these videos to go BEYOND THE SWATCHES to help demystify and shed some much needed light on the similarities and differences about the colors of the wigs we carry!

Hi very glib, a this, a Heather from sister, and this is a color spotlight of the jeweled peacock from sister wigs. I developed the color for the beautiful kona here. If I felt rust, this color has a lot going on and it took me about 10 months to develop. It went a lot longer than I actually thought it was because I I wanted it to be perfect, and then I had to kind of get get more realistic expectations and I was able to get pretty close to what I was looking for. So this is fine by me this is a beautiful blend and it was actually really difficult to make. This is a blend, especially here at the tips of teal and bright, blue purple, fuchsia and red all together. That is the jewel peacock blend on really long dark brown roots. So the front hairline and the top of the hair is dark brown and that's already cascades into this luscious rainbow happy color. Let me get it really close up on the camera. Now you can see all of these beautiful tones, very vibrant, kooky colors, with beautiful long, dark brown, routing and just sort of melts into they're. So pretty I love the way they pulled it off. There'S some that teal! You can see very blue purple. Very pretty! I'M gon na shake her up a little bit this one I like best when she's a little crazy looking just because this color is kind of crazy, and I I intentionally wanted this to be really bright. I did not want this to be like a demure, pastel color. I wanted this to be Punk manic panic rainbow happiness. I was the sort of person that, when I had bio hair to dye it was basically every color Under the Sun, and you know it's been purple, isn't blue, it's been pink, it's been green, it's in basically every color, and so I knew there were a lot Of people in the community who have bio, hair but wear wigs specifically, so they don't have to cut or dye their own hair, and this is a perfect sort of fun wick. For that reason, because you know this - has the monofilament part - it has a really nice lace front. The dark brown base is very natural-looking and then boom. Just this bright, happy Technicolor, wavy awesomeness and you don't have to dye your hair at all to get it. So this is the jewel peacock that I designed for the Kona by belt trust, I'm Heather from sister, wigs calm, where you can find this tool: peacock color on Kona huh, and that CYS ta r, wi GS, calm thanks so much for watching everybody. Hopefully it subscribes. You don't miss any of our upcoming content, including more stuff about our exclusives and until next time have a good night. Everybody bye, bye. You

Liz Lyons: This is just gorgeous, wow!! What a beautiful array of colors, Heather. Pure genius. Rainbow happiness - amen!

Amy Pie: I love this and wish I could wear it as well as you Heather, but I think the raspberry cocoa frappe would look better on me. The roots on this look like a 4 which is hard for me to wear but I would imagine there are lots of people who will look amazing in this. I’d like to plant a few seeds if I may. I would love a rose gold wig, a really pretty true rose gold. My bio hair was that color a year ago before I decided to go blue gray and my hair melted off . Of course were it not for the chemical haircut I wouldn’t have taken the plunge into the wonderful world of wigs! The other color I’d love to see is a rose brunette, the combination is stunning. I would rather spend the money on a wig than have to maintain the fancy colors on bio hair. Those cold water washes are a killer

Karen S: So pretty and fun! I see the difference between this final iteration and the previous sample. Looks great. As a side note, while at the supermarket the other day, I saw THREE women with purple hair. The one was a wig, I'm sure, and the other two dye jobs. Fun colors are in, baby!!

Serine Haugsness: Stunning! I'll be saving up for this one, without question!

LizinMalta: WoW! This is beautiful! One of my daughter's has her hair just like this and it is soooo hard and expensive to maintain on Bio hair......Good job! :-)

Michele Rodriguez Galaviz: So perfect for a party night out. What a fun look.

Tonya Moore: Yes my daughter is a 22 year old cosmetologists. This is what these really young folks love!

Holly Kurtz: That is one gorgeous color and the hair is gorgeous!

janetplanet09: You look so happy in this wig! Wish I had been able to buy one.

Placeholder Name: Heather, you are truly talented!

CapturedAngel13: Gorgeous color!!!

Tandoori: This is really pretty!

Anita Ward: Love the colors, wish the rooted color was lighter or blond.

Michelle: I'd rather have the peacock like the prototype but with shorter roots. And I'm 74 years old! If you're going to have those gorgeous colors, why dull it down with brown? Love the creamy blond. For the strawberry, I'd rather have little more pink in with the platinum. The only time i would wear a brown wig is your new color with the platinum highlights ( dony recall name). Go girl. You are fab!

1ladybp: Absolutely love!! ❤️

Karen Sachs: Love it.

Amber Glover: Gorgeous!

Frazzled Haloz: That is gorgeous

Lexsee C: So very pretty Heather

Billie Fox: Very pretty

Rosemary Waldie: Pretty, but I can’t take the dark front sadly

Robin B. Wood: Wow!!! So beautiful!!! Have you lost weight??? You look like a walk model!!

Nikki Bedwell: Where to purchase? What about in Raspberry Cocoa frappe?

Zanna Du: Fun fun FUN!!!

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