How To Make A Seasonal Fabric Snippet Strip Closure For A Ring Binder Junk Journal.

Happy Saturday family!! Today I'm going to make a fabric snippet strip for our Thanksgiving ring bound junk journal closure. I hope you can join me!

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Hi guys welcome back to Tara's, take how's my family today. I hope you all are doing good, so I am going to be making a snippet uh, not roll, but a snippet strip out of some different cloths here, I've, I've, squared off square and rectangle. You know just cut them into pieces like we did that. One time if you've watched the video we did uh during the summer, it was the early part of the summer, I believe or mid-summer. We did a video creating the snippet strips and that's what we're going to do for the front cover of our Journal. So what I'm doing here is just separating them out and then I have um. So what I have here is some crinkle cut, crinkle seam binding. I always call it the wrong thing. I have a couple of different Fabrics that we had used in the journal. Then I have some chiffon strips and then that material that I bought the other day, I've cut out a piece of muslin I'm going to use as the base. I would do two like we did the last time, but I'm only going to do the one because of the fact that I'm going to be cutting this in half okay and then it's going to get and in fact I may go ahead and cut it. In half now, and do it in two separate pieces, so there's so it's got material fabric hanging over and it doesn't have to um have like a cut line. You know what I'm saying, because then that way, it'll kind of be hanging over a ratty, not ratty. That'S the wrong word, but you guys, I think you know what I mean so ruffled you know are the roughened edges. You know the torn edges, so what I did was I went ahead and this this is my base. Okay, this strip of um muslin, and then I have taken a wider piece of this lace and I'm going to sew down the center. These are going to be. I showed it to you the other day. This is the one we. This is one of them that we did during the summer. Okay, this is a here I'll open it up, so you can see it better. So this is the strip and you can see all the different materials are on there and then it's sewn with two pieces of muslin as the base and it wraps around your Journal like so, and you know, and then you button it. Okay, like that, and it's adorable, I haven't used it anything. Yet it was too springy summary and I was going in. We were going into fall, so I haven't made anything for it, but I will eventually um, but I was just showing you. I used different types of materials and even after I was done, then I glued things on like flowers and I sewed these pieces on separately the Little Words the scriptures. So that's basically what we're going to do. However, I'm only only going to use the one piece now I'm going to cut this in half here, because I actually need it to be two. So, let's see it's about six and a quarter in length, okay, so then let me see here, you know what I want to do these separate. So I don't mess anything up. Okay, all right! Now I'm going to cut this and I'm doing this because it's a ring, it's the ring binder and I want these two to um to meet up, but not uh wrap around the back, of course, because there is no spine right, so we're gon na do them As two separate pieces here, let me grab the journal. I'Ll show you so it'll be like this: okay as a as a and then these are going to come out from underneath on both sides and I'm going to do the orange and the green. Both of these colors are the colors we used in the video that we did the other day. I don't know if that was yesterday or not um, but anyway these will come underneath and come out like that and they'll be the tie. Okay and that's how I'm going to shut it I'll close it, so you get an idea of what, where my brain's at with this, because I know looking at it. This way is probably like what done this before so alrighty. I'Ve got my stacks all mixed up. I'M so good at that kind of stuff, okay get over there. So I think this video is Saturday. If I'm not mistaken, did I cut these wrong or I did Somehow I cut this a little bit off, but you know what it's going to be fine, because there I'll just Center it like that trim this down a little bit. I'M not really worried as long as that lace is long enough. I think will be just fine, because the lace is what we're sewing for stuff on too so all right. So I'm going to pause for a second and move the machine move. My sewing machine into place: okay I'll, be right, back; okay, guys, I'm back so I'm at the machine and I'm gon na go ahead and do a little back stitch on this to secure it, and what I'm doing is. I'M just sewing the lace to um to this piece of muslin initially and then wait. Sorry, I'm moving my machine around here. Okay, so I'm going to sew this down with the center and then that way it's secured to the piece and actually um. I was thinking because it's so wide, you know what I'm gon na do something here. I'M changing my course here: real quick, not a lot, but just a little. Instead of going directly down the center, I'm going to go up the two sides, because that way um that way, it secures that on both sides of this. Because of this being wider than my muslin, I wanted to make sure once I put it down that what I have everything sewn to is very secure, so yeah, so we're going to go down this side of the muslin instead, okay, I just used a pin on One end to hold it together, so it doesn't move on Me on the bottom. As I sew this and oopsie, let me get that so it doesn't fall on the floor and I step on it. That would not be good all right and again I used that peach colored thread and you can see it if you can see that so we have a straight line going down the side. Now we'll do the other side and then I'll know for sure it's on there well I'll feel better about it. Hit me as I started to do that. I'M like wait a minute. If I go down this Center, this piece is so big. You know when it's down on the cover, I don't want the lace to be lifting away from that. Muslin probably, and I could have glued it, I mean, but that would just be me being lazy. You know instead of just running it down. The sides like. I am so okay guys I paused for a second and did the other one sewed, the back on the other one so that you didn't have to watch that process part of the process. So anyway, I've gone ahead and started. Um. I put the our little squares into a position to begin and um sorry, I'm reaching over here to grab my little end up there. We go kind of started here on top of this base. I don't want to um. I don't want to squeeze up the lace. I just want to ruffle what's going down on top of it I'll give it a tiny back. Stitch. Okay, now go ahead and push that up underneath slow it down Tara, my foot's heavy because of my slipper. I have to take that off there. We go all right, so we're going to squeeze that up underneath and then I'm going to bring in another piece to go here. Okay and get these ready, um push them under there and just prep them from when we go through as you go down. I just you'll see me, stop and just prep some pieces, so they're ready to push up underneath okay, so that would go all right. Just take your time with this, enjoy it be creative. Do whatever feels good to you with your material, pull this up and kind of wedge that under once you get that one started, then whatever you build on top of it, you know it's going to be fine. It'S just getting that next piece - and I haven't done this since we did it in the summer, so I'm going I'm taking my time because I don't want to mess it up and um. I really wanted to utilize some of our materials, the uh, the chiffon materials. I like those a lot, so you can also. I just don't, have the space in front of me to put anything to hold it in place, but you can also build up your base before you sew it down. So, like you could lay everything out the way you want it on your um, your piece of base and then come over and just the way I saw it the first time the person sat like a box in front of her and laid the lace on it. So let me show you here: let me go a little back, so she sat a box like right in this area in front of her machine and her lace laid on top her base laid on top of it, and then she just moved along and used her Thing to feed these little, you know her little Snippets into it as she did that um. You know she was able to have all these already on there. In my case, because of my setup, I'm not I'm not set up to be able to do that. So that's why I'm doing them the way I am and building it as I go. So if that that makes sense, I hope, okay, so I'm going to go ahead and get the next section ready and there I hope you guys are not bored watching me. Do this I know there were those of you. That said, you wanted to see the whole process and I don't want to leave you out of this part of it, because this is you know this is a big part, so yeah, I'm gon na put that little truck on top this time. So I'm going to put these underneath there we go small piece of pumpkin here and then I'm going to do the lower eye. There. We go okay and if you notice some kind of kitty corner in them, so that when, when they're ruffled, they stick out and you'll see in a second, it's too short a case for me to really show you right now: okay, and because these are a little Bit shorter: this is a lot easier and quicker than the last one I did the last one I did was pretty long um. It was fun, though, I'm just going to keep that up until I'm done tucking underneath here into that that next layer, all right foreign on this, I feel, like I moved there we go. I just want to make sure that I got one last little section here to build on again I'm going to make sure that my I'm going to do my cloth on top here. For this last part, this is the part that will, probably you know, we'll be kind of hanging over um, either in the front of the back of this, depending on where I decide to put it too much hanging over okay, there I was looking for a little Smaller piece of this, I have that on the right side looks like this is better darker side got a piece of this pumpkin material and then a little piece of the barn. Let'S there we go. Okay, now almost forgot to put that down that always messes with my machine when I forget to watch this little all right, let's pull it out and see what we got. I hope I did okay on this um good for some scissors, all right, oh yeah, yeah! I like it here all right: let's pull back and I'll show you oops. I always do that. I always go the wrong direction. Don'T I okay? Here we go, so that's what we have for the front that's gon na be like, and now it's not done and we're still gon na play with it a little bit and we're gon na put some things on it. You know fun things probably do some seam binding down the center. I did pick a different green because that green is clashing with this green and I really wanted to use that green. So I am going to use this darker or I'm going to use. If I have enough of it, I'll use the orange going down the center of that, but I definitely didn't want this clash as you can. You can probably tell it's just not quite right. So that's, okay, um, thank goodness for my friend, Heidi at BC. Hands she made sure I had a very nice collection of greens. I had asked for seasonal, you know, greens and darker greens and stuff for both seasons and holidays, and she definitely gave me what I asked for okay. So let's get the other one and we're gon na go ahead and put down our material here started out with a nice, the nice chiffon again like we did the last time um, let's see, and I'm just over here grabbing pieces to get this little section started. Okay, all right another backstitch, just a minute here, just tiny bit all right now, let's finish this baby under there. Okay, all right! You know what material nut I kind of tried to go back and forth with the chiffon and then the material and then the chiffon on starting from bottom up, and that way you can see glances of both throughout um put the truck on top. I dropped it. Of course there we go right right, hmm, that one I cut up way too many squares. I wasn't sure how much I would need, so I ended up using way too much tree pretty I'm trying to hurry here, because I know this part's probably boring to watch me doing. I apologize for that. Okay, foreign Ty a little piece of truck so see I'm kind of going now, I'm doing the fabric at the bottom and I'll do the sheer at the top, and that way you kind of get um you kind of get a view of all of them at Some point kind of mixes them in quickly. That makes sense. I'M going to do this flowery one underneath the green this time, because it was on top last time all right get that started. Let'S use your tool and poke it underneath and feed it in there top one was the green last time so this time, I'm putting it at the base. All right this journal came along a lot faster than I thought it would. Actually. I am. I really thought it was going to take me longer. I was glad, though I I was really excited because you know we're moving quickly into our holiday here, and I didn't want to be running behind so far that you know it was like. Okay, Tara. You yes get with the program. Okay plus I want to get these in my shop and I was telling my husband nobody's gon na want to buy a Thanksgiving journal, and you know after Thanksgiving material on bottom foreign. Do I have another piece of that. I cut less of that than I did. Here'S one, the other here for the chiffon again, all right. There we go. Let me do a little piece of this on top anyway, oops now the reason I'm going to push this up over here. I don't want that. Much material hanging off and my I'm already at the end of my base, but I want some of it hanging off. So I'm hoping when it's all said and done it'll just be enough. You know to look like I said a little bit raggedy there we go there, we go right. Piece number two doesn't look like. I puckered it at all, underneath the base, so that's good. That means it'll fit across like it's supposed to and um. Okay guys. I am going to pause and move the camera so that you guys can look at it with me. Okay, be right back, okay, guys, I'm back! So here's what we have. These are our two pieces and, as you can see, the lace sticks out the sides, which is what I wanted. Um and they're cute they're, not finished, but they are cute. I pulled out some of my um like some of my uh charms. I can't think - and I was looking here - I don't think I have like a turkey charms, but I have a lot of uh key charms and I was thinking that might look kind of cute on there. I don't know I may end up making out of the material um. I might use some of it and make some a couple of yo-yos or something on here to go on here. Maybe I'm I'm thinking about that, because those are pretty quick and I have I'm not gon na. Do them right this second, but what I am going to do is I'm going to lay out the binding and I need to make sure I have enough. So let's see to do this piece and do this piece, I need that much and then yeah, that's going to leave me with plenty for tying It Off um. The other one I have, of course, is the reason I wasn't thinking about using that one is because I already have super dark. I think that dark green kind of dominates a little bit, and I wanted to contrast with it a little. The Orange is there, but it's not as distinct um. This does look pretty, though, could do both of them and then they'd be coming out from underneath as well um, because these pieces are going to end here, they're not going to be the pieces that I tie. I use to tie off um, let me bring it in close anyway. Um these pieces are going to end here so like, if I I don't know, Twisted them or something so. The two colors were there and then these the pieces that I use to tie are going to be underneath they're going to be glued down the center, so they're secure, okay, um, so yeah I'm going to go ahead and put these on. I actually think I like the little twisty look. I think it's kind of cute, so we're going to do that because those are going to be the colors they're going to be two pieces coming out on each side, the front and the back of the journal to tie it shut and um. So yeah. I think using the two here as well would kind of look pretty so instead of twisting them, though I think I might go ahead and if this end is a little more crinkled, I'm gon na go ahead and crinkle this a little more. I just take it and really squeeze it up in my fingers. Hard and kind of you know just it. I have no idea. I'Ve never made this myself or watched a video on it, but it seems to do the trick. So that's what I'm gon na do and I'm gon na go ahead and lay out my glue where's. My I need a pen. Of course I haven't used my glue today at all. So it's hemmed up, so I hope you guys are liking this journal, um I'll. Do a flip through, of course, when we're done, you can see the whole thing. I'Ve kind of you know, that's probably partially why I've finished it quicker is because I have been doing a lot of work on my own with it. You know simply because I knew if I didn't do some real-time work. I was going to end up taking forever like I do and then what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na kinda run the green here. Let me squeeze this one too. So I'm just going to kind of run the green along with this one, like I'm kind of wavering the glue, because I want them to look like they're. You know I'm going to run so that the orange peeks out from underneath okay and when I glue this on the bottom coming out the ends. I am probably going to use my hot glue gun because that glue will cause a better hold for me. Um then, using the art, glitter glue, okay, so there's one side and let's get the other one. I think I'll do them opposite, I'm going to try and see what it looks like and then, whichever one I like on top the best I'm gon na put as the front we'll see, I just love this, the the crinkle seam binding. I think it really adds it has added a real, pretty look to anything I've created on my covers and stuff um and throughout the journals I've made in the past. I discovered it through Gail. She was using it one day on her Channel and I'd. Never even seen it before, and I was like oh my word. I love that stuff and so yeah. That'S how I discovered it and I I discovered Heidi's shop just by shot and just by going in on um Etsy, and I had seen reviews on their different shops. I read the reviews sometimes to see what people think and they had said how gracious she was about working with you on specialty orders, and I knew I was going to need the first time I ordered I just let her pick but the next time I ordered Um I was, I was calling on her for specialty and she has been amazing, so yeah she's, very great at at just really engaging by what you described to or what you're going to need, at least in my case. You know and others as well, because if you read the reviews on her her shop, you'll see other people have commented on how uh gracious she is and how good she is at understanding. You need from what you tell her. So that's what a good thing right, because sometimes we need that special little touch and we can't find it at the store or we can't just go on Etsy or somewhere and buy it and be like. Oh, this is exactly what I'm going to need. You know we have to. We need to tell them what we need. You know, okay, so there's our two front and back and I think that's going to be the back, and this is going to be the front. So I was looking here at these different little. I have a few fun little things. Let'S see, we have keys, but we don't have any pumpkins. I wonder if I could order some pumpkin charms or something real, quick and I have an elephant hey. I have a leaf look at that. I have a leaf that would work. Do I have another leaf? That would be awesome. Let'S see, I have no idea what I have in here I've I ordered I've ordered like a few different times and gotten you know different stuff, so yeah, I don't know. I know I've never used a leaf before so it could be. I wish this said. Thank you in like a brass, but it's in silver. I don't know if I've ever told you guys that, but I have a thing about like I like using the brass I like using silver things I had before I started juncturing because I used to use them on um, my jewelry, so I have a kitty. That'S not gon na work. I had this piece I wish I could hear you guys. So I know what you think um. I do have one piece and I used it on our last um on the folio because it has oranges in it. It'S got like a a look, the copper, so it kind of you know goes with the oranges and I'm wondering if that would be pretty on the front. You know like that, or would that be too fancy? This journal is kind of country. I think it's probably it looks pretty, but I think it's probably too fancy with all the farm, trucks and stuff so yeah. I think what I'll probably do is look on Amazon and see if I can get some Thanksgiving or some car Autumn type charms with some little leaves and stuff like that, because I only have the one it looks like so all right so anyway, there's that and Now we're gon na go ahead and do the um I'm going to double up okay and we're going to want enough, and I'm just gon na go ahead and cut each one of these see so we're gon na want enough to go out to like about there. I don't know if you guys can see it. I guess I'd have to pull back a little bit. We'Re gon na want it to go. You know long enough so that when I I'm gon na glue it back here, so it's secure, it'll be underneath it'll, be underneath this okay and it's going to come out the end and tie so I want it long enough to do a bow okay. So let me go ahead: I'm just going to go ahead and cut this piece because it's shorter I've used more of it, bring you guys back in there. We go I'm going to cut this right in the center here and that'll be ready, and then I'm going to use that as a measuring rod for this piece for the green okay. So I need two of the greens the same length as the orange that one. Okay and then - and it's an approximate - I mean it's probably going to be too long anyway, but that's okay. I just want to make sure - and now I'm going to trim these this one and I'm going to go ahead and move all my goodies over here. So I can do this grab this here and I'm just going to flip it over and use my hot glue. Let me get these ready, real, quick, otherwise I'm going to be rushing. I just want these on hands, so there we go now. I have got so much stuff on my desk girls. Oh, you should see it. It'S embarrassing. So I'm going to run this right down. Of course, my glue stick, glue, sticks have gone up in price and I have not bought uh. I know I probably went Overkill with the glue, but I want to make sure this stays. Um, yeah, they've gone kind of really crazy, with glue sticks on the price. Lately, at least that's what I think and um I haven't, bought the long kind in a while, because of that and so see now I've got this way to I have my orange in there just got the green there we go, probably should do them one at A time and that way I make sure I get both of them down um, but yeah they've been they've gone up, so high that I haven't purchased and I usually purchase the longer ones in a big pack, but my goodness they're so expensive. I'M kind of stubborn lately I I feel like I'm getting old, because these price increases are irritating me really bad. I mean I, I get all that happened with covid, but I do think that, because every time you turn around a bird, you know a chicken has the flu or you've got um. You know you've got something going on with some other industry, there's a reason why this is going up, there's a reason why that is going up, and it's it's just almost like you know it's almost like they're using it as an excuse just to just to do It it's really not good. I could be totally Off the Mark. I know that these things are real. These things did happen after covid and all that, but I also know that I think there's some industries that are just taking advantage. Some stores that are taking advantage of it, you know it just feels kind of like we're being strung along so yeah anyway. We won't go into that. I know everybody's got an opinion about it, so it's just how it feels to me, I'm just sharing with you how it feels to me. I know we were you know. If we look in the word, we were warned in the latter days. You know a loaf of bread would be worth a bar of gold and and it's getting there, our eggs, you know, are getting way out of hand so yeah. So there we go so now we have the front the back. Okay and this I'm gon na go ahead and I'm not gon na be doing any more sewing on this. I'M only going to be doing gluing if I put anything down, so I'm going to go ahead and get this attached um because I just think it'll be fun to have it. Oh, you know what I better wait. I better wait. You know why? Because I I want to make sure before I do anything I'm either gon na sew these holes, because I have the I'm going to attempt to sew the holes because I have the um the foot. You know the movable foot on my machine, but I ordered just in case that does not work um for me, or maybe I decide I'm going to use grommets and eyelets. So I ordered a kit because all I have is eyelets and they don't go through all the way to seal this off. But if I have grommets that should work, you know to to seal them together. So um, I ordered a grommet kit. That'S coming today and I do need to try and put that on there before I do anything else, unless I change my mind and decide to try and be brave and sew, these thought, lady. Do it on a video earlier and I was like oh my gosh - am I good enough to do that? I don't know if I'm good enough to do that, I mean I could give it a try. You know. So we have our little dangly here and I was just looking and thinking what shift what page should we put this on? Let'S see how she looks in there um here that we turn it that way, so there's our little dangle. I think I'm gon na make a couple more of these and make them cuter. I am. I actually got a bendable expandable needle that you can it's kind of like what you were talking about Sonia with the wire, but it's a needle and it it bends itself into the into the bead. It'S super thin and they actually had them at my Walmart. I was so shocked and after I got it home and looked at it, I really I really looked at it. I remembered I used to have some of those, so I am probably going to make me a couple new dangles for this and also on the front of this once we get this on okay, so that we can kind of get an idea, this baby got thick. Look, she got big she's a bit of a monkey chunky monkey look at her, so she's party, yeah and the pages are just uh. I showed Courtney and he was like wow honey that one's nice yeah. It'S not like my normal. You know Journal so we'll go through the whole thing. I'M I'm jumping the gun, I'm excited so anyway, and then put this here really quick. I want to see get that down. Where I can put. I was thinking of putting some of these little babies that we made. You know what we could even stick one of those on here. Actually, let's see, what do we have? What was that other one we made? That was so. It had the beads that were two here. It is there's another one, there's that one and I had actually talked about putting these on the front of the journal in some way. Yeah. It'S too much. I am going to run some lace down here. I should do that with you guys right now, because that was my plan was to put a piece of the lace down the side here and in the back so we'll take this. We'Ve still got time right, yeah we're only at 46 minutes. So I'm going to take this off the cover off and we'll do that. This lace is so big that I can actually use it um to I I can use the holes in it. You know. Probably I'm gon na see that's my goal here see how the holes are, so you can still. You can still see the holes for our Journal unless I want to just take them right next to it. Maybe I'll just take them right next to the holes right. There I wanted to use this lace, because this lace has been used on the inside multiple times and um bring this back in some so yeah. I was thinking that this would be pretty underneath there and there we go so yeah. That would be the cover. What do you think and then we're going to decorate this a little bit more and then maybe put this little baby somewhere there? Let'S see, I don't know, I wanted to use one of these for the cover, because, probably not that one just because of the green, not matching this one's got the sorry silk on it looks a little better or even on top of the lace part yeah, something Like that, I don't know guys we'll see we'll see I'll figure it out. You know me I'll. Keep this one's way too big um I'll, keep playing with it until I figure it out, but anyways. I think I'll wait till I get that grommet kit. I need to figure out if I'm going to use those or if I'm going to sew this, and I don't want to block myself up so anyway, you guys at least now know which direction this is going and they this is ready. So this is our little snippet. You know, and I said I'll try and figure out if I can buy a uh, some charms or something to kind of put on here. Oh, we do have some flowers, let's peek at those real quick. I don't know if I have any that are the right color. We got all those flowers um from that trip to Flagstaff. I have a bunch of different ones or now these are kind of big, actually yeah, they're kind of big and not really the right color. Let me grab my little drawer full of them. There might be. Oh, you know what there is some orange in here and they might work look say we put put a couple of these on here with. I don't think I have a dark green. I have this lighter green yeah. It'S too light um, but that orange, if I put it for those and then centered it with the ones we used the other day on our um, you could use the orange or we could use the little red ones. We used little flat backs because these oh yeah there you go, look at that that one's pretty yeah. Let'S do that. That looks kind of cute put a little glue there ready to go. Where'D you go. Oh, come on all right. There we go so when you've got enough stuff on your fingers that the bead sticks to you. Instead of my hair, so yeah we could put like that. Maybe do like three of them so that they, you know you got your your threes, be kind of cute and then where's that leaf. Did I put that back in there? Oh, no here it is look. We could even stick like this little leaf here. If I could get um, let me get my wire cutters here. I always trim off the the little thingy okay and then I take a file, a big nail file and I I buff that down so that it doesn't cut anybody. Of course. And if I know this looks silly, but I do do this and if it's like it looks silverish now so I'll take a little bit of my gold paint. This is my tempura paint. This is a big one. I get at um Hobby Lobby and I just kind of brush. Well, it's not coming out right. Let me let me get it to actually come out onto my finger, so I can show you what I do, because I do this a lot and it and it seems to work okay. You know it just kind of disguises the silver a little bit okay and then we could like take that there. Let'S do another couple of these. This might be kind of cute, I'm hoping because I really didn't know what I was going to put on this belt, but these are little cloth, flowers, They're, they're kind of like a I think, they're called Mulberry flowers, the ones I ordered you get one more red Here and then one more orange, oh you know what I could do a I don't know if it'll look good, but let's see no, not a yellow, a red with an orange Center. Would that look cute, or is that not good? What do you think that you think uh? I don't like the red so much? Okay, so we'll just do another orange I have more here. I didn't know how I was going to use these little flowers. When I got them, I thought they'd be um more like Silk, but they're more. Like a little. I don't know they're paper-ish kind of maybe they're just paper, but they're a thick paper. They'Ll hold up. You know so anyway, I could do those. Oh, I did the orange on there shoot I meant to do the red oops grab another red okay. There we go all right, so yeah so like that and then maybe get a couple more of those. I don't know where I would pick them up, but I'll probably just order them, but what do you think that's kind of cute right, a little orange flowers should I do like I like the odd number thing, but I should I just do them in a row On that ribbon, hmm I'm trying to decide I'll. Tell you what girls I'm not gon na leave. I'M not gon na glue these down. Until you guys somebody comments and lets me know, what do you think laughs and I'm definitely gon na - probably stick the charm on there, because I think that's cute, but yeah and I will probably use these flowers. I just I'm not sure if I want them to do the whole little wavy thing or I think what it is is I need more charms to kind of counter balance them a little bit. You know what I mean yeah. I think that's probably visually. What'S going on for me is I need that that little counterbalance for those two you could just now, I don't want them even they're. Looking to I want a more, I don't know well, we'll see, we'll see all right guys, so I'm gon na go ahead and close today, but I wanted you to see everything and let me have your opinion on the on the flowers yeah, your name. Maybe we should just use some flat backs and kind of scatter them and give it a little Sparkle that might look cute too um, so yeah, maybe I'll do that. Let'S see just some like some of these kind of throughout. Let me see here I have the red and then I have some of the orange. Oh, no, that's green! I don't want that one that it's the wrong green, that's why I don't want it. You know kind of or even put those on the I'm just seeing. This is definitely not a for sure, but I'm just looking to see if I like it like that, there's an orange orange, I'm thinking. No, can you guys see that there you go if I glued them down like randomly or should I put them or if I put them straight onto the thing yeah. I wonder, though, if, like the little flowers were, if I used more of them and did them kind of throughout, you know goodness sakes to Murgatroyd. I'Ve got all kinds of decisions here to make anyway, so we got our snippet strip, which is what we needed. Two of them - and we did good today, just getting those done. I feel like I I've accomplished something, so you guys have a wonderful day and uh. Let'S see today's Saturday, so have fun tomorrow. If you go to church or if you stay home, have a great day crafting and be blessed, I love you guys very much I'll see you tomorrow. Bye

Glenda Johanson: Beautiful! Such awesome ideas! Thanks for the video!! ❤️

Sonja Rossouw: Hi, the price increases... I know it is so frustrating. Love the closure. This is such a gorgeous journal. I absolutely love it.

cocker lover: I love this especially Autumn. Those journal closures are gorgeous, especially with the bible verses!

Junk Journal Craft Lina: Beautiful work Terra! i love this!

Lara Fuller Earth and Art: Beautiful ruffle closure there well done nice idea love the lace

Sherry Vanderpool: It looks beautiful our rain came have a great evening hugs

PAM JOHNSON: All I can say is oh my goodness!

Gina Badeaux: hi dear i think your thread isnt hooked on the front ,every machine i have has you put the thread in that loop above your needle ,try it and your machine will run smoothly ,love you

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