Tweeze Hairline Widow Peek & Install Human Hair Kinky Curly Wig Using Bold Hold Maxx

Tweeze a widow peek for hairline to look natural and fromtal Install.

Tweezers Sally’s Beauty 99 Cents

Install Bold Hold Maxx

I’nky Curly Wig Shanny’s Natural Beauty FB & IG

Bold Hold Lace Tint, Bold Hold Skin Protect, Bold Hold Gelly,

Bold Hold Silicone Maxx

Professional Grade adhesive

Bold Hold Silicone so much safer than any acrylic glue to give you a 4-6 week hold.

The Silicone component adhesive is very easy to use with practice. First time users we suggest you do a small test on the back of your hand to learn how to control the glue, keeping it thin, flat and neat. We also suggest you use a test piece of lace on hand. Practice makes perfect!

1. Use on clean skin(NEVER USE ALCOHOL TO CLEAN THE SKIN) use facial wash or makeup wipes.

2. Next, Always use Bold Hold Skin Protect. Do 1-2 layers

3. Apply one layer of the Bold Hold Silicone Maxx thin layer, make sure you do not have any lumps, do not constantly swipe the glue since silicone dries fast. Takes 3-4 min to dry for proper EVEN layer.

4. Apply your lace, Do not Press the lace into the glue, blow dry with cool air for 5/10 min. Until you do not feel any sticky on top of the lace. Do not tie down with elastic band use satin scarf only for Silicone to prevent sticking.

5. Style as desired ✌❤️



Bold Hold Lace Products-

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Or liquid gold, so they're not comparable. You can't you really don't need to do several layers on the liquid gold. The liquid gold is not a glue, but if you do decide to do our glue, you could do three to four layers. That'S all you need, and this is the wig that we bleached earlier on, live. If you missed it, you can go back to my YouTube to watch this as I bleached and toned it. What'S the liquid go for it, the liquid gold is a temporary hole. Let'S see the liquid gold, the ball hole, Liquid Gold is a glueless product. You no longer have to use hairspray and it's going to help with your ball caps, and you can use this to hold your unit down for a couple days at a time. It gives you a strong hole, it's better than using hairspray, because it does not contain alcohol or dmdm, which is formaldehyde. We'Re going to do a bow hole max application, it's silicone-based and it's amazing. You just have to take your time when doing it, and I'm going to show you how to properly use it. This right here can last anywhere from four to six weeks, it's great for people who really need their wigs to stay on. A lot of my customers, who are uh, have alopecia and things like that. They really love the bowl whole Max because they don't have to worry about taking their wig down. When I do this, I only do um. I only do one layer, it's a very thick consistency and you have to take your time when applying it. Now I did not tint my cap. We need to do that. We need to tint our cap, we're going to use the bow hold hold on one second, yes, it's latex free. This is a silicone based product. It is silicone free, it does not have it's not. It'S acrylic free. I didn't want to use either one of those in this product. Okay, all right. We got that pinned for YouTube. What do you use the gel for so for the gel I like to use the gel on my sides, um like to do like my baby hairs and things like that, the best one for swimming. I really recommend the silicone. If you do the uh active that works as well, but you really have to apply it right because it's a water-based glue. This is a silicone-based glue. When you get it it's going to come with a brush. If you are not, you know a professional and you're not used to using these type of glues, the clear glues it could be a little messy. So what I suggest is that you just go ahead and throw this away in the trash. Okay, when you get the max you're good, it's gon na come with a brush, throw this away, because some of you guys may not be able to handle or maneuver that so you're gon na get a actual spout with it. Okay, you're gon na twist that on and then we want to you're gon na, have to cut that. So I got scissors. I'M gon na use these yeah, throw it away, throw it in the trash, because it's gon na throw you off all right, so cut the top. Keep up with this you're gon na need it to keep it from drying out my skin. I want to go ahead and wipe my skin. I want to use micellar water. We don't want to use alcohol to clean our skin because that will damage your skin no alcohol products on the skin, guys. Okay, I'm using micellar water to clean my face in the area where I'm going to apply the unit yeah. You can get that from any drugstore. They have it everywhere. They even have it at Ulta. Yes, I'm going to use a skin protect this right here. I just want to watch. I got makeup on so I want to wipe that off so that I have a good hold all right. What'S up Ella Ella Bay, I see you oh yeah. Thank you. Y'All know Auntie Bo. I be doing too much at one time where my blow dryer at thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, niece. That'S one thing my nieces do. They know I be looking out for them and they be looking out for me. Let me get my dryer, so I can tip my legs hold on my cap. Let me get my blow dryer y'all, because it is definitely gon na show up. Y'All saw how thin that lace was. That lace is super thin. So I need to make sure I tint my cap using the bow hole, lace tint, so I want to go in. I want to tip my cap because I did not tint it. I don't want to use makeup on it. I don't really like to use makeup. As much if I need to use makeup, I use makeup but keep in mind. Makeup has oil in it and that will affect your glue. So let's go ahead and take our legs, I'm using my bowl whole lace, tint and I'm going to dry it can. I do the sides, I don't mind the makeup, it's just that you would have to use hair, so I'm trying to get away from Hairspray as a whole. You will have to prime it with hairspray. Y'All probably see me do that in my other videos, but I'm just totally trying to leave the hairspray thing alone, so I just need to just stay away from the makeup because it got oil in it foreign. There are different types of, I don't know DIY. I don't know about those, I only use mine and it's gon na matter. What type of um ingredients are in products a lot of companies? If y'all know this? For the last 10 years, a lot of companies been getting away from alcohol, especially when it comes to um hair products. A lot of them have been getting away from alcohol all right. So I like to cut my Lanes before I put it on. I let my lace, that's how I do what I do mm-hmm you can do whatever you want to do. Whatever is going to work for you just do that. I cut mine because I already know it's gon na lay perfect. I already tweezed it to how I want it to be. I don't cut it to how I want it to be. I tweeze it to how I want it to be. Yes, you can purchase the tint on my website at, all right. These are um. These are what you call um peeking shears. They call them zigzag shears, and I cut my lace first. Yes, I do. I just leave a little bit of lace on there, not a lot, and I don't um. This is HD lace, guys so a lot of times on lighter skin. I don't like to um tint my lace first, because I might make it too dark. Okay, all right y'all, we working with a little um a Widow's Peak here. If you feel you need to like press the hairs back or you can um mold it back so most times I mold my back. It'S up to you. I need a mirror because I can't see sometimes I use the phone to see and that don't work out all the time or either my camera, and I cannot see that. Well, I'm going blind eyes. Okay, so I'm gon na take my little eyeliner. I always use white when I'm online. If y'all want to use beige, you can okay, so I want to place this in the most natural area and how it would be like on me. I want to place it in the most natural area like if I decide. I want my forehead to be little. I can do that, but we know looking at that right there that doesn't look natural at all, so we want to put it back, some pull it back into. It is sitting on the most natural area right. So now I am going to draw it out. I think I like yeah. I think that look natural right there, or should I go back soon? What y'all think I think that look? Yeah, okay, so we'll stay right there all right, so I want to dot it out. Oh all, right, I'm using a white eyeliner, so I know exactly where my glue is going to go because I cut my lace first that works better. For me. I can't see so and then I don't like to have to worry about having extra glue to clean. So this right here just keep me right where I need to be, I don't have to worry about cleaning off extra glue. I did a widow's peak if you missed it. I have some tweezing videos on my YouTube that you guys can watch they're going to be on my playlist on my YouTube and it will say: customization lace, customization. Okay, thank you for the Roses. We got this little peep going on and now we're ready to. Oh, we do the skipper check, but I still got time. Okay on this Skipper, Tech, I don't really work without it. Okay, you can spray it like on the corner of a towel and just dab. It where that glue is going to go. This will protect you from your body's bodily fluid your fluid will attack you. It has bacteria in it. Your sweat has bacteria in it, and you want to protect yourself from yourself. You can do two layers of that. This really makes your units last. What'S up, flamboyant touches another one of my students. I do not sell wigs. I only purchase wigs from my students and they use the same vendor that I used to use, but I don't stock wigs because I don't have time so I'd rather promote them anyway, since I'm not in the business of selling wigs. I'M going to promote my students, I know where they're getting their hair from um. I know it's gon na be good and if y'all miss me bleach this wig earlier, it probably took 20 minutes for it to bleach. So I'm not going to be floating all over the universe buying stuff. When I know I want to bleach my my knots one time real, quick, you want to get it for my students and that's it. I says when you rub it on your forehead. You put the glue on, yes call me, okay, so you need to contact us. You may be using too much. We can FaceTime you and help you. If not, we can either like replace it or whatever, but reach out to us go to the website and email us we'll help you all right. So tonight we are doing the Bold hold Max. This is a four to six week hold and you'll find out tomorrow. I'M not going to bed but usually I'll, put this on at night and then I get up in the morning, but we're not gon na do that? No more because we did that before and that's not cool, it needs to be settled. It needs to settle for 24 hours tomorrow, night imma um, I'm gon na. Take you all to the shower with me. We all gon na get in the shower together and wet my hair tomorrow, night, okay, okay, but I'm going live tomorrow I got ta. Do my knees here tomorrow too, all right, so I'm gon na use this mirror when y'all. Do this follow me when I do this, okay, follow me, I'm only gon na do one code, it says: does the ball hoax, while you're in the gym? Yes, it does come up. Y'All gon na come live with me tomorrow. I'M gon na take y'all. We all gon na jump in the shower together and see what the boho mats do. We I'm gon na, take you out to the shower with me all right. So I want to take this and I want to smooth it out nice and even that's a big old head, y'all ain't. It don't sit there and play in that area, get it flat and leave it alone. We only gon na do one coat, I'm putting it on here on this spatula put it down there and we're gon na drag it on down on the mountain, don't be playing in the glue, don't sit there and you know what this is. What I want y'all to do too practice on your hand, i'm gon na show you that let me go because I don't want to mess up my timing. Okay, put it here and drag it flat. I do one or two swipes. I ain't gon na I ain't gon na spank you for one or two swipes, but I will get you if you sit there and play in the glue, then we're gon na hit the corner. Okay, a lot of people consider the max to be a little messy. It is one of our more professional glues but, like I said, a lot of my alopecia, my cancer patients, who don't want to take their wigs off that often they're going to get that four to six week hold with this. You want to make sure you get it nice and flat y'all, I'm gon na take y'all to the shower with me tomorrow. We all gon na take a shower together. Sure is all I'm gon na try not to drown in the shower, but I am going to get my hair and scalp nice and wet. What'S up, what's up y'all better go follow my friend Millie Chun. She is a bomb blogger. Yes, she is what time I'm gon na go, live, I'm okay, so I'll be having to work in the morning. I'Ma say about six: we're gon na try to jump on here, but between five and six y'all, but I might be on here a little earlier than that I got ta. Do my niece hair and I'm gon na do her hair. Then I'm gon na go home and we're gon na all gon na get in the shower together and we're gon na get cleaned, uh and wet my head. The max dry fast this. What I want y'all to do when y'all, when y'all, if y'all, decide to use the max. I want you to practice on your hand. Yes, I'm gon na put this on YouTube. I want y'all to practice on your hand like this, so you can get it nice and even that's what I want y'all to do. First drop! It drag it flat. If you see an area, that's not flat, go back hit, it don't go too far. Then you're gon na start, where you stop drop it and drag it, make sure it's nice and flat practice on your hand. First that way you can't go wrong. What'S up Tabitha, then I want you to put this back on here, so air can't get to it. Then I want y'all to clean off this spatula. You can use alcohol for that. Just not don't put it on your face clean everything off clean everything off now we got to wipe these white dots off my face. I'M gon na put a little bit of this micellar water. Yes, the the max is on the site. You can purchase that this is have. I ever used this on people with low hair lines. Yes, you can, but they have to use tape. Okay, so I need to wipe off my dots and we rock I'm gon na show y'all how to test it to see if it's dry, it should be dry. The only way you can use this on low hair lines, y'all got to use tape on the cap, and I do that on a lot of my videos, you can watch that on YouTube. Go watch my low hairline videos on YouTube. You got to use the tape. First, if, if you care about protecting people hair, that's what you want to do, but if you don't care, I guess y'all go! Do what y'all want to do and that's all right! You just gon na have to fight that customer or be mad at yourself for putting glue on your hair all right. So after you get the glue on it does not. It does not take long to dry. Okay. What is the drying time it? It dries so fast, so, let's test it so I I put it over here last. I believe it's dry, look like it's dry. So when I test it, I want to test it in the bag. I'M looking I'ma tap it and if I find a string like a stringy glue, it's not dry and I got my layers are even they're the same from here to here. Okay, no, I got on one cap. Look like it's dry to me. It'S dry! It don't take long for the max to dry and you only need one coat and then tomorrow we're gon na get in the um. We all go get in the shower together. Yes, you can use active y'all just got to make sure y'all, not cleaning your skin. With alcohol or using alcohol products over time, if just say like, if you've been using hair spray on your skin for a long time, you start uh, covering it up with glue. Y'All don't have reactions, so your skin may need to heal a little bit or lay off the uh hair sprays all right, so we're gon na I'm gon na try to I'm gon na try to use this okay y'all. I'M gon na try to turn this way. So I can see where I'm going, I always start in the middle. Usually I have a um a what's the name on the side, but I ain't got one y'all know sometime I'll be showing up on the live. I don't even be ready, so I kind of like lay it where I want it to go. Just lay it. Y'All can press this back, but y'all know I'll. Be doing my thing. I don't even be doing all that you can sometime. I do sometimes I go. Okay, so I don't, I purposely, don't press it down because just in case I need to move it or adjust the alcohol gon na burn your face off. Now that I got it where I want it to be tap it on there right, then we're going to take a cold blow dryer. If you have like some extra areas, you can go back, we can go back and add, but I'm gon na go ahead and dry. This first, I rather add a have to add a little bit then have to try to clean Glue off my face. Okay, so make sure y'all purchase a blow dryer that got a cool shot. Okay, oh yeah, Consuela yup I've been working online, that's what's up and if y'all need help, y'all reach out cause you FaceTime, our customers. Y'All have no reason to not know how to use ball. Home alternative for alcohol is going to be your micellar water. The alternative for alcohol is your micellar water. That'S! What'S up girl my hair growing! I can't wait for you to do my hair. I can't wait to get my um okay, my sister likes her. I forgot what you calling I like to dry it with cold air for about three to four minutes. Okay, the wig is from shanny's natural beauty, I'm gon na put mine down in the back. I just use the cone that's back here and took it because I'd be wanting to go um. Yes, Michael Michael Lots, I can't wait to get it. I can't wait excited, I cannot wait. Oh you got to trim your hair yeah. I just use this because I want to go in there and I'm going to scratch my head now. I'Ve had some people to reach out and say you know when they do the uh the Mac, sometimes they feel like it is um coming through. But that's because your layer is not thin enough. Y'All layers, y'all got ta cut back y'all use entirely too much glue, even when y'all doing these y'all using too much glue. Y'All I've been doing this for 20 some years. I know y'all hate when old people do that I've been doing this for a long time y'all, and I know that y'all using too much glue, okay, y'all Got ta, Have y'all gon na have to lay off using too much glue. Y'All Gon na use yo use up the whole bottle on One customer. That'S not gon na help it last okay, all right! So once I do that, I touch it to make sure I don't feel no sticky right and the only way you're gon na feel sticky stuff is, if you didn't um you use too much and your layer is not thin. Okay, now I know I need to uh. Well I got a little lace right here. This wig kind of like fit me perfect. I don't have to cut a lot of lace off the corners of it. It was mainly like. Let me see if y'all can see this, so it's a little lace right here, but I don't have to cut that. This is fine. This is this can stay here, but I am gon na like cut that little extra lace off this like fit me from ear to ear it fit me perfectly. It wasn't too long hold on y'all. Let me grab my scissors all right, so I don't have a lot to cut it's just the lace like right here and that's not difficult to do so. It'S pretty much good! You can use this with tape too, on your Corners. Y'All probably see me do that a lot on a lot of my videos. I just didn't do it here tonight, because I'm gon na take this wig off because I'm always doing demonstrations for you guys. So I don't really keep my wigs on that long. When I do the max, I usually do that in the summertime. Then I like to go to the pool, but when I don't um have a pool to do my demonstration, I will do it in my shower. What'S up uh, you can put it in the glider, but I prefer not to do that because you don't need that much and I wouldn't want that much coming out now I do have a a little area here. I'M gon na go ahead and use the max because we are getting in the water. I just got a little area here and I got a little area there. I need my clips, but right here I'd rather do that any day than happen to um clean this Glue off my face. So I rather cut my lace first, ah just right here and I'm just doing a little bit at a time. I don't like for it to get messy on me if you're doing too much it's gon na get messy, so I do a little bit at a time and it don't take long to dry. I don't use a dryer I don't like, for. I don't like to use dryers on my glue to make my glue dry until it's on, because I don't want to disturb my glue and make it dry uneven. Hey Kira, I was on your live watching you curl hair girl just got there and I might have a little bit there, but I probably can cut that yeah. I can cut that it don't take long for it to dry and then y'all don't come with me tomorrow. What'S up Inez, it does not take long. That is that I think that's that's the only thing like if I wanted to say somebody would have an issue. The silicone dry fast like if you slow you better speed it up, think about. Let'S, let's I think I should be done about six p.m. Central time I should make it home by then, and then we all gon na jump in the shower together we gon na jump in the shower together. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to test it and then lay it down. I'M looking for stringy no stringy. So now we can lay her down. Then we do the same thing. On the other side, I don't I personally don't think this is a lot of work once you have your little method, you roll with that and you do it the same way. Every time I just do not think it's hard plus, I like doing it too, so that matters. If you know that you're, not a hair person, let somebody else. Do it ain't that what that lady said get somebody else to do it. She said get somebody else to do it and it's a plenty of bomb hair, stylist out here. What'S up Patty, I'm gon na do my baby hair too might as well. We here I can cut that. I don't need that get someone else to do it get somebody else to do it. Not what that lady said now it that it do not take this long to dry like that stuff, be ready, like kind of like soon as you put that bad boy down there, but this right here, imma just cut that make sure y'all keep your Tops on Your max don't play around with that, because your glue will dry out I'm gon na go ahead. It'S just a little bit of lace. I don't need it well. I thought I saw it. Okay, yeah right here we ain't gon na worry with that clean. My little face off a little bit right there, where I disturb my makeup and then dry those little pieces that I did and I'm ready to style. My hair, I think I'm gon na do a little baby hair yep. That taste is a good combo to use with any blue all right. That should be good. All right, y'all, I'm gon na. Do me some baby, hair, dry, cool air always use cool air. Goldilocks, always use cool air on glue, never use heat on glue. I don't care what they told. You always use cool air on glue or you're going to be in trouble. Is this something new I just purchased like? Well? No, this isn't new. This is a it's one of our older products. It'S a silicone! It'S gon na give you a four to six week: code uh. We mainly sell this to a lot of people who don't have hair at all or people that's going to be uh swimming and doing things like that. You want to get the silicone max. If you know you're going to be doing like a lot of like extracurricular activities, you want to get the silicone Max all right, so your salads put you under the dryer Goldilocks. Please tell me she put you under a cold dryer. I don't even think dryers. Get that cold though, maybe she maybe hers, do because we don't want you on to know how dry or hot heat and glue is bad, bad, bad. It'S the worst combination, all right. So let's go ahead and cut this baby here, where my Razor at here go razor. I think it cuts. Do some baby hair. It don't adhere on the cap. Uh Kyrie. The tape won't stick to the cap. Did you use makeup? If you use makeup, it's not gon na stick, it's not going to see, but if you watch my videos you can watch me actually putting it on the cap, so yours will go on there too. But if you got makeup on that cap, it's not gon na. Stick makeup got oil in it Mama. Can you see a style without baby hair? Maybe I'll do baby hair on the side? Okay, we don't got ta do baby, because I don't really do baby hair I'ma just do the jelly, and then I can make me a baby hair video tomorrow. That'S what I do, because I really need to um. I really need to get home the only thing to tape: oh yeah! Yes, just if y'all putting the tape on the cap and that in this uh makeup on there, it's not gon na stick, I'm gon na do the uh jelly and get out of here. Okay, we'll do the jelly you could do jelly or liquid gold on top of here and I'm just gon na slick it back. If you feel like you need makeup or something I don't know, everybody laces different mine is amazing, of course, so you can do whatever you need to do, but I don't have to do nothing so imma just take this jelly and I think I'm gon na do A bus down bust down Tatiana bust down we're just gon na smooth this back and dry it on cool. I'M not gon na do baby hair, but we got to do a bust down because that's that was the reason for this little color. I did in the in the middle bust down Tatiana bust down, write that what he said what he said and I'm gon na be right here to teach you every day. Niece, I'm gon na come on this. I'M gon na come on Beyonce internet and teach you every day for free cause. You my niece and that's what an auntie do right. That'S what an auntie do right. She teach her niece and her nephew. I don't know like I mean. Let me I need to get out of here: y'all bust down, Tatiana bus down. I do a baby hair. I had actually do me a baby hair video tomorrow and then we'll just post it. You want me to Wet the curls. I'M gon na wear the curls for you anything for you niece anything for you niece. They said they don't want to see no baby here but y'all. When I do curly hair, I got ta have me. I got ta, I'm gon na do a little short little baby here, video. I do it on my Tick Tock. I post it everywhere bust down, Tatiana bust down we're not even gon na be extra with it. We'Re gon na part. It though, it's a little thick up in there girl, but we're ready. Let'S see what it does. Okay, let me drive my baby up real quick, cold air. What, if the flying brings cheap lace? Will they still look good and hold up? I cannot make any promises on cheap, cheap hair - I don't know like it can hold, but I don't I don't know like if it's real thick place, but the look if you're trying to get this you're gon na have to get it where I got it from My students, if you're, trying to get this you're gon na, have to get it where I get mine from me and they get their hair from where I usually get mine from. But I don't stop anywhere. I don't stop me. I just don't have time to stop. You know here so I just get it from here. Yes down. Let me get my water bottle. 40. bust down happy on them. Only if you I only I don't y'all, don't see me doing. No, I don't be doing no promo. I promote my student. Wigs only have me on live, embarrassing me because I'll go live, I go live. I look Puerto Rican in this hair. Can I park from ear to ear and it ain't that it ain't the lights? Don'T go back that far talk where my Bandit make sure y'all dry them edges real good before y'all put no bands on my way. Where am I been my bold hold band? Where is my bold hold band where you at? Where am I being at? Let'S see who stole my band, where am I where? Where am I pretty? Oh here, we go okay, so y'all listen, make sure when y'all uh doing these installs dry, this fur girl. You is scared. If y'all missed this y'all gon na watch this. On my YouTube, I bleached it on my YouTube. I bleached it on my YouTube. So y'all can go watch it so y'all know what to do girl, let's sweat it down bust down, Tatiana bus down bus down, Tatiana girl, Tatiana! You need a little tweezing right there or something I don't got. Ta know why I come, I'm not gon na use my hand, I don't want to get up no more questions bust down Tatiana bust down. Yes, curls, yes, mm-hmm bust down, Tatiana bus down. Now, I'm about to stay up all night and watch all the videos. Yes watch. All the videos girl run. It up run that YouTube up run it up, run it it's Tatiana. Oh, I thought it was Tatiana bust down thotiana bus down. Oh, she got five. Oh my gosh y'all, I'm on I'm 49. Don'T play me, I'm 49 I'll be 50 year old. This is, I got 31 more days baby. This is my last year being in my 40s y'all. Give me some Grace help Auntie out. Oh, she a thought. I didn't. Even know I know the girl, I thought that's why he said Bust It Down you, ain't gon na ask no good girl to bust it down cause who gon na bust it down. I thought Bust It Down thotiana busted down, who else gon na bust it down? What was I thinking? What was I thinking this is my last year, my 40s Channel I'm about to lose my mind, oh God, and I'm starting to see it too, but I ain't gon na do nothing about it. We'Re gon na let the wrinkles just come right on up in there honey I'm gon na get that tooth fixed, though girl, bust down. Tatiana he's amazing, I'm on my way. Lord Jesus, I'm on my way. Lord I'm be halfway. I'M halfway to a hundred halfway to a hundred Lord have mercy halfway to a hundred, that's crazy. I mean when I first saw my first wrinkle I about passed out, but I don't even care no more. I was like. Oh, I told my husband I was like. I need some Botox, I'm dying like for real. Like legit, I cry real tears when I first saw my first wrinkle like I need some Botox I'm about to die literally, I'm I'm being funny, but I really like lost it. I lost it. Then. I just started embracing it because what else can I do get? Oh all, right, Tatiana. I feel Puerto Rican in this house down hold on bust down thotiana bust down. If y'all missed this go watch it on my YouTube. I actually teach you how to bleach it and get the that's why mine be looking so real cause. Y'All got ta go to extra mile. I don't care baby got auntie. I don't feel like doing that. I don't care, do it anyway, they'd be like Auntie. I ain't doing all that. Yes, you is because you're gon na be cute. If you're gon na be around me. If you're gon na be my niece or my nephew, it's gon na be right. It is a blessing honey, oh that back looked flat hold on girl. Yes, she's cute, all right y'all, so listen go to my YouTube. That way, you can watch it from start to finish no baby hands. I'M about to I'm about to have my daughter put me I'm about to do about to have a big baby hairs. Thank you Kim. Thank you, Taylor. Thank you, Kari. Thank you, Beauty, Den fitness goals and my Mac is going down y'all, so we're gon na end this broadcast, and I will see y'all tomorrow. Okay, I will see y'all tomorrow.

Kimbela Renée: I just did my first bald ‍ cap ever with liquid gold came out puuurrrfffeeettt

StudioMix MovieLover: I have the best applications with bold hold products. Just got me some Maxx as I have no hairline anymore. Love it

Stacey Stacks: What color do you use to tint your lace ? From the bold hold line

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