Sunday Skin July 18, 2021 Allure Beauty Box ~ Rugi Beauty ~ Hairart_Morethenhair

General Discussion On Makeup And Skincare

Foreign, hello, everyone happy Sunday. It is Sunday July 18th, 2021. How is everyone doing welcome to age graceful Sunday skin? I have missed you guys. What'S going on hello to everyone? Let me go over here to my comments, so I can type in welcome to the Stream foreign. I had the idea, but it didn't execute it there. We go, I like to say something first and welcome you guys so we'll give it a few minutes for some people to get the notification that we are live and then we'll get it started. In the meantime, I'm gon na keep looking for something that should be right here. I don't know about you guys, but it's like as soon as you think everything is perfect. Hey Bridget! How are you welcome to the stream? It'S good to see you hey B? How are you hon welcome to the Stream? I tell you. I live a life of unicorns and glitter. I must because I'm like everything I have everything I need, but something is missing that I needed to go with another product that I'm gon na show you guys, but I'm just gon na move on, without it British says hi B he says how are you doing Michelle I'm good babe. How are you V says? How is Mr G doing he's doing? Okay, he's doing better um and we're going to get into that. So God I got ta unpack this week, hey red! How are you hon welcome to the Stream? How was your priority event? You look so cute V says I'm doing well. Okay, let me go ahead and um cam up because whatever I'm looking for is not going to turn up not right. Now, how's everybody doing hey Cherry good to see you and B says hello to Bridget and B, says hello to Cherry yep, so Mr G he's doing better. Okay, you guys know that I postponed Sunday skin last week, so we can go on the bar bicycle and we had a good time. It was dreary and raining like off and on so that really didn't help his condition too much and we didn't stay for dinner. I gave my voucher to my girlfriend uh, whose anniversary it was, and I'm like you all, just, take this voucher and put it with your food. So he had a doctor's appointment, Monday uh with his primary care physician. So we go. You know for his breathing because you know he's had issues with that and we get there and um the doctor did an EKG and found that I don't know when Mr jizz had a heart attack and he has some abnormal heart rhythms so that you know kind Of shocked us, but we're going to remain prayerful about it. He has a whole lot of tests that he has to do so. I'M gon na postpone my surgery because I need to make sure that he is good before I do anything. It'S no sense in me. You know slicing my leg open and he has issues we have to attend to. So that's where we are with that. His breathing is a lot better with the new medication praise, God um and he's in his usual spot chilling in the garage watching TV and playing chess is a normal thing. He didn't have any symptoms. In fact, his blood pressure is actually perfect. You know what I'm saying but um. That'S one thing about, you know aging, you know things will happen and um I say my car is in 1956 and the vehicle he's driving with his body is a 1955. So if our bodies were like cars, then you understand what I'm trying to say. You know so we just you, know, praise God that you know he woke us up today and he gave us another chance at this thing called life and we just gon na remain prayerful about the situation, and you guys are my girls um. I kind of shared with um my mind Sandra red and V uh earlier, as well as uh Russell um uh. So I also made Russell a moderator, but I don't think she's seen her blue stick yet V says hello at red red, says: Hyatt cherry She's, So Random, hey hello, dear from Australia! I finally caught you live it's good to see you! It'S been a while. How have you been B says hello and she's, so Random and red says welcome at She's So Random, so that was my week after the bar ride: hey Julia accessorize, your life, hello. Ladies, so sorry to hear about Mr G's health, I will keep you both in my prayers. Thank you Julia. I appreciate it. You know that's where we get our strength from you know, with more than one person praying you know, everybody has different things going on in their life, where they might need a little bit of prayer. It'S not always your health, it could be finances and you know just things going on, maybe with another family member, you just never know um and V uh. At the same time, I've been, you know, worried about her, but her soul is well. You know because she just uh buried her mom had services for her mom, and so we love you V. We want you to know that um. Both me and Mr G love. You everybody over here, age, graceful. They come into the live streams. We love you and if you need us just reach out to us, Bridget says glad he is doing better. Yeah me too Bridget, it's just just when you think you know. Like I say I live a life of unicorns and glitter. Everything is, you know, perfect and then bam. You know you get hit with something, but I'm good and he's good she's, so Random says hi. It'S simply makeup. She'S a random says at red December High B says Michelle. If that happened to my mom many times, and it's only through tests, it showed up. So I think it's a common thing that happens yes, yeah She's, So Random says I've been good, it's freezing cold here and it's 506 a.m. On Monday wow, oh, my goodness, freezing cold. What'S the temp that is crazy, V says hello: it accessorize your life red says you say. Mr G had a heart attack and no one knew you know what it I'm thinking, because the doctor said it was an old one. I'M thinking it's probably something that happened before we got together, um, which would be what uh 10 years is coming September. But when we went to the cardiologist on Thursday, when we pulled up to the office, he said I've been here before you know. Um sometimes I mean it's hard to get them to the doctor in the first place and they want to keep secrets. You know it's rare, that a man keeps like all their paperwork and stuff in order. You know and and document things, so I just ordered um a new planner uh. I think it was the froggy when a knitting Channel. I hope I'm not chopping up her name, but anyway she reviewed this awesome, planner that you can use year after year after year. After year with the special pen that they sent or it's one other pen, I think by Pilot that you can use and the Eraser on it, is like a big piece of this special plastic or rubber or something. But you can use the same planner over and over plus. If you download, scan and download um some details, you can actually take pictures and upload anything that you document uh onto your computer, so that you can keep notes better like in your calendar. I might have to bring that up and show it to you guys. One week I I thought it was cool. It was about 15 on Amazon. If I think about it. Uh the next live at this point, I'm not going to even say imma keep every other week in mind that I'll be going live on Sundays, but you just never know so. I'M just gon na say the next live stream, which you'll get a notification for I'll, bring up the planner. So you can see it. It'S really nice red says I'm thinking of V2. Yes, she surrender says it's probably 8 degrees Celsius, unsure of what that is in Fahrenheit. It'S not very much is not very much V says. Thank you at red December Julia says: hello, be hugs and hi to everyone: hey, Lori, hey girl, hey I'm driving and listening all right. It'S good to see you and I'm Just Your Story. Oh my goodness. If Lori has a story of love and finding a grandmother that she had not seen, you have to go to her Channel and I think she told the story of it in a lie, because I remember watching portions of the live stream plus she does beautiful makeup. Uh Bridget does beautiful makeup. If you don't know her, if V puts out a video about makeup every day, I'm sure a lot of people know BB. Just has this beautiful spirit and every shade in the palette she's gon na show you the color story of those Shades and those palettes Julia is the same way her shop, my stash videos, I, like those, he says you write. Men are not organized about their life and health. No they're not B also says. Thank you. Accessorize your life and B says hello. It'S Lori's life and I just have to um, say this that collab that we did uh the copper beaches that was so much fun. I had and my friends and my family tripping out, they were like what is she doing now she's acting now, and I just want to thank you guys again for inviting me to participate uh uh in that collaboration and Julia. I don't know if you're interested in joining uh the beauty of authority collab group, but we have a look coming out the last Tuesday of this month and be selected. The theme the theme will be uh to select a branch of the armed services and then create your look uh According to which branch you selected, and so we do those the last Tuesday of every month. However, I did talk to Lavinia and asked her. What did she think about us, uh kind of doubling down on our video, maybe in August or September, and push the videos up to the top of the month? That way, when we do like things like pride month and uh Juneteenth Christmas, those types of um holiday things there'll be more at the beginning of the month rather than at the end, and she didn't have a problem with it. Lavinia is the uh coordinator of the group, but she did uh and give me powers like uh joint moderator, uh Powers. So I ran that past her and so we're gon na talk about that within the group. But everything is staying the same for the month of July, the last Tuesday of the month B says thank you to Juliet accessorize your life that copper beaches collab. It was beautiful. I enjoyed it and meeting all the ladies. I met so many wonderful channels, not all of them did uh makeup um, but they attempted makeup and did a good job and it was just a fun collab to do red, said: Sherlock Holmes, electric blue dress and short, copper, hair sure yep, I'm like what am I going to because I do have a short red wig that I was going to put on and I was like no, they didn't wear because it's more like waves and I'm like they didn't really wear waves in that era. So I said I got another wig. I say maybe I can like, pin it up some sort of way because it's kind of like Bob, but it's a full Bob kind of curly, and I bought it, oh goodness, five six years ago, to go out um the same people whose anniversary it was. It was their anniversary, but we went clubbing, and so I wore that wig when we went out to the club - and I think I've only worn it once and just I have a shoe bag that you put shoes in so I used a shoe bag and I Stuffed wigs in it, but you know it kind of keeps them together just fold them in, so they don't. You know, get too ratty or whatever, but I'll use it especially like for my curly tight wigs because they need water anyway. So red says Mr G was acting too. Yes, he loves to help me. So that was funny. He wasn't even feeling his best and you might could even uh heard it when he was speaking that he was kind of you know short of breath, but he helped me. I think we had to do and I started to put in a couple of the bloopers. We had to do it a couple of times, just like real, acting BCS good idea, Michelle about having to collab earlier in the month. Okay, I'm I'm glad you agree so we'll you know talk within the group to the other ladies um, to see how they feel about it. Julia says, oh, my God, that sounds amazing. I would love to join in thanks sounds exciting thanks again for the support. I truly appreciate everyone's participation and creativity. Um. That'S a great idea for storing yeah yeah yep sounds good okay, so I got quite a bit to unpack. So we were just talking about here, so I'm gon na start start there um. I don't know if anyone is familiar with Maxine Bryant and she she has a um YouTube channel, Maxine's, uh, Maxine Bryant's way, I'ma see if I can get this picture close enough, so you guys can see her. Maybe if I get one that's a little bit lighter. That'S her with her husband, you see, I don't know, but anyway, Maxine has just gone into the hair business, and so she has her Instagram and her uh YouTube. Her Instagram is Hair, Art underscore more than hair and the reason it's Hair Art is because she is really into um, bringing the color up on uh, wigs and um, adding color to them to make life fun. And so she has this new business and she sent me uh a headband wig. So I'm going to show you everything she sent. Lori says I agree. Okay, Lori cool cool V says: yes, I know her okay, so this is the bag that it came in, and this is her branding on the satin bag to keep your hair in. I really like when they send the satin bags, because, just like you wear satin bonnets or satin uh head scarves at night, when you sleep to protect your own natural hair um. If you have a good wig, you want to store it in a satin bag. When you take it off okay, so that was there and then some other goodies. Since it's a headband, we she sent me a couple of headbands. This one is more Afrocentric. The pattern like this would have been perfect for like Juneteenth this type of headband, and then this one black and white, a nice uh. It'S another Afrocentric pattern. Let me turn it this way, so you can see that and it's pretty stretchy uh trying to see. I guess this one for me: when I do hair band wigs is better if I put the headband on my neck first and then pull it up in place, because I'm gon na try it on okay, and then she also sent some cute masks. Isn'T that cute? It looks like a butterfly, I didn't open it. Yet I'ma say this one for church and then the filter tight mask there. You can either wear them together or separately depending on you know how you want to do, but I thought that that was nice to include that in my packaging and then she just sends like you know your invoice of what you ordered um. So she says um that this unit is a 18 inch deepway. She said it doesn't look like it, but once wet and styled it. It does so I'm familiar with that. The unit is 130 percent density, but can be purchased at 150 and 180 density for a higher price. So what they mean by density is thickness. 130 is fine for me because my hair is is longer, but it's on the thin side. So if I put on like 180, that's too much here for me, um, even if it's straight or uh body, wave, there's still too much hair um. This unit is a human hair that can be lifted to a level 27. and that's like a really it's a blonde dish, a reddish blonde. It'S not your highest level of blind uh. This unit that she sent me um is 140 dollars. So she wanted me to try it and share it with you guys. Wait. Let me look at my comment here. Fred says I have problems having with because Stardust steals them off at all, my God. She doesn't like it huh. She could tell it's not not her. Mommy, so this is the unit plastic bag and um. I don't know uh who her vendor is, but um most vendors are in China because I know like if they contact me directly. It'S always like in the middle of the night, and then I have to stay up the night after I contact them back just to let them know that I am interested in trying out their product. So this is the headband wig. It has a Velcro that you fasten in the back and it has how many combs four cones. So if you have your hair braided, you can like secure the Combs into your braids, so it doesn't slide. I rarely use Combs, I'm old-fashioned, I'm a a hairpin girl. So this is a natural color, natural yeah. This is natural. It doesn't look black yeah, it's a natural black, because uh I prefer having wigs this color instead of like dark dark black for my skin tone, um real, dark, dark! Wigs! Don'T go so well with my skin tone, but this one is very pretty it's soft and the waves are deep and what I was looking for that I could not find. I have a can of that uh thermal water to spray because I saturate my sponges with it, and it should be right here with my makeup and it's not here, so I was going to use um a little bit of that thermal water um and some conditioner. You can use like any kind of lightweight conditioner. You don't have to use anything expensive, uh to kind of like dampen it a little bit and play with it. So I was going to use that so I'm just going to try it on and see how it looks. I need to see my comment these says: can you please put her link up in the chat? Uh junior says: what about the hair size? Most wigs are too small for my head really now she didn't give me any Deets on that on the head size, but I'm looking at this this wig and it looks like it'll fit my head and it does have some stretch to it. Red says I like that thermal water. I do too it's so convenient because it's in a spray can - and you could just you know lightly Mist with it, and I don't know where it is. I don't remember taking it out of this room. Okay, so most of the times when you do it a headband wig you can. If you have edges you can like lay your own edges down and uh then put on the wig. What else did I forget? I forgot to bring my stocking cap up, but it's not like I'm going anywhere so get both of these pieces of this headband stuck up under down. It might be stuck up under there. It is here yeah, but I really wanted the stocking cap since I got this ponytail in the back. I nursed at church today, so I had a cap on at church that definitely would have my hair braided or twisted yep right now, I'm just having a a Time snapping in the back because of my ponytail, but it fits good. It has a nice fit. I remember one company on Amazon. They contacted me to do a headband wig and when I put it on my head, it definitely was too small. The cap of it was like way up here and it's like you're gon na the hair didn't cover the nape of your neck, but you can see with this. One is covering well and headband. Wigs these wigs are so nice for, like every day um got ta run out to the store you got ta go to work. You know an occasion comes up last minute and your hair isn't done. Then you can use a headband wig and it's up to you how you want to situate your headband, I like mine behind my ears and not over my ears and that's it. I don't think I want to put any product on it. It'S so soft. I think I just want to put some water when I do wear it and see how it acts with just water, and I because I don't really want to upset like the curl pattern, because once you start to manipulate the wigs, then they get more frizzy over Time if that makes sense, I need on some lashes, and I got some sitting right here. I was gon na put them on before the lie, but I ran out of time. I just think your hair looks better with lashes on, but it's cute, let's see red, says you use the thermal water in your last two videos right. I found I filmed right here. That'S what I'm saying. Where is my water? I have no idea where the water is Hey: Beth, Frugal mama in the woods, hey beautiful, how you doing I'm doing fine Bev. How are you and how is Carmen? Hey, Laura positive Bluebird, hi, everyone, I'm super busy, but listening looking beautiful. Thank you, Laura oh wait and I skipped over more red says: that's right, because us women need to know how to get ready fast, as things come up yeah, and this is the perfect thing you know - maybe you might want your headband a solid color or you Might want uh just to wear the blackhead band, that's attached to it or a different headband, uh uh. I would suggest a different headband just so you don't see that the hair is attached to a headband. So when you cover it up with another headband, you can, you know barely tell that it's a wig, especially if you have it on right, but I've had this a little over a week. I want to say, and so since I wasn't able to wear it last week and show you guys I had to show you today um what this wig is giving Beth says: Hey positive, Bluebird red says hello, beautiful at positive Bluebird B says I love that hair. It'S pretty thank you V. He says hello at positive, Bluebird Beth says Carmen, says hello. Tell her. I said: hi, hey Debbie, it's really cute! I came in late, so it's the wig synthetic! No, it's human hair! It'S human hair V says hello at Frugal mama in the woods Junior says I am loving the look and how realistic it looks on you. Yes, leave the link yeah. Let me grab the link and put it in the comments. Bev says: hey, it's simple. You make up V, says hello, it's serenity and Beth says yes, the hair is pretty. Thank you so much and it would look even better. Like I said, if I had on a little bit of makeup and some cute earrings, you know um, I could really make myself look nice in just a couple of minutes. You know Debbie says awesome, just what I need for work, love it and Debbie says: Hey V: okay hold on one. Second, let me go over here to Instagram right, quick and get her links. Foreign there we go and again her name is Maxine. Bryant, beautiful woman, beautiful so I've known her ever since I've been on YouTube and so her focus more now. She'Ll still do an occasional YouTube video, but her Focus Now is really um her hair business and giving the best customer service possible the very best and um. I don't think that she would mind if I share just this little teeny bit. She wants to give customer service so bad. Last year she sent me two wigs um that she had gotten from a vendor to try out for the wedding she really wanted to. You know give me a wig for the wedding, and so I got the wigs and I was not pleased with what I received and I'm like. I don't want to hurt her feelings say, but I have to tell her the truth about these wigs. So I told her the truth and she said how come. I knew that if I asked you to help me that you would be truthful with me, she said. Thank you so much. She said you can either keep them or send them back. You know what everyone do she said. I'M gon na keep searching till. I find another vendor which she did and next I have to tell you this week is slamming and banging I absolutely love the density. I love the texture, I love the bounce and the curls. The shine and the curls so on my next makeup, look I'll, be featuring your wig and um. I'M glad that you found a new vendor that you can work with to give you something that people would not mind buying, because her business would have been over with like from the beginning. If I'm like yeah the wigs are cute, you know just something just tell her something in order to save her feelings, but I'm like I can't do this this I got ta tell her the truth. I got ta tell the truth, and I'm so glad that I did and I'm so even more glad that she accepted the truth. That was the biggest thing that she accepted it, and she was pleased that I, you know, told her how I really felt in order to help her business grow. Sometimes people they don't want to see you and get ahead. You know in your life, if you, if you striving for something and then they'll just do anything to go along with the ride, but I that's my girl and I could not let her try to sell those wigs. So congratulations Max good job best sets. I'M filming a cooking video, so I only have a few minutes before. Timer goes off of one to stop in and say hello love. You girl have a wonderful day and take care. You too Beth, if you're still here, if you don't know Beth at Frugal mom in the woods, you got ta go over there and watch her cook. Oh, my goodness, she does cooking. She does hauls her grocery hauls. Sometimes she goes physically to get the food and sometimes especially during the pandemic. She would have things sent in and she is one of the best Southern Cooks I've seen and she does. You know like crab food and things like that. The seafood boils, but she does that good Southern Comfort, you know, make you go to sleep after you eat tight food, Laura says: Hi everyone. The household keeps me busy. I know and congratulations again to you Laura on your new home. I know that makes you happy. He says the headband match up top yeah the colors in it yep. It does match a little bit. The colors, not necessarily the print Debbie says. Thank you for the wig review. Word of mouth is the best advertisement and support it is it is. She did a good job with this company, so I would say they were a keeper and I and I wish her will and her endeavors. I really do Maria says I wouldn't have the slightest idea of what to look for in the wig. So I appreciate your review yeah, the ones that she sent me the curl pattern it was like they had took like pieces from different donors and constructed a wig. Some pieces were very curly. Some pieces were straight uh. It was the layers like you, you could have layers and a wig and even a headband wig. I think that this is very full. I like to see the same length from the top to the end of the wig and the wigs before some pieces were way up here. Some were down here. Some were longer in different textures. It wasn't uniform at all, and this is uniform and it's no short pieces running through it. It'S very even like this is good enough to bend like a lace, front wig. This would have been nice in the lace front because it's so even this is similar to the one I had off of the bike ride is, which is like my favorite wig of all time. Mr G bought me uh for my birthday in December, so I'll wear it often hey baby. How are you granddaughter granddaughter says hello? Everyone, that's Breezy. I hope everyone's Sunday is going well. Red says. Welcome at Brianna and Debbie, says hi, Brianna and V says hello. Brianna yep so uh she sent me two um and they both were kind of like the same thing, yeah density, texture in the construction of those weeks. It was horrible, horrible and um. I just you know, had to be honest with her and um. I'M so glad that she found uh this group of people to work with I'll be wearing this. Quite often, if I didn't have my uh nurses hat on that church, I probably would have worn it to church, but I I can't put my bobby pins into the cap. I can't do that, so I can't wear wigs when I nurse I have to wear my own hair yep, so great job still can't get much dry in my cup I like to freeze my drinks and then sip on them all day make slush okay. Next up is my July Allure Beauty Box. Now I was kind of shocked when I got this one, because I've never gotten two boxes. I usually get like this box, that's down here on the bottom, so it arrived yesterday perfect timing. Let'S get into this, I'm just trying to think of this anymore announcements. I need to make um because it seemed like. I had a lot on my mind, but I think I covered everything trash bag. It'S stuck on here, okay, so since it's stuck I'm Gon na Leave It how it is - and it just says, Allure Beauty here then, in this top one Allure, Beauty, Box, 120 dollar value. Your bonus bundle includes Giorgio Armani Beauty, lip Maestro, intense velvet, liquid lip and a full size, uh the Urban Decay, 24 7 glide on eye pencil, Kale's, creamy, eye treatment with avocado Mason margiela replica Beach, Walk, uh uh. I do toilet and a Lancome lash mascara East Saint Laurent black opium, Edo, perfume and more so I got all of that um surprise a special gift for you, dear Beauty, Box. Member the first time I put on makeup to see people this summer and I need to really see them in the flesh, not just their pixelated cells. I was getting. It was the kind of high it used to get while doing my makeup in high school filled. With hope for a fun night, where Anything could happen, I was back on the floor of my childhood bedroom with Kevin all coins making faces open in front of me and Baby One More Time On My this man. Oh my God, this man she going way back. Um, so she just goes on um to describe that. We'Re gifting, you not one, not two, but six of our all-time favorite products to create a fresh look for going back out into the world this summer, and we have you covered from your lashes to your lips to your fragrance, and this is from Elizabeth seagulls she's. The deputy Beauty director at Allure, so it was a special gift that they sent these products and it was their favorites just like they do um for every product, the people that work at Allure, they select products and they take them home to try them. So this is my Valentino perfume a sample, that's a bio there and it looks like it's spray burn. Why? Why me? I'M only supposed to have unicorns and glitter up here, no flies uh, the Beach Walk replica, and this is another perfume, but it's more like a toilet water type, perfume I've never heard of it. I have heard of Valentino and I love smelling good. Oh, this is a cute little bottle, but it's a replica of the full-size bottle. You know what it reminds me of Elizabeth Arden sunflowers. You all heard of that before. That'S what this is giving me, which is it's okay. You know it's light and fresh kind of like, Like a Beach Walk, light and fresh and Airy, so they named it. The right thing red says. The reason why I don't wear wigs is that my two wigs have an oily look and not natural. My wigs are close to 100. They have natural hair. Okay. Now some wigs are like a combination of human hair and synthetic, and you might have something like that. Um and you can kind of tell if you can apply heat to it or not. If they say don't apply heat, that means it's probably mostly like a plastic type. Hair that'll melt instead of straighten or curl Julius says you did a great service to her. It'S a whim, lift for you both! Yes, it is. It is hey. Tanya, sunflowers! That'S going way back LOL. Yes, you remember that cologne, it's just light and fresh and Airy. In fact, I had to laugh because, as soon as I smelled it it'd be perfect, they had a sunflowers hand cream at Marshalls for like 3.99, so I bought it, and I you know I'm like this is something I could throw in my purse. You know you might leave out the house you'd be like dang, my hands are ashy, so I got it because it's not too overpowering and um. That'S what that cologne smells like V says hello: it can you okay, and this is the last uh Lancome lash Idol and I'm sure you, ladies, have heard of this brand before or even tried it before. I think I even got this in like a boxy charm once I'm pretty sure that I did. It says three: this is the Kale's creamy eye treatment with the avocado, and this is just a small sample of what the jar looks like and I have never heard of this product black opium, perfume um. I'Ve heard of this - this is another old one by East Saint Laurent. So let me show you the box. First, black opium always sounded deep and dark to me. So just like white diamonds to me is a very heavy scent that my grandmother absolutely loved. She could never have too much Mike diamonds. This is a really cute bottle, though I like that this Center that you can see straight through it, you can see my face through this bottle, so if the large bottle is like that, then you're losing product. No, it's okay! It'S on both sides! Okay, because I'm like you're gon na get cheated a product. I sing. Hmm, it's not bad! It has like a sweet, deep musky scent if that makes sense like a musk, but it's not overbearing for some reason. But it's like a musk. Has anybody ever tried black opium Tanya says I thought you were going to say Red Door perfume? I have some of that too, that I got from Marshalls. I like red door. I love red door, Tanya says Hyatt V pieces, hello, Italian says I like your simple makeup: video you did today as simple you makeup. Okay, I got ta catch that one Laura says: I'm turning the closet into a Keurig and coffee bar downstairs. Oh wow, so you're gon na have a nice coffee station. I bet it's gon na look nice Tanya says that's a good idea, positive Bluebird! I hope you enjoy it once you're finished yeah V says thank you at Tanya's Beauty, Box yeah. I saw um a Instagram post, but I didn't catch the video yet because I just got out of church. So this is the Urban Decay. 24. 7 glide on eye pencil in zero. This is the packaging on it. Crayon Contour desk. Your loan continue something in French. I think I'ma stop right there. If I be done saying some cuss words. Okay, so I got the shade. Zero and zero is black. When I open it up, it has a shade chart here with all the shades, so I got the black one and I have a couple of Urban Decay products, but not a pencil. I have a couple of their palettes V says. I have never tried black opium me either. Lord says it's mainly for my adult kids. Okay, they like coffee, candy, says I've, never tried black opium either yep, it's just something about the name. I'M like. I don't think I would like that, and so I never even tried to smell it as a matter of fact, it's just just the name. It just sounded dark and um dark and deep I'll put it like that. Like a deep scent and I like light soft scents, I, like florals a lot B says this is my favorite eye line. Really it's the best okay red says. I heard from a reputable Beauty channel that Marc Jacobs beauty is going out of business anyway. The website has 50 off everything. Really hmm Tennessee is, I think, it's a plural Oriental scent, okay, smells kind of musky to me, but I'm smelling like through the bottle. I probably really have to put it on my skin, because you know how your body, chemistry, uh, influences how the fragrance is gon na. You know, wear on you, because cologne smells different on everybody pieces. Oh my God, red! I need to check it out. That'S what I'm thinking too, as soon as the live is over with I'm gon na check it out. So let me see one two, three, four, five six. So this is the seventh gift and I like you know how they packaged it with this red tissue uh. In the bottom of the box, and then the products were covered up by the tissue, Giorgio Armani, intense velvet, color uh, it's the lip Maestro and the shade is called sultan uh and the number of the shade is 405.. I really like the uh container that it's in I like this Packaging. Look at that right. There that's different, that's his brand Twist Off and Sultan is a red shade, reddish orange, and it might yes, but it looks like it's very soft and moist. Thank you. It'S like I'm putting lotion on my lips. That'S pretty! I like Reds that are like this more orangey Reds. I think, go with my skin tone, a lot better pretty so thank you for the gift box, Allure Tanya says maybe I'll finally get a Marc Jacobs palette. I know that's what I'm thinking V says. That is what I'm thinking of Tanya hey, Mr G. He says hello. Everyone V says hello to Mr G. Alore says ooh, pretty lip color Chinese says that's a nice size sample from Giorgio Armani. It is that's like the full size, so I'm gon na put these back in the top box, so I can get into what's at the bottom. Oh and um. I don't know if you guys remember the last box, I got uh, you sell his daughter. She uh won a little giveaway, and so I sent it to her and she was supposed to come back and tell us about the cream, because the cream was very expensive and uh. She was gon na do it last week, but I postponed and I contacted her, but it was like last minute because everything that's going on um this week. You know Mr G, I wasn't even starting. I was going to be here today um, but she didn't get back with me, so maybe um the next live stream. She can tell us about uh that cream that I sent her red says Hi. Mr G Tanya says now best box is worth the 23 dollars. Well, that's! On top! It'S still something up under here. This was a special gift. Right here wait a minute. I think I can pop it off yeah there I go. This part was a special gift and then this is the regular base box here V says: love the lip color on you. Thank you. No, it makes me not look so plain. If I could, you know, do my eyebrows and put on some lashes, I would be ready to go. Wouldn'T I the only place I'm gon na go. I got some editing to do. Oh, I know the other announcement we got ta. Do that uh giveaway for the uh Siva Med? That'S what I have to do um! So for the month of August um, I don't think I'm gon na take on a whole lot of extra projects, just because I'm already backlogged like I got some stuff that I need to do for Honey, Love, um, the silver Med and it's one other thing. So I'm kind of a little bit behind okay, so in my base box from Allure uh, there's a lot to unpack tips from our editors to help you get the most out of the products in your beauty box, your best brows. How come it says. Winky looks okay, so you guys know that I already received one of these Universal uh brow pencils, so um, I'm going to give this one away today Shape Up start by filling in your arches, which are the naturally the darkest part of your eyebrows. Since we tend to use the most pressure with our first Strokes, you'll wind up giving the Arches the most color, which is exactly what you want number two you'll notice that the tip of Winky Lux pencil is shaped like a teardrop use. The thinnest part to draw short angled lines along the tail, using a super light touch over the inner corners and three. If it's any sparse patches remaining to fill them in using the thicker side of the pencil. And then you use the spoolie part to spread the pigment throughout your eyebrows. Now this is the thing with me. People can tell me how to do my eyebrows. People can show me how to do my eyebrows, but everybody's eyebrows are different, so everybody uses different products. Different techniques, some people even use eye shadow to fill in uh their eyebrows and then lock it in with maybe a brow gel or something like that. I probably have at least 10 products for my eyebrows and yesterday decided. I think I want to try the benefit precisely you brow pencil in shade number five, because I was watching a video on Instagram and the shade that the woman used was like perfect, for me is 25 dollars. So do I get that one thinking that oh, I found the brow pencil of my dreams because, like I said, I'm living in Atlanta, unicorns and glitter, or do I use up the stuff that I presently have and then try the benefit precisely use eyebrow pencil. Do any of you use the benefit precisely you brought pencil and if you do do you, like it red, says very merry. Cherry collection, eyeshadow palette by Marc Jacobs, beauty is beautiful and 50 off. It must be a lot of Reds and pinks in there Berry colors, very, very Cherry collection. That'S what that's given me yep. So I don't know. Everybody'S eyebrows are different and that's just you know what it is. Everybody has a different technique with what works for them. Like on Trend right now is like the Square in the front and then up and then back down type Arch. Some, ladies, like it real dark some people like theirs real thick, but if I do my eyebrows like that it just it doesn't look right. So I have to stay within my own shape and what I've been doing, because, right now, I still don't want anybody's hands on me to do my eyebrows, because I just think that's too up close and personal. So I've been brushing up my eyebrows and, if they're really long I'll, take my small scissor and I'll trim them and make them more, even and that's been working during the pandemic and I guess up under the bottom. You know I've had that Arch to waste. So many times just been taken off with wax that it slowly fills in. So I can cover that up really well with my concealer. I don't know if you guys have any tips for me to do my eyebrows or any recommendations that you think that I need to do to my eyebrows. I am willing to listen to what you say: uh the winky looks I like it because it is similar to my own shade, but it does to me because it is universal. It has a green undertone, I'm detecting, I don't know, I would need for somebody else to tell me if they feel the same way, because all these, ladies on the back of the box, our different skin tones and their hairs are all different, but they're saying that This product works on everyone red uses this product too. I already know that she uses it and I don't know if anybody else has tried it or not. So I want to give it to somebody who hasn't tried it. Let'S see V says I have not tried benefit, but lots of people love and talk about it. Yep Judy, hey Joey for Judy, it's good to see you hello at age, graceful. How are you I'm good? How about yourself and your daughters? It'S so good to see you Tanya says I love when he looks brow pencil. I don't love the price. Okay V says hello, a joyful Judy. You guys, if you don't know Judy her Channel she'll cook sometimes, but her biggest thing on her channel is the love of the Lord and just spirituality. You know being in touch with one or the universe. She is. Such a beautiful person has a happy spirit and soul, and so she shares testimonies with you and things that she has going on in her life, where she has kept her faith, and so I find her channel to be very uplifted and I've known Judy. Since I first started on YouTube - and it's just so good to see you Judy, so if you haven't been to her Channel, that's what you will see Judy says we are all blessed. Thank you sure, and your sister. I know you did a video with your sister, but this was a little while back. How is she doing? Okay, so on to the Box itself, I'm just gon na go Page by Page um. I have the ciate of London Trend palette and they call it the bronze uh where to buy. It is uh at ciate of uh, the price is 24 dollars and if you enter call alert 21 at checkout to receive the 25 off your order and it's valid June 1st through July 31st. So it's only like what two weeks, if that left on this offer, maybe they should have sent this in the June box, but um. I have a couple of their products that I think I got maybe from like Ipsy, and I wasn't like really impressed with what I got. This is my first palette from them, but this is gorgeous. Let me take the plastic off. This is absolutely gorgeous. I just hope that these colors are pigmented and that they go on well. I have other products from them like a bronzer and a highlighter things like that, and I wasn't really impressed with those, but this palette is very pretty um. The shades are called Berry, Crystal latte bubbles bear velvet golden lover and starlight and I would Swatch them off, but that would take a little bit of time to do so, but they're, very beautiful, very beautiful. So I'm impressed by that twenty four dollars, if you're interested the next product, even the editor who um tried this out, she said the same thing: nine times out of ten, I flip open the eyeshadow palette only to find just a few wearable colors, but this assortment Of beautiful Earth Tones and sunset, huge metallics is a refreshing palette. Cleanser um, sorry, I couldn't help myself, not a single dud in the mix, so she like everything in this palette and and it is a pretty palette she liked it. You know because it's pink, I don't think I have a pink palette. I don't think especially like a hard cover like this. I really like these hard covers and it came with the mirror. So that's not bad to get this type of packaging and a mirror uh with your palette and nine shades for 24. I don't think that's too bad. Let me look at my comments. Judy says my sisters are blessed too. Okay, great Judy says I love the colors Tanya said she had her. London mats are sort of dry to, hopefully, they've changed the formula to be a little more creamy yep. That'S what I'm hoping that they're more creamy Kenny says the palette is nice, though yep. I can't wait to see how it really performs Kenny says. I, like the nine pan palette, configuration most brands put out: okay yeah. It is nice because sometimes it's like overboard. You know with the shades I like having a choice in between six and nine two. Instead of like 24 32, it's just overwhelming, and then I end up not using all of them. You know like she said you picked like one or two. Unless it's something specific like we did the copper beaches, and so I had to have something that was close to electric blue and something that was close to Copper. And I see like more copper in this than what I actually used and I'm sure that I got some other palettes with some - maybe some shades that were a little bit more closer to Copper. But I decided I'm just going to work out of that. One palette that was the story behind that Fred says I too, like creamy Shadows yeah, can you says he has that copper Peach collab was so nice? Oh, that was so much fun, so much fun. Okay! Next we have able skincare, retexturizing and resurfacing dual moisturizer. After a long day, this treatment feels so relaxing it's a joy to apply. The lotion feels soft and light going on. It makes my skin look dewy on the spot. Shea butter and cotton seed oil keep my complexion hydrated the next day. Niacinamide helps Keep Calm. The occasional redness I get around my nose and cheeks and the lactic acid is great for gently exfoliating and brightening skin without irritation. This Alpha, hydroxy acid, is unique in that it actually it's actually hydrating and fine for sensitive skin the formula sinks in quickly. It doesn't transfer onto my pillows or sheets, but still moisturizes. Well enough that I look like I got a full eight hours so where to buy it at able skin enter Allure 20 at checkout to receive 25 off the full price of your items. Valid June. 1St through September the 30th - so that would be this one uh just trying to see if they put on here how many ounces the full one is. This one here is 1.69 fluid ounces. Can anybody guess what the full size of this product cost anti-aging, retextual, texturing and resurfacing dual moisturizer and Tanya? I got the Denise pads I like them. I'Ve been using those I just got them week before last. I got ta get back on schedule because it's been, you know like a crazy week with my husband. You know, but I got ta get back on my schedule, but I like those pads, so thank you for inducing those Denise pads to me, which they sound like this cream and those pads are kind of like similar um in terms of their ingredients. Tanya says niacinamide is a great skin care ingredient right B, says 60 dollars. Chinese says: oh great, I love my Dr Denise pads yeah the first time I used. I made a mistake and I picked up two I didn't realize I had two. So that's, okay. I did my face especially around this area and then the second one I did up under here and my neck got the more the older I get. When I look in the mirror. I look so much like my mom. So much like my mom and I just remember, uh her age lines and I have the same exact age lines mostly around the mouth, no gray, hair, though my grandmother didn't have gray hair until like the inch, but she just had a few strands. My dad's side of the family, though they grade but my mom's side nope, so my mom didn't have gray hair and I still don't have gray hair yet so I think I'm gon na be like my mom and my not like my dad Tanya says. I really hope that you like them if they work for you, they work well for me, yep, I'm gon na continue to use them to see if they improve. Like my my marionette lines, you know your smile lines even after I smile like right through here is where my lines are and fillers are like eight hundred dollars a vial Okay, so the full size is 132 dollars. So on the days that I don't use, Dr Denise, then I'm gon na use this one to just see. You know how it works. For me, Judy says the Skin Care sounds like a good product by yeah yeah. It sounds like an expensive product, but it does have good ingredients in it. So you know you don't mind paying um for good ingredients. If it's in a certain product, you don't mind paying for that. If you think it's going to help a little bit, candy says 800 fillers yeah, eight hundred dollars uh for files for for one file, um the doctor that I saw or an esthetician, I should say, but kind of like at a doctor's office too, because they injecting You she said some, ladies, like your first one get one, but she said some, ladies get two vials. So can you imagine how many times you have to get stuck to get two and um? He says like celebrities, they get three and four files and it takes. You know a couple of weeks for you to see the full effects of um of getting the uh the fillers. I had a coupon for a hundred dollars off, so it was like six something that I had to pay and I was so hurt. I had it done a couple of months before we were supposed to get married and 2020 and they only last for a year. So, needless to say, I did not go back and try to get it done again and um. It was not Botox the name of it. It'S similar to Botox um, but more on the Juvederm sign. I forget the brand, but before you get it, they suggest that you study up on the two brands that they have to offer then select your coupon and print it out um, because the company or the brand is actually paying that hundred dollars to the doctor. For you, if you use their filler change, it says I love serums. That'S my skin care, Splurge yeah! I got a lot of serums too Kenny says rejuvederm. I don't think it was that dang. I can't remember. I have everything with all my like medical papers and stuff, like that. I can't remember: hey I'm watching from Jamaica, hey, hey, I'm so glad that you got there. I know that the occasion for you going is not the best, but just that. Finally, everything worked out for you to get from Canada to Jamaica. If you all remember, Ruby lost her dad some time ago, so she has been waiting. What is it like, close to a month and a half, if not longer, to get to Jamaica to um? To do his um services, so I'm just so happy that things worked out where she was able to get there and when she called me the other day on Instagram, I could see like the pressure. Just she just looked relieved to have gone through everything. You know everybody got different um protocols because they're called it, and so she had to go through all of that, but she finally got there like, I said not for the best uh time but she's home and with her family. So I'm happy for her. Jenny says: welcome and hi from the states at Ruby's, beautiful natural makeup. He says hello at Ruby, Ruby says Tanya. Thank you. Ruby says something the new makeup, hi dear, if I'm so happy for her, because we talked a few times while she was waiting and it was a lot, it was very stressful for her. So I'm happy she's with her family. Okay, the next product is uh called a cure. Brightening vitamin C jelly mask this. This is the Box that it came in or comes in this one um is it tightens your skin?

Slimchelle: Hey fam I'm here your skin is beautiful

PandaJock Slots: Hi Miss Michelle! I hope you and Mister G are having a beautiful week!

Layila Faon: your skin looks so great and healthy!

Ruselle's Daughter: The wig looks good on you. You look so cute with the colors in the headband and your top.

Bajan Treasure: Hey beautiful sister, that wig is nice. I'm here to watch a hour of your live Sis.

Happysimplecooking: Beautiful ,a big thumbs up ,, enjoy your day and take care ❤️

Ruselle's Daughter: You're right we didn't use a lot face creams. But we were big on Noxema cleansing. Do you remember that. And AVONs lotions and creams were nice back then and they're still good today.

Bajan Treasure: This story is nice, haha so true Discman that way back girl. Very nice gifts thank you for sharing, I watch 1 hour have a blessed one

Penny's LifeStyle Living: Thanks for review I honestly never had a bad wig that wig sounded horrible like the new wig‼️

It's My Life Daralynn: I take the combs out with an eyebrow razor, because I can't take it. I'm out of touch with the thermal water. I need to research . I don't know if a headband wig would look nice on me because I have alopecia. Most people say it looks nicer with your hairline showing. You said that dark hair don't look good on you, but I think it does. It looks really nice.

MONTGOMERY FAMILY CHANNEL EMMA: Hey I was just in your life the whole time I'm sorry you can see my comment I tried to find you on Instagram so I think I instagrammed you once to let you know that I was in the live stream I enjoyed it and they headban wig looks beautiful I like it got to find me one okay smooches

Vmadethebeat: Happy Sunday seen this on @slimchille wall.

It's My Life Daralynn: Thanks for sharing the link. Good thing you told her the truth. I like the truth too.

Bajan Treasure: I love red door too Sis

eyeshadowshopper: Happy Sunday my beautiful friend. Thanks for sharing

Country Bow-wow: Nice video my friend! Thanks for sharing. Have a happy day.

Reds Random videos: I missed the live I’ll watch the replay

Sadie: Hi Beautiful Sister

THE IVANO TV: Waoh allow me to comment today been following silently, really enjoying from Kenya

Bajan Treasure: Yep white diamond was the thing

Ruselle's Daughter: rugi_beauty is very nice wow

Bajan Treasure: You don't need to say what they are saying because we can see the messages

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