Asmr Rude Hairdresser Gives You Highlights

  • Posted on 19 August, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Welcome to Salon salon. Today I’ll be lightening your hair…or will?

This video includes the following sounds:

- soft spoken whisper

- foil crinkles

- hair combing/brushing

- gum chewing

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Hope y’all enjoy the video, wishing you some good ass sleep xx

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Hey girl, hey welcome to salon salon, it's your girl, lou jay, so you're, my three o'clock appointment right, okay, that perfect home this right here is getting like it's getting ready; okay, so i'm definitely gon na transform all this into something amazing, so we're gon na just Do um, i'm definitely gon na, take out these wrapping braids because it looks like they've been in their hair for like a real long time, um, but other than that, like i know you want to do some highlights, so we can do that so um, so girl. When was the last time that you washed your hair because it's getting flaky, you know about a week. Oh, you know what that's something that you should have started with, because i personally i don't like touching dirty hair um, no yeah like really you should you should just let that first, because with monkey pox and everything that's like going on right now, i'll be going To bike out something, are you serious? My man has a vacation for us book next week, i'm not about to miss that because you want to be 30. like. Let'S try that again, oh no baby, you can keep your mask on yeah. You can keep that on the card. Why am i not wearing one because i'm covered in the blood of the lamb use your brain anyway? I'M not going to sit up here and argue with you right now. Let'S just focus on your hair: okay, okay, i'm gon na! Take these. I don't know why you have all these freaking bobby pins in your hair like clearly, whoever did your hair doesn't know what they're doing like i've never seen. Anyone have some bobby pins, uh freaking bobby pins somebody's face down, but you know what do i know i will add next doll you have like these cute ass little beachy waist going on. It is so cute too bad, i'm gon na like ruin it because i'm gon na wash it and stuff, but you know i did thank you for like another day. So tell me a little bit about yourself now. This is your first time at salon. Salon! Oh great welcome. Welcome. Oh yes, um feel free to leave me a five star review because you know i'm trying to build up my client, so i definitely need all the good reviews that i can get yeah. So tell me, are you do live here or oh you're, in town, oh cool? Why are you in town? This is somebody's wedding. Are you here to turn up? Oh your grandfather passed away. Damn i'm! So sorry! You want long gone. Okay! Well then, [ __ ], i'm just going to be nice. Okay. Now that's really great. The funeral sounds like it's gon na be killer. Sorry, i i didn't use that word, but you know all that is like really making me depressed. You know your vibes are like kind of off and i know it's like not really your fault, but now all this like funeral talk is making me pretty sad, and i know it's like not really your fault, but now all this like funeral talk is making me Pretty sad and i'm usually like a high frequency type of girl, so let's change the subject. Okay, let's talk about me because i'm pretty fun and i don't depress people, okay, so yeah! I have been working here honestly for like two months like i just left um. This other job, because management was so annoying they'd. Like just watch you all the time, watch you on the cameras, they're always like. Oh, like jay, you got ta be on time for work, and i do be on time like whenever i get here is on time. Like i'm on time, time never stopped so like yeah, i might be scheduled at like eight or something, but that's just way too early, and i had told him i was like i don't. I don't do like early morning. Things like that. You know, and so i was like okay y'all - can keep scheduling me. I ate, but you're not gon na see me until like at least 10 or something like i got ta get up, i got ta eat. I got ta like contemplate life, you know so management was like in there. They like wanted to write me up just like do all this type of like childhood [ __ ], like i'm growing, you know, so it has about best of luck. I felt like they have good vibes like. Let me give them a chance. You know so far like everything is so good for the most part, but you know i'm still like feeling the math stuff yeah all right babe. So i'm done taking out those little crusty. Braids that you clearly had in for more than a week. I noticed what you said, but i've been doing this for a long time and i can tell the last at least like three weeks worth of sitting there, unless you just put that much product in your hair anyway, i'm going to brush out your hair and take Out all these knots before you get to coloring, okay, i had to make sure my brush was like hard enough. You know, so i can't like actually get the knot out of your hair. That makes sense. It probably doesn't because you're, not a hair stylist like me. So, let's see your average person like you, you know that's not lingo that you would get okay, so yeah. Let'S start brushing this out. I guess yeah. These knots are nodding. I never heard i am so sorry. You should have asked your mother to not make you so tender handed, because you got a big-ass point here. So, okay, i'm about to switch over to my little um. I forgot what the name of this brush is called, but it's not like you're gon na go. Buy it, but i think this will work a little bit better because i really felt like i was about to break my home with all the knots you have and if you break it, you're gon na buy it and not. Comb is like 25, because it's from a professional hair stylist from japan. So it's worth a lot. It'S not meant to like go through really naughty like textures like yours, like you should be taking care of your hair. You were depressed how about you get over it? Like but you know what i'm not very busy, let me be quiet if you're so surprised, baby have you gone outside before, like the sun, here's depression right, yeah, so maybe try it out. Maybe go outside and breathe like some air or something like honestly. Your hair is probably worth making you depressed because when my hair isn't done right like i am miserable, i feel ugly. So maybe if you did your hair, you wouldn't be depressed. Like i don't know, i'm just saying it's like i feel like. I see the problem and the solution as you, but you want to stay here online. I don't know like that's like i: don't live a life like that one, i'm a hustler like i go and get to the bag. You know, i don't let little emotions like you get in the way about, like i know like [ __ ] happens. I don't know i'm just not like you're, not weak mindset. You know that's because i'm from brooklyn, so there you go, we tough out there, not everybody, but at least lil jam all right, yeah there's a few more knots than i realized. So let me get that out real quick. Can you go to the bathroom? Can you wait? Damn you've been sitting down for like 10 minutes bro, i didn't tell you to stop by 7-eleven and get a big gulp on the way now. Did i no. I said it so, just like you chose to be depressed, you chose to get that drink, and then you chose to come here so now, you're trying to like waste my time like baby, like i have clients after this, like i'm trying to go after this, like We'Re not about to like mess up my day, because you need a bathroom, and i bet you it's not just number one either you could wait, you could wait and you better not pee on this phone either because i'm so serious, i'm not cleaning that up. We'Re all about here, you can hold it okay, but i mean that's serious if you really feel like you need to appeal your officer p and don't do that [ __ ], because i swear to god. I will drag you by your hair and mop it up with your [ __ ], hair. Okay, i don't play it. I don't play like that: bro, okay, all right! What are we gon na do now, so we're just gon na do a couple of highlights right. Okay, so i'm going to section your hair off and i'm only going to be doing the top section like i'm not going to highlight your entire head. So i'm going to section that part off so other than that. You know if you have anything like fun, while you're here otherwise you're gon na go to a museum which one so the tar pit museum. Damn that's like boring yours, you must be big smile. You must fit been 4.0 gpa in school or something. Oh, no there's nothing wrong with the carpet. I'M just saying like out of all the museums to go like out here, you could have like went to somebody's front in the wax museum like [, __ ]. I don't know you look like you need a little cup. That'S just me, i'm not therapist! So, oh, but you know what you should, though you know i always like cheers me up music, but not just any music. I'M talking specifically about my man's music, like my man, he makes music he's a rap bomb. We'Re gon na we're gon na make a big one. Today, don't worry i'll like give you like his like a link, so he'll lose it. Okay, people always say that they, like put them in the last movie. So, like i already know, you're gon na, like feel really good, though it's really upbeat it's not about like sad depressing stuff, like no he's amazing but um. You do have to spend 11.99 on itunes. You thought you're going to get that for free, maybe like, if you're the hot girl you could just say, and then you was looking at me crazy when i told you that [ __ ], okay um, but at least you're gon na look pretty. You know like for the funeral, i'm gon na, be the baddest [ __ ] there. Well i mean, if that's not what it's about, then. What is it about, like you seem like the type of person who just like loves to like be sad. I don't know you don't have to take my advice, but you hear my manager yelling over there yeah. That could never be me like personally. If she was yelling at me like that, i would have to curse her out. I'M so sorry, but i'm not the one. Like i'm, really not like, i'm grooming now like if she comes over here and says something you better pray to god that i don't think on her. I really just want to finish her hair, like i'm, not trying, i'm not trying to like revert back to who i was like. I came a long way since brooklyn, like i released the fight out there though i used to like, and that might seem surprising because i'm small, but i got hands you do never let that fool. You bro, you know the same, the bigger they are, the harder they fall well, the smaller they are, the more they're gon na surprise you i just made that up. It should be the same, get all that hair in the foil, but yeah, i'm not the same girl, but i really feel like i've like grown up. You know [ __ ], like i literally almost like, went on the batgirls club like that's how serious it was you've, never heard of the bad girls club. Oh my gosh, where do you live like under a rock? What do you watch all day like game? Show network hg tv part of my french because people don't like to be called [, __ ] trying to be rude nowadays, just like a term of endearment. But you know you look like a person who it's just like a little boring like no offense, i'm just saying you look like you need to have like a little fun in your life. Oh, no, not like me, babe! You couldn't like handle being friends with me because i like to turn up, i like to have fun and honestly no offense but you're just like you're pretty for, like you know, somebody who i don't even know babe but, like you just don't fit into my friend Crowd, like i'm friends with all that [ __ ] and before you want to get offended just because you're, not a bad [, __ ] doesn't mean you're like ugly or anything. I'M just saying you, don't you don't look like you get down like i like to get down, i like to have fun and party, and you just you're a dummy diamond, it's right on fire, but i'm just saying i don't know i hang out with bollock like I hang out with like celebrities like i'm really that [ __ ] like and like it's levels to this [ __ ]. You like, obviously can't be friends with me, but, like you know, you got ta start small, like somebody that you can actually like. You know combined with, if you just like honestly, want more makeup and, like i don't know, more cuter clothes, because i don't know what the hell, how long skechers they come on, come on like how old are we like? I'M just i'm not even telling you i'm being dead, serious like that's what people think they just like, don't want to say anything they just everybody wants to be so [ __, ], nice, i'm just here to tell you the truth like for real and people who, Like always want to [ __ ] on people who are like mean to them, but it's just because your feelings are hurt and you're. A sensitive person like i said, you're like a weak person and that's like i'm not trying to engage you, i'm not trying to make you feel bad, it's just they put it in like look. There is hope, because i used to be like you just sweep inside, but that [ __ ] only lasted for like three months. My mother was like you are a strong black woman. Well, we'll take [ __ ] from nobody. What'S again, why am i right? I never took [ __ ] from anybody, but you got ta like believe it. Even if, like you, don't really believe it, you have to walk, it doesn't happen overnight, but you can really start trying, because i mean, what's the craziest thing that you've ever done accidentally run a relay. That'S the [ __ ], i'm talking about like you've, barely never done anything like really crazy, and you didn't even have to tell me like. I think you must just live life like in boring life. You want to make like really great memories that you can look back on if you like them, you're only young once and i could see that you're, you know losing some years from some early years, you're looking at a little bit of you, know, mid-thirties or something. Oh you're, twenty! That'S what i'm talking about, because we've only been doing like boring, [ __ ]. So that makes you age quicker. Did you know? No, it's really [ __ ]! True! When you do boring, [ __ ], like you know, you don't have like endorphins and like the serotonin and stuff you just become depressed. Like you said, you were and like that. That makes you age quicker that your face and stuff, but if you're having fun and like embracing your inner child and turning them back up and then that will like make you look more youthful. It'S a scientific thing. I'Ve got the [ __ ]. I don't just like talking my ass: can i hurry up all right? First of all, i should have totally swimming what we're not gon na do is rush me because i'm taking my time, so you can look your best, but if you all of a sudden want to be hair stylist - and you want to play you know what here, You go here. The gloves here is everything you can finish your own [ __, ], hair, all right, because i don't need this mess. I told you i was this close from quitting and i thought it was going to be management. I really did. I did not think it would be from a [, __ ] client bro. You know like i don't need this mess. My man has two jobs. I don't need to be here right now, so this is your new job. Now, apparently, since you know, everything and i'm gon na go sorry about the funeral,

Tingle Twin: If the foil sounds are too harsh I’ll re-upload, I was trying my best to tone it down while editing the sound

Emilie Cote: This video is so funny, rude and relaxing haha love your soft spoken rude role plays, idk what it is about to sass/attitude but the tingles are like so good! Thanks for doing what you do beautiful!! ❤️❤️

ZANNY ASMR: Anyone here for the tingles just like myself

Julez ASMR: This roleplay is everything! I love the gum popping!

Sian Jones: Had a terrible day. This has really helped me relax a little

little angel: You look so perfect! Great asmr and makeup is cherrytop!

Love Hephzibah: I'm here for this rudeness beautiful

Myth Layla: omg your acting is so good, I was ready to through hands with my screen

Kgope Mannya: the iconic "i don't need this, my man has two jobs" line took me out

Dust Everywhere: you’re looking absolutely gorgeous!!! <33

S'busiso Ng'andu: Hey bestie ❤️‍love the gum chewing!!

ASMlauRa: Mentally taking notes for how to react the next time a client tells me their relative passed away… always offer gum…

Nicole Lynn: Omg you look absolutely gorgeous

Brandy Love: Loveee when you post!!

Double Edged ASMR: "Because I'm covered in the blood of the lamb".. :) love it haha

o_o Figures: This is almost too real lol

Rebekah Nunnery: love this

Touch By Dolls Asmr:

Giuseppe Antonuzzo: Italia Pino Antonuzzo ❤️

David Parnell: Third

Bored Five: Wtf is this?

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