Unboxing $1,000 Worth Of Hair Care Products (Oops!) + Everything I Ordered Off Amazon This Week!

  • Posted on 11 August, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Hey guys what is up so today i am unboxing, some more amazon stuff. You guys seem to like the last one, so we're gon na unbox some things. A lot of these are like open because we were looking for some props, but i haven't fully unboxed them. Yet so, let's just get right into it. Oh i'm so excited this is for after the shower. I love towel wraps and i feel like i haven't, really found any of mine since i moved in here. Maybe they're on my poshmark. I don't know maybe they're still in boxes in the garage who knows. I haven't fully unpacked we're getting there that we are unpacking all the boxes. Um my mom's been helping so much and we've been putting all my stuff on poshmark because there's just no room in my closets honestly and you know just new house, i'm gon na be a mom. I just want like a new vibe for myself. So really, if you guys wan na check my poshmark, it's trishp88, my mom helps me listen and ship out things on there, but it's like all my clothes, some like brand new stuff that i've like never worn and it like kind of hurts a little bit. I'M glad i like wasted so much money on clothes that i never wore. So i'm like really trying to be more practical these days, but anyways. I did need this for out of the shower, especially when i do my tanner um, because i'm in a towel for a lot of the times when i give myself tanner. So this is just like a towel wrap thing, um and i loved that it was pink. Polka dots, so i got that because i just you know i actually needed that and most things on amazon i actually need, or i use for like videos or something this one looks like okay. Oh my gosh, okay, this is like the most expensive hair care system. Ever it's all orbe. I might do a full like main channel video trying these products out. Oh my god, that's literally like crazy, not tell my husband. This is why i do these unboxings, i'm like no i'm gon na. Do it for a vlog babe. Don'T worry because he unboxes them usually for me normally i don't mind, but i think it's not like a thousand dollars on this over a thousand dollars on shampoo and hair care. So i got a bunch of ore based stuff now now let me explain why i'm no longer getting blowouts, i'm no longer getting my hair styled for, like honestly, honestly, probably the rest of the year um, i'm like weeks away like six weeks away from giving birth Um there's so many just diseases everywhere from nail salons to literally me just hugging people. I was literally just at my dad's house when, after dinner, i like saw like one person, come up for a picture and i got sick immediately like i'm telling you i'm like in a bubble going out to eat, none of that, like everything's, pretty much cancelled. So i'm learning to do my own makeup and watching tutorials and my own hair so because i'm not getting blow outs and probably won't get it glam and then once the baby's here you really can't the baby can't be medic like vaccinated or protected from, like her Immune system won't be up high enough to so like we shouldn't really go out either. So really that brings us to the end of the year. She'Ll be three months in december, so so i really am buying like home product stuff to do it myself. So i got blowout styling spray and yeah. I do like a little like hair care routine with this stuff because, like i really did, splurge orbee is so expensive, but i have an orbe like um blowout cream. Now that i love so i just purchased a lot of recommended stuff and um. I think it's worth the hype, i think, in my opinion, so we'll see i'll test it out and i'll. Let you guys know, but this is all orbe. This is the moisture mask and my hair has been looking better because i have been purchasing hair products even before all this. This is the gold lust mask. This is like the bouge bouge from orbe, and i was on amazon. I was kind of surprised, yeah. I'Ve always seen this looks so fancy, so i like having everything from the same product line too. I don't know hair alchemy. This is like the reason i think i got into it, because so many people talk about this. This is like the shampoo and conditioner yeah. It'S kind of small because i usually use like so much, but i only wash my hair like once a week, yeah there's the alchemy, so packaging is really amazing. Again, the cost is crazy, but okay. This is like damage repair, booster heat styling shield, i'm trying to just keep these all together and then this is the shampoo very excited about all this stuff, shampoo, and actually, i think this is a different line. This is the gold lush shampoo, so i got the alchemy, shampoo and conditioner, and then i got the gold gloss. This is the alchemy shampoo heavy. I was cleaning up our like dining room table. Um moses family is coming to visit this weekend. So all my stuff, basically but another amazon box out of here - i really don't like boxes. Ironically, i do a lot of online shopping, but i don't like boxes. Okay. This is like so heavy. What is this orbit? I mean not knowing what size to order. Oh, my gosh, oh i'm already like winded cause i've been like cleaning up today. Why is this so freaking heavy you're? Like seriously, i don't understand why they package it like this. I guess it's expensive. Oh my gosh okay, this one i might need help with because i'm just not is it even coming out there's nothing to grasp. Maybe i take the whole box apart. I'M like sweating, you guys, oh my gosh, okay. I really hope i like orabay shampoo, because i guess i got a big old gallon of it. That'S huge, that's like literally bigger than my head, and i have quite possibly the largest head ever because this one's inside out any easier nope when people like literally lift weights and like go running like i mean i'm almost nine months pregnant, i don't understand like that's. I mean it's amazing and, like i'm sure, it's like healthy and stuff, but i'm just like you barely like do an hour worth of health tours like i did, dishes made breakfast dishes clean the table and that all took like an hour. Oh, my gosh, i'm excited to try them, though get my hair cause. My hair's been growing for the first time like ever, so keep it on there. I didn't even have more horme gold less. This is all over oil for the hair body and face put it on there. I guess you don't have oily skin. I have such oily skin. I enjoy this again, so it works okay. This is from my asmr like fortune telling. This is like this magnetic levitating lamp thing which, like magnetic light up levitating, i love all of it. I'M so excited for this moses will help him putting this together because, like he loves this kind of stuff too and he's like he makes the presentation it's so cute, so seven colors, oh my gosh, i was gon na do like a fortune telling like psychic reading Asmr check out my asmr channel, just basically smart, so that's a business investment. Thank you see what's in these, oh, this is for baby. Look how cute this is i'll. Show you guys on the tag, obviously washing everything. Oh, we got really fancy and baby detergent from the laundress.com not sponsor, but when it comes, i'm really excited to show you guys, because i know so many people like swear by that scent, like in real life, look how cute for the baby a little baby shark Baby baby shark towel so cute, i can't wait to give her baths. I can't wait to like get her all cozy after you're getting all clean, so i think these were just in my cart before i got all the orbe stuff, but this is the stuff i use right now the john furrier freezies it's so hard to find, like I usually found it in target. It'S been so hard to find so i've been ordering it off amazon, but it is really good detangler. You can obviously use other products with it, but it's really good and then all right, and then this is oh pink, pink. Like sterile gloves also for asmr, i got new, i got new ear microphones, so i'm going to do like an ear cleaning video, but i wanted pink gloves. I thought that would be a little different and then we got some oh. This is also a towel wrap, but i got it in white because i think white stuff just feels like a spa, not obviously not great for like tanning, but also like who cares. I mean they're, pretty cheap. It'S like this waffle material, so they're, pretty good quality, though for being so cheap. So, oh, we got another little hair brush set for baby. We got this little bamboo brush, so we're getting her nursery like all organized now, like everything's kind of there, we're just waiting on like out organizer kind of thing: um, okay, but this is gon na, be so cute in there. So let's talk about the baby's room and then little boxes in here. Oh, we got a laughing buddha statue for good luck, wealth and happiness. I honestly got it because i was going to do a maternity shoot as buddha um, but i don't know that's gon na happen. I think i think i might still do the shoot and just do my own hair and makeup, because the photographer um like can be six feet away. We don't have to like um, be in each other's like space and face, so i think i'm gon na still do it, because i really want to right, like it's a maternity shoot, so um we'll either do it outdoor or like in a really large studio where We can be really far apart um because i don't want to document it. I guess i waited too long to do the thing, but i really wanted to show my belly so anyways. I was going to do a buddha one, but i don't think i will now that i um don't have like any glam to do with it because, like the glam team crushes it, i'm gon na be so sad to not have them. But you know just because, like my immune system is so low right now again me just like hugging someone or even taking a picture with someone i get it so easily. If i wasn't pregnant, i like not that i wouldn't care. I would be like a little like. I guess i wouldn't be as cautious, but now i'm just like. I can't see anyone do anything, get close like eating at restaurants, with utensils or and my nails layer treasures, i've ordered a manicure. My nails are atrocious, like i need to get my nails done waxing. I have to do myself like it's a hole made my sister, because my sister and my mom, like they don't go anywhere so at least until like babies here and all that so cute. Do we look similar? How cute would have this been? I love his little beads that he's holding too so i feel like my hari krishna beads krishna krishna. I still meditate every morning. I haven't done it this week and i feel a little discombobulated for that reason. So i got ta get back on that meditation vibe that meditation there's two more. Let'S things here: oh yeah! This is so tiny. When i was looking at buddhas. I found this one too, and i was just like okay, this one is so cute. I have buddha's everywhere in my house, but this one's like a little baby buddha, maybe i'll, put in like the baby's room, but he was super cute, so bless the baby's room with a little buddha buddha is my favorite. I have buddha literally in every room, he's just calm and zen, and everything that i strive to be in life. Okay, this is like a gift box. Like things, it was a crystal crystal ball. I think i love crystal balls lately. If you can tell that's what we do, my new thing - baby's kicking - i don't even know if you guys could see that maybe you guys could see it, but i felt that for sure yay another little crystal ball. Look i'm getting hot lashes. How pretty? Let me just like not drop that, but it has like this like orbit in there so cute. I love this song. It'S another little like crystal ball and i love that it's orbit. Oh, it kind of looks like it's spinning unless i'm dizzy, but it kind of looks like it's spinning, so i love that. Okay, let me drop this buddha, so super cute, so i have a couple more boxes that i can unbox real quick. Let me just put this all aside, so these aren't really amazon finds but they're just kind of like random packages that i need to unbox. So this is from unique vintage, which i ordered more bikinis, we're kind of getting to the end of like swimming season. Well, especially for me um, i have like a few weeks left, but i do a lot of like bump dates and stuff in bikinis, so i went ahead and got this one. This was actually also for my maternity shoe, possibly um, but i don't think i'm gon na use it for that. So i'll probably just use it for like bump days, but i do love this um. These are in one ax. I do love unique vintage bikinis. I'Ve talked about them before because they just they got plus size, but they don't they. Let you be a little sexy, you know most plus size, they have it over your belly. I don't really like those, so i like that they have a little bit of these revealing they're, really cute i'll, wear this in an upcoming bunk date. But i know you guys have seen me in them before i wish they would have more. They kind of have like a limited selection, but okay figures can't be choosers right but yeah. I like it. It'S kind of like this burnt orange bikini, which super cute this one says fragile from vegas from so neva, so neva. No, it says bailey fox, but the box says soniva, let's see here and i have a huge bath and body box, but i don't think i'm gon na unbox that here i think i'm gon na do that on my asmr channel, because it's all new spooky stuff, Warm this is fragile, but what did i order? That was? Oh, i know what these are. These are actually from etsy, which is like so funny. It came this way. Our gardeners just came perfect wow they wrapped these, though these are so cute. I got got ta. Have etsy, i don't think they're real ray done, but i i do find the real whit gray done in a bunch of these so hot now they run some water they're. So close, i'm going to take a little break guys. I think the garner is here. I might need some water, but we'll just unbox these real, quick wow. They wrapped these so good they're, so cute too. Okay, all right how cute oh they savory done. I mean i found them on etsy though, but i love these bowls. They say pasta. I saw steph pappas have this. I saw some other people have these. I thought they were so cute. Did you not microwave, obviously they're kind of like i have no nails, they're kind of like ceramic? I guess these are so hard to find but set of four, and we love these kind of dinner bowls because they're not like too bully so you're, not like cramming stuff, but it's not like a plate like edge of a plate. Okay, i'm gon na take a pause but they're so cute right, oh okay, so just a few more packages getting really tired. It'S homesteading! These are some baby clothes they ordered for the fall. I have a very specific outfit for her and mine. Like the cutest little picture, it has this like gold, little hat for her. These orange bell bottoms and like this crushed, velvet top it's literally so cute. Oh, my god, you guys are nice. Okay, oh my god. I have to do a full baby closet tour because her clothes, they're gon na just be kind of everything. I'M not gon na lie she's gon na be the cutest dressed baby. Ever this is from a company called reverie threads, i'm so excited. I can't wait to set up her little closet like there's like stuff hanging, but i want to like set it up cute. You know what i mean like really cute, so i'm excited to show you guys that that is like adorable baby clothes just make me so happy like how would they be so tiny? I guess it's good they're tiny. I was looking at birds of like rhinoceros. I know elephants giving birth to those. Those elephants are huge, even as babies i'm like that would be very painful carrying oh, i got some slippers, so we're getting white carpeting in our bedroom. We have like really beautiful hardwood floors in our bedroom, but i just love carpeting, like literally everyone, even in my like life, we're just like no, the hardwood floors are everything, but i just want everything like white and pure in there. So i got these for again when i tam they're from sonoma um. So i can like i drive myself pretty good, but there was like a little bit of spots on our white carpeting, so i'm gon na just have to wear some shoes because yeah i just loved his hand. Okay, so i think this is a shirt for moses. For our maternity shoe um, it's really really simple. I just wanted some nice photos taken. You know not just ones that by my pool that i always take them and they're nice, but i want some to commemorate. I'M just i'm sad because i like get glam for literally everything and then it's like okay, that's like not gon na be great um. It'S just yeah at the end of the day, what's more important me being like healthy and making sure my baby's healthy or being glam for the thing, i think i'm going to still look beautiful in pictures. If i do my own makeup, i like i'm watching tutorials on it but yeah i'm going to be sad, especially because i like my really close friends and i'm sad but they'll always be photo shoots in the future. Hopefully, once our world gets its ish together, when is that ever going to be, i just feel like we're. Never out of this pandemic like crazy, but yeah. This is his shirt um. He wore one like this for the gender reveal and it looks so good and i'm just pink so got yellow cause, i'm wearing like a yellow dress. I just think yellow is a very fun color. I don't know um all right vhl. I don't even know what i would order, i'm usually pretty good now at like knowing what i order, but you never know sometimes surprising, there's another bag inside the bag. How why? What i'm still so confused as to what this is? Oh, my god. I probably end up putting this on poshmark. This was for my angeline cosplay, but i already did it. It came so late. It'S like this, like pink fuzzy jacket, it literally took so long. I think i'm gon na put this right up on my posh because i needed it for the cosplay, and that was it, so i don't think i'm gon na wear it if you guys want a pink fuzzy jacket brand new from amazon. I'Ll put it up on. Oh, i'm so excited about these yay. These are for asmr, but also for me, oh my gosh. I have to do an asmr video yeah. I got some rollers for contouring and tightening the face. This is the skinny confidential roller. I love the packaging this. This was an instagram ad and it totally sold me what is this skinny confidential? Yes, this is like the pink balls so cute. I can't wait to use it, but honestly, i can't wait to use it on you guys. Do me asmr so much fun with the pink gloves, yeah, that's gon na, be i can't wait to do it and then i got like all their other products just because i was like already there. This is like a a razor for your face, a face razor. Those packaging's, oh so pretty everything kind of fell, but let me just take my time. Okay put this over here, yeah, it's a face razor! I love these things. So much so, and i can just do a facial at home too. I have to go anywhere and get a facial, although i haven't got a facial in a really long time. In case you couldn't tell all. My skin has been as people have been saying glowing. So thanks for that and then we got some face oils so yeah that is from a place called the skin confidential. It was an instagram made me buy it thing and i'm added it. Okay, there's one more package left well, there's and then the body works. So this one, i literally, have no idea. Once again, i need water, i'm usually drinking water all the time, but i have been peeing so much even without the water that i've been like, hesitant to drink the water. But okay, like a black powdered envelope, ah nails. I did a whole video about frying press onions on asmr, but i am obsessed with brown nails from etsy. Oh my gosh. These are so pretty look at those yeah. I just did an asmr video all about my press on nails. So if you guys want to know like where i get them, i did a strawberry store, but those are like so stunning right, gorgeous porch gorgeous put these up in the asmr room. All right, you guys, so that's pretty much it um. We do have this bath and body works. That'S from notification tag see what it says and green palm fronds what overfilled or overweight? Okay! I don't i'm triggered by that. Okay, so here's the bathroom works in the box until i can do, but i'm gon na body a proper, a proper unboxing man. I am so hot at the top, i'm always in like yours like. Why do you always have like your sports bra? Because it's like i'm always hot serious, hot glass, there's so much fun, halloween stuff in here, i kind of i kind of can't even okay, bagel box, it's a big old box for like a little stuff. They kind of just throw something. I'M going to show you guys in a minute they kind of throw stuff in there, but they packaged this nicely. Yeah um halloween is already at bath body works, which is so super exciting. This one's sliding out better than oribe. Okay, you guys, i hate to do this too, but i might do it save this for my asmr channel, because it's like really fun. It'S not that you guys don't deserve the fun videos, but i'm already getting a little winded, and i want to be like my full self when i unbox these because they look yeah. Okay, i'm gon na save these. Sorry, i'm sorry to be that person. But if you want to see the haul, i got a bunch of halloween. This is a little sleep review stuff, so um yeah, i'm going to go. Do that i'm getting some more channels, but thank you guys for unboxing. All this. You guys want to see the craziness next to me, like the actual insanity, yikes yeah, that's all going to the trash. So thanks for unboxing with me guys, if you guys like these thumbs up the video, because you know i'll be buying so much stuff, especially since the baby's on the way. So maybe i'll do a baby special edition one, but i'm hot i'm tired, i'm very pregnant! I'M gon na go lay down and um yeah we'll do this unboxing in the asmr video love. You guys bye.

rachel-44: i really thought she would stop all this shopping/hoarding by now -- me thinks there is still a hole she's trying to fill somewhere

Samantha Wade: does she understand that she can return things to amazon?

Siya Kavi: Perfect timing, got home from work- made an iced coffee, eating home made chocolate chip cookies and watching you! The life x

CB: This is just someone trying to fill a void and hole in themselves that they think stuff will fill... but it won't. Sad

Jeanelle Krick: Or you could just return the jacket to Amazon ‍♀️

Malorie Welsh: I really have been enjoying these videos from you! It shows the real you and you seem so much calmer. Great videos momma!

where to next?: Im trying to be more practical...as soon as i finish unboxing this 1000 dollars worth of shampoo..So disgusting

angela dolan: Trish *worried about getting a smudge of tanner on her WHITE carpet* You’ll be ripping it out in no time once baby arrives!

P A: I love Oribe! Ever since they sent me a sample years ago, I haven't stopped buying their products!

S.D B: I use oribe now too (best product I’ve ever used) but definitely not from Amazon. I get from Sephora. I trust it more. A little goes a very long way. You don’t need to use too much.

Alex: Notice how much she spends on herself vs how much she spends on her baby. Same ol trish.

Aye_KimmyXx: I'm so ready for mom Trish to unlock after I had my baby two years ago I change a lot I know most people do after having a blessing it really does changes the way look you at things. hoping everything goes smoothly sending lots of good vibes and love your way

🇺🇸Freedom 🇺🇸: That tiger standing there makes me giggle. He’s so awesome! Thank you for sharing ☺️

Stephanie: Trisha what happened to the organize/declutter videos that you said you had filmed??☹️

Murry Gondwana: Sell it and buy baby stuff. This is supposed to be a family channel. Do things for the family.

kufo oriji: So this must be the hole that her ex just spoke about. Buying junk to fill a hole. Quite sad considering your pregnant after being infertile if that was even true

Vanessa B: Your hair is looking great. Washing no more than 1 x a week is the key. My mom used to get SO mad at me saying to wash my hair I guess she is old school and thinks it should be washed everyday. But my hair is super healthy from limiting washing.

Kayla Coliny: You definitely need to do a maternity shoot especially since this is your first ever pregnancy & it is so special. I wouldn’t miss that chance. You’ll regret it if you don’t♥️

Van P: there's no room in my closet.....so I'm ordering more on Amazon....girl.....

Angee: Tell the truth, the reason why you save these things to open them in a video is so that you can write them off on your taxes.

Gina Belanger: olaplex is where it’s at.. the entire line is 1/4 of that price

Alexis: hairstylist here! amazon waters down their products and over charges you!! i would return all of it and get it from a seller (stylist) your not getting half your money worth

Abby: Oribe is the best!!!❤ Lucky you! Gold Lust smells amazing

Andrea: Can’t wait to see how the hair products work before I splurge

Beautifully_averagePanda: Love these unboxing videos there's something relaxing about them. Plus I get ideas. lol..

B: I love that daisy shirt and would love to know where to purchase it!! Obsessed I would buy three lol

GAW: Cool can't wait to see what you bought!!

Wendy craig: That baby brush will hurt your baby did you even look it or it's something you just needed to buy you your hoarding problem.

Creative Gene : News flash...those face rollers are a gimmick, and a total waste of coin.

Marissa Damico: maybe instead of worrying about getting glam and going out just be happy your having a baby...and a healthy baby so far...so many ppl would love to be in that situation...just enjoy the time your going to have with your child

erica eidum Mckellips: Wish i could do that I'd be set on hair cair products for life

Oreocookie: It’s so sad that she’s about to be a mother and the brand new stroller she unboxed has just been lumped in with all the other junk in her house. I wouldn’t hold my breath for Trisha to turn a new leaf once she gives birth; it ain’t gonna happen!

here for videos: The room behind her has piles of orders as well

Nicola: Did you say doing dishes and wiping the table you were tired? You know most women have to work 8+ hours daily while pregnant ahahha

Mm ASMR Gnome: Sisss. What happened to saving !!

benus: This was so comfy, ilysm ❤️

Carolina Ross: Must be nice. Some people can’t afford $10 worth of products.

missdukelady: I love ❤️ these videos

Ashley's Space: Y’all need to let this girl spend her money how she wants. Let her breathe

TANGERLA HALL: Yaaaayyyyyy I love unboxing

Valerie Garcia: Would love to see maternity shoot

savannah nagel: I wish you the best and seems like motherhood is changing you for the better! Congrats on the baby !

Alison Delli-Gatti: oribe is sooo beyond worth it <3

Em Cloud: Be careful about where you place the crystal balls. They are a fire hazard if light shines through certain ways

urcutejeans: LOL girl if you’re tired from just an hour of housework, just you wait until that baby comes.. yikes

Lindsey Powell: Luv unboxings

Siya Kavi: I love these videos:’)

Emily the Lizard lover Nicholson: Everyday is Christmas there it seems

Hanna: The baby will definitely not fit in those clothes this fall

Sarah Cole: Not trish once again copying Colleen.

Sabrina .H: Love unboxing videos. Can't wait to meet baby.

Diane Peacock: Help ! What am I doing ? Someone explain. Trisha makes me crazy and yet I’m here. I can’t understand how a person can admit spending so much money on crap and yet I’m here. Don’t tell me I’m jealous, I’m not. Don’t tell me I’m a hater , I’m certainly not. So tell me what I am. Anybody else feel this way ?

Dream: Girl you need to stop spending I feel like you do bc ur sad

cl0udCatchurrs: must we always have the stomach out?

Emily the Lizard lover Nicholson: “ Really trying to be more Practical??!” wasting big bucks just on hair stuff & more Junk?? Why not save all that money for what’s important.. like your baby!

ilikemonkeys: Is this a new house or the new house they moved into last year?

Missy De-licious: Girl u need to go on ebay so peeps from Australia can buy ur stuff too... we not allowed on poshmark :(

MegganAngela: I just want that crystal tiger in the background

leeleeee: Keep going broke trying to fill the empty void that is YOU. Very responsible parent already

Leah Davis: I have trouble hearing her in her recent videos. My volume is on the highest setting. Sometimes the sound in the vids is just too low…wish she would adjust camera/mic so it was easier to hear.

Olivia Pinter: john fredaor whatever isn't cruelty free btw love

Alison Dekorsi: She buys complete crap!

Gina Bennett: Why not have your sister do your hair & make up for photo shoot??!!

Jillian M: Hi Trisha. I hope you see this..I just wanted to say that I’m proud of you for not immediately responding to what Jason said. You’ve come a long way with regulating emotions/reacting. You put in the work and it’s amazing to see. You deserve the most credit in the world bc I’m sure the feelings that type of stuff still triggers are still there and it’s still a tough battle. Again, very proud of you and I hope you are of yourself too!

Natalie L: I just wanted to throw something random to Trish because I'm such an OG fan and love her to death. I've been catching up on the past 4 months of your vids, just binging the crap out of them like I always do with your channel. Hoping you'll see this on your most recent but the MOSES VLOG I'm currently watching, has so many comments that are taking backhanded stabs at Trish for how calming it is compared to her videos that are "chaotic". The beauty of Trish and Moses is this juxtaposition of their personalities and why it works. They are both very SPECIAL and UNIQUE individuals, who are obviously genuinely in love when I see their stream of consciousness videos. I think it needs to be said that we are here for Trish and her entire family and life that she's gained that have clearly made two people happier and better versions of themselves because of the other. Trish's vlogs may not be as "deep", but she does have a level of intelligence that needs to be appreciated or else Moses wouldn't have committed his life to her. He's gained a beautiful soul partner just as she has, and I appreciate him and his content so freaking much. I needed to get this out because it's been driving me crazy, seeing one video where she's not what you want her to be, that the majority of comments are negative. Then she's in the car with Moses having a connective and conscious conversation about the world and you all praise their relationship. Please stop being so close minded and respect ALL aspects of Trisha and her life. We're here to support her and her family all around. Sorry for the essay, probably no one will see this but I had to get it off my chest! LOVE YOU TRISH CONGRATS ON YOUR GORGEOUS LIFE!!

Jennifer Gomez: Kali is just as nasty, but she’d make a wonderful nanny since she is family Really all you have

Kirstyn Taylor: !!!!! buddha should never be placed in a bedroom or bathroom babes !!!! i think its something about purity

Polynails by Mia: ❤️❤️

Heather: The fact that you are getting "winded" and "worn-out" from sitting on the floor opening boxes I can't imagine how you will survive once your baby is a toddler

Cece Bebe: Maternity shoot as buddha? You realise that's blasphemous right?

Poetickat: Ooo I love an unboxing’

princess adora: get the carpet!

Ruchika Sachdev: Does she walk or exercise at all?????

Amy Faurote: You're nice.

Laur Aubrey: What a mess that place is. Watching her open up boxes is like watching paint dry

Jd: Ewwww. She washes her hair 1x a week


Brad T: Ngl, that tiger is straight-up pimp. Very cool — beautiful marble floors too. Tremendous.

Qonspiracy: ooohhh fun

1172mak: Having those Buddhas is a symbol of what is seen as a supreme act of apostasy which is the rejection of a faith. It’s bad to have those things around.. especially if you are of the religion you say… or Maybe it’s changed again but Buddha DID NOT believe in God…. In case you didn’t know.

Shannon M.: I will never understand why people dress up babies for their own amusement. Think about the turmoil you put a tiny young fragile baby's limbs in when you contort their arms and legs to dress them many times over and over. Mom of 3 here and let me tell you newborns and babies in general are messy. The poop blowouts, spit up, vomit, drooling. Onesies were my best friend after learning quickly how messy newborns are. The cute clothes don't last long. Clothes shouldn't be the memory in a photo, put the camera down and enjoy the moments, be present without needing something in return from the baby aka a "cute clothes" photo. Just some friendly unwanted insight from a seasoned mom.

blonde8947: I hate to be like this, but did anyone see the podcast Jason did talking about trish

Sarah Murphy: Why is your belly sticking out again you don't need to show it in every video really like we know your pregnant after you have your baby you'll be still going around with your top pulled up

Cosette DeMille: ilyyy

lori lee: Awesome. Can you send me some money

Cosette DeMille: girl chane ur channel name unless u wanna give up 50 percent revenueeeeeee

Rachelle Flores: California Penal CODE 314... Haaa.. You thought I went away???

Erin Apricot: Haven’t watched in a minute…they moved? What happened?

Karen Jay: ♥️ ❤️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine verwohn.online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfairo, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

Kathy Wlas: What's wrong with your cheek

Estelle Burton: Hiii

Amirah: Trish

Baltimore Bama: 1

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