Q&A With My Hairstylist | Bleach, Hair Care, Styling & More

  • Posted on 21 March, 2019
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Thank you to Allyssa for helping me with this! :) Hope you enjoy!

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Tips for bleaching your hair from a hairstylist, maintaining bleached hair, how to get bleached hair from highlighted hair, and more general hair questions!

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Hey guys so today, I'm gon na be doing a very highly requested video, I'm so excited for this one. Today I have my hair stylist Alyssa with me, hi guys and we're going to be doing a Q & A about bleaching, your hair, my bleached hair hair. In general, maintenance, bleached hair - this is I'm so excited to do this, and Alyssa was kind of the one that likes snow, balled off of this site. I did I mentioned just kind of like threw it in there when she came in a couple of point minutes ago. I loved it and I was like yes, let's do what we put on the book so we're here today. If you want to just like give a little spiel about yourself, you're Serbian, definitely so, as Haley said, my name is Alyssa Stiles Biola's on Instagram Alyssa, with two L's. Yes special i'll doing here for about six years, I'm located in Milford Connecticut at hair canvas salon. Oh, I also do a lot of Bridal. I do Bridal, hair and makeup. You know at the salon. I also do colors cuts. You know we do a lot of balayage, which is super popular, so yeah I mean that's pretty much it. This is kind of known for, like I would say, like a good. 80 % of our clientele is baleog, those who have been watching me for a while a little like history, so I had only ever gone to the same girl such same salon from the start of bleaching. My hair, until essentially this past fall girl that I was seeing like wasn't working weekends like I love her but like she's want to work weekends. I don't want to skip work to you know, get my hair done, so I had to search elsewhere, and so I've been following your boss on instagram /, well, Erin the message erin on instagram and was like hey like you know: do you guys keep bleaching yada Yada and she connected me with Alyssa and that's how that happened and Alyssa just such a fabulous job. I'Ve never been happier with my bleach. Essentially what I did was I had you guys asked me some questions on Instagram for her to answer for me to answer. Whatever just about again bleaching, hair hair in general, so we'll just get into it, yeah perfect, let's start from the bottom! Oh my! Oh there's a lot of questions. A lot of question you guys are you guys, did so good with this, and this isn't going to be necessarily in sequential order of like starting to bleed, slash like it has to be in the order of just how everyone have like ask the questions that yeah. So stay tuned drop the whole video to get your answers on things, so Emma's shift asks best aftercare for Bleach hair to allow continued growth and avoid breakage I'll. Let you answer well we're gon na go right into my favorite product, the appear at coconut oil haley. First came to me, i mean i know you were using like your own products and stuff, and i was like you have to try this. This literally has changed people's hair and i noticed that if you know she comes to me every month, so i noticed a difference. The next month, I like your hair, like I'm, able to like brush through it better it just blow drys, better, so yeah. I have her use about a dime-size amount of this on damp hair. She lets it air dry or you could blow dried everything moisturizing I love like either. The biologics rising, shampoo and conditioner Paul Mitchell has a good moisturizing, shampoo conditioner. I always recommend, if even if you're not buying from the salon you can put Ulta and when their leaders and stuff are on sale like the buy one, get one 50 % off yeah and it's gon na last you longer, though it's important to mention you can't Buy this stuff online? No, so can they DM you? Oh my god. Yes, okay, it's a pretty! Is it alright? Yes, yes, so I'll be linking her down below her Instagram link down below just e, I'm her to purchase it to add him quickly. Haley is basically has white hair, so if she were using like a Moroccan oil which, yes if anyone's familiar with Morocco, has like that orange tint to it that actually deposits and they like the color of the oil, the pods and the hair. So someone like me may not notice it, but she would notice that so this is important because it's clear my biggest thing for bleach after Karen's toughest, don't wash your hair, be so sparing with when you wash your hair like do not wash it every day. Do not wash it every other day try to wash it every week the brush that you can use I'll, probably talk about this later. What is a glaze when it comes to bleaching, but you can answer this as I can. What is it? Okay, so a glaze in general is something we use them for a couple different reasons why you personally use the redken shades eq? I love their toning, like their shade range, their tones all of that, but basically what you're gon na use it for is shine, condition which is great after any color service Kaylee's. You know case case we're using it to kind of get her nice and like that nice silvery, color, i'm so for toning purposes, and that's like I would say like eighty to ninety percent, why you would need a glaze before I started going to Alyssa. I had never had a glaze in my hair. Oh yes, that's right that to my knowledge, um and I was like what is this like. I think you did it the second time I went to yes, the second time and I got so many compliments on my hair. My hair looked different to me because it was so toned and uniform all over that, like even when I picked my hair up and like put it into a ponytail. It was still like all just like silver yet and just like. There were just no brassiness and, like not silver, I don't want to say that, because that was like a trend a couple years ago I didn't like silver, but I had that like Ashley coolness, that was kind of like reflective and oh I just looked so good. I mean you're, your platinum blonde, so usually when you're doing something like that, no no blonde, who is this blonde - wants to really see any yellow now so automatically your going for more of like a cooler tone right, a glaze is a tool to kind of help. You get that extra step um, so for her being so long, she's never had what I'm like. Oh my god, like yeah, I was shocked. I was like you know. This is this: just is like the cherry on top to email like I could leave you how you left. You live great because you're so light naturally but like if this just keeps it like, like this all the time. What can you talk about my natural hair color for a second, how you see it? Yes, so on you know, without getting like super technical on a scale of you know, this is what we, as you know, hair stylist colorist. This is what we kind of work off of on a scale of one being black, ten being Haley. Now um, you know she's about a seven, so she's definitely closer to blond than black super ashy. It'S it's more like a neutral Brown yeah. It'S not like she's like a redhead light enough yeah and he don't even like you. Don'T have a lot of warmth that the biggest thing is people don't understand. It happens all the time I have girls come in, who are darker than me or have been box. Color, in which box color is the worst thing you can do and they've been coloring it themselves or they're, just naturally super dark and they want to have like their ends like as light as Haley, and I'm like you, don't understand like. First of all, it's not happening in one day. Hannah 7w says how do you treat your hair after bleaching? Mine looks so fried on the ends. Now this is a problem I don't necessarily have / have never really had unless tea damaged, because my bleach never gets taken down into my hands. No right nope, I literally just go in and do her retouch, sometimes like um, the digits kind of depends. I will like you, know, kind of bring it down a little extra. It'S like a little bit of yellow banding from the last time or whatever the case is cuz that happen. It does yeah important. Are you using a heat like? What'S your? Are you blow-drying your hair everyday? Are you letting it air dry for your blow-dry and then you put a curling hair and then your flat iron that kind of causes the damage to in your case she's been doing it for so long that her hair? Being this long is like a miracle and be like it's: it's not like. You came in with your natural color and was white. I teach me when you're first starting like it's a brand-new process. Sometimes you have to kind of go over just to kind of keep lifting it in a slower process, and after that it should just be the root area, and then I, the only thing that I ever bring down through her ends as her glaze just together. If her anything a little extra refresh, but that's it and it doesn't damage - and I say this all the time like in real life to people who ask in this question like everyone's I can - I tried doing that and like it did it work like meaning, like My hair, color yeah and like I cannot stress enough, like cannot stress enough. I did not walk into a salon one day and say make me bleach like this. Just kind of happened. It just happened: yeah, that's kind of what happened and then all of a sudden one day Katy was like yeah. I we just bleeped you at that point yeah. I literally was like all I wanted. I'Ve told this story before book and I loved girls next door growing up. Oh okay, yeah. I love them so much and I loved when Holly Madison would go down the waterslide. The fact that her hair would be wet and it would still be white. Oh, my god like I was like because I would always get my hair highlighted or something and then I take a shower I'd be like it's. It'S still looks dark yeah. What I yeah it's! What I just want my hair to be white, no matter what mister! I'M Sam yeah, I know it wasn't necessarily old enough to be able to vocalize like bleach. I didn't necessarily know what that right, you know entailed what does she use to tone her hair with and what purple shampoo do. So what do you? What glaze is it again, so I use the redken shades eq. I use it's like a little concoction. I mostly use 9p a little bit of 9v and clear, that's good. If somebody wants to repeat that to their dress like yes, hi red can shades eq prom, but it's timezone what your stylists use if they use gold well, if they use well up theirs. There is a glaze similar to that in those. But that's just what I use got it understood and in purple shampoo I use the joy coat purple shampoo. I love it. It'S what I love, because this is how you know she's like an OG person. That'S asking this Carly panic, who always Commons? Also, do you still leave the salon with your hair wet? So no I don't. I did that for years, because I'm cheap and I hate paying for a blowout when, like I don't need that, like you know, you don't do that every day. So I don't have a tire and we don't know adults caracal yeah. I don't want to blow dryer so um, but Alyssa is kind enough to blow up my hair. So yeah we look complimentary as part of my service. Yes, okay, see Swan Lake is another frequent commenter said I bleach the out of my hair and now it breaks whenever I brush it advice. Okay. So when yes Alyssa community honor, I think you need so um. This is my hairbrush um. This is, I swear. The reason I still have hair - I got this in the fifth grade when I was at the mall, and I got this at the dollar store at the Buckland Hills Mall in Manchester Connecticut and it's kicked around for I was in the fifth grade those two thousand Five fourteen years I endure this brush. I sanitize it often it's got like half the bristles at Youssou, but it is so soft. In my hair it doesn't rip my hair, it's kind of like a knockoff of like a Mason Pearson kind of feeling, which I also have. But this is just amazing and, like I can't even go over my parents house and like use my sister's brushes cuz like they just rip my hair out, and I think the biggest thing why she loves this brush. So more so much is like the Mason Pearson. One it's a it's like a boar bristle, yes like compared to like this one, which it has like the the bristles are actually like larger. Yes, I mean this is a wet brush which might do recommend. I just like the wet brush. Don'T use that on dry hair, though no it's definitely better. I prefer to do it on wet hair and it doesn't pull out a lot of hair. May I know what she likes it. I mean it's a little sad you're like it's really sad looking, but I mean the bristles are softer. I think this has been through three dogs that I've had and it's not to mark some all of them. It'S made it through. Like I don't know, six moves and the fact that you still have it is the it's a magical, mythical MBO ex asks. Does the bleach hurt your scalp or burn um? Not really. I do like you make more of like an itchy sensation. It'S like itchy yeah, but it's really manageable, like very, very much so there's some people. I know that are just way more sensitive to it and like it really does bother them. I do get bleach burns occasionally. On my head, like yesterday, I have one back here: uh but like that's very normal, like it just kind of gets like a little like scabby, yeah, yeah, and definitely the trend is like um and then there have been a few times. We would come into where you like you like itched over yeah. That'S like one of my tics yeah, not I normal hick, my like it's bad, like it's, not good and like. I would get yelled at a lot for it, but I just do you'll see me in videos too a lot of times. I go like this yeah. That'S just like you know, yeah, it's just kind of the way it is but um it's different for everybody. But for me it's more it's not like. It doesn't feel like peaches and cream, but like it really doesn't hurt that bad other thing I do too wall. My hair, like with the cat bond or you know, processing I often like pull out my hair to make sure it's still on my head yeah. I did it yesterday, the girl I was sitting in the chair and like go in like the lobby area, and I was going like this like through the cap. Look at it like a star election. You might want to do my god, I'm just paranoid and I just do now. Hey I mean um so far, so good so II Lindemann asked how much hair would you have if you never bleached it it's so thick um, okay, here's the thing I used to have so much hair. My sisters and I call have the thickest crazy blonde hair. Yes, I have a lot of hair now, if the Carib and the lightener, what the lightener does is, doesn't matter if you're as blonde, that's an easier to have like some highlights. It actually expands the cuticle, so it makes your hair feel even mortiser and thicker. I used to go get my hair sheared when I was a kid which, like I don't know if they still do that, but they would literally take these special scissors that have like little indents on them. Oh at the fitting sherry yeah shear and I would yeah they would take up bulk and yet hair because it was so thick and it would get mad in because I didn't know how to care for it. As a kid and to my mom one day I was like, I just want to be able to wear like two little braids on the side of my head, and I couldn't even really braid it because it was like horse tail thing: Wow yeah. It was a really good problem to have, and I would like be in tears over it and now I'm like. If I only knew yes exactly my god, someone says how to bleach your hair at home. No do not do it, I don't recommend it and if you do do it at home, you're gon na be in you're gon na end up at the salon anyways, so that one and it didn't work, and I ended right back up at the salon. This is a long time ago. I think Danielle xx asked: do you have any tips, slash recommended products if you're trying to grow your hair longer um, I would definitely recommend I don't again. That'S our using heat and that sort of thing, less heat, um, definitely just kind of you know, don't shampoo it as much, but those natural oils come in and really you know get on the scalp. But you know no heat styling products, you know keeping up with cuts. I know hair grows from the scalp, but if you have split ends and it's splitting up the hair shaft now you're, essentially giving yourself a good chemical cut. Yeah yeah, like kind of breaking off yo keeping up with Cox, I say like for an average someone who, just like, has longer hair and kind of keeps it pretty basic. I would say, like you want to go like 10 to 12 weeks. I try to max out the amount of times I put heat on my hair like two to three times a week, yeah max max max your hair is healthy for what you're doing so. I would you know I approve yeah, someone says Dana V. How do you prevent hair from getting thinner after bleaching, slash highlighting four years feel like I've kind of already said this, but like it will get thinner yeah it just. Does you just get along you get breakage, you get rich normal yeah iron, but don't wash it and try to not, but you know that's like my biggest thing. We try and ask what is your natural hair color and how many sessions did it take to get this platinum blonde so again, Alissa already kind of said, my natural hair color? What do you say like a seven? Yes, okay, so like a seven, I always had very mousy ashy brownie hair growing up, but I had that Ash which allows it to lift like she was saying better and not pull so warm and like orangie um, but I hated it. I thought it looked drab and gross even at like a very young age. I did not like it so how many sessions I mean I'm talking like I started here five years. I started highlighting it in the eighth grade and I finally bleached it in 2011 or 12, so this is 7 to 8 years ago now, but in between that that's what 3 to 4 years that I was highlighting to bleach. So that's how I did it. I would say I'm average for someone who's looking to start from like say what you weren't, and now I wouldn't in a perfect world. I'D love to do it over like six months yeah a year um but like it depends on how you start. It'S really hard to say, like even cuz, I get a lot of people texting me like, so I want to do this. How long and I'm like well you're, not you're gon na leave brighter. You may not leave your goal that day where you know so always keep that in mind and always consult before you, like, you know, make the appointment or expect something just so you can kind of a better idea. I feel the fastest route would be like coming in once a month, but it depends on how your hair is doing, and here coming in consistently for three months out on that fourth month. It'S just like there's a lot of damage, and it's just like not doing well that next time, I'm gon na tell you why don't wait two months? Okay, you know, so it really just depends on how well your hair is doing and like the previous treatments and colors and all that stuff. It has. It'S really good answer, yes answer. How can you go platinum if you already have a full head of highlights? Um, that's a very good question, my sister just yet! Essentially yes, it's it's pretty it it's! You would think it's easy yeah, but I had a client similar who saw Haley's picture just like I want it like. I want to be this blonde and she was pretty much not a highlight but like a balayage or like a TZ light, and it's tough, because you have one strand hair, that's basically blob which they'll get like a little bit blonder, and then you have the natural Running through, which is if it's this dark as me or you know, like a level 7 level Bible, you know. So that's tough because you meet you can't really in. If they've been highlighting for years and years, they don't have much of their natural running through they're. Pretty long, but there's still some dimension in there, so that's that's kind of where it gets hard because you run into some either it's you know the blonde pieces get a little bit compromised and or that darker piece isn't as light as you want it. So that's where it takes time, you're, probably better, off continuing to keep like fulfilling every time you go in until there's like basically no hair in between understands that it's like going into putting bleach and then trying that it's it's really hard. But it depends on how you're starting floundering Asshai hailey. What'S her thoughts in G K out of the one GK keratin is but GK, keratin and or keratin treatments in general thanks? Yes, I'm not super familiar with the GK brand. I have worked with some who carry in brands before now. I wouldn't recommend someone like hailey to get a carrot because, yes there's, you know there studies that they're, like you, know, they're supposed to be repaired in and all that, but I personally wouldn't feel comfortable putting more product on her hair and then what she already has. I'M getting in your hair, pretty dries pretty good. Like you let out a little bit of I love the way my hair dries, I hate being like em, but, like I don't have to answer yes. So, if you have are someone like myself or you have like super frizzy hair keratins are great because they help to kind of like smooth that cuticle down I've also seen some carotene brands like I will never get one. I just embrace the frizz, because I've seen some like straighten something here and I would dog that happen me, but yeah so yeah. So if that's something you're in the market for definitely do your research. Unfortunately out here chemists, we don't do keratin. My mom was getting keratins for a while her hairdresser really recommended it and my mom loved it um. I personally saw a massive change in her hair. That was not good. Oh, I could see texture from a mile away and, like I told her this like this is not me, you know right, trash-talking, her by god. I told her this and my express my concern and she did stop it because, essentially, what happened was she just had like all these mats of like dead hair around her oh wow? And although she looked the fact that it kept it straight, I'm gon na ass, not worth it mom's coat, is how do you prevent it from going Orange, I'm gon na kind of snowball off of this question and kind of stay like or because I know that This has a lot to do with the way that your hair lifts well yeah in general, still the words right, I'm yes, what are the best natural / existing hair colors that are like the best candidates for bleach? Does that make sense? Yeah, like who I wear is say in a perfect, perfect world like a level 7 and up mm-hmm. That'S like perfect. Honestly I mean I'm. I I know I look. I look so terrific, sir, like my hair, looks so dark next to her, I'm not far off from Haley's natural. I have a little bit more warmth in my hear where she's naturally a little bit more so that kind of helps and then what else was what was the herd thing was. How do you prevent it from going or okay? So you definitely want to make sure - and this is why I don't recommend lightning at home, because everyone like when you have the Laettner on usually most let your stuff like a purple hue, so it almost like gives it like. It looks like it's like yeah see. If you think it's light enough, you have it look five more minutes, okay, you know, or you know, depending yeah, but in my that's what kind of would I do with her right um? But really it's just make sure you're light enough. If you take the lightener off too soon and you're Lauren JH, you yeah, that's like our. Like our word things um, you can try it. You can glaze it, but it's not gon na. Look like that. You'Re totally glaze off the level that your app you have to. I could tell no more than four weeks if you, if you're, not someone who's gon na, want to be in this on under four weeks. This is not for you yeah, because it just you know it can be damaging, and it's a very you know it is it's it's a tough process. You brought along like some products, just like general hair tip. Yes, yeah want to go into that because, like she has a really I'm excited for this hairspray that you want to show. Oh, yes, it's so cool. Like number one question that I get because usually after every service, I do curl whether it's my balayage more and less same request not to like in Haley's case. She likes to see it straight, so we don't curl it, but usually night endzone everyone's, like oh yeah, really cuz. Everyone feels like they can't do it at all yeah. So my main questions I get asked are like what curling iron I use and I use the this is beat. This is like so old. So sorry, if it's like not pretty on the best stuff, no, yes, but this is the baby less Pro and this project. I have a bunch of different sizes, but this was the one that looked the best video yes, so this is the one in a quarter they like to do the crow a little bit tighter just so it um. It holds right. You know so like it may be tight right now, but in four hours when you're met did is long, it'll, small and I'll. Look like more like the picture you're showing right overall idea what you wanted to look like. So I definitely recommend the baby list Pro irons. These can be found at all tone, pretty sure you find them on Amazon or very common yeah love. Those yes old-school. Yes, love this and my my biggest tip with this is when I'm curling and it does take practice everyone's like yeah. It never looks this day. Wouldn'T you do it or like? I do it. You know, but I always like the ends out over the back. Like laughs and then I take a wide tooth comb, okay, magic comb, yep um, but like a wide tooth comb and then I kind of comb through everything on it and that way this got to set. You know so it's a little bit tighter and it will hold longer very cool in that tighter form. So that's important, yeah and yeah, and then I just kind of like brush up and then you know maybe do a little texture spray yeah. But I always always always spray with some type of working spray. That'S very important. Before and after design me hold me and it's really cool, because at the top here, if you can see it, this wicked I never had like. So it has like an H & M and an L, so you can actually spin the top. So if I want more like a low spray, I can just kind of like move it over, so I need people to validate. For me, this is the perfect form to do this and tell me down below, if you think Alyssa it looks like Halsey. Oh my god, that's so hardcore and blank funny. I can't wait to see you of you. I think you look so much. I call Z, like obviously like the hair, like just look at her face, like look just think of her or not in the mirror in the camera I swear. You'Ve got so similar features and, like she's, got the okay, so anyways guys. That is it for this video. I hope this answered a lot of your questions. If you have anything else down below, please comment and I'll try to answer. I can always consult Alyssa before answering. You are comment long as it's okay with you, yes or it's cool and I'm trying to think what else but yeah I will be linking it down below Alyssa's, Instagram and then the site where you can actually book an appointment with her. I think she was saying you have to select because it's the salons website, but you just have to select Alyssa Robinson. Yes, okay, so select Alyssa Robinson, you can book it with her through that site. It'S awesome and you can text yes you're. My Instagram has like the little buttons you can look on my text. Email so always feel free to do that. Yes, and then you can DM her to purchase via peer of stuff, which I adore yeah um, and I'm trying to think what else I think. That'S it. Thank you so much for doing. I god, I loved it. Oh so much fun! I just found like what I'm good. This is on Sunday like this is a great little like yeah, Tiffany um, but yeah anyways guys. Thank you all so much for watching and, like I said, everything will be linked down below. Please comment subscribe, bye, guys, bye,

Sarah Ninksmith: Lately, your hair has been giving me strong Khaleesi/Danearys vibes. Also, this is so completely unrelated, but your highlight is GORGEOUS in this video! Please tell me what you use!

Noelle Olivia: Went to allyssa because of you and absolutely adore my hair! Great video!

Kélani Anastasi: so helpful! loved this video, and your hair looks the best I've ever seen!

Megan: Yay thanks for answering my question! Major hair envy right now. It’s getting so long but it looks so soft and healthy still

Dakota Collins: *Loved this vid! thanks Hayley!* ‍♀️

makemebad: Can we talk about hayley's lips? They look AMAZING

eileentheequeen👑: Oh man if I was closer I would go to her! (I'm in CA lol) It's so hard to choose/trust hairdressers! Anyway, very informative video! *I think Allyssa is very pretty & resembles Mariah Carey (especially eyes/eyebrows). ✨

Deleted indefinitely: I’m like a 9 and would love to have a hidden rainbow in the bottom half of my hair and black on top. I feel like it would take a year and a half to get that though

Grace Doty: Okay I live like 15 minutes away from this salon so I'm IN.

Bailey M: She does have a resemblance to Halsey, her eyes and teeth lol. Great video!!!

Gina Loves to craft: ❤️❤️❤️

Sheena Marie: Where did you get your case and pop socket?

Charlie Baltimore: Small world I live in CT too. Maybe I'll try out ur hairdressers, I've been bleaching blond/gray myself for long time cuz every hairdresser ive been to suck. Like they learned nothing in whatever schooling they had. They act like theyve never seen black to blonde hair before. This place The Angry chair, KILLED my hair.. like I KNOW it was gonna be a damaged after but even doin it myself in the past, even bleaching it like 3times in 2days, it was never as bad as they did it. N funny thing is I met someone who had got they're hair fucked up at the SAME place n they had to chop it off like a boy cut..smh. Anyways I'm surprised u haven't mentioned Olaplex..that's like the only thing I KNOW helped ALOT. Also Aphogee protein treatment really good too. N my hair is actually DAMAGED. It feels REALLY good but it looks like it's all split ends.. Also fanola no Yellow shampoo..real good

Vaynites: What's the name of that first coconut oil leave-in product? Thanks!

Amanda Silva: Suchhhh similar features to Halsey!

***Amy LeoGoddess***: Does ur purple shampoo turn ur hair purple?

sam my: Mmm I dont think it's normal to get bleach burns. Lll


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