How To Grow 4C Hair Fast - They Used To Bully Me - Long 4C Hair Growth Journey

  • Posted on 11 March, 2021
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Hi loves. I'm finally posting my full hair journey video, talking about my 4C hair. How I dealt with texturism and hair discrimination. How I grew it fast, and how I retained length, as well as how to get thick hair. I talk about protective styling, hair growth oils, and how it was like for me when my hair was short and 4C vs when my hair became long 4C hair. I used a lot of aloe vera and hair growth oils as well.

I do not own the rights to this music. Check Out The Artist:

Music by Kelsey Kuan - Idk (Acoustic Version) -

This is me before my hair was thick and healthy before i knew what it would even become before i had nearly 200 000 followers on instagram. Before my youtube videos started racking up hundreds of thousands of views. Let me make this clear at this point. In my life, nobody was calling me hair goals. Nobody was leaving me comments asking me for her advice. Nobody wanted to know the recipes for all of my hair treatment to be 100, honest with you, people made fun of my hair and my ethnicity, and they tried to make me feel inferior because of it. But it was at this very moment that i had made a decision. I made a decision to set myself free to be happy with my hair, despite the fact. The society said that i shouldn't be because of my hair texture and because of my hair length. This is my hair story, a 4c glow up fairy tale. I welcome you to the rose, quartz glow up episode. 1.. I started self-relaxing my hair and getting me started in college. Very soon. My real hair started to thin and break off, and i could only pin it back in updos because it wouldn't fit into a ponytail. This made me sad because my hair used to be somewhat long. This is what my hair was looking like at age 13, and this is what my hair was looking at at age 15., i became dependent on hair, weaves and relaxers in order to feel beautiful. When i didn't have a hair weave in, i didn't even want to look at myself, let alone go outside, but as soon as i got a weave, i was all up in the mirror, the camera, or sometimes even both very soon lee's front legs started becoming popular. I saved up all my money from my summer internship and i spent it all on a 600 lace wig. This was one of my biggest mistakes, because when i removed the wig, i also removed my edges. I never wore lacebook again after that, and people started to make fun of me because of my edges until i finally figured out how to grow them back. I used weebs for about a year in order to grow my hair out and after a year i was done wearing weeds. I racked my transitioning hair for a while stringy ends and all i still didn't know what my hair texture was yet because the weight from the relaxed ends was weighing down the actual hair texture. Coming from my scalp, i made sure to do my twist outs on blown out hair in order to make sure that there wasn't too much of a texture difference, and this wasn't really the cutest look now looking back at it. But honestly, at the time i was pretty satisfied with it. I cut my relaxed ends off and did hair treatments until my hair was long enough for me to put it in my favorite hairstyle. At the time i started wearing my hair and curly twist out puffs and eventually, as it got longer, i started wearing it in blow dried buns that i called bouncy buns. This quickly became my signature hairstyle because it was very easy to do and it was also very cute. It became my routine kind of, although i loved that type of bun style. I soon found that i was able to grow my hair longer when i used the ballerina bun, because i got a lot less breakage and it was less stress on my hair. As my hair got longer, i started wearing it down on blow dried styles and blow dried braid out styles, but i stopped doing this because the same people that made fun of me when i had short hair now started telling me that i was acting too happy With my hair, because it was long, they made me feel guilty for loving myself, so i styled my hair in modest ways in order to hide my length and hair thickness. Eventually, i decided that i was going to stop letting other people dictate my happiness, and i started to still press my hair and wear it out a lot more often. Unfortunately, this resulted in major heat damage. If you want to see how i recovered from that make sure you check out my heat damage, video, it's a really interesting story! Time, video after i chopped off my heat damaged, hair. Oh my gosh, i was devastated and i wanted my link back quickly. So i started doing a lot of hair growth treatments all the time and i would make videos showing you all the treatments that i was doing. Fortunately, i had a lot of success with the hair growth treatments and i noticed that i was seeing thickness in my hair a lot quicker than i was actually seeing length, which was definitely fine with me, because i definitely miss the thickness in my hair. This time around, though i feel like my hair growth journey, was definitely very different. I experimented with so many different aesthetics and different styles. I wanted to try something different, so i cut side bangs in my hair and it's actually something that i ended up liking. So i kept this up for quite a bit. I remember this day so vividly because i remember just actually starting to feel like my old self, but what i really wanted was to wear my hair in a big twist out, because i hung onto these dead ends. For so long, so i attempted some twist outs, but honestly i just ended up not liking it, because i just wanted my hair to be a little bit longer. I buckled down on my protective styling and my hair growth treatments, and this really worked because very soon my hair was a lot longer and a lot thicker. This was a smart decision because very soon i was able to rock my twist outs how i wanted. I feel like i really grew during this part of my hair journey, because i just stopped caring what people thought about me. It'S amazing how natural hair just makes you feel free, isn't it hair journeys are such a wonderful way to build your confidence. I tried wearing my forcy hair and it's completely natural fro for a couple of times, but every single time i did that my hair was drying off and breaking off and it was just really thinning my hair out, so i learned that it's really just best. For me to keep my hair stretched and for thicker hair as well a really pivotal moment in my hair growth journey is when i went home right before quarantine started. My mother helped me so much with growing my hair out and doing protective styles for me, and i feel like during that period my hair really grew and it really thickened up. I mean just look at it and honestly i feel like ever since then it's just kind of been smooth sailing and i haven't been as anxious for my hair to grow as quickly because it's kind of just growing quickly on its own, because it's in such a Healthy state, you know what i mean, i'm so happy with my hair. Now i still do a lot of treatments and i wear it in curly buns a lot lately, but i honestly can't wait for the summer sun to just hit my skin again and to just style my hair and big poofy blowouts hello, so i'm so happy to. Finally, make this video for you all. I really wanted to make this video, because whenever i tell people that i did struggle with my natural hair journey, a lot of people just assume that my hair has always been thick and it's always been healthy. I really hope that this video helps to show you all that i used to have a really terrible mentality when it came to dealing with my natural hair and as soon as i changed my mentality. That'S when i started to see a lot of progress with the growth and the health of my natural hair, and i know i didn't go into full detail about it. But i did briefly mention that i was teased and bullied for my hair because it was short and because it's 4c, if you're somebody who's getting bullied or picked on because of your hair texture because of the length of it because of the density or whatever. I'M going to recommend that you do one of two things and you either ignore people that say those kinds of things or b. You use their words as motivation. Honestly, whenever somebody says something negative to me, i remember it and whenever there are moments where i feel like quitting or whenever i feel like i'm not trying hard enough, i remember the negative things that have been said to me. I turn it around and i make sure that i'm living up to my fullest potential also another thing that i wanted to mention. I used to think that my hair was very thin and it was something that really made me sad, and it was very eye-opening to me that once i started to care for my hair and once i started to eat properly, my hair became extremely thick and i Just want to mention this because i feel like there are so many women out there who really do truly think that they have thin hair and they have no idea what their genetics are capable of, and another thing that i really wanted to touch on is the Fact that when i had short damaged 4c hair, nobody ever contested the fact that my hair was 4c. But as soon as my hair got a little bit thicker and a little bit longer. All of a sudden. A lot of people wanted to disqualify me from being able to consider my hair 4c, and i think that is such a dangerous thing to do, because it really makes a lot of women who are just starting their natural hair journeys out feel like they. Don'T have anybody to look to as an example, because every single time, a natural with 4c hair, grows their hair out long and healthy unless their hair is extremely dry or extremely matted. A lot of people are very quick to disqualify them from being in the foresty hair category, and i just also really wanted to stress that this video isn't bashing women who love to wear wigs and weaves. If that's what you like to do, that's totally okay, but i did make this video for women who feel like they have to wear wigs and weaves and feel like they can never grow their natural hair long. I just really hope this inspires you and shows you that i used to think that my hair was so damaged beyond the point of repair and as soon as i changed my mentality, everything just changed for me. Um also. I hope you guys really like this video. I spent so much time editing it, i'm actually just running on coffee right now. I haven't slept in over 24 hours, so i really hope you all enjoy this video and i'm so excited to post episode, two of the rose quartz glow-ups. Also, if you all have any questions about my hair journey, please feel free to leave them down in the comment section below. I always try my hardest to get back to all the comments as soon as possible. Also, i just wanted to say i stopped relaxing my hair, because hair relaxers were not working for me, but i'm not shaming anybody for the choices that they choose to make with their hair. I feel, like everyone, has the right to make their own choices, but this was just my own personal hair journey and for me, using hair relaxers just wasn't conducive to the health of my hair, which is why i stopped using them. Oh and i didn't touch on this in the video, but my nutrition played a major role in the growth and health in my hair i changed my diet immensely and when i changed my diet, i noticed that my hair grew and thicker and it also grew in A lot faster, alright, thank you all so much for watching leave a butterfly emoji in the comments. If you like this video

MARII: This makes me not insecure about my 4c hair anymore

Glow's Channel: I'm so glad you mentioned that people think 4c mean ugly hair. As soon as your 4c hair is healthy they come along to disqualify you

Yolanda Martin: People really love to put others down when they see someone thriving. Most of the time it’s because they themselves aren’t doing half as good as you are. You gurl have put in so much work and time to get your hair where it is. I’m so happy your showing it off. PLEASE keep making videos, so others such as myself can get there one day.

Kalena Landry: hair jealousy is real. jealous bald headed women are always the first ones to be like "it's just hair!" "you're too proud about your hair" and if you say anything bout it then they got something to say. hair is a very big deal in the black community, and women get jealous and tear other women down because of their own insecurities. it's sick! girl don't ever let any of those insecure women make you hide your hair again.

Ashley Peace: Can I just say that I loveeeee and admire your feminine elegance ! You sound so soft spoken and seem so nice! You've definitely inspired me and you've gained a new subbie here! Love from a fellow Nigerian sister living in London

Mocha Mommy: Thank you for being honest. I do appreciate the time it takes to edit and post. I have seen a lot of growth and length retention with oil blends. Me AND my daughters have benefited from your advice. THANK YOU

süper star!: I’m so happy I came across your channel because when I did, I was having the same issue with the ends of my hair breaking off and knotting since I would always let it shrink. My hair was growing, but it felt like every other week I was trimming my ends because they would get so dry, knotted, and brittle easily so I started seeing less growth. In one of your videos you mentioned keeping your hair stretched and I started doing the same with my hair, and ever since then, my hair has been flourishing and retaining more length than ever! Thank you so much

Stephanie Alexander: This video summed up all my emotions I have about my 4C hair. I started my journey much later in life and I do carry the negative stigmas about natural hair in the corporate world with me, particularly 4C hair. Your videos are inspirational and motivational, they help me to stay the course. Thank you for all your advice and tips. I appreciate you!

The Rice Effect with Stephanie Rice: Thanks so much for sharing that! Our natural hair journeys are not easy, but so worth it. It’s a great part of our self love journey for sure.

maleele: I just LOVE how confident you are!!!!! ❤️ a fellow African 4C baddie

Joy Groves: I love to see all natural hair that is taken care of. It takes courage to step out of the “norm” and free oneself from wigs and weaves. I did it 2 months ago. I truly feel free. I’m just realizing what works for my 4C hair. I see growth already. Everywhere I go people tell me it is beautiful. People of different races. I wish I had known how to take care of my natural hair when I was a young girl. I love your videos. Keep up the motivational messages.

TerrorSkwad: Natural has does make you feel free. I just recently did a big chop and im so happy i did. Excited for my journey and thanks for all the inspiring videos

Asake Ajao: I must say even your before photos are stunning! I strongly believe whoever was bullying you they were jealous of you and dangerously envious. Be careful of people because all they wanted was to bring your confidence down and derail you from reaching your goal. I also am curious to know who was bullying you as there is a repetition of this in your video from start to finish? Was this racism or just general bullying? I'm only curious ❤️

xtel folaj: The whole time I'm watching your pics, and I'm like oh my , her style and vibe is sooo feminine. Have you always embraced your femininity since you were young or did you have a journey. I know this was a hair journey video, but I just love the feminine aura you give off and your style. And please do a edges regrowth video❤ Edit: oh my, you're Yoruba too

Becky A.: Thank you for taking time to educate us true 4Cers. My ends still come out nice and soft when I blow out my hair, thanks to your oil routine video.

Kay Brittany: Your body is literally so gorgeous and unique!! I love it

puppy princess: Could you do a video on how you grew out your edges? Btw, I love your fashion style!! Its giving me clueless/ preppy vibes! Could you do a video on your outfits as well?

Naomi Deckins: Sweetie, please don't let anyone make you or your hair feel any less beautiful. You can never satisfy everyone ❤

Lavina Hutchinson: I vibe with this video so much. I know my hair does well when I basically just leave it alone BUT after several years (embarrassed to say how long) I am still addicted to watching natural hair growth videos. As long as I’ve been watching them and left my hair alone it would’ve been waist length! Lol but instead it has been overly manipulated to the point where I am starting all over again. Finally I am at this point where I am choosing a hobby other than binge watching the YT!

petite daisy: Thank u so much for representing the 4c hair community so well.I hated my hair too but watching naturalistas like u has given me a positive mindset Abt my short 4c hair.I wanted to find out how u blow dry ur hair,and also the products u use to prevent heat damage. My hair easily gets tangled,n so I've realized it's better to straighten it,but heat also damages my hair,been heatless for Abt 4 years now,but seems it could be an option,coz even twists ain't working for me ryt now. Any hair styles that cause a lot of tangling gives me split end this making my hair fall a lot.

Shades of Sage: I can totally relate to how you were feeling. I just uploaded my video about how I grew my hair to waist length twice. I was so nervous and I definitely had people talk about me when I first went Natural and Big Chopped. But I showed them! Loved this video ❤️!

Kilo King: Girl drop a skincare, body anything because u are goals in every area.

NolaKnowsMakeup: This video ❤️. Thank you for encouraging and sharing your hair journey. I too relate to being made fun of because of my hair, it’s brought up so many wounds from the past and made me realize that I suffer from self hate because of my hair. I’m on a healthy hair journey now too.

May LaVerne Barnes: Great video, thanks for sharing your story. Sorry to hear you were picked on and bullied and glad to see that you didn't let it keep you down.. Dounds more like they were jealous of you, you are a beautiful young lady and your hair is gorgeous.

Stephanie Pink: Love it. Your so inspiring for all 4C hair types!! Keep showing your progress, even when your hair grows to your ankles or touch the floor!! God Bless!!!

Wanda5 Encourage To Impact: Thank you so much for sharing your hair journey! It has been extremely encouraging and motivational for me! May the Lord continue to bless you richly and keep you and your hair and your journey healthy, prosperous and safe. Happy new year!

TheSharmiyao: So appreciate your story and advocacy for us loving our hair regardless of what other ppl say.

Tanya: I always enjoy your videos! Thank you for being honest about your journey and life. Bullying is sometimes found in the hair community. I wish people would be more loving and stop with the hair envy! You’re beautiful and blessed!

Frostyyblossom: Thank you so much for boosting up my confidence. Someone at school always says I will never grow my hair and I always feel like cutting it but now you just made me more happier thank you♥️

I-sanna Gibbons: you're such an inspiration! I love wash and goes but I have come to realize I get much less breakage with heat stretching with a blowout. I have not idea how to style my thick shoulder length blowout though. Any ideas? I typically just do a high bun

Tamara Manley: Thank you for this inspirational and beautiful video❤️ I think natural hair is beautiful and freeing. My hair is a part of me that I love and I want to grow it longer so that there is more of it for me to love on and ever since watching your videos it has gotten it's thickness back which I lost around mid 2020 so thank you all those people who made you feel guilty about having long, beautiful hair were jealous, and you don't need them in your life

Summer Miller: It's amazing how your natural hair makes you feel free.....yaaaay....agreed girl. Love the story!

Candy Love: Watching her videos taught me how to be more gentle with my hair and wearing ponytails are okay as an adult lol

Akilah George: I loved the video, thank u Yinka, I struggle with my diet alot. The freedom u talk about with being natural was so strengthening for me,that I didn't even seem to hear the negative from ppl anymore, I just blossomed! #4crocks keep up the excellent work beautiful

B. Oke: Absolutely lovely healthy hair! Thank you for being a bright beautiful example & inspiration stay blessed! New sub

TJ: When you was talking about your hair journey. It felt like a book you was walking us threw. Of course it will always be people who will talk bad about you. No matter if its your hair or ect. You have to try and not let it bother you.

leopassion1990: I just came across your channel. We don’t know each other but I’m proud of you and your growth keep up the good work ❤️

Reina Africana: You are goals. I’m learning how to take better care of my hair. I use negativity as motivation. I’m super happy that you’re thriving. Keep it up. God Bless.

Mek J: Always a great video. My hair grows very fast but breaks just as fast. So if you blink you may miss it. Lol. I've started trying the techniques and products you've used, so we'll see what happens. I'm super excited! I have also realized that diet plays a major part in our hair journey. We put these great natural ingredients in our hair but what is it if you put junk in your body? It does need to match. I'm work in progress but won't give up!! Thanks for the inspiration Queen SiStar!

Pixie: She’s giving feminine vibes ❤️☃️

khameela N: Loved this video.Ive been natural for almost 2 years.lm tired of hiding my good hair under wigs...Can you please do a week in my natural hair please

luana yakini: I love your videos. I started the growth goal for my hair some months ago and I started to follow your tips. I hope my hair grow up healthy just like yours. Love U. Thanks

FindingSelf: I love your voice and honesty. I'm sorry that you've been bullied multiple times in life. You are sooo beautiful and your hair is my new hair goals. I recently reached my old hair goals and I'm very happy with where I'm at but I'm also excited to see where I go from here

z4C Natural: Love your hair! It’s so thick Thanks for sharing your journey ❤️

Chanda Mumbi: Your hair growth journey is so inspiring, thanks for sharing!❤

peepla7: I glad you stop giving others power to control your thoughts on your journey. Stay strong naturalista.

Tt A: I would love to see more of hair styling video. I love the way you style your hair and how do you consistently blow dry your hair without damage. And how you maintain your hair when you workout of during humidity.

Enn Vee: Off topic but your body looks amazing! Would you mind sharing your workout routine?

the dolphin 22 æ: Wow so on point i just got hip to ur channel and im already loving it...its so true what u said about 4c when it grows long oh no that cannot be 4c smdh and then the bullys begin to hate on ur length this need to stop in our black community bec its us doing it to us smdh...ty for sharing ur 4c hair is BEAUTIFUL

Rae Talks: Yinka I love your videos! You are showcasing to the world that 4C hair is beautiful!

Lovely sosweet: Our hair journey is our own! ❤❤❤❤ my granddaughter hair is 4c and we imbrace her thick beautiful long hair she is 7, love this video! Show us more video on how to grow hair

peris wagathiki: People are wicked and jealous never mind people, I don’t care what people say anymore, do what you feel is good for you and ignore the haters/ ignorant people who are depressed in their lives that’s why they want everyone to be miserable like them

Naana Ashong: U live the hairstyle you had in your hair on the last few minutes of the video! I can’t wait until When (not if, when) my hair grows long like yours, I willl wear my hair in huge Blow outs and twist outs and I won’t care what others have to say about it.

m a r t i a n g u r l: Tysm for this video it rlly inspired me to not give in to negativity and just love myself which I think is very vital for some one my age(15)

NicholeLaShawn: Congratulations on the success of your natural hair journey… You are such an inspiration for all natural hair girls #blackgirlpower

Simply Shev - Grow Natural Hair: You're editing skills are amazing. We are hair twins by the way

SharronLovesYah: Bullies are jealous people. I am happy you did not stop being you. Our hair is very powerful in the spiritual world as well as this world. Keep glowing. Shalom.

Maliya John: Waoo this is just like my story People always mock me because of my hair and edges..then I said to my self if People on YouTube hair are growing mine will also grow well I start to do some DIY always constituency I never gave up Now I'm very proud of my hair Is still growing I will never stop until I achieve my hair goal NEVER GIVE UP

Estelle Holder Harildstad: Yes weaves, wigs, relaxing make our hair weak and thin, since I wear my natural hair and using very healthy oils like papaya, amla, chebe, etc...eating very healthy food, I see a result and my hair has the same density as the weave I used before, I never liked my kinks but I must say that I have so much fun dealing with my own hair, seeing them growing so fast and actually looking so beautiful, I wonder why I was so blind in the pas

Cheryl S. Booker: Your hair is healthy and gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing your journey.

April Howard: I have that same problem with 4C I had to stop thinking about what people will say. I recently chopped it all off.

BlackWidowRowe: You’re drop dead gorgeous. Hair,body and skin is gorgeous

E Gbaryou: Great video, hoping to start my own 4c hair growth journey :)

Gabrielle White: Loved it looking forward to watching more of your videos!

MoneyandWealthconverstaions: I love my 4c hair. The European Wigs look ridiculous these days. Can't believe I used to wear them. Wigs do more damage than good. The natural afro wigs look good. But nothing beats your natural hair. It gives you so much confidence!!! My hubby actually said to me. I like the fact you don't wear wigs.

Lisa Pearl Black: I LOVE THIS VIDEO! It gave me life! are so a-m-a-z-i-n-g ❤

Queen_ Oghale: Really loved this video, once you love and accept yourself anything you want can manifest.

Luving Life528: You don't start to live your best life until you STOP GIVING A DAMN about what these humans say. So happy for you and your hair is amazing. DO YOU BOO

jdovly: Hi! I love your videos. I am not really clear on the oiling part. Today I followed your direction regarding prepooing with oil, and with adding oil when shampooing and conditioning. Also after I rinsed out the conditioner, I added oil to NY leave in. and dipped my ends in oil. My hair was so oily, I couldn't touch my hair without getting oil all over my hands. Also which oil recipe do you use to prepoo, and which oil recipe do you use for conditioning? Lastly, which oil recipe do you use for everyday. I think I got lost in the videos, yes, I got lost? What do you wear at night to cover you hair, so your silk pillows don't get oily? Do you also use this oil on your skin?

J O: hey beautiful, your hair looks so healthy. could you please send me the details of how you grow your edges

Brittany M: Hey! 1- can you do a video on your hairstyle and 2 - can you do a video discussing the hate against styling ones natural hair, especially in blow outs like you're wearing? I see natural YouTubers basically say not only can women not wear their hair in wigs or weaves, they shouldn't even blow it out like you do, and I find this idea that a black woman can't take care of her hair and decide how she wants to style it without backlash (especially when she's wearing it out like you do) problematic.

kayla: you ur hair and ur energy and so pretty omg i love it here can’t wait to use these tips on my hair also i love your voice so much the voice over is so soothing

Shades of Sage: Oh my gosh! I was so sad to hear how you were treated about your hair! It’s a shame that they made you feel as though you had to dim YOUR glory to make them feel comfortable ! I’m so glad you are embracing your beautiful hair now❤️! Thanks for sharing !

Yinka Wilson: I'm natural and really would love some advise on what to use to grow my edges and thicken my hair in general.

ClaimedQT: This video was so well done! Kudos ❣️

fletcher373: Yes the eventual jealous that will happen when your hair gets long and glorious is sometime bw need to discuss more. My hair is not even this long or thick and women be jealous just when I have it looking nice in a style. When I have it in a basic tired twists which is 90% of the time they act ok. I have finally stepped up my regimen and I'm going for those long length, and when I achieve it. I don't care whoever wants to hate.

RadiantRuby: Wow the same people that teased you told you you’re being too happy with your length!? People and their insecurities these days.

miya yates: Girl where do you get your clothes? They're so cute!

Shastangy: Hi, do you have a monthly schedule of your hair care treatment, all this info is amazing and I’m stealing a lot of it. But is there timescales you have with your hair journey and daily routine. Eg, full wash on the 1st of each month, daily oils every night before bed, protein treatment every 2 weeks between full washes etc etc? I hope I’m making sense

Daughter of The great I Am!: People made fun of her because she beautiful! It wasn’t bout the hair! She’s beautiful!

NaturallyNatural: Are you consistently doing one or two things daily or weekly or bi weekly that you feel has increased your hair growth. Serums or greenhouse or oiling?

Jaylah Baker: This is inspirational I always felt that my hair always stopped growing at a certain length but I am going to take better care of my hair and hydrate my 4c sandy brown hair

Apara: This was such a great inspiration video!!! I have a few people I'll share this to because they hate their natural hair.

Lebené Konan: I love your style Yinka, where do you get your pieces from? I've been looking for cute tops for a while. I may not be able to rock them as beautifully though :) This is also the first time I am coming across your comb product, looking forward to purchasing one soon.

Ella Younge: What is your body care routine? Your skin is glowing.

Valencia Walker: Thanks so much for your story very inspiring.❤️

ITS ZEE: I really have a hard time growing my hair out and i would love to know the remedies you used... i also found out that my scalp is sensitive to coconut so unfortunately i cant use it which really sucks

No Limit: I currently have natural twist on my hair. I would like to grow it long and healthy. I would like to know a routine I could use on my hair. Any recommendations? From shampoo to end styling any oils or treatments? Thank you ☺❤

Sibeso Kalaluka: Can we have a moment to appreciate how sweet her voice is??❤️

Jaliane: I think I adore you too much! Your outfits are sooo cute, and your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks for sharing this with us! *butterfly emoji*

Alecia Hines: Yeah..... 4c is 4c when short and dry, but once it starts looking moistured and starts growing... it's something else. SMH

shakeem fuller: This was very inspiring

Lola xo: It looks like your hair has always been long and it’s generics coupled with you taking good care of if your hair

Prophetess Lady Of Wisdom: Your hair was always thick and gorgeous. People are haters to say otherwise. People tend to take shots at others to make themselves feel better. Smh.

Nese Zin: This video is amazing , almost as AMAZING as you!!!

Penina Devota BSN, RN: It’s the African meal for me

Dominique Everett: What type of people you be around sis ? POC ? cause I really find it hard to believe our people making fun of our hair at this age. I’m so sorry you went thru that .

MAE E: Stunning and inspirational. Plus amazing editing skills.

Conswala Hill: I have 4c with locs, I thought it was the only way to get long hair. I’m about to either chomp it off or comb them out, I just want to stop being so obsessed with my hair and be free.

Paige's of Beauty: I love her voice!! It’s too sweet! Got a tooth ache girl! 4C hair gang !!! ☀️❤️‍

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