Easiest Way To Moisturize Natural 4C Hair

  • Posted on 13 August, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous


Hello guys welcome back to my youtube channel. This video is all about how to moisturize natural hair using your living conditioner and your koi. You can be a naturalista and you don't know how to moisturize your hair. Then your journey is not going to be smooth because the key to natural hair is moisturizing your hair every day or every time you have the opportunity to touch your hair. So i work in sections because you know how voluminous natural hair can be. Then i applied the koi water, followed by the cold or some people. They apply the koi butter, it's like a living conditioner, but um. It is also water-based, but it also has um a mixture of butter, shea butter mango butter and so on and so forth. I got the moisturizing kits from any course on instagram. You can get yours from there, because this product is so great. It contains shea butter, which is good for natural hair mango butter and other moisturizing sealants, and also moisturizing products for your hair. I just go in with the cold butter. Afterwards, the koi the night in detangle you can use detangling brush. You guys can see that i switched from a normal brush to detangling into a really nice brush. Brush is really great for detangling your hair. I just go in with that, then i pre did some people twist, but braids always work for me because you don't have to deal with shrinkage and secondly, you can rock it for many hours for many days before you take it down, and this step is very Crucial, if you want to try a protective hairstyle, you want to do buzz braid. You want to do passion twist. You want your hair to be in an elderly state and you want the tangling process to be easy. So, after a few hours when the hair is dry, i the tangle - and at this point my air is moisturized and when i'm talking about moisturized, you know when you feel it it's like soft bread. Like you know the way you feel soft bread. That'S the way. The hair, like the way you're looking at it, is not the way it is so it is so so soft compared to when i um, when i wash the hair with your shampoo and conditioner. At this point, the moisture already the the shea butter, the contents of the um air product already um penetrates my hair shaft, and at this point i can easily detangle and i detangled using um a white comb not so wide and um. I start from the teeth you see when you're detangling is very important. You start from the tip and when your hair is moisturized, you won't be losing a day. There will be minimum and breakage. It is not just about um applying when combing your hair when it's wet is your hair moisturized. Some people think that when you apply water to your hair, that's the end of it. No, your hair needs to be moisturized before you detangle. You guys can see that the breakage is nothing like you guys can see. It is nothing at all. I don't. I don't um detangle after washing my hair with shampoo and conditioner, i detangle when i'm trying to use the elf oc method and yeah, you guys can see the fruit. That'S my natural hair, my 4b 4c natural air in its our first date. Thank you. So much guys for watching this video. If you have one or two things to say, you can use the comment section and i'm trying to wink at you guys, but you guys should ignore my wink, i'm not good at it. Anyways i'll conner! You guys my next video bye,

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