Essential Oils For Hair Growth Recipe| Tip Tuesday

  • Posted on 10 September, 2019
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Essential Oils for Hair Growth

5 of my favorite essential oils for hair health, including hair growth and scalp health.We will also learn about some essential oils for hair loss.

These are some of the best essential oils for hair growth.

Geranium Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Essential Oil Hair Growth Recipe

1/4 cups EVOO

1 tbsp of Sesame, Amla Oil

1 tsp of Argan oil

10-12 drops of Lemon Essential Oil

10-12 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil

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DIY Hair growth oil, Essential oils for hair growth

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All Natural Oils for Hair Growth

Hey y'all, it's named nappy and I'm back for another tip Tuesday. So this week I'm going to be talking about essential oils for hair health. So yes, oils that will help stimulate hair growth, but also oils that will improve your scalp and hair conditions such as and eczema, dermatitis and dandruff. And you guys know that eczema is really important to me, because I have it and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. So this video, I will list five oils and then a DIY pre-cooler recipe for your hair health. So what is an essential oil? An essential oil is a concentrated plant oil that is either distilled or pressed from the plant. It is highly aromatic and very volatile. They are called essential oils because they are the essence of the plant that they are derived from. There are over 90 essential oils that are beneficial for reducing stress, for reducing inflammation, for stimulating hair growth and improving scalp and skin circulation. So let's go ahead and learn about five oils that I love and then we'll get to mixing our recipe. So first on my list is geranium oil. Now I was recently introduced to geranium oil because had it has amazing benefits for healing your scalp geranium essential oil can regulate dryness, excess oil and sebum production, which in turn has helped to grow people's hair long alright. So next on the list is women and actually lemon oil has recently become my most favorite oil, because I love the smell of lemon, and recently I found out actually that lemon oil has amazing benefits for reducing stress and anxiety, which are also can be triggers for Hair loss so alone that alone, it makes them an oil, great oil, but additionally, it has antiseptic in antimicrobial benefits that help heal acne, help Hill dermatitis and certain forms of well help hell, dandruff and certain forms of dermatitis. So next on my list is peppermint oil. We all know that very pungent smell of peppermint oil, and it has amazing benefits for not only like cooling the scalp down but promoting hair growth, so that cooling, stimulating sensation helps to direct blood to your hair follicles, and that in turns help your hair to grow. It additionally also has antiseptic and antimicrobial benefits that are great for removing lice dandruff and other stop related conditions. Next on the list is lavender oil. This calming scent has been known to kill and soothe the body and the mind. It also has great antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, just like all the other before-mentioned oils, and it's also known as a great stress reliever. So if you're experiencing stress, we know stress can cause hair loss so lavender, along with lemon oil, are great for reducing stress and anxiety. Last but not least, is tea tree oil and we all know tea tree. Oil has amazing antimicrobial antibacterial benefits is great for healing dandruff, it's great for healing, funguses or any forms of dermatitis that may be caused by fungus on your scalp and skin. It has great cleansing properties, so it's great to add a few drops in your shampoo as well as helping to unclog your pores from any excess dandruff or excess sebum that can prevent hair growth. So it also helps to stimulate hair growth by unclogging those pores. Alright. So now that we learned about these five essential oils is important to learn how to use them, because you cannot repeat, you cannot use these directly on your scalp and skin. They always must be diluted with in carrier oil before use, and I personally prefer to use a ratio of about 10 to 12 drops per quarter cup of oil. Okay, some carrier oils that you can use or extra virgin olive oil almond oil, coconut oil and castor oil; okay. So let's go ahead and get to mixing our DIY pre-poo. So I'll begin with my carrier, oil, adding a quarter cup of extra virgin olive oil extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants that are great for healing the scout next I'll be using my sesame and Amla oil and sesame oil is a ceramide which helps fill in the Gaps in your hair, shaft and Amla oil contains lots of vitamin C, which again is great for your hair and scalp I'll, be adding one tablespoon of this oil next step for this, oil is argan oil. Now this is an amazing oil that is known to hydrate and soften your hair. It provides antioxidants, essential fatty acids invited an e which helped increase hairs, elasticity and consistently restore shine to dull hair next I'll be adding 10 to 12 drops of my lemon essential oil. Remember this oil has great antiseptic and antimicrobial properties as effective for treating dandruff and scalp acne and improving blood circulation next I'll be adding peppermint essential oil. This tingling cool sensation that you get helps increase circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth. Gently shake these ingredients to combine, and now you have your perfect essential, hair growth, oil, so I'll gently heat this oil up using my double boiler and then apply this as a hot oil treatment to my scalp, I will then massage my hair gently using the Marlboro Massage methods, as I shown in my previous video, which I'll link up top for you guys - and this is just my kind of me time - 20 minutes of me time - to help heal my scalp and hair and stimulate my hair follicles for a better growth. Alright, so you can leave this oil on for a minimum of 20 minutes. You can use a plastic shower cap to help generate some key in this or you can use this recipe daily or every other day by just lightly. Oiling your scalp and massaging it, and that will help, of course, stimulate your hair follicles and improve your hair health or whatever conditions scalp conditions you may possibly have so feel free to play around this recipe with whatever oils you have or whatever your hair needs. Okay and if you guys want to learn more about essential oils, I have a real treat for you guys today. I'Ve teamed up with natural hair, essential oil enthusiast attractor, who is my guest blogger today on my blog post, and she has created a wonderful list for you, guys of essential oils and their uses, and she goes beyond just hair health. She talks about things for oils, essential oils that contain antibacterial properties, essential oils that are useful for itching that are useful for migraines. You definitely want to go check out this post. You guys. If you have questions, please leave them in the comment section below I'll. Definitely team up with her about asking about this and she is way more advanced and essential oil than I am, and if you guys have anything else, you guys want to see are or know about essential oils leave them as well. On the comment section down below and don't forget to subscribe and share this video with anybody who is curious about essential oils and that's it for today's tip Tuesday I'll see you guys over on the blog at WWE, I'm nappy comm and that's it I'll see you Guys next time, bye,

NowIAmNappy: Shop my amazon store for essential oil

Ginelle Nere': I love how you broke each oil, created the diy, added it to your hair and shared your guest on your blog. I will be checking her out. Thank you.

Naturally Madisen: I’ll have to try this DIY! I struggle with dry, itchy scalp and I’ve had this issue since I was relaxed and started getting color in my hair. I love using Tea Tree and Peppermint oil, I love the minty/cooling sensation they provide!

lovelylauz02: Great video and linking us to the essential oils expert! I love love love rosemary essential oil for my hair! :)

Ms. Denise: Hi, I love your videos! I’ve been thinking about making some hair butter in 4 oz jars to give to about 12 family members for Christmas. I’m just confused about how to use the essential oils at the 1% ratio. I would love to use the 5 oils u listed in this video. How do I calculate how many drops to use from each bottle?

Dany Manansala: This was very helpful. I have been waiting to do a pre-treatment for my scalp because I’ve developed eczema and flakiness now that i’m in my early 30s. Thank you so much!

Trendy Health: _If you want to strengthen your tresses and combat breakage, look no further than_ *almond oil.* *Almond oil* can help _strengthen as well as moisturize, which makes it ideal for dry, damaged or color-treated hair that's currently compromised._ If you feel like you just can't get the length of your hair where you want it - there might be time to incorporate almond oil into your hair care routine! Not only does this product *contain vitamin E; proteins; antioxidants - but also magnesium in a miraculous way reduces those pesky split ends* _while promoting healthy growth too._

JustJen: Geranium - smells gorgeous. I mix with other oils and use as perfume. I didn't know it was beneficial for hair!!! Thanks for the tip.

Dare Jones: Geranium oil Lemon oil and not lemongrass oil Peppermint oil Lavender oil Tea Tree oil Use these oils diluted in carrier oils.

Lovely Africa: I love essential oils!❤️❤️I love rosemary and lavender

Mare Meets World: I loved this video! I’ve been loving your channel and I’m a new subscriber . How did you edit the essential oils into the top left hand corner of this video? Thank you ☺️

🍀 Lucky#13: I'm going to add some organic pumpkin seed oil to this mixture

Tracy: I use to use geranium oil a lot but I get distracted and I want to try others. I know they say for skin as well it is good for balancing sebum. My go to for hair is always lavender and rosemary but I need to use my other EOs up Some are up to 2 years old. I have amla powder but after I use that up I want to check out the amla sesame blend you showed. Thank you.

Akesha Epps: Great information and great video thank you!

ENT News Flow: Thank you so much in going to try this!!

Brionna Wilder: Great information and thanks for the DIY

Tiffany blair: Does this oil blend require a preservative?

Wonderfully Made: I only have olive oil & rosemary. Is that good for my 2 year old?

Francine Maultsby: Do you wash the oil out after the 20 min ?

Samrawit Danso: How long can I keep the oil in the house

AnGi 47 🕊: DIY essential oils are the BEST

Attracta: Informative video. I am honoured.

Ms88keys1: I like your knowledge of Essential oils, my math is off and i need help. I have a 16oz concoction of Carrier oil (4 oz Emu, 4 oz Sulfur 8, 4 oz JBCO, 4 oz Doo Gro) I want to add Essential Oils to the party but im not certain how much to add? Those invited to the party are tea tree, lavender, rosemary and peppermint...........................How many drops of each do you suggest so that its a great party in which everyone drives home safe and sound?

Khaire: Can men use them. I notice loosing my hair

maria fisher: GOOD morning i just found you site i love it.Ca you please tell me the name of the lady site you mention in this video i would like to subscibe to her site too thanks.

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