I Wash My Hair Only Once A Month ✧ Knee Long Hair Care Routine

This hair care routine has been a long time coming! I hope you'll enjoy my tips and tricks to achieving long and healthy hair!

This is probably my most requested video topic ever!

The products I use:

✦ Oils (Jojoba, Sweet Almond, Poppy Seed, Argan, Avocado, Extra Virgin Olive, Coconut)

✦ Sulphur Soap

✦ Brands:

(Not Sponsored, I just like, trust and am very satisfied with them)

✧ L'erbolario – Olio di Macassar

✧ L'occitane – Repairing Shampoo

✧ L'occitane – Repairing Conditioner

✧ L'occitane – Repairing Hair Oil

✧ Tangle Teezer

❤ If you were wondering... Yes, the products are on the pricey side, but I only use them 12 times a year ;) ❤

❤ My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prettyshephe...

❧ Anna

❧ PrettyShepherd

♫ Music is by

♫ EpidedmicSound referral link:


♫ Kalagor

♫ YouTube Audio Library:

♪ Digital Secrets – Unicorn Heads

♪ Drunken Countess – Verified Picasso

Hello, This is Anna, the PrettyShepherd and today I am here to tell you about hair care, routines and hair growth sekrets. Okay, let's address the elephant in the room. There are no hair growth secrets. There is no magical potion that will help your hair grow. Just like that *snaps fingers*, there is no one-off solution to rich and healthy hair. However, if I did have one such sekret, I would definitely share it in this video so keep on watching *wink wink*. I think that most of my viewers are already aware of the fact that coiled up on my head right now are knee-length locks of hair. That'S right, I'm just very good at hiding it, and since I get so many questions related to my hair for two main reasons: really the fact that it's gray and the fact that it's reeeeaaaally long by the way, if you are watching this right now - and you Are wondering''? Hmm, her hair is gray what ?'', then you can watch my video about how I went gray at 13 years of age and as someone who has been growing out her hair for the better part of her life. Now I am here to share my tips and tricks and just general long hair related wisdom. In order to be truthful. I really feel the need to start by saying: > > >. It'S (, mostly ) Genetics, <, < <. It'S something that I inherited from my paternal grandmother's side and I'm very thankful for it Now in this video. I don't really want to get into my long hair journey and how having long hair has affected me through the years, but rather I want to center it around actual hair care tips and my personal hair care routine. Allow me to emphasize that My Personal Hair Care Routine, This hair care routine works for me and my hair and my hair type. It may not work for you and that's perfectly fine. So, even if you take some inspiration from my routine, I really think that this should rather be one of those things that you experiment with, and you have fun and you try to see what works for you and you just play around until you find something that Suits you personally Now. The second most important point that I wanted to tackle is Health. – in general, Simply the health of your body will be reflected in the health of your hair. As I said there is, there is no magical product that could solve your hair. ... but ..., but diet is very important. Yes, And this is really one of those long-term deals that are really annoying. Just like working out. You know you can't just do it two days in a row and then forget about it.. It'S something that you really have to stick to. You have to pay attention to what you eat. You have to pay attention to go to sleep. You have to pay attention to take care of your body when it needs to. You have to pay attention, not to stress yourself too much with things that you do not have control over.. If you make sure to eat well and give your body the right kind of nutrients in a balanced ratio, then your body will be very thankful. It'S going to show on your skin on your hair, on your nails – it will Something else that you can do in your day-to-day life is make sure that you have good blood flow in your scalp.. This can sound kind of funny, but I found it to be pretty relevant.. I actually have this habit of massaging my scalp every couple of days or so, and that's really going to help with the blood flow which will assure that a lot more nutrients can get to your scalp, where the hair follicles are being produced, And by massaging I Mean with the tips of your fingers, so not like scratching like a rabbit dog LOL, Just like *sounds that the PrettyShepherd thinks sound like massaging* And then another thing that I do try to pay attention to is to mix around. My hairstyles Hear me out on this one. I've seen horrific cases of young girls already going bald, because their grandmas would always braid their hair in the same pattern. Every day. There was this little girl who would have like two french braids every day and she started to go bald next to the middle parting.. It was weird. And that's because your hairs don't like to be stressed and don't like to bear the strain in the same direction every day, so mixing around your hairstyles can assure that your hairs have a chance to move around a little bit in their little spots. On your scalp, So even though this one is like my classic go-to everyday hairstyle - and I really do wear this one a lot. Oh, and if you like this hairstyle, if you want to try it out yourself, then I have a video tutorial about it.. It'S my everyday go-to hairstyle, really simple, really quick, really feminine.! That sums it up.. I will still put my hair in a bun every once in a while.. I will do a bun on top of my head when I'm going to sleep, which may be like the weirdest angle to pull your hair into, but that's good you're supposed to have weird angles going on at certain points. So, even though I only brush my hair every couple of days or so or sometimes, if I'm like really busy once a week, It could sound weird but actually, interestingly enough, it's something that I read about in a book about folk costumes.. So in that book there was this sweet old, babushka lady who was recounting how people used to do things when she was still young., And it really stood out to me how she said that they would only comb their hair once a week on Sunday before going To church. Other than that, they would just like finger comb it or just like re-braid it and pin., And the other very interesting thing that she said is that they would only wash their hair once a month with rainwater. Aaaand. The thumbnail has probably already given you a hint about where I'm trying to go with this. Yes, I wash my hair no more often than once a month. You heard that right And I can already hear you all screaming like :'', how? How does your hair not get greasy? How can you withstand it? Does it not itch, does it not smell, does it not look ugly, ?''? No, no, no! No! No no.! The answer is `` no'' to each and every one of those questions.. And as for how I got here, You know how, when you're a little child, your parents will wash your hair every Sunday and only on Sunday, because that's the only day when they have the time for it.. And then when you're a teenager. And you start washing it yourself, you start washing it more often and you go down the rabbit hole of washing it, and then you end up washing it every day, because you really want to impress your classmates and your crush and your friends and OMG Well that Never happened to me *Laughs like someone who had no people to impress in high-school*, Hey I've told you. I'Ve always been the weird kid. I never started washing my hair more often than once a week, but then one time I had some sort of event, and I timed my hair washing so that my hair would be washed for that event. And I had to wash it like after 10 days and Then I had another event after that. And for some reason, my hair washing days kept on being pushed further and further from the one week mark And over the period of some months, I got down to washing it every two weeks – just by chance really because Of those events and how they were lining up And my hair was taking, it really really well, so I just started thinking about it. If I can do this once every two weeks, I could try to do it once every three weeks, So I tried. And I achieved it. And then I just figured ah three weeks is kind of like a weird number .... Maybe I should–. Maybe I should go for the one month mark *AmusedShepherd noises* And I did. And that's it.. It happened over the period of a year or two, so it really wasn't like *snaps fingers*, I probably have a hair type which can handle this kind of treatment. As I said, if yours doesn't that's perfectly fine, your routine is yours only you have to experiment with it. You have to figure out what works for you., But let's get into the nitty-gritty. How do I wash my hair? You know it must be a really special day of the month if it's just once a month. So how do I go about it? Well, i'm very glad you asked My hair washing day starts one day before the hair, washing because I will actually apply a pretty thick mask of oil.. Now I always like to mix up the kinds of oils that I use, so it can be anything from jojoba, sweet almond poppy seeds, argan avocado., But if, for some reason I don't have these laying around or if I'm on a tighter budget, I will just go For coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil – which can both be found in my kitchen., When I buy these kind of hair oils, I actually buy them from like a nicer grocery store, which stocks these kind of oils for cooking. Because if the oils that you're getting are specifically for hair care, it could actually have a bunch of unnecessary additives, but if you get the ones from the supermarket, they're actually meant to be eaten, so they're, usually the closest to natural that you can get Well. I usually transfer them to these little glass containers with a little drop tool.. This one is jojoba. This one is olive oil, ( extra virgin olive oil that you would use for cooking ). Then this one is coconut oil well in winter. It looks like this over here and in summer. It'S kind of liquidy.. Now, for this first hair mask that I apply, I usually go for an oil that smells nice or doesn't have like a strong smell, because this oil will be left on my hair for 24 hours.. I filled up the little drop tool and I'm just going to put the droplets on my hair just like that and then I'm going to brush. Now, if you don't have these kind of containers, you can just pour the oil in your palm. I'M just going to rub it onto my hair.. I just try to make sure that it ends up covering most of my hair, especially from my neck downwards.. So I don't usually put the oil on my scalp, since the brush itself is coated with some of the oil as well. I found that it's enough for me to just brush through my hair and then I'm going to pull it into a nice sleek bun.. As you can see this way, I can go about my day. If I need to go to run some errands or you know, go see people I can still do it. My hair will not look weighed down and greasy. It just looks. Sleek, that's all. – This is why you have to avoid the strong smelling ones ). So I do have one oil combination that I like to splurge on, sometimes, and now we are getting into the actual brands of products that I use.. This one is `` l'erbolario''. I think it's an Italian brand. It is `` Olio the Macasar'', It just smells so good. So this one when I put it on my hair, I just feel like sniffing it like *SniffyShepherd sounds* like all day long. It smells so good, But that one is my splurge oil for like maybe once or twice a year, and I will use the other basic natural ones, most of the time.. Now as soon as I've spent 24 hours with this oil. Hopefully, my hair was able to soak up some of the nutrients from it it's on to the actual hair washing process. Before I wash my hair, I will soak even more oil into it and for this one I do use a very specific one for my scalp. I will use Castor Oil. Now, Castor Oil, I've been told by my mother and by a lot of other, like wise old, ladies in my life, that it enhances hair growth, so I've actually heard of people putting it on their eyebrows or even their eyelashes to help Them grow thicker and stronger.. Again it is not a miracle product. It'S just .... It'S just one thing that I use amongst many others., So I will especially put the castor oil onto my scalp and then I will reach for another oil of my choice onto to put on the ends and especially the tips., And then I'm going to get into My bathtub and just take a bubble bath., So I will soak in there for like 20 to 30 minutes – the point of it is – well partially to relax, because hey come on, who doesn't like bubble baths – but then again another part of it is To let those oils work their way into the scalp into the hair, just you know give your hair enough time to soak up the nutrients., So the oil that your scalp secretes is actually nutrition and protection for your hair.. Since my hair is so very very long, I actually need to provide other types of oil from the neck downwards, because the one from my scalp would never in a thousand years reach down there. Oh and yeah, a fun fact, which some of you will probably know. If you keep on washing it off, your scalp is going to go like `` OMG OMG ProDuCe MoRe OiL. We aRe NoT hAvInG EnOuGh OiL MAkE MoRe Of iT !'' and it's just going to create more and more and more thus making you want to wash your hair even more often and your scalp to freak out even more. So it's really a very dangerous spiral to get into. Try to avoid washing your hair as much as possible. The end., Except it's not So after I've enjoyed my bubble bath, I will start washing my hair, like oh wow., We're actually getting to washing my hair.. After what How many minutes of this video Yeah cool. Anyway. Here comes another one of my tips, I will first wash my hair with sulphur soap.. Now this is something that you can get in pharmacies around here., It's just the cheapest and simplest, very basic sulphur soap.. It'S supposed to be smelly, so if you open it up and it smells very very nice, then you should probably go for a cheaper alternative which doesn't have so many nice smelling stuff in there.. So it's supposed to be stinky a little bit, but that's perfectly fine! That'S the sulfur in the soap., It's this bright, yellow soap and I will wash my hair with that because it helps with the dandruff.. Now when I was a young teenager, I started to get dandruff.. My mother bought me this soap because she heard from a wise old lady again that it helps with the dandruff – and it does. I haven't had dandruff issues since then, but i've been using it all of my life since I was 12 or something. When you're using soap to wash your hair ( more like wash your scalp ). You actually have to like rub it in every nook and cranny. Wherever you feel that your scalp usually scratches like, if you have any points that are kind of like scratchy during the day, you should especially work those places like get in there with your little fingertips – fingertips, not the nails, because the nails will damage your scalp.. I will rinse this off and then two or three times I will wash it off with shampoo.. Now the shampoo that I use is by `` l'occitane'' # notspon ..., but I wish. It's a French brand. I use their `` repairing'' line and they're very good.. I started using this brand, maybe seven years ago, ( it could be eight, but I don't want to say too much but seven for sure ) and I could really feel the change and every time I do wash my hair, I feel like it's rejuvenating and yeah. I just really really love their products.. These products are silicone free and they use a lot of natural ingredients.. They also use a lot of recycled material for packaging and I've seen that they started to move on to more glass containers recently, just to be even more plastic, free. Back to the hair washing routine itself.. So I will wash my hair with this shampoo about two or three times and I will rinse it thoroughly with water.. I will use a decent amount of shampoo, so kind of like a walnut sized dollop for each wash and every time I wash it. I try to insist on those areas where my scalp tends to get scratchy.. Now my hair sometimes gets very dirty. I might include like a fourth wash just if I feel like it, I can kind of sort of feel it. You know you can feel when your hair is finally clean. And when I'm done with that, I will use conditioner. I will use the conditioner from the same brand from `` l'occitane''. Also the `` repairing conditioner''. I will use a pretty big dollop of it and apply it from the nape of my neck downwards, so I'm not really going to get it over my scalp anymore.. I will then try my best to pin it out of the way wet and soggy as it is, and then just shower., So I'll take those you know five minutes until I shower just to allow the conditioner to work its magic and by this time I will Have probably run out of warm water, so I will get out of the bathtub and just put my hair back inside the bathtub and start rinsing. And yes, I rinse with cold water, but not necessarily because I insist that this is a very good habit. – I've heard that it's a good habit, but I don't really feel that makes a difference for me – but I still do it because I usually run out of hot water by this time. And I will rinse very well.. I will rinse for like 10 minutes straight if i have to. I'll, just rinse and rinse and rinse and pull it apart and rinse and rinse some more.. When I really feel that all the product has been removed, I will wrap a towel around my upside down head after a couple of minutes. I will change that towel to a different one, because it's probably already soaking wet, and I will just let that towel dry. My hair for like 20 minutes-half an hour and after it's mostly dry, I will brush it while wet. I will brush it very, very gently – very gently.. I wanted to tell you this one thing that I also like to do is: I will wash my hair brush with the same shampoo that I use for my hair just to make sure that all the oil or the dirt from my hair before washing it doesn't Stick onto it. And then I usually braid it in two lace braids.. I usually time my hair wash to be around the evening, so I can actually go to sleep with the braids. Put a towel on my pillow and go to sleep like that. So it can still soak up some of the water. And then in the morning, when I wake up, it's mostly dry., Maybe I'll go around my day for a few more hours. But then, when I undo the braids I have these beautiful mermaid waves.. I'Ve actually used those kind of mermaid waves for my Pavetta hairstyle.. If you want to check it out, it's right over here., So, as you can see, there really isn't some sort of like big secret ingredient to my routine, like there isn't ..., there isn't umm .... It'S just like a mix of all of the things that I do that keep my hair healthy and growing and ... Okay. Fine.. Yes, fine.. There is a secret ingredient and I did promise to share it with you if it exists. So here it is. Umm, actually uh. I think I'd rather just invite someone in who can, I think, um yeah could get the point across a lot better than I can.. So please Hi, I'm a ShoutyShepherd, and today I am here to tell you about Pretty Shepherd's Miracle Haircare Potion. Have you been dreaming of having long luscious hair, just like the PrettyShepherd Well you're, clearly in the right place as PrettyShepherd's Miracle Haircare Potion will give you the hair of your dreams–? No, No! No! We'Ve been through this. I'Ve told you you're not allowed to fib or lie or whatnot unless it is such a big lie that it's ridiculous enough or if it gets a funny point across you know, drives home a joke., Okay, okay., So come on Get yourself together: Okay, ..., Our most Determined team of scientists work tirelessly to find the ingredients that will give you the hair of your dreams., The most secret recipe of PrettyShepherd's Haircare Potion includes The most special of special snowflakes., Only one in a bajillion qualify., *Epic, music building up to epic moment* Conserved and Preserved in a way that will help enhance its special uniqueness. Bottled up cat meows from the luckiest black cats, with the most luscious dark, hair. *Mjau*, *Mjaaauuu*, Sparkle, sebum secreted by the most intimate of unicorn skin glands.. I don't really think you want to know how we got this one.. Our determined team of scientists have selected a dozen more herbs and spices and magic ingredients to create PrettyShepherd's Magic, Haircare Potion.. What You're not yet convinced Just look Wow. I have PrettyShepherd hair and you can have it too So order now and try it out today. Much better *Laughing Shepherd noises*. Now a lot of you asked me about how I keep my hair tangle free.. Well, uh. I don't. I mean I get tangles, just like everyone else., I use a `` Tangle Teezer''. It really works very well. And again, of course # notspon.. I brush it like every two or three days usually, and if I manage to stick to that timing, I usually get away with, like average smallish tangles.. But sometimes, if I'm having a busier time in my life or if I did like an extra-super-complex hairdo or maybe some curls, I do get worse. Tangles, of course, and for those occasions I will bring in the big guns – which, in my case is actually just oil. In these past years, I have used a variety of oils for detangling.. It helps like any kind of oil will help, but there is one more product that I use: from'' l'occitane'''s, `` repairing'' line. It'S this repairing hair, oil.. Now I'll be honest with you. It smells brilliant, but perhaps the even more important aspect of it is that it doesn't weigh down the hair. It doesn't grease it up quite as much as other oils do, and the nice little cherry on top of the cake bonus feature is that it helps with flyaways as well.. Now I'm one of those girls who believes in the fact that human hair is supposed to frizz like it's just a natural thing that our hair does., I don't tend to fight it, a lot.. A lot of my hairstyles will, have you know the flyaways and the frizz and to me that's perfectly fine – I just embrace it., But since a lot of you asked about flyaways and frizz, when I reached out to you on Instagram, I thought I would mention This little bonus perk as well. And then the other issue that was probably the top request on Instagram, was about cutting or trimming my hair., The last drastic haircut that I had was 16 years ago.. I got a bob.. I was 13 at the time and yeah ever since then I've been growing it out.. Last time I went to a hairdresser was probably 10 years ago. I went there. I asked for a trim, *Diabolical AngryShepherd voice*, and I got like 20 centimeters chopped off of my hair., So that kind of left me with trust issues when it comes to hairdressers and because of this at present, there are two people who I trust enough to let Them go anywhere near my hair with scissors, and one of those is me and the other one is my mother., I'm actually going to be honest.. I don't really care so much about split ends.. I wear my hair a lot in coils of braids and buns and updos – you can never see the ends of my hair. Now. If, if you wear your hair undone a lot, I totally get it go, get a trim, get it nice and straight, but it's not worth it for me.. I'D rather have that extra 20-30 centimeters of length, because, let's be honest, if you would want to cut off all of my split ends uh. They start like at least at my waist. So all of that hair would have to go, which I wouldn't be happy about. So I haven't really been to a hairdressing salon this past 10 years, but that hasn't really stopped random hairdressers to try and share their unsolicited WiSdOm with me, and I figured just for the fun of it. I'M going to share with you my favorite tips that I got this way. You do know that long hair can cause a lot of back and neck pain right. Ah, you say that, but you know long hair is not really like a wig or extension.. You don't just wake up with it., You grow it out gradually and you get accustomed to it.. I have a feeling she may have only had long hair experiences with wigs.. You should wash your hair much more often because of the polluted air and the dust and the cars. And oh, Oh yes, please tell me more about how I could take care of my hair to keep it healthy and long. And–. Oh, wait! Uh! Your hair is short and dry, Maybe not the best person to take advice from Shorter hair takes less time to take care of. I beg to differ., You know. Maybe it does take you a shorter time to wash it and dry. It maybe brush it as well, but you have to style yours, you have to use products, you have to use a hair dryer and all those things to make it look the desired shape, whereas I can pull my hair into a 30 second nautilus bun and be Done with it., You should cut your hair as often and as short as possible, because it will grow back, thicker and stronger. Why would it, though, Cutting it is not really like a reset button, because you know your hair grows from your scalp and the ends of your hair have very little control over what goes on here. And my personal favourite of the bunch. You should actually trim your hair regularly because split ends cannot breathe. Ah, No, no, Your hair does not require oxygen to breathe or to live, because it's not actually a living part of your body.. It'S dead, cells., They're dead.. They don't feel a thing. They're, not alive.. That'S why you can cut it and you don't scream out in pain, because you can't feel a thing, because it's dead. Biology, 101. And I think, that's a wrap. Hopefully, I've addressed everything, but if I missed anything that you're still interested in, please leave it in a comment below and I will get back to you., But what I'm actually really interested in finding out if you could leave it in a comment, is if these tips Were helpful to you if they were new to you, if perhaps they were shocking to you, please tell me about it if you've already been using some of these, if you knew about them, if they work for you, but above all tell me if you have some Other tricks, Especially if they're for a different hair type than mine. After all, if somebody watches this video, they are probably looking for real, tried and true tips and tricks that can only come from real people.. So, let's help each other out. If we have wisdom to share., I hope you've enjoyed this video and if you like, this kind of content Subscribe to my channel because I post new videos every week. Thank you so much for watching. I really do hope. This was helpful. (. Let me know in the comments ) and have a great day and b-bye. Oh, why hello, You're still here. How nice of you to stay. I'm a bit of a star here now, uh yeah I've been on the channel like three times. You know pretty big deal. Yeah so um, if you want to see more of me, then make sure that you order now.

* FlowerChild *: I had a teacher who’s hair went white at a young age and her hair was very long, thick and beautiful so ofc we called her a fairy princess lol you remind me of her a lot

Lovebird Draws: My mother’s hair started graying late twenties, but my dad’s hair has stayed dark forever, so I’m waiting to see which genes I get

desertlover12: I’m Indigenous so our hair is obviously very important to us. My Great Grandmother had breast cancer before I was born and lost all her hair and it never grew back the same way again. My family would always told me that I got my long, thick hair from her before she lost it to the treatment. I have lots of memories of sitting at her knee while she ran her fingers through my hair, braiding and unbraiding it over and over. Taking care of my long hair now feels like tending to her memory.

Who Dunnit: With your hair length, I dont question the one-month hair wash. That doesn't look like a chore, it looks like a full time job

Fel the Blithe: I'm a historical interpreter and I always get a kick out of telling people that in the 18th century, unless for a medical reason, people never washed their hair. They look at me and go "never?" And I nod and reply "never!" They had a very meticulous hair care routine that allowed them to create those impressive hairstyles while keeping it clean in ways we've kinda forgotten.

Brenda Partin: Im an 70 yr , OLD white woman. I was raised washing my hair each Saturday. Since it's gray now it gets frizzy when I wash it. ( It's always been thick) and it's almost to my waist, so i also use oils. I wash it as needed, 2 to 3 weeks or so. I can tell when it's ready. I really enjoyed this video.

Taíno Princess: So, in the black hair community this first day process is called the Pre Poo process. You apply a good amount of oil (olive oil is a fav) cover with a plastic cap and wash as normal the following day. I actually discovered the 1 month wash option a year back by accident, due to Covid lol. My hair went from mid back to waist length...In Haiti, our people have been using castor oil for hair and other use for centuries. We actually have our native grown Haitian castor oil that also works for joint and various other pain as a topical application. Cold water rinse is a good habit. It locks the cuticles leaving the awesome conditioner to do its job. This accounts for your awesome silver shine. So the key of less manipulative practices overall and oil use works for ALL types of hair.

Summer Noybn: Ive always said the key to long hair is benign neglect lol.

Nicola Jeram: I've always wanted long hair but I kept getting it cut. I told my best friend that I would have long hair by the time I was 50. Thanks to lockdown, I finally took the plunge and started growing it. I'm 50 next month, and it's nowhere near as long as I would have liked it to be, but I'm going to keep on going with it. My hair is starting to go white rather than grey, I'm having it coloured for my birthday, not because I'm vain, but because I just love a bit of colour!! I'm getting a chestnut colour, and I'm very tempted to have a purple streak put in it!!

one in infinity: I’m 19 and now I don’t feel so bad about having some gray hairs since I was younger, your hair is so beautiful

Madi T: "The only 2 people I let near my hair are me and my mom." Same! I had hair to my knees, then I cut off 18 inches to donate it. I am growing it back out again, and I enjoyed your assumptions at the end immensely.

Margaret May: Hair washing was a major chore when I was young, boiling rainwater, standing at the kitchen sink, rinsing with vinegar. People are too obsessed with being hygienic to the point they can’t withstand any germs whatsoever. My mum is 100 years old and hasn’t washed her hair in years yet you wouldn’t know. You look amazing and so is your hair style

Summer Noybn: surprised you dont get the ubiquitous "you should donate your hair" said with disdain like i did something wrong by having long hair lol. Im like.. why dont you grow yours and donate IT?

Chelly Barnard: Your routine actually resembles the routine that most African Americans have always used. When I was in high school, I was ashamed to say how seldom I washed my hair. But my hair was healthy.

Jerri: I had to have emergency gallbladder surgery and I was septic and lost down to 77lbs and was malnourished and lost most of my hair. I started mixing collagen in my coffee and making smoothies and my hair grew back in no time. Within a year it was halfway down my back. It helped my nails grow like crazy too. If anyone is having trouble from hairless, I hope this will help you. I also only shampoo my hair once a month and keep good oils on the ends.

Nathália Nogueira: Omg her hair, makeup, clothes, house?? She's a real-life princess

Michelle Tecklenburg: After going from super long to super short, it was a nightmare! Hairdressers could never get the sides equal. Long hair is so much easier.

Ghost Rat: For a longtime my hair was thin, lifeless, falling out, I'd get sores on my head. I kept it in a pixie cut, because everytime I grew it to my shoulders it would just fall out and be so thin that old scars on my head shown out like flags. One day I discovered I had a wheat sensitivity, like, eating wheat literally causes my joints to lock up like cement. So I stopped eating it. Now, two years after my last cut (with one 2inch trim to cut off nasty split ends) my hair is thick(ish, as thick as my genes will allow), slightly curly, and all the way to the bottom of my ribcage. Diet is definitely the #1 thing to consider, before other factors. If I have my food even slightly contaminated by wheat, I'll get sores and a good chunk of hair will fall out. I have so many uneven baby hairs from the fluctuation in my health. I also use a chlorine filter for my shower, which works miracles. I didn't know I had naturally curly hair, until I installed the filter. And the filter prevents buildup of chemicals and minerals in my hair. I only need to wash with shampoo if I have deadskin buildup on my scalp.

Sinn Badd: Homegirl the African American community fully supports you. It’s not gross or wrong to wash once a month. ❤️

Elizabeth Greenwich: When I first watched this video, I washed my hair at least twice a week. You inspired me to wash it much less and now I only wash it every two weeks. My hair used to be super dry, but it is now a lot healthier and I get a lot less frizz. (And, of course, I have just 1/4 of the shampoo/conditioner costs! I will definitely try to push my washing day even further :) Thank you for this video!

BubbleTea: I have curly hair, so I have to have wet hair to brush it. If I don’t it will become SO FRIZZY. Yeah hair types are very different, but I legitimately can’t brush it dry. So you curly hair girls, I know the pain.

Shieldmaiden for Christ: I’ve never heard of sulfur soap. I’m the only woman in my family to ever have long hair in the last 100 years, my mother and grandmother literally wore the same style from their early 20s for the rest of their lives, no poly tails, never used any accessories at all. I love your tips. It’s seems so much more natural than what most people think they should do. I’m curious how my scalp will respond as I try to go more and more days between washing. I was a dancer until last year and now I’m really trying to get fit again, just to enjoy my art for myself again. I’m curious if you do a lot of physical activity and how sweating affects washing needs. It’s mostly water after all, but salt buildup doesn’t sound good.

J S: Omggg, I think the same about so many hair "advices" that has NO SENSE and people are obsessed with. My hair is also really dry and curly, I don't need to wash it so often (once a week) using sulfur-free shampoos in order to not dry it more. Of course, if you are going to leave it without washing for a month you need sulfur :) I'm glad to meet your youtube channel !

Lulu McDonald: For once, I'm happy Youtube recommended me a video. I'm a sick girl (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etc) and I wash my hair every month or 5 weeks, because I'm getting worse of my illnesses. But I was feeling dirty and embarrassed (ridiculous because I don't go out the house), until your video. THANK YOU!!! It feels great to know I'm not the only one doing it. I even noticed my hair is barely oily on my scalp now. And I use coconut oil on half of my hair. It's shinny and healthy. Hugs from a Spaniard living in USA.

Vetanielle Calya: The part about washing hair as little as possible is like really helpful. I used to wash my hair maybe twice or three times a week because I had a pixie cut and it tended to get greasy really quickly. Then I started to grow out my hair and because of being busy, I kinda occasionally forgot to wash it and began to wash my hair once a week. Now I'm reaching the two weeks period. But my hair never been so healthy and from that short pixie cut I reached the length below my shoulder blades in like 2 years, which is really quick. But I do have good genes because I never had problems with hair growth. Can't wait to reach the length down to my hips.

N Rod: As someone with curly hair, the curlier the less often "washing" it is. I had a friend who has the silkiest thick straight hair, and I always thought how crazy it was that she washed it everyday. My hair is very fine so more than twice a month is overkill. It takes very long to wash it as well so I don't really see the point in trying to sit through washing it every week. Honestly as long as you're using the right products for your hair type to keep it hydrated and don't overload your scalp with the products then I think everyone can do washings 1 or 2 times a month.

Fifi Cookie: One tip of my own is to put a clean knee or thigh length sock around my wet braids before I go to sleep and they act like mini towels for my braids. And to hold the socks in place I just tie a ribbon or put a hair tie around the top to keep them in place.

Diane Bajorinas: These tips were great! Two things. 1 the reason rinsing with cold after works is that it makes the outer layer of the hair lay flatter. 2 By trimming 2 centimeters, you make it so the split ends don’t travel up the hair shaft.

SuperKasper333: Majestic hair! I used to have such hair- suffered an incredible trauma, and lost it. I sometimes feel grateful to have any left, and sometimes very sad. Yours is absolutely beautiful.

Erica Doyle: Love that you are so open with how often you wash your hair. I get so many people telling me that its gross that I only wash my hair once a week. Thank you for the tips about changing up hairstyles as my go to everyday is two plaits . Jamaican black castor oil is meant to be the business for scalp care . Its all so meant to be a secret tool for hair growth. Do you ever blend the oils ? I love how confident you are about your hair . I have me trying to grow out my hair for years and then I cave to peer pressure to cut my hair . I too have serious trust issues with hair dresser 1inch to us is 4 inches to them . Its like they want to do the opposite of what was asked of them. Xxx

Amigurumi Girl: I just got my hair cut in a bob back on Feb 20 and now I can't stand it! But I've set a goal for myself to not get it cut for the next 3 years. I wish it was your length right now. But I'll keep watching your show to keep me motivated! It was comforting to hear that you've been growing yours for 16 years, 3 years doesn't seem so long now. Thank you!!!

jotaro kujo: When I was younger I would only wash my hair once a month, and it was super long. When I started washing once a week, my hair hasn’t been growing so quickly, so I think I’ll start washing once a month again :)

Elvin: Good Lord, she looks like an ancient painting. You know, like the ones with the majestic looking ladies.

Kelly: My russian grandmother"s hair went from raven black to pure white her hair was long but it was always braided. My hair grows really fast I must take after her. I have been plating my hair much more I learned so much from your video I just wanted to let you know so I added to the message. I am normally just a wash and leave it lazy with my hair but inspired to do more now.

Sarcasm-hime: I had knee-length hair for 20 years and this is very similar to my routine as well, although I usually wash with conditioner once a week and with shampoo once a month. I finally cut and dyed my hair recently (first time I'd been to a salon in 20 years), but the routine is the same and it has had an extra benefit of keeping my dye from fading!

Benedetta Barbini: So I just wanted to say that after I watched this video I tried to follow your tips. I've had waist length hair all my life, since I've always hated going to the hairdresser as a kid, they naturally grew. Of course, I've had split ends a my life. When I was a kid I used to get showered by my parents every Sunday before church, as you said in the video, and growing up I've started to do it more often. Anyway I washed my hair around once a week,sometimes twice. Even without washing them often, I've always had split ends. A LOT of them. But I swear, 2 weeks in trying to wash them as least as possible and they VANISHED. I haven't even put any oil on my hair yet. I'm trying to get to the 2 weeks without washing step, but it's a bit rough since they are getting pretty oily, so I decided to wash them under just warm water and despite not coming out super clean, I swear they never looked healthier! Thank you so much for inspiring me to take better care of my natural hair and for sharing your amazing tips! I suggest some of you trying this to go no shampoo for a while(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

maj: I live downtown so the pollution does make my hair dirty, so I rinse it around once or sometimes twice a week. A rinse using very little water. I can see the dirt come out of my hair with the water. This only started when I moved to the city. But the rinse actually helps the oil from my scalp go to the ends of my hair.

Sarah Stephanie Landry: Her: "Massage your scalp to increase the blood flow and bring nutrients" Me: Starts scratching my scalp Her: "I mean massage with your fingertips, not scratching like a rabid dog." OOPS!

LadySaundra: She is so bravely unique. And the grey actually looks good on her.

Nia Stevens: This channel has been so inspirational for me! After my mother chopped my thigh-length hair off when I was 10, leaving me with an awkward afro, I've had maybe 5 "trims" over the last 20 years in an effort to manage the split ends while keeping it long. I see all my mom friends cutting off their hair because it's "too much work," and with baby #2 arriving next month I've been so worried I'd be tempted to do the same thing. I'd already switched to bar soap and had been playing with headscarves for a while, but since seeing this video I've bought more scarves so I can wear them every day and am down to brushing once per week and washing my hair every 3 weeks or so. I wouldn't have thought to try it were it not for this video, and it's proving to be sustainable for me! I'm also getting compliments on seeming much more put together (no more frizzy pigtails), and it's so much less work. Not only that, but my hair is much healthier and less dried out, so when I DO wear it out it's much more attractive!

M'elle Louise Music: What a cool channel! I also have been going gray since 30 and have really long hair! And I wash mine twice a week. So cool you go a month! Thank you for sharing <3 Also, I totally dig your personality in this video

Amanda Davis: You are absolutely ADORABLE ! I’m so happy I came across your videos! Almost 3 years ago (at age 33), my hair was the longest it had ever been, at waist length (I know, not impressive! ). I became extremely ill and almost died, spent months in intensive care, months re-learning to walk and use my hands again, it was a tough year! Anywho, as I woke up from my coma and my mother or sister would brush my hair, it became obvious that they were trying to hide how often they were having to clean the brush and just how much hair was dropping. Then, the nurses began to make comments about how much hair I was “shedding” on the sheets. I couldn’t touch my hair but, (seeing as I’m a nurse... and I have eyes ) I knew what was going on. Between the stress the illness placed on my body, the medications they’d has to pump me full of, the lack of nutrition, etc., my hair was the last priority for my body, it was just trying to stay alive, the strands were just dropping away by the clump. Even knowing that it’s “just hair”, that it will grow back, that I was lucky to even be alive, it still felt like someone punched me in the gut every time I’d see the strands and clumps. So, what little hair I had left had to be cut shorter than I’d ever had it. As I was slowly able to brush my own hair, I also began to notice that I was growing quite a few grey hairs when previously I’d had none, it’s not a big deal to me. As I didn’t have the ability, my hair wasn’t being washed very often and even now as I am about as recovered as I am going to get, I still wash my hair only every 10-20 days (depending on events). My hair grew back thicker, overall healthier-looking, shinier, and boy, does it grow fast now! I don’t use any lathering shampoos unless I’m having a bit of itchiness from my allergies. I co wash (a method of using conditioners to wash). This method is generally used by people with very curly, coarse hair but it works great for me and my slightly curly (more than wavy), very abundant hair. My individual strands are fine, but there are so many of them! The conditioners I use are infused with most of the oils you mentioned... maybe even a few more! And they smell SO GOOD! I loved hearing someone else (especially someone as lovely as you!) say they don’t wash their hair often and that they feel good about it. How often I wash my hair is almost a secret to me because so many people are in the trap of washing daily (though it is getting more common to wash A BIT less often) and you hear girls just “Oh, I’d feel so dirty!” and “That’s so gross, it must be an oil slick!”... No ladies, this works for some of us! Next time I get a compliment on the length, health, and overall appearance of my hair, followed by the hopeful question of “What do you do to keep your hair looking so pretty?” I will proudly tell the truth, thanks Pretty Shepherd , stay lovely and funny.

Mari💜: As a black girl, I wash my hair every 1-2 months and thats because I keep it styled. If I don't style it, I'll get A LOT of hair loss, which i don't want. If I wash it too often, my hair will get super dry, and might fall out. All in all, washing your hair once a month, is still healthy. YOUR HAIR WONT STINK!

Mistress Of None: wow! It's my first time watching you! what great content! Your wash day is alot like what natural type 4 hair do their wash days, and ALOT of the same products! great to see how similar our needs for our hair can be on totally opposite ends of the hair spectrum

12 Raben: First of all: You are gorgeous! Second: I had problems with dandruff as well. I decided to wash my hair less frequently because of that. It's not gone entirely, but it has improved over the last months. I do it once a week (my hair is about halfway back long) I will definitely try this sulfur soap. If it's that cheap, it's worth a shot. Thanks!

Olga Chebac: First of all! Amazing hair routine, very similar to mine the way my mother taught me and the way she was taught by my late grandmother. Second! The small figurine you have in the background, the Slavic boy and girl dancing! I have the same one! Have no idea where did we get it, honestly it was always there. Lovely hair you have. Thank you for the lovely video.

Arie F: wow thank you so much for these tips! the thing that stood out to me the most that i had never thought of or heard to do before was washing my hairbrush w/ shampoo too! that makes so much sense omg, now i can't believe i never thought about all the dirt/grease that must live on my hairbrush & that i'm just putting back on there every time i brush it after washing, ugh! so will definitely be adding that into my routine!! also excited to try some of the oils you mentioned - thank you again!

Michele Milne: I just love your world of unconventional beauty. I feel that since 2020 many of us are doing our own thing, going back to basics and finding what works for us. These are the role models that are so needed in today's world and your unique style is appreciated.

kvinettaf09: Loved this, especially the skit Lots of helpful tips, ones that I already do so it's kinda reassuring that someone else does things in a similar way and it works for them too! In highschool I was known for my long locks.. lol. I'm part Pacific Islander, so think frizzy hair runs in my family, but I always kept in long and natural. Have been into using natural treatments and hair care for like 5 yrs now, and a couple yrs ago cut my hair just past shoulder length for the first time in my life. Having had long hair - mostly waist length - for most of my life, I'm enjoying something different atm. Just cut myself some bangs last month and excited to keep experimenting Oil is my friend too haha, grapeseed and almond oils are my go-to's and I wash my hair around once a wk atm. I also use an Ayurvedic shampoo and pre-conditioning oil that's working well for me and my scalp. Interesting side note: when I travelled, I found my hair reacted differently to types of water in each place! So I think soft/hard water can make a difference. Hard water is harder to clean with apparently. Anyway, love having hair discussion to share and learn from others hehe. Thanks! xo

Cierra Davis: One of my coworkers think that's its disgusting that I only shampoo my hair every 7-10 days but it doesn't get oily until day 5 or so. I just run water through it every night

Helene Nicholson: Hahahaha i ripped myself at the "hair breathing"... as someone with thigh length hair...... and being a nail tech, this myth about hair and nails breathing really irks me. Thanks girl, i 100% agree with your hair care. I wash my hair once every 2-3weeks, use oils, naturally air dry, etc aswell. I do however suffer from migranes (more to do with my eyesight and sinus issues), i do like to trim my ends once every 2months... But i do it myself and JUST the ends. I don't know why, but it does feel like it gives some relief to the headaches. Great video!!

Ali Jatson: Thank you very much! This was great. It's so nice to see people normalizing less frequent hair washing. I have been shamed my whole life for not washing my hair more than once a week. I am curious, do you have any tips for dealing with sweat? I live in a hot climate and any kind of outside activity leads to a sweaty scalp, which makes it harder to go as long btw washes. It gets itchy fast... I also have curly/wavy hair, so I don't use a brush. I have a tangle comb that I use before washing, and occasionally btw washes if it's tangled, and then I fingercomb while conditioner is in.

Bridal Sewing Techniques: I get all of the same unsolicited advice. I haven't cut my hair for 25 years. Every now and then, when someone asks to see my hair down, I will take it down for them. They usually immediately gasp and mention how beautiful it is. Then they tell me that theirs would never grow so long and beautiful. The third thing they say is, "you should cut it!" It makes no sense at all! My husband & I both love my hair long. The onlooker obviously loves it long. Then, they tell me to cut it so it can look as ordinarily boring as theirs does. Smh.

Pegasusy's Tarot Club: I haven't been to a hairdresser in about 9 years now. My hair is now reaching halfway my thighs, my hair tends to grow quite fast. Slowly, over time my haircare routine had changed. From weekly washing to (indeed) washing it only about once a month. I do use oil to detangle my hair too (was a recent discovery), and I use coconut oil on my lower hair part to prevent them from getting too dry in winter and frizzy in rainy weather. I sometimes use an oil mask before washing too, but not every time, maybe I should do it more often. And after washing I also use high quality conditioner from the neck down, since the scalp indeed produces it's own oil. I am sure glad to see I was on the right track with my haircare, since most of it just was on intuition.I will try the other tips as well, including the ,PrettyShepherds hair care potion I agree with all your answers to the hairdressers! That's exactly the responses I'm giving as well. And i have very little split ends, it seems they break off on their own during brushing and washing (My hairs are quite thin) I'm intenting to use biotine supplement to strengthen my hair and nails. I'm defenitely going to check out your other video's. You have a very fun and original way of bringing your content! Subbed!

Michelle Abrahmz: Thanks for your tips. I've found leaving my hair longer between washes has really helped. At first it was on the oily side and not looking great, but since I was home all the time and not going anywhere I just went with it. Now it's about every 3 weeks when it gets a wash. I think most people's hair can take not being washed often, they just need to give it time to find a new oil production routine. Just FYI, Jojoba is pronounced hohoba. I think it's a Spanish or Mexican word, where the J is pronounced as a H.

Katerina: I started washing my hair with egg yolks instead of shampoos and oh my goodness - straight away I went from washing every other day to 1-2 per week, my scalp isn't itchy and I don't need a conditioner. There was an adjustment period of only 2 weeks, where my hair first went heavy and greasy, and then dry. After that, ZERO ISSUES. Now I'll combine this with your tips to try and reduce the washing to an absolute minimum :)

Kat91779: Thanks for the video. Loved it! I, too, discovered by chance that you can train your scalp and hair to remain cleaner longer. You start skipping a day, then two, then wash it only twice a week then on weekends, then every 2 to 3 weeks, then once a month. No grease. No smell. No itching. No fuss. My hair has stopped falling off as much as it was. I do use the oils mentioned in the video, and some supplements to prevent hairloss such as Biotin and Saw Palmetto. All these things combined are keeping my hair on my head and healthy! ✌

Ammy Hideyoshi: I don't know why or how, but I've been instinctually doing a similar haircare routine for a few months now after studying about hair oils and yeah... I now only wash my hair every 2-3 weeks. My hair has light curls+waves. It is quite thick, but it didn't like coconut oil much? I just dab it on the hair tips once or twice a month to protect them. I prefer to comb my hair w/ grape seed oil. It is a very, very light oil with great PH to keep the cuticles closed. So my hair has movement, is malleable, looks shiny (as if it had been washed recently) and smells like white grapes. :) I recommend it to anyone that feels like olive or coconut might be too heavy for their hair type.

Lulu Del: growing up my mom always enforced that I washed my hair every single day, and my hair was VERY dry...now, at 51, I wash it once every 2 weeks and only with a vegan shampoo bar..now it's very long and healthy

Virginia Ryals: My hair goes to my waist and seems to always be dry. I recently started braiding my hair and adding whichever oil I happen to have on hand to it and leaving it for at least 24hrs. (longer if I can wear a braid on following days). Years ago, I switched to only washing once a week and let it go up to two weeks, adding oil with my hands when it felt too dry. It works beautifully :-)

Kyla Andersen: I've been intending to try many of these tips for a while. It looks like I have a kind of similar hair type to yours visually at least. I started going grey at 20. I have already adjusted a few of my habits in the last year that I think have helped a lot, making it grow from my lower back to my tailbone no problem. I've always showered every few days anyway (the amount of people that say to shower every day? I work a desk job! No!), sometimes when I remembered I'd do an oil mask similar to yours, just putting olive oil through it with some essential oils like rosemary and tea tree. But some other tips I found were the head massages and not twisting my hair up to dry. Now I just drape the towel over my shoulders and around over my head to rest the hair inside like a hood (my friends have actually called me a little babushka when I do this). I honestly think this is what's made the biggest difference. I definitely want to try pushing washing my hair every 2-3 days back to every 4-5 to start with. I also don't cut for split ends, even though my hair style routine is loose the day after a shower (I shower at night), braided at night so it doesn't tangle, and in a ponytail with a clip or a bun on other days where it looks more oily. (I'd braid more often, but I haven't gotten french braiding down yet and I give myself 15 minutes to get ready in the morning like a ninny). I'll see how this goes and let you know! Awesome video!

Amandine H.: I began to have grey hair when I was a teenager. Around me everyone is dyeing it, so you never see people with grey hair unless they're really old. So since I chose not to dye it I sometimes feel really alone. It's good to come here and see people who embrace their natural color.

Aurelian Roman: One thing I feel that may be missing, which is a huge thing in my hair routine, is dry shampoo/homemade hair powder. I also wash my hair no more than once a month (I have fine but dense blonde hair). I used to wash it every day because it would get gross and oily. Over a summer when I didn’t have school, I tried to transition it to washing every 2, then 3 days. Now, I apply a homemade hair powder about every 3-4 days, apply to roots of hair and scalp, give a nice fingertip massage, and comb out extra powder and loose hairs. The powder (made with corn starch mostly) soaks up any excess oils that may be there and adds tons of volume to my hair. Is always wear it up, twisted and pinned or braided, and it looks awesome. Practice one or two hairstyles that you really like, and it only takes like 10 minutes to get it ready for the day and usually looks fabulous. Cheers!

Sally Marion: My hair was longer than it had ever been (down to my lower back) and I went and got it cut into a shorter ‘trendier’ style. I regret it so much and wish I had left it alone trying to grow it back out now. I love these tips, I think the power of our natural oils and doing less to your hair in general is very underrated.

sda141: I absolutely love your energy! I started going grey at 19, over 30 years ago. I wasn’t enlightened like you at that time, so I dyed my locks. But now, my hair is really thick and long, and platinum blonde

Jacqueline Paddock: Last time I went to a hairdresser was about three years ago, I went in with a shoulder length page boy style for a trim and came out with a pixi cut, what a shock. It got Bird nesty in no time. It is now nearly down to my waist.

Green-eyed Lady: Getting oils from the grocery was the best advice I have ever heard.

Jessica Jane: I’m Caucasian and my hair is just past my bum and really thick. I currently wash it once a week but I’m looking to train it so I can go longer in between washes because it’s a serious chore! I love your daily style, I have a full time office job so I need to look professional but I can’t keep it pulled into a tight ponytail because I’m starting to get breakage at the front. Love this video!

L L: So cool! Loved hearing your story. Inspirational ✨ My hair started graying at 21 and I'm hoping it will keep as beautiful as yours

xRusty: This is the energy i need in my life. I also grow my hair long by virtue of not cutting it. Mostly because im lazy, but also because i dot trust no hair dresser to even look at it. I too, was betrayed once. But aside form that, same tips, except the washing frequency. I want to go longer with no washing, but my hair is pretty oily. the most i've done so far is a week. I also make my own blend of oils with jojoba, lavander and lemon grass. It smells amazing. Another thing is i learned how to make my own shampoo bar, and its a game changer. I really enjoyed this video!

alaynalx: my mom washes her hair on average every sixish months. her hair is never greasy or smells bad, its insane. its like she just trained her hair to stay clean

Yulia Linderoth: Thank you for helping normalizing not washing your hair that often. I've never washed my hair more often than once a week, and people always get me on that. I will probably ease more into your type of routine, I don't dabble with oils as much as I should. I wash my hair (thick blonde "classic" length as of now) about 3 times a month, with the cheapest schampoo, and a little more expensive conditioner.

Alexandra: I wash my hair once a week or once every two weeks. I tried longer periods without washing, but once a week/ every two weeks works best. I've got really similar hair, but it's not gray and it's hip length. My hair care routine used to be pretty similar, I used to oil my hair especially the ends and then washed it with shampoo, my hair looked good. But I tried using nettle tea instead of shampoo, it works so well with my hair. It has saponins so it does actually clean my hair, it's just way more mild. And it's so good for my scalp, it helps with dandruff problems and less hair falls out (I had a normal/healthy amount of hairloss it's just less now) I actually don't use oils anymore I only use the tea when I wash my hair and I comb my hair. My hair doesn't feel dry. The tea is just with nettles I get from nature and I let them dry in a cardboard box. So my routine is incredibly easy.

Anita Haynes: Thanks. I found myself putting off shampoo to monthly because I've been ill and didn't want to cut my longer hair. Until 2years ago I shampooed daily and since then I have been worried and guilty. I do just about your routine with castor oil and hair seems okay. I just pull hair back. My grandmother did the braids and I never asked or thought how often she shampooed. I lost all about 7 years ago because of chemo but have had long hair for about 40 years and cut yearly for charity .I'm giving up the guilt and scare. Thanks. You are now on my grateful list.

Rikki Slonce: I have always had long hair, but I cut it in a bob when I was eight, and cut it to bust length when I was 16. It takes 2 years for my hair to go from neck-length to my waist. I am gonna see how long it will grow. :) Wish me luuuck!

C S: I had a similar thing happen to my hair when I went for a "trim." I told them I was growing it out and wanted maybe an inch taken off. They responded, "Oh we'll just take the dead ends off." I walked in with waist-length hair. Walked out with shoulder-length hair. The last time I went to get my hair cut (it was already short that time so I wasn't too worried), the same thing happened to another girl with really long hair, and you could tell she wanted to cry when she left. After she was gone, the hairstylists were talking about how long hair was "gross" and "all I can think of is how long that hair has been on her head." Unsure why that's such an issue, but yeah, seems to be a pretty common salon thing.

Amber M: This was definitely some good and valid advice , especially the ones about massaging the scalp and rotating hair styles ❤️

Spirit Moon: The longest my hair has been was to the middle of my booty. I finally cut it short after 12 years; the weight was giving me headaches. Now I keep it shoulder length or a bit shorter. Your hair is beautiful.

Frances Speight: Your hair routine is similar to mine. I also trim the splits off with a hairdressing scissors as I find them. I had a hairdresser in shoreham that understood how I wanted my long hair styled and cut it beautifully so it was still more than waist length but I only go once a year and not since the pandemic. I also comb it with a soft brush/freezer everyday which helps my scalp

kims aria: I just love the secret ingredients! I reduced to once a week washing when I wanted to reduce the amount of plastic. Those shampoo/cond. bottles really added up as my hair got longer. Eventually I went to once a month and then moved away from commercial bottles completely, Occasionally, about once a year, I still do buy a commercial shampoo and conditioner. Though they're good, I always find they really don't do any better than the baking soda scalp scrub and glycerin soap once a month, and then oil. I go between coconut oil, apricot oil and put in a bit of castor oil too. I do not use olive oil at all because I do not like the smell, even though I do add some rose oil and/or patchouli and/or sandalwood and/or lavender. In the summer, when I have access to lilacs, I steep the flowers and wash my hair with that water. I *love* the smell of my lilac water hair. It's very special because it is available only once a year. Though I did create some lilac sugar for tea and baking which went very well. So I may, using distilled water (I have my own distiller) try to make some lilac water that I can use during the winter. This year, I found out about rice water hair washing and have some fermenting to try for the first time, next week. (I may add some lilac water to this to see how that goes, in a few months.) Other silver sisters talk about yellowing, etc. I live in a very high metal water area but have never had trouble with yellowing. I think it's because I just wash it once a month and don't "strip" it like some of the commercial products seem to. Thanks so much for this video. Your hair is beautiful. I, very much, appreciate your taking the time to make this video! I feel less alone in my maintenance now. <3

Afro: I'm an African American with natural hair "huge afro" I use all natural hair cream and conditioner once a month so I only wash once a month...this is very common in African American natural hair culture...even the massaging the scalp and changing hair styles.....

wolfdogg: There actually are a few 'secrets'. Eat right, avoid stress. I have way fewer gray hairs at 40 than I did at 30. A big change, a breakup, a move, and a new job allowed me to massively improve my stress levels. I haven't dyed my hair in years and the streaks I used to have are gone. I still have some but it's more like 5% instead of the 20% of ten years ago. It will happen eventually but not yet. Another thing, keep your hair up. Don't let it rub on chairs, pillows, whatever it touches when it's loose. Get rid of rubber bands ànd tight hair bands. I don't care if they say no damage, its not true. Look close, it breaks off where the band sits. A ponytail every day and you will see the damage. Get silk pillowcases and silk scarfs to wrap your hair. Loose silk scrunchies are great. Even better, twist or braid then use a hairpin.

Alisa: I had very long hair. It grew more when I trimmed it 1/4" every 3 months. I was told this prevents the split end from travelling up the hair shaft and splitting more. It totally worked for me. After a few times, my wispy long hair became very thick at the ends and grew faster. I believe in it. 1/4" is not a lot.

Diane Bays: I had knee length hair back in the 70s. I washed my hair in the shower most of the time. My hair was so thick and beautiful, and it was straight, no waves or anything, but im.64 years old now and irs thinner now, but almost down to my waist. I love it.

Vienn Peridot: About the grey hair things: I started greying in my early 20s and never dyed it past 25 because Nana likes my natural hair and it's a little thing to do for her. My hair is a very dark brown and the 'greys' are coming in mercury-white so they've very visible. When my nieces were 6+4 the youngest asked why I have more "Star Hairs" (greys) than Nan (my mother). I told them the huge secret (that Nan dyes her hair) and the looks on their faces were priceless. Ten years later I still haven't dyed my hair and my mother has finally followed my (and my Dad's) lead and stopped dying her hair to grey naturally. (After she spent all of my 20s and the early 30s pulling out my greys at family dinner every week, lol)

Iride Blu Serio: For those of you who are wondering: I asked my mum (she's a hairdresser) why so many of her colleagues end up cutting more hair length than required by their customers and she told me that making a precise haircut is much easier if you cut a larger amount of hair length and they usually go for precision rather than retaining length. Hairdressers also have a very different idea about how many split ends are tolerable compared to us common people.

The History Bounder: New subscriber here!! Love love LOVE your videos. You are so beautiful and entertaining and brilliant!!!! I started going grey at 15 and currently have a lot of grey hair coming in at 18. I have hair down to the top of my hips and I'm hoping to get it longer. I'm trying out your washing method right now and am currently soaking in the tub with hair full of olive oil w/ essential oils and shampoo at the ready. Thank you for creating this video!!! I love the vintage ideals of hair care and I've tried it before and I'm so happy to find someone like minded!!!! Love from the US of A

Gflower: With below waste length hair, I've been washing it every other day and really wanted to go longer than that since it's such a hassle, but I love having my hair, so here's my story so far. Hope it helps someone out! I use Renpure shampoo twice, letting it soak in after each use, and then I use apple cider vinegar(the cheap kind is fine) diluted with water(just play with how much you need for your hair) and pour it over my hair and let it soak in for a while, before rinsing thoroughly. Since watching this video, I've been using jojoba oil the day before hair washing, and my dandruff is gone! I was nervous to use the oil, since my hair was already getting oily too fast, but it didn't hurt a thing(it stays fresh longer actually), and my hair doesn't usually smell bad at all anymore, even if I go over my usual amount of days I wash. I've finally worked up to washing my hair once a week! Tips: Make sure to take the time to massage your scalp before washing and when putting oil in. It might take a while, but it's worth not having an itchy scalp until next washing.

Tracy C.: I loved your hair and this video. I'm African American and never washed my hair everyday just once a week. I'm going to experiment with stretching it out to 3-4 weeks though. Great video and advice.

MysticalLavish C.: Cancer took my waist length hair, but I'm going to try her techniques to see if I can grow it longer, my hair is now at nape of my neck, dry, itchy at times. I love her quirkiness and beautiful silver hair!!

N A: Honestly you washing your hair once a month isn’t even strange. People with coils and curls will also wash it maybe once or twice a month and maybe co wash and condition. Main thing is moisture so it’s understandable that hair as long as yours doesn’t need to be washed often.

EMILY T. Souter: OMG! I was so happy to come across your video! My hair was down to my mid-thigh until a “hairdresser “ trimmed it by 3 feet. Just like you, I only wash my hair once a month because, like you said, it started growing much longer, the less I washed it. I love your tips about the oils and especially about L’Occitane,

Caitlyn Gallagher: As far as back/neck pain goes, long hair can definitely contribute. I've let my hair grow to hip length between trims for the past six years, and when I had a more active job that required me to wear my hair up all the time I would have to get it trimmed to waist length to avoid neck and migraine flair ups. Now that I have a job where I can wear my hair down more often I was able to maintain much more length, but I still had it extensively layered to reduce the weight. I think it's more about the uneven work your muscles do if you prefer to have your hair down but need to put it up all the time, like I did. I have fewer issues when I'm dutch braiding my hair and not putting all of it's weight on my head.

Ella Quincy: I started oiling my hair between washes recently, and it has gotten so much stronger and less prone to tangles. I also got my sister-in-law (to be) hooked on oiling her hair after I used my homemade "hair oil" to style her hair and she LOVED how smooth and moisturized it was, even days later! I like to take 3 drops at a time of my "hair oil" (food-grade extra virgin olive oil with a little patchouli essential oil mixed in for scent), and smooth it into my hair, starting with about 20cm (6 inches) from the ends and working upward to about the base of my neck. Then I brush it through and style my hair using the oil to reduce flyaways. My hair is very nearly waist-length on 2/3 of my head: the left 1/3 is shaved. I wash my hair once a week, or more if I have gotten extremely sweaty/dirty/stinky/my scalp is super greasy. I also take Biotin and Vitamin D supplements, which definitely make a difference...and I have strong, thick, fast-growing hair through my genetics. Cheers! :)

Savage Minnow: I've been doing this for years and didn't realize I wasn't alone. Yay for washing once a month!

Gina Delfina: That's so true; I once told an African American friend, "don't be grossed out, but I only wash my hair once a week," and she said, "oh don't worry, I only wash mine once a month." As far as hair care tips go - I recommend using a wooden or horn comb; they don't cause static, and they draw the natural oils from the scalp through the hair. I also use hair oil like the Pretty Shepherd. Thanks for the fun video!

Lynn DT Hershberger Hefferan: I have very similar hair, closer to my knees than my tush. I also wash rarely and put it up a lot. When I wash, I leave it in a braid because it gets far too tangled from the washing. I also mostly tend to it from the neck down. My hair was absolutely straight (even floating on water) until my hormones changed in my late 50’s. Before that, it didn’t tangle. I used a wide-toothed comb on it in the morning, and slept with it in a ponytail. Now it makes large, loose curls in the tub, maybe 4cm/ the size of a silver dollar. It has very slight waves when I wear it down now. Since then, braiding and putting it up in twisted buns with hair sticks have become my most common looks. I am a professional hand knitting pattern designer/instructor, so I have a lot of hats I can tuck a braid into, as well. I love that I found you somehow. Thanks.

Mary Jane Watson: When my hair was it's longest I used to wash once a month at most.. one summer I didn't wash my hair at all. Almost 3 months You've inspired me to get back to this. The best thing is oil, braids and leave it alone! I use the stinky oils lol. My hair is in recovery. Black cumin seed oil mixed with sesame is my go to. And moringa or Jamaican black castor oil for scalp. I have shoulder length curly hair 3c ish. Also rain water is magical⛈️ and free I've noticed a difference in my hair. Try spring water or filtered if it's not raining.

faith burton: I love your hair. I have waist length hair and have to put it in a braid or bun when I'm at work. I would love to see more videos on hair and styles. As well as haircare. Even though I'm 38 I have a few gray streaks. I love them. My mothers hair turned white in her late 20s when she was pregnant with me. Hair is beautiful, it's a part of you and should be loved.

Sophia Fuchs: They were very helpful! I will definitely be experimenting and incorporating what I can into my own routine.

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