Herbal Hair Care

This is my adaptation of one of Rosemary Gladstar's shampoo recipes. Details below.






Music by Lol Hardiman https://lolhardimanmusic.com/ and you can find him here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJdMa...

To make your shampoo you will need -

About 1oz of herb material, 3oz of castille soap (I used Dr. Bronner's soap), 1/4 teaspoon of oil of choice, (I used my beauty blend, you could use jojoba), 8oz filtered or distilled water. Optional - essential oils.

Method - Make a strong infusion of herbal tea or simmer on the stove gently for 20 mins or so and then strain.

Add the castille soap and mix gently. Add the oil and the essential oils. Mix and pour into container. Shake well before use.

To make the hair rinse, fill a jar with your herbs and pour on Apple Cider Vinegar. Allow to infuse for 6 weeks. Strain and then use after washing and rinsing your hair. Use enough to fill your palm. Do not wash out.

Herbs suitable for dark hair include Rosemary, Garden Sage, Oak Galls, Black Walnut Hull.

Herbs suitable for fair hair include Calendula, Chamomile, Lemon rind.

It is such a pleasure to use herbs in as many formats as possible, for food, medicine, body care, crafts and so on. They are so beautiful and appeal to all the senses leaving you feel uplifted and cleansed.

Thank you so much to everyone for watching, for the lovely comments and for becoming a Patreon. We really appreciate everything. xxx

Hello - everyone, it's um a bit chilly here today, a bit rainy and showery. So i'm going to do some work inside and i thought i'd make myself some new shampoo because i've just run out and i'm a huge fan of rosemary gladstar. So i've adapted her recipe, and this is how i'm going to make my shampoo now, as you can see, i've turned grey or silver, as i prefer platinum. Anything sounds better than gray, so um, i'm using rosemary. Usually, you would use rosemary for dark hair because it would encourage the the rich color of the dark brunette, but i'm using it because it encourages hair growth and health of the hair and the thickness of the hair. So i want to keep my hair healthy and thick and strong. So that's why i'm going to use rosemary i'm using calendula flowers because they will give me little golden highlights and make me look like. I'Ve got lovely hair, so there are lots of different herbs. You can use for different hair colors, but this is what i'm using for my own particular type of hair um. I'Ve got boiling filtered water here, so i'm i'm going to put in the the flower petals and the rosemary leaves i just put all of the rosemary in, and that has to steep for about half an hour. So i'll be coming back to that when it's been steeping for a while, you can leave it bubbling actually, on top of the stove, i'm just going to steep it and make a really strong tea, so the properties of rosemary are that it will strengthen your hair. Will encourage hair growth, prevent hair loss and make your hair really strong and healthy, and the calendula is very cleansing because it has a lot of saponins in it. It'S a great lymph cleanser. So it's going to cleanse the hair and cleanse the scalp, but it's also going to add those lovely colored highlights. So if you were blonde, you could add chamomile as well. So you see all all the plants have different roles, and i suppose this may not be medicinal per se, but it will have medicinal effects on your scalp, because it's going to keep your scalp clean and prevent you know. Different herbs could prevent fungal infections, dandruff and problems like that, and you choose the herbs to suit your own hair type. So i will put some information below the video so that you can have a look and see which which herbs would suit your hair type. The best i have approximately, i have an ounce of herb material here and i'm using eight ounces of the filtered water, but obviously you can adjust that if you want to make more or less smells really delicious smells lovely. So i'm going to cover this to to be to retain the aromatic oils. So we'll come back to this in half an hour strain it off and then add the rest of the ingredients and, at the same time, i'll be showing you how to make a hair rinse as well. The tea has been infusing for over an hour. So i reckon it'll be strong enough now and i'm going to strain it out, so i'm putting it into this bowl. I have um a funnel with some muslin in it there. We are, i add, three ounces of castile soap and i use dr bronner's because it's so pure and this one is the baby mild. So it doesn't have any fragrance. It'S just pure castile soap. So i'm going to put that in and then i have some beauty. Oil here this is a facial serum oil. So it's got lots of really wonderful, nutritious oils in it. I'M just putting about half a teaspoon in give it a stir, and then you add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. So i have wild rosemary because i've used rosemary as the main herb in this. So i'm just going to add a couple of drops. You add about up to 25 drops so i've put about seven or eight of rosemary. I love cyprus, so i'm putting some cypress in there's about 10 drops of that gone in and black pepper, because it's so sweet and it's just gorgeous with the cypress. So that's it. You could just use whatever oils you prefer, whatever essential oils. So already you can see it's a bit of a soapy mix. There'S a few bubbles coming as i am stirring it, i'm using a brown glass bottle. I i am a grown up, i'm an adult and i don't have any small children in the house. I prefer to use glass to plastic, so i am putting my shampoo into a glass bottle, but if you have small children in the house um you might want to consider using plastic. It'S just that. I think if this should get broken, you know i'll just have to deal with it, i'm a grown up. I can i can survive and that's it. I all i have to do now is label it to be honest when you're using this, it doesn't create all the bubbles and lather that you would usually associate with a shampoo when you're using commercial shampoos, and that takes a little bit of getting used to. But once you get over that, you will not believe how clean and shiny and lovely your hair is. It really conditions it and don't forget. The only reason people are using conditioners today is because commercial shampoo, strips the oils, makes your head dull and makes your scalp itchy. So it's worth getting something healthy and foregoing all the bubbles they're just an illusion of cleanliness. So i think i have enough in there last bit there now so i'll have to find another jar for the surplus there. You are so now, i'm going to show you how to make a vinegar, hair rinse, unlike commercial shampoos, this homemade herbal shampoo is not going to leave a horrible residue in your hair, but nevertheless it's still nice to rinse with an apple cider rinse. The vinegar restores the ph to the scalp and gives a lovely shine to the hair. But when you add in the herbs as well you're going to get all those attributes and benefits as well. So i'm just using the same herbs here to make a herbal vinegar. Rinse for the hair and to use this you would wash your hair with the shampoo rinse, your hair and then you'd put on you know a little bit of this you'd maybe put a handful, a palm full of vinegar and spread it through your hair, but it Will have been infused with these lovely herbs that smell absolutely incredible and and then you leave it in your hair and the the vinegar smell. If it's still, there will dissipate, but the benefits of the herbs will give that shine and luxuriant sheen and a clean, balanced scalp and all you have to do is fill a jar with your herbs as i'm doing here, and then you pour in your apple cider, Vinegar, so i'm just going to keep putting these. In till i have a jar, nearly full, it's just like making a tincture or any other herbal vinegar that you might use for salad, dressings. You could use this for salad dressing. It'S so versatile. You'D have a lovely, rosemary, calendula taste on your salad. One of the benefits of making things with herbs is that you get to work with really beautiful materials. The beautiful colors of this calendula, it's orange, it's yellow it's golden, it's just so beautiful and when you put it next to the green, the this fresh lovely pale green of the rosemary. They just look wonderful together. So i think i have enough in there now. I'M going to put in the cider vinegar that i made last year from our own apples, which was such a thrill to do, is the first time that i made it and we got a huge batch. So i have plenty left and i'm just going to cover the herbs. It'S like making a tincture. It'S exactly the same, make sure there's no bubbles. Now this is beautiful natural healthy. So you can actually use this on your salad dressing. If you wanted a lovely rosemary, calendula, vinegar for salad, dressing, it'll be really tasty and it draws the apple. Cider vinegar draws out all the minerals, which is also why it's beneficial for the scalp and the hair. So there's the finished hair ins - i mean it's not finished, it's going to infuse for six weeks, but it's it's there in the jar and doesn't it look beautiful? Those colors i mean even looking at that makes you feel better makes you feel healthier makes you feel closer to nature just by looking at it. So after six weeks, i will strain this off, put it into a brown bottle and i'll use it as a hair. Rinse, when i've washed my hair, if you've made any kind of hair care products, maybe you can tell me about it in the comments or, if you use different herbs or what you found to be effective. For you be very interesting to see what other people's recipes are i'll, let you know how this turns out. So in the meantime, thank you very much for watching. Remember all the instructions are down below and all the information about, daniel's, irish herb garden. You can click on the links and um enjoy, making your shampoo and your hair, rinse and i'll talk to you next time. Bye for now, um you

Happy Green Brain: Lovely! Just a little caution about using plastic and essential oils. Essential oils react with plastic so any product containing essential oils, should be kept only in the glass containers. And thank you for this lovely video.

Cottage Mommy: I made this using rosemary, lavender and apple mint. For the oil, I used castor oil because it is good for hair growth. I washed my hair and it feels amazing- my scalp and hair. This is definitely going to be my go to shampoo now. Thank you! Do you happen to have recipes for a great deodorant and toothpaste?

Modern Metaphysicae: One thing I had to formulate on my own, as there wasn't much around on it, was a hair balm or styling pomade. I make it much like a traditional balm with a base of Olive Oil and Beeswax. Then I add in some oil of bergamot, rosemary, and tea tree to help keep the scalp healthy. Its works great! :)

Kerry L: Last time I used vinegar on hair was when my daughter donated some head lice - yuk! But how that vinegar worked on us both! And our long hair was so smooth, soft and shiny. I don't use conditioner at all, but seeing this film is very inspiring and I'd like to start making my own shampoo. Thank you xxx

su 1: Mostly I use birch leafs, golden rod, (for the platinum look ;) stinging nettle, chamomile, ( My mother used to rinse my hair with chamomile and I loved this floral scent) honey, burdockoil (chop up the roots from the first year plant, dry them in a dark place, cover them with almond, olive, jojoba,.....oil, close the glass firmly, keep it in a dark place for 4 weeks and shake from time to time. ) and exactly the same Soap :) And when the calendula blooms, I will definitely try your recipe. Our grandmothers often had no choice but to pick herbs. We do! have the choice! We can make so many things ourselves and share what we know and walk together a better and healthier way of living. I thank you with all my heart and everyone else too!!!

pamsegg1: I use rosemary and lavender from my garden to make infused whipped shea butter. Great for the hair and body! I use ACV to rinse my hair but never thought to infuse it. I will try this soon.

MrsMMcG: Alrighty, I just made the hair rinse with rosemary, lavender, rose and lemon balm. It smells rich and I can’t wait to see the end product in 6 weeks! ☺️

louise eyahpaise: Thanks for sharing. I haven't used store bought shampoo in years, I also make my own...pretty close to what you are doing. I use coconut milk and essential oils (rosemary and lavender). I find the ACV takes the tangles out nicely. ‍

Cjristine Mary Woodhouse: Lovely tutorial, I'm going to make this tomorrow. Got rosemary in garden and lots calendula's in polytunnel. I've never used rosemary on my hair as I thought it was just for dark hair but now I'm white I'll give it a go!!! I love your site, very informative., thankyou.

Karina Nalbandyan: Thank you for this wonderful video. You’ve inspired me to start looking into what I have here near me as far as local wild herbs I can use for hair. Not only is this a much more healthier more natural way to clean your hair, but also it helps you to become more self-sufficient. It helps you to become more self reliant, and to be able to live a good life without depending on stores, and modern technology. Much like our ancestors who produced their own food, built their own homes, made their own clothing and shoes and pretty much everything that they used and consumed

A GreatDay: I love watching your channel so much. Sometimes on days like this one, when I feel a little down and tired, I just play your videos and I find them so comforting and familiar and hopeful. I suppose it’s just your spirit and the spirit of nature ❤️

Echo Beach: Well, since all the other recipes you have shared have turned out so wonderfully, I am totally going to try these as well! Thank you for another great video!❤️❤️

Maria M. Mayorga: Interesting recipe that I'll try when I run out of mine. The one I made was regular cold process with gentler oils for hair and butters and the hers Rosemary and Nettle included in the trace. First try, I see I should have infused them. I never thought of the castile soap for the hair, mine need lots of moisturizer so I don't know how it'd react. And I use my rinse with 1 part of apple cider vinegar for 7 parts of distiled water. I should add the herbs there too to increase the effects. It's a brilliant idea, thanks! <3

Ina Illustration: Thank you for sharing the receipe! I will give it a go, you make it look so easy You mentioned different herbs for different issues. I wonder what would be best to use for a flaky and irritated scalp?

Something Greater Still: I made this and I can’t even believe how happy my hair is. Its day 5 since the wash and rinse and I’m amazed. Because my hair was particularly oily (probably due to the store bought “natural” shampoo) I used some natural startchy hair powder to lift the oil and it really did the trick but I’m not sure I’ll need to do it again because my scalp is more balanced than it’s ever been. Thank you! Also, do you keep it in the fridge if there’s excess?

Melanie D: This is lovely! I started using rhassoul clay to wash my hair months ago and it’s been working beautifully. I just put some clay in a jar and shake it up with some distilled water and rosemary essential oil. After watching this I think I’ll infuse the water with some calendula that I have prior to mixing. Also I have been using a flaxseed gel as a daily hair mask to strengthen my hair. I always love hearing new ideas and I’m very grateful for this video and your channel as a whole.

Katherine Lohff: I have made some shampoos in the past, but the more watery consistency makes it very hard to work through my very thick hair. Do you have any advice for how to effectively apply a thinner shampoo like these? Thank you so much for your video, we love your channel! <3

Feeonagh Chambers: I really enjoyed making homemade soap from one of your previous videos and would love to give this a go too. I couldn’t agree more with your comments on commercial shampoos & conditioners. I found that commercial shampoos tangled up my hair necessitating the purchase of a conditioner to detangle ( capitalism at its work!). However, when I switched to natural shampoo bar made from natural oils and herbs I didn’t have this problem. Like you say, there is some adjustment to be made getting used to less lather & bubbles from the natural product but my hair is in way better condition. Thank you for sharing.

Sandra Eggerstedt: This has been a manifestation to a request. I have always admired your lovely hair. It's beautiful

Christine Brown: Thank you for great tips for our hair care. I’ve just stopped this last year highlighting my hair & am keen to try your suggestions.✨

Vicki Otmani: Absolutely love your handcraftings! Thank you for another lovely recipe.

Rebecca: Hi Terri I love this video so much! The colours All your videos bring me so much joy ♡♡♡ I recently made a potato juice treatment for my hair....it worked really nicely! I blended a potato and strained the juice with a cloth bag and then sprayed it in and left for a few hours. It left my hair shiny and I think it darkened a few wild silver hairs I have!! Gonna try it a few more times and see how it works out. Definitely want to make this shampoo. How I wish I had a herb garden!!! Time to start growing.xxxxx

Turtle face: Have you ever considered using soapwort in your herbal shampoos? I was looking into herbs that contain saponins and saponins are actually named after soapwort because of its official name, saponaria officinalis. Soapwort is also native to the uk and Europe which I was glad to hear

Trish the homesteader: Thank you Terri! I think this may be a higher power tapping me on the shoulder. I just read similar information a couple days ago. Message received! Love and blessings!

Julia Giles: New to your channel--really loving it! Aside from your great shampoo mix, I couldn't help noticing your awesome pampooties. Did you make them yourself? Have you done a video about it, if so? I'd love to make a pair just like those...wish I had a garden like yours to pad around in, in them! btw, gotta say, I'm a big fan of the vinegar hair rinse. My mother had us doing vinegar or lemon rinses when we were children; I've never stopped doing it. I've also been making soap especially for hair, for several years now; I made up the recipe myself, using an online soap calculator to figure out the proportions, and tell me how much lye and water I'd need. My hair is long enough to sit on, and I get compliments on it all the time, so it must be working :D Between the homemade soap, which has glycerin in it, and almond oil as well, and the vinegar rinses, my hair has kept on growing thick and fast even through menopause. Thanks for the great video!

Rehaan katvaar: Thank you Danu for your scented shampoo recipe. Here is one for you. To make natural soap, whole Soap-nuts and whole Shikaki you can purchase them from Amazon or any East Indian store because the products are from India. Wash about 12 Soap-nuts and 4 pieces of Shikaki, boil in 2 cups of water until it is soft, foamy and a thick consistency of about 1 cup. Let sit overnight, strain and infuse with any herb or scented oil. Bottle and keep in the fridge .Feels great on the scalp. PS. Do not use powder only whole ingredients because powders do not produce the same results, it is impossible to strain, very messy.

Luna Gaia's Path: Hi Terri.Oh! How lovely!.I can almost smell the beautiful aromas of the shampoo through the screen. Your hair is proof of how these wonderful natural ingredients enhance the beauty of hair! Your hair is beautiful, and looks so healthy and soft. I will be trying this,. Thank you as always for your fantastic and interesting video. Have a happy week:)

marilyn roberts: I'm going to make these today ! I have to smile at the versatility, hair rinse or salad dressing, dual purpose..!

#awildflowersjourney: I use shampoobars to wash my hair, and then I’ve made a “mermaid”-hairspray with essential oils. It’s basically just rosemary, lavender & cedarwood and then fill the rest with water. Sometimes I put in a dash of witch hazel. but I love making them myself

jennifer briski: Thank you for sharing these recipes, and explaining how they work.

Adriane Garbayo: This is so beautiful! I can’t wait to try it out.

Pamela Courtney: Thank you. This is wonderful. Your hair is always gorgeous. I love your cabinets, the wood, knobs and hinges all go together perfectly. Do you have any hens? Blessings to all

Jana Good: I've made my own rosemary oil for my hair with rosemary and avocado oil, but I'm definitely going to make some apple cider vinegar rosemary rinse. I have dark hair, with a fair bit of silver now, so not sure if I should add the calendula flower or not. What a beautiful infusion though! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Jay Atkinson: At 1:00 in the morning, can't sleep, I found you! Thank Mother. I love your channel and have subscribed and I can't wait to try your recipes. We have loads of herbs in our garden in North Wales and they are going to be utilised now, thanks to finding you. Lovely lady... bless you xxx

sheila collins: It looks beautiful. I prefer to use as much natural and herbal items as i can. I love Calendula. Ive been mixing and using a baking soda shampoo and a vinager rinse. :) Thank you.

Brittany Matlock: Thank You for this demo, Ive been making my own herbal shampoos and rinses recently! Really enjoyed your presentation, very lovely!

Tochter des Bodens: Very useful. Thanks so much! I have some rosemary in my garden. I'll definitely make this! Your hair looks lovely as well! ❤️

Jamie LV: Will definitely make that shampoo, I have all the ingredients. I have used ACV as a hair rinse with some lemon juice and it is great for the scalp.

Sara Kathleen J Jones: when I speak of my formerly brown hair I call it my crone crown.. Love this thank you so much for all you do!!

Kelsey may: I love this! Im a huge fan of calendula! The flowers are like pure sunshine! And i was just wondering about a vinegar rinse! Im totally doing that! I have made a hair rinse with just oregano and it feels great and does stimulate hair growth. Thanks for sharing! Love your videos!!!!

MarriedToAGemini: I use a rosemary nettle bar on my hair and have for years but I find it be a little drying so I am anxious to try this especially since I can make it myself! I always look forward to your videos :)

renata matwiejczuk: Thank you so much, I love your recipes. My grandma used herbs for me when I was child instead of commercial products. Your recipe with rosemary is additional plant to them what I just new. Thank you.

Happy: You're a breath of fresh air!!!!!!thank you for these Lovely recipes!!!!!can't believe you already have calendula flowers in your Green House☀️

Veronica: Thank you for your recipe!! I've been looking to use something instead of commercial hair products. By the way your hair is gorgeous!!!

Chris & Christina: How long will this last and is there an ideal location to store it? Does it have to be stored in the fridge or can it stay in the shower? Thank you so much! :)

Tacy West: Lovely idea. The good news is i ordered plantain from etsy in florida and planted 2 that are doing well. You called it the bandaid. I am excited hope it lives through winter. You are inspirering thank you!!!

Connie McCarthy: I usually simmer rosemary in a pot for like a half hour to hour and then strain and add some apple cider vinegar, and yse it as a hair rinse. I never thought of making a shampoo, such a good idea. Im going to try it.

Hue Minh: I love this! Thank you so much. Do you have any ideas which alternatives I can use instead of Castile soap and apple vinegar? How about coconut oil or kombucha vinegar? These two are available at my place. ☺️

Amanda W: Thanks for this! I've got my rosemary steeping now for the shampoo. Should the apple cider vinegar rinse be left to infuse in a window to catch the sunlight or is it best to keep it somewhere dark?

RoseMary Sproule: I just made and used your shampoo... love It! I have tried using Castile soap before and shampoo bars But it left my hair feeling course and flyaway This is wonderful and my hair is soft and Shiny with a bit of curl Diffidently a keeper . Thank you.. love learning with your videos

Joyce Lawrence: Thank you for the wonderful recipe. I had to buy some fresh rosemary today, but I did have calendula flowers dried from last summer. I couldn't wait to try the shampoo I made. First time in ages I've showered twice in one day! That's how much i wanted to get rid of the commercial shampoo and crème rinse I used this morning. For mine, I used jojoba oil with some bergamot and lavender. I simmered on the stove for about 20 mins. I wonder if that is why mine is cloudy as compared to yours that is clear and golden in color? I'm also thinking of using this on my dog when I bath her. What do you think? Your dogs are precious...and so well behaved :)

Maggie Balfour: Thank you for your very helpful video. Your hair looks amazing!

MrsMMcG: Oh I know who Rosemary Gladstar is! She collaborates with Mountain Rose Herbs in Oregon, US. I’ve watched her videos and have purchased many products from Mountain Rose Herbs. Thank you Terry for these great ideas! I will get started today on the rinse and shop for some Castile soap next week for the shampoo recipe. Bright blessings to you ♥️♥️

JungleCatStudio: I have dark hair. So what I do aside from using Aleppo soap as my "shampoo", I make a mixture of henna powder, coconut oil, honey, and an infusion of Roselle flowers. I mix it and let it sit for however long I have time (between an hour to overnight) and then I apply the paste onto and into my hair, and leave that on for however long I have time..(between an hour to overnight) the longer it all sits, the more intense the reddish hues.. but I only want a slight reddish effect so I never leave it for very long. I will wash it all out with my Aleppo soap, and then use the rest of the roselle infusion as a rinse so as not to waste whatever was leftover in making the henna paste. I've noticed my hair is a lot healthier and doesn't fall out like it used to. As for a "conditioner" (its really not needed, but makes my hair shiny) I use a hair oil of some type. Sometimes a plain argan oil or sometimes it's a rosemary (and other herbs) infused almond oil. on a regular wash day, I'll just use Aleppo soap and then the hair oil.

Freedom USA: Thank you, love your videos! Could you explain how to use the shampoo? I've tried similar recipes, but because they are so watery, I end up using half of the bottle and give up. Open to ideas, suggestions.

courtney: another plant that’s great to put in the hair rinses is horse tail. it strengthens your hair

Fabiana Calegari: I just loved your shampoo’ s recipe!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

MrsCarruthers: Im trying to remove "manmade toxins" from my healthcare regime and find this hair cleaner recipe a wonderful option! Thank you, Terri!♡ Could one make their own beauty oil as well? I'm curious about the ingredients for this oil to add into the shampoo...can anyone here provide me with reputable information on this?

Mary Dunn: I must agree with Lynn Hill ,your hair is a wonderful advert .Will try this when the Calendula flowers

Lady Thyme: I’ve always used a chamomile rinse with witch hazel. I may spread my wings a bit and try this!

Ghetto Country: Loved this, I collect river water because of all the great benefits of the water to rinse my hair or just let it set in my hair and since I've done that my hair has grown fast...would love to try this out, thanks for sharing your ideas...

Padilla Palace Projects: Oh I want to try this. The herb combo sounds amazing

Georgia Lake: Been awhile since using a vinegar rinse. Need to give this a try. Thanks for the video. Take care.

Gail's Garden Herbs & More: Very nice. I also put herbs like tulsi, or yarrow flowers...or whatever is available at the time. In the winter I pull out some of my dried herbs and flowers and use them. Lavender is one that really gives a nice fragrance even through the vinegar scent.

Avisikta De: Good lord, you are bloody gorgeous. Honestly missy , silver looks best on you . How come I'm finding your channel only now! This is so cottage core and just holistic/minimalistic . I'm loving this. Much much love there ♡

Olga Holow: Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe! Your hair reflect your soul... always shinning.. For blonde hair I used to mix chamomile and sunshine petals...it works fabulous! A big hug dearest Terri

Emma Foster: You are an inspiration and delight, Terri ❤

Moonshynegirl: I remember the very first video I watched had me thinking how lovely your hair is. I wondered what you used. Now I know! Thank you!

Lyn Hill: Your own hair is a good promotion for herbal shampoo and rinse. I will give it a whirl.

Simmi Saa: Here again dear Sister , this share fits perfect for motherday , maybe for all our dear sister mums beautycare ! Ahh Rosemary - i like this word ;-) Thank you for share also this upload with us today and blue looks so pretty on you - fits you very much the color of our sea and living water <3 <3 Happy day with your dearest dear one !

Erika Tep Ruiz: I will definitely do this since I have all the ingredients including cider vinegar that I made last year too and because your hair looks gorgeous. One question. Can I use feverfew instead of chamomile, since I have lots of feverfew. (I have light brown hair). If not I have store bought chamomile. Thank you.

T Barkley: I need this! No matter what my hair is always dried out on the ends and never grows! Also I don't need more hair or thick hair. Loosing hair for me isn't a problem, as a matter of fact I have a lot of hair.

Christine Teall: Wow, I love this. I'm going to try it. I was just questioning today to myself about getting more natural shampoo without all the suds. How funny I found your video today. Thank you!

Joanna Littlemore: Beautiful pure and worth the little time spent. Also would this help drinking as tea for hair! Plus why do you not chop the plants?

Blooming in Place: I love this, I have never used vinegar in my hair as I was told it would damage it. Now I will give it a try.

Abby Slough: Oh yes thank you I am so excited to try shampoo and rinse!! Simple and beautiful ❤️ ok but I do have a question, can you use dried herbs from last season instead of fresh? Or is there medicinal value not as high to make infusion out of... I definitely want to use potent herbs, I am really having some hair loss issues. Thanks again!

Alayna Bullock: Love this! Is it safe for dyed hair? My hair is usually dyed pink or red.

Mary McAndrew: I hope these aren't silly questions but do you use the whole bottle for one washing? And can you make it up and keep it on the shelf a week? I've been using a mix of amla, shikakai and soap nuts for years, it doesn't lather at all but hair feels clean after. I have to make it up each time but it can keep in the fridge. I can't wait to try your recipe out too, thanks so much for sharing! Oh yes, the other thing I like about yours is most of the ingredients are local and not from some other country, like the ingredients I use.

Judy Butterfield: I use onion skin, mint, sage, rosemary, coffee , tea, mugwort, and turmeric, in various combinations. What ever I have most of. I wash my hair with baby shampoo. I do this once a week. I like it better than dye's it doesn't bother my scalp. Love your channel.

Tiffanie Starr: I wonder how this will work on chemically damaged hair. I dye mine blonde, and commercial hair products have me putting gobs of conditioner on it to keep it from tangling. I hope this helps with my issues ! Thank you!!

Crystal Kettler: I love this video.im super inspired. Thanks for the info in the description. Can't wait to check out your other videos.

Jo Prior: I can’t wait to try this ✨

FLORIAN ANCIAUX 1144: Nettle is also fantastic for your hair ive seen amazing results using this herbal remedy for your scalp and gereral hair health.

lynne ireland: Thank you that’s so informative; i noticed coriander seed water that I was drinking of a morning made my hair feel stronger. Maybe I will see if it works by adding as part of the tincture.

Moira D.: Love this! I would like to give it a try

BEVERLEY: Hiya Terri thanx for sharing. I recall commenting on your lovely hair a while back which you kindly replied Thankyou. My hair is going platinum lol and my natural colour is a sandy brown with reddish highlights any thoughts on what herbs are best to use? Blessings to you and yours Ontario Canada

Emily Logan: Wow, I am so happy to come across your channel!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

Richard Schmidt: new subscriber--lovely video! I love both rosemary and calendula! Will try...my dandelion infusion is on the shelf----thank you for all your information! :) Have a blessed day! :) Dawn @ Rich & Dawn in MN

Alora Moon: I'm absolutely going to try this. I just buzzed my hair to get rid of all chemical color. My natural is mostly silver with some dark. I want to encourage growth. Hopefully the rosemary doesn't darken my silver ☺️

Robyn: Lovely! I’m highly allergic to rosemary. I’ve just infused calendula, comfrey and elder flower. I’ll just do a calendula rinse I think. I have darkish hair and I saw in Rosemarys book that walnut shells are good, so next time I can forage for some, I’ll give it a try. Thanks so much for sharing!

-conor mahon: Nice video. I'd be interested to see what kind of masks and face packs you'd make. I made some with kombucha, oatmeal and Rose petals that was really nice.

Hannah: I used black tea leaves for black brunette hair and I noticed my hair darker and shinier.

Amy V: I just got rosemary and calendula seeds. Can't wait to make these!

Amanda Campbell: Is it alright to used dried rosemary? I don't have any fresh on hand right now. Love the video, thank you!

Joyce Wood: Loved this ❤️ x

Ann Beirne: This is wonderful I love how you make all your own stuff, I am just starting out on this road so your instructive videos are what I need can I use dried herbs in the winter months to make this shampoo and rinse. Thanks Ann

Xenia Knight: I have to try this! I made Queen of Hungary Water for a toner. I might just try it as a rinse next time I wash my hair.

abigail irvine: This is a lovely recipe thank you I used to make soapnut shampoo but found it didn’t really clean my hair Beautiful blessings

Anne Schmidt: I normally wash my hair with an all natural herbal shampoo bar and "condition" with a cooled rosemary and lavender tea with some rosemary oil and apple cider vinegar. I'll try infusing the herbs with the vinegar soon. I have a small child at home and still repurpose glass jars. I'm just careful to put everything out of reach or away so he can't get into it.

Suzannah: Thank you so much for sharing. I believe I will try making and using them both.

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