Cafe Hopping + Q&A Relationship Status, Hair Care Routine, Career, Talking About Insecurities

my jeju trip got cancelled last minute so i decided to check out some hongdae cafes that i've been wanting to visit for a while now~ also answering some of your questions :)


- Medicube Soyxidil Shampoo:

- Medicube Soyxidil 2in1 Treatment:



questions answered:

4:36 do you plan out the content of your videos before or just film them as your day goes by?

4:55 tips on filming in public

5:05 why did you choose the topic "cafe hopping"

6:08 place/country where you want to live for at least 6 months or a year

6:17 ever thought of quitting your 9-5 job and go full time youtube?

6:27 what is your nationality?

6:38 ultimate dream in life?

6:57 any advice/tips to people who are planning to start vlogging?

7:21 why do you have two phones?

8:19 can you do an apartment tour soon?

8:40 what is your height?

8:47 how do you manage to keep a sense of personal life while sharing a lot during the vlogs?

9:10 do you have a background in ballet or gymnastics?

10:24 how do you keep your bleached hair so healthy? what is your hair routine?

12:14 are you planning to cut your hair?

12:40 are you currently in a relationship?

13:18 what's your biggest fear?

14:04 if you were a cartoon character, what outfit would you wear for every episode?

14:53 do you have a long-term plan for staying in korea? or are you going back to the US?

15:27 do you ever feel insecure? and how do you deal with it?

16:41 what is your corporate job / what did you study in university?

16:54 how do you balance everything in your life? work + YouTube on the side + having a great social life

Sunset by BGM President

An Autumn Wind by BGM President

FTC: This video was sponsored by Medicube

Hello, everybody and welcome to this video i'm supposed to be in jeju right now, but my sponsored yoga trip got cancelled last minute, so i had to cancel all my flights and just everything and my vlogging schedule is all messed up and as a person who lives By schedule - and i plan everything out - i'm like kind of at a loss of what to do. Ah, so i think i'm just gon na check out some cafes that i've been wanting to check out for a while now and i posted a q, a on my instagram yesterday. So i'll just be answering questions throughout the day as well and yeah. I think that will be the alternative for the cancer tattoo trip just around the cafe this place is a channel cafe in hongdae it's pretty new [ Applause ] all right. Well, this cafe has three stories. This cafe got really popular because i think it's probably one of the only hana cafes in the honda area so and it's just really beautiful as well. So, okay, i'm gon na grab a seat and get some coffee, [ Applause ]. I got the salt bread. This has been pretty trending in korea, so i want to try what it tastes like and i got the apple soda, and this is my view: [ Applause ] me: oh [, Applause, ], [ Applause, ], thanks for saying, hi, desperately. Okay, so i just arrived here: this is the main road. You can see that, like all the stores they're like all gone, i guess this wasn't working out for them, so, okay, so the sun is about to set. I was gon na answer your questions at the cafes, so it can be kind of like a you know, a cafe day between you guys and me, but the music was so loud in the cafes. I just couldn't talk so here i am at the han river. You guys sent in a lot of questions, so i'm gon na try to answer some of them. Do you plan out the content for your videos before or just film them as your day goes by, so i usually play now every video but 80 to 90 of the time it doesn't happen. The way that i intended it to so i just kind of go with the flow like today. I planned out an entire vlog for today, but it just didn't happen, tips on filming in public um. Just do it. I honestly kind of get embarrassed and awkward as well, but you just just got ta. Do it the reason you want to be a youtuber, and why did you choose a topic cafe hopping? This is actually um. It'S kind of like a backstory of how my kathy hopping series kind of got started the first cavity hopping video i filmed it was how much i spent cafe hopping in seoul and that video actually hit over 100k views pretty recently. So, thank you guys so much for all the love, but it's funny because that day i was filming. I actually had a horrible day: okay, not like horrible, but i just wasn't having the best day and cafe hopping it's a lot of. I don't know it's a lot of work. To be honest, i have to go to a lot of cafes. I have to pay and eat all the dessert and stuff just by myself, and that day was a very gloomy and dreary day. I remember, and i just i had a stomachache as well, and so after that date i told myself. I would never film another kathy hopping vlog again, but it just did really well and um. The video turned out a lot better than i thought it would. When i edit it so i just kind of kept it up and that's how the series started. So you just never really know like what videos would do well place country where you want to live for at least six months or a year. I would love to live in europe or australia. I think i would just thrive there ever thought of quitting your nine-to-five job and go full-time youtube all the time. I think about it all the time i'll just kind of wait for my channel to grow a little bit more until i make that really big decision. What is your nationality? I am ethnically korean, so my parents are both korean, but i am a us citizen, so i lived in the states for over 18 years ultimate dream in life. My dream, like my just life goal in general, this has been my goal since, like forever, i just want to have a happy family. I just want to have like a husband who's. Like my best friend i want to have like four kids. I want to have a dog like a nice house and just live a happy life with my family, any advice or tips to people who's planning to start vlogging. I would say the biggest step for me in starting to vlog was to buy my camera and if you don't have the budget to buy a camera, i would just recommend using your phone like if you have an iphone iphone, has great quality. I film on this. All the time as well too, and i think if you are investing your own money into like a camera, i think it'll just give you the motivation to actually use it and vlog. Why do you have two phones? I actually get asked this all the time. I love to just jerk around people and just mess with them. Saying like oh sps, have two boyfriends or one is for voice fishing and people actually believe me, which is kind of wild too. I have two phones, this is my work phone, and this is my personal phone. One time i was on the korean subway. This i think korean american guy was with his caucasian girlfriend and they were right next to me on the subway and like i'm always just on my two phones, and this guy is like telling this girl in english. Look at that lady with two phones, she's, probably a drug dealer, and then they just kept talking about me in english and i was like well. I'Ve never had this happen to me, where somebody thinks that i don't understand that language and they're talking about me. I wish i said something, but i just got off. I should have just been like by the way i'm american or, i should have said like do you want to buy some drugs, but i didn't i kind of regret it. I should have said something: can you do an apartment tour soon? I feel, like you guys, already know what my place looks like, because it's just so tiny but um yeah. Let me know if you want like an updated room tour. It is the smallest but most expensive office tell i've lived in so far, but it's clean and i love the view. So that's why i decided to renew my contract for another year. What is your height? I am 5'4 in centimeters, i'm 163.5. How do you manage to keep a sense of personal life while sharing a lot during the vlogs? I actually feel like. I don't share a lot during my vlogs and i feel like i don't talk as much and keep in mind. I literally only share about like 10 to 15 minutes of my life to you guys per week, so there's a lot that i don't show. I am having this q a because i want to connect with you guys more and just kind of show you guys who i am. Do you have a background in ballet or gymnastics? I did used to do ballet when i was like a baby. I actually have a cousin who is in a k-pop girl group, her mom, so my aunt, so my mom's older sister, she owns a dance studio, so i've learned ballet jazz, hip hop since i was like little, but i am a terrible dancer. I did do ballet, but i don't think that's why i'm flexible. I did yoga since high school and all throughout college, and i actually wanted to be like a yoga instructor. I think i'm flexible because of yoga. Okay, i'm gon na go back at home. Now there was actually um, like a group of foreigners sitting at the bench right next to me, so they could like understand and they could hear everything i'm saying so. I felt really awkward but i like tried to like not be phased by it but uh. Yes, i just kind of feel awkward, so i'm just gon na go home now, so i ate sushi by myself for dinner and i came home and i passed out for like an hour and a half because i was so exhausted, um and now i'm here to Finish: some q, a questions. Okay, we had a lot of questions about hair care since i bleached my hair. How do you keep your bleached hair cell healthy? What is your hair, routine um? Actually, let me just show you the products that i use so i've been using these three products shampoo. I went to several different salons to get my hair done and they all said that i need to get new shampoo. I need to use treatment and i need to get protein. It'S really crazy, because medicate reached out to me at like the perfect timing, when i started changing up my hair, so i've been using these products since, like august september-ish honestly, i think this is like saving my hair. This shampoo smells so amazing. I really like it. My hair gets greasy within like a day, so i have to wash it pretty much every day and i've also been using this treatment religiously, it's kind of like a um liquid, but it's cool because once it touches your hair, it turns into this like creamy texture Treatment is so important in your hair care routine. Prior to using these products, i would actually just use argan oil treatment, hair packs instead of using conditioner. This is my favorite product out of the three it's the soy protein leave-in treatment. I used quite a lot. I'M trying to control myself and not using a lot. They say only to use like three four sprays, but i like to spray all over my hair, i didn't know, but protein is really important to incorporate into your hair care routine, especially if you have like really damaged hair after you take a shower. I would slightly blow dry it a little bit and then i would put it on slightly damp hair i'll, just like spray it, and i think this is the reason why my hair is like shiny and it looks healthy because it just adds a lot of nutrients To my hair, are you planning to cut your hair? No, i refuse to cut my hair. I haven't cut my hair in such a long time. A lot of you guys asked me um how i have my hair so long i just i just don't cut it. I don't know i just i've never had short hair. The shortest was probably like my shoulder length in college and i absolutely hated it. So i just i never cut my hair and i don't plan on cutting it. Okay, the most frequently asked question every time i upload a q. A is, are you in a relationship? I recently had a very, very bad breakup and if i could just summarize that two-year relationship in just two words, i would say gaslighting and narcissism - and that's all i'm gon na - say about that. But i'm opening up about it because those two words i wish i had known about it earlier. So, if you don't know about it, i encourage you to look it up and see what it is and i hope it helps you in some way. What'S your biggest fear, i am like the biggest scaredy cat like i cannot watch any scary movies. I cannot watch like a hint of gore or violence biggest fear. I mean i have a lot of fears, but i think one is like i'm kind of afraid of the water. I always imagine myself like in the water in like the ocean like in a boat or just i'm just like swimming, and something like really big and dark. Just like go like it's like swimming under me. That just creeps me out so much and it scares me and i just i never ever want to experience it. I had a really bad panda phobia back in like high school college. I'M not going to get into it, but they really scared me. So if you were a cartoon character, what outfit would you wear for every episode? Oh, that's a really cute question. Um. If i were a cartoon character, i think i would want to be like like a little ball. If you ever watched the disney movie soul, they have these like little characters. They'Re. Just these like little like balls with like a little body, there would be no outfit i'd just be naked. You know just be like a naked ball. You don't need clothes if you're a bally right, maybe maybe i'll, have like a ribbon just to like switch. It up still got to be fashionable. Even though i'm a cartoon ball right - and i would have super powers - obviously like i would be flying and i would be like teleporting and i can like change shapes, so i won't be just like a ball and i'd be like pastel, color, sometimes and yeah. So it's a cute question: do you have a long term plan for staying in korea or are you going back to the us? I love living in korea. I think it is so comfortable and i've traveled to many countries and honestly, i think korea is just so comfortable and it's just so fun to be in so i think, like short term, definitely i will be in korea, but honestly, i think it depends on who I marry and you know wherever that person's from i don't mind, i honestly don't mind living anywhere in the world. I can definitely adapt well to any environment. Do you ever feel insecure and how do you deal with it? Um, yes, i feel like everybody has insecurities. I think for me this past year, as i am putting myself out there on the internet on youtube and instagram, i get like 90 really kind and good comments. There are some negative comments out there and, let me just say skinny, shaming, is a thing i'll get something really rude. Commenting like dang girl. Like you look so anorexic, you should eat more. I'M just like uh, like i love wearing tank tops. I love wearing shorts. As i kept getting these comments about my body, it made me feel like oh, like am i that skinny i mean yeah, i'm not gon na lie, it does affect me, and so so this past year i started just buying like a lot of baggy clothes. Like i just started to like cover up my body, because i just felt insecure about how i looked, which is a big reason why i did start working out. But honestly, my number one reason for starting to work out is because of health. I know when i realized that i am underweight, so i am trying to get to a healthier lifestyle and a healthier weight. What is your corporate job and what did you study in university? I currently work in the i.t industry in marketing and business development, and i studied music at the university of virginia. How do you balance everything in your life like work plus youtube on site plus having a great social life? I just lose sleep over everything. There are just not enough hours in the day for me to do everything that i need to and want to do so. I would definitely sacrifice my social life in order to work more. Sometimes i would stay up until like 4 or 5 a.m. Just editing a video and i would get up at like 9 30, the next day start my corporate job and yeah. I would just sacrifice sleep. Okay, i think that's it for now. I'M really tired. I need to shower and then i'm to get ready for the weekend. So i don't know if i'll be vlogging this weekend, but we'll see thanks for tuning in to this q, a session um there's still like a lot of other questions that i haven't answered, but maybe i'll get to it over the weekend, if not, maybe in another Video

dearnessie: Ahh this reminded me of all the times we sat by Han river chatting till dark (also I KNEW you would say Australia hehe come anytimee )

Zoleka Vundla: Gurrrrrl when you said “gaslighting and narcissism” I felt that in my BONES! Proud of you for getting out of that relationship

ErnaLimdaugh: You deserve all the good things in life, babe☺️❤️ 항상 같이 화이팅하자~ love youuuu

Elizabeth Catameo: It would be hilarious if you suddenly pretended to be talking to someone on the phone in english HAHAHA. Yay for another vlog and my question being selected♥︎

waltz with stars: As soon as you said "a person who lives by schedule", the ENFJ in me immediately understood that feeling!!

Aniqa Parray: Thank you for the lovely videos all the time! It is just so relaxing to see you and your advices really help. I hope we would all be happy and less insecure and people would be kinder to each other

M C: I'm sorry to hear about your ex, Kieun. Please make sure you're getting the support you need. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse, and there's no shame in asking for help after experiencing something like this. Also, those comments telling you to "eat something". Haven't they watched any of your videos LOL You *do* eat, and it's often extremely delicious too LMAO If you're interested, Dietitian Abbey Sharp has a video on healthy adjustments you can make to gain weight. Lots of good tips there. Lastly, that drug dealing comment had me dead. Imagine if you'd leaned over, and offered to hook them up with "the good stuff" LOL

Jocelyn K: I loved how simple your answer was about your life goal to have a happy family. Wishing the best for you, Kieun!

BTS Anamika: Such a humble person she is!

Aira -: We definitely caught a glimpse of who you are as a person in this video. Thank you for sharing and thank you for a refreshing vlog as always!

mynameisarte: I feel you...a few years back I also had a 2 year on off relationship thing with a manipulative narcisist and I felt so terrible the whole time..I just didnt want to see it back then. But I am kinda glad I went through it because now I really appreciate my current caring boyfriend (more then I probably would have a couple of years ago). I hope you are in a good place now and are happy

slyncxeva smile: I found you today! You look so gentle and kind i wish you success with your channel. My ex bf was from Korea and I've learned about this two words recently too. I sincerely hope more people learn to beware of narcs. From all of my previous relationships this one was the most devastating one. Wish you are feeling much better now :))

dear_flowersl: i will never shut up about this - you have such perfect timing. i’m in a cafe having lunch alone and now i have a vid to watch too ♥︎

shenali perera: Thank you Kieun for your honesty!!! I really enjoyed your vlog!! And Kieun your body is goals for me!!! Youre healthy , pretty and Im happy for you!!!❤

Vicki: Aw thank you for sharing! I hope you continue to stay strong and not let the internet trolls get to you. That's one thing why social media can be too much but hope you have the time to set yourself back from social media when you need to! :)

Trisha Love: 18 minutes vlog is a blessing love from the

Saskia Prathana: Yay new upload! Hi Kieun! I experienced gaslighting before so I'm so proud that you got out of the relationship and I wish you all the happiness in the world

John Ciaccio🇺🇲: As a guy that grew up with everyone saying I am too skinny I would just like to tell you it is going to be a benefit later on in life so don't worry about it. Everybody is different. Exercise is the best thing you can do to keep healthy so keep it up. It's great for energy, alertness and proper rest and sleep.

Joana Solposto: Hi Kieun, love your videos always. Loved the answer to the character question, so complex. Everyone is different and every body is different, as long as you are healthy it shouldn't matter if you're thin or not, you deserve to be who you are

loveliegewdness: Hahah the most excited she was in this whole entire video: when she was talking about how she wanted to be a stylish naked ball —I love it!

S L: Love your vlogs and the amount of detail you put into them in regards to where you are, what you're eating/drinking, and the prices. Wishing you the best

samara angeline: i literally love your personality <3 you're so easy-going and comforting

Roth Lin: You are such a kind soul, I can’t☁️✨

Xenia: My friend who was ultra skinny all her life finally discovered at age 45 that it was her thyroid and she is much healthier weight now. Worth checking stuff like that if you are finding it difficult to put on muscle.

Alin lil girl: Kieun is so sincere and so real ✨ no matter what others say you’re just beautiful ☁️

Tan Jia Hui: Always looking forward to your vlogs <3 thank you for being your authentic self!

Maria Giulia d'Avignon: Hope you are doing well after the breakup and wishing you all the best for future relationships and for your life ☺️ Since the bad coments affect you harshly let me be one of the good coments that say: You're amazing as you are, striking for a good healthy lifestyle is what is most important. You are so beautiful and cute just the way you are Lots of love - Maria Giulia

Craig Glass: I appreciate how real you are in your vlogs! You have a very kind spirit! And you look like Ariana Grande!

Aggeliki Chanteli: You have a lovely personality your videos are so pleasantly aesthetic! Thanks for uploading this

Angus Wang: You actually did a fantastic job with your efforts and skills to make these high-quality vods as well as strike a good balance between your work and life. And I am just obsessed by your genuine personality and candid thoughts. As a comment I made on your channel previously, I can see your self-improvement and growth in the skills of making high-quality vlogs. Being a public figure (not sure the word is right or wrong anyways) def means the bigger possibility of receiving those mean comments. Still, I guess what we need to do is just ignore them and be ourselves, which is way better than being troubled and stumbled by them. Will always support you as your videos are just like one of my best pressure relievers! Cheer up, my friend! I believe you can achieve more if you can just be yourself and follow your heart!

Paola Bueso: What an awesome video! Thank you for sharing this. ✨

Dana Clerici: Such a fun video! Don't listen to haters and cover yourself in baggy clothes, you're beautiful just the way you are! <3

stellaness: Thanks for the Q&A! Everything was so interesting~

R: you HAVE GOT to tell us what girl group your cousin is a kpop idol in? :O We can stan hahah Pleasseeeee tell us! So so curious now >.<

Fzer01: Thanks for sharing your answers Kieun! Also, I loved the video you took in Han River. The water looked so beautiful in the evening and lastly, please never sacrifice your sleeping hours's really important to take enough rest! Have a beautiful evening!

Suda ale : Kieun I just love your fashion girl you always slay so stay slaying all the time I love you

just alex: You always go to the best cafes! Sydney is supposed to have a great cafe culture (we do, to be fair lol) but not many of the cafes here compare to the vibe/fitouts at the cafes you always go to. So dreamy

Mariana Martins: I'm sad to hear you went through those things :( w Wishing you all the best!!

nrshmmii: really love your cafe hopping vlogs but i hope that you won't push yourself so much <3 i'm sure whatever type of contents you choose to post, people will still watch it and give it a lot of love!!

Emilia Jayne: Just found your channel and i'm loving your content!!

Ms. Wntebear: yeeey!!18minutes is too short watching Kieun God bless you stay safe and always be happy dont mind the basher

Carmen Cordero: loved the video!!! They always make me feel calm :))

Leela Morris: Been subscribed since the BEGINNING of your channel: loved the little qna portion. Sending love from Boston!! ❣️

Tapsiness Happiness: Thank you for opening up. That would lessen your baggage. I wish u positivity in this worlds fragility.

dailydyaries: hi kieun!! thank you for your q&a! i am also a music major but while studying, i realized i’m also really into marketing. may i ask how you were able to transition, or any tips you have? thank you!

iDillyD: Always great to know you more

Hailey Luv: 8:16 yasssss that was a great idea! Saying “Do u wanna buy some drugs?” That would’ve been soooo hilarious!

Ive_san_95: Hi Kieun :) Super interesting video, especially because you showed us another cool café in Seoul! ❤️ I wish to visit Seoul one day and go to some fascinating cafés, watch a beautiful sunset, and walk by the Han river. Greetings from Ivana from Novi Sad, Serbia!

cheese n tofu: youre the best i always find your video fun. it feels like having a chit-chat with a good friend everytime you spoke

Xyrille Kate: Thankyou for making my day relaxing! Take Care!

MaryWood: It’s always a joy to watch your videos! Love your channel Have a wonderful night

Riccardo Ceva: Thanks for sharing with us a lot about you. Loved hearing from you and I envy you for living in Korea, I wish I could do it myself. You look great and please keep on posting videos. Keep safe and take care. Btw, You are always welcome to visit Italy. Have a great day

Nyzza Alvarado: Hi Kieun! Hope you're doing fine and happy ❤️

Jessica Pelagio: I think my question got picked :) I’m giddy like a little girl hahaha keep going, Kieun!! Love and light!!

Mei Krr: I can't stop staring at your hair! So beautiful!❤️

Ivy Garza: This was my first video of yours, and I just love your persoanity.

SweetBemi: skinny shaming is def a thing i used to go to the gym for my health and a worker there told me to go eat a burger I then started to wear baggy clothes to the gym. Anyway, love your vlogs! I don't live in Korea but you inspired me to make my own vlogs in my city

shan timbasal: your answer bout your biggest dream in life got me thinking. amazing how most of us think bout material things or career, wc is not bad at all, when we hear biggest dream. but your answer hits diff hiho i pray ur dream will come true

Darday Sow: Came across your channel with this Video & I LOVE !!!! ❣️ A staying subscriber!

Lara: your ball with a ribbon was such an unexpected answer!! sending you love & positivity from the

Ana Caulfield: yes for the apartment room tour please!

R: YAAAAAAS do an apartment tour! Would love to see a video like that ^^

Schmalerordner: Thanks for being honest! <3

Alyssa Mari: Aww Kieun, hope you are feeling better now. sending hugs!

Athena Marie: Love your videos, they are so calming. Ur really pretty and love ur outfits!

G Buck: I miss the at home vlogging pajamas lol Another great video, thank you. Hope you enjoy your day!

Esandi Arambepola: Your videos are soothing and calm, best to watch to rewind ♥️♥️

Wassana Promauksorn: I really love your skin, especially the face part. I was wondering what kinda skincare products you have been using?

BBH: Omg now i’m really curious about the protein product!!! My hair looks like a broom with all the coloring done

Rosa Permanente: lmao not that couple thinking you were a drug dealer on the subway and it was so interesting getting to know you a little better ❤️❤️ hope your channel continues to grow so you can do it full time!!

Naomi Upton: Thank you for this Q&A Kieun! Thank you for being so real. Sorry you've been through a tough time recently, I hope are finding peace If you want to come to Europe, come to the UK I'll show you around!

LAUREN CARTER: New subscriber here, just came across your channel and loving it.

lyndseyyap: Thanks for sharing. Love following your cafe hoping adventures. Can I ask what is the name of the first cafe? I can’t seem to find it on IG?

Robert King: To me You are like Alice in the tallest of trees and I am like the Dormouse curled up in a tea pot on your café tables. I am in complete bliss with your smile, voice and charm. I see things, like a long haired dachshund standing or a hopeful curly haired cutie, grinning for food and a little smile. There are many things that touch my heart. Kindness in your meetings, streets full of artistic cheer, inside/outside creativity, the pleasantness that can be seen in faces and etc., etc., etc.,. I also thought you must have done ballet because of the elegance and grace that you carry yourself, probably why You are like Alice. I can imagine the posture you would need for playing the violin benefitted you in that classical way. I have always had great admiration and respect for women, thanks to the women in my life and the one's I've found out about. I think it is quite something to put your life on screen,(I've come to know you on You Tube only), for all eye's to see. I think it is quite brave. I have a lot of love in my heart but am very shy, too much harshness in my life has left me shrinking. It is nice for me to speak kindly to you with love in my word's,(that's how I speak). I am amazed at the beauty that surrounds you in Korea, I think it would be a place where manners are important and gentleness not smothered. One thing I can promise you, is that I will always cheer you up, it's in my nature and you have found a place in my heart! I enjoyed the Q+A, and the editing. Thanks for your time!!

monika pytel: love ur videos!! also if you ever move to europe you will have to get used to ppl understanding when u r vlogging in english bc everyone (in the young generations) speaks english here ❤

Brunna Ramos: Your hair is sooo pretty it fits in your style very well

Green Flowers: “And I would have superpowers - obviously” awww kieun you’re super cute!

delia x: ohmygosh you talking about being a cartoon ball was so cute and funny

Abby: Wow new vid from my favorite channel. Thank you Kieun

PitTan: yes!! Visit Australia!! Sydney and Melb (from experience) has heaps of great cafes and restaurants! And ofc the best coffee ;)

Ishael De Guzman: hahaha same experience! i have two phones (a filipino and speaks English) and got the same reaction once. and the funniest thing was i looked at them and asked if THEY SOLD drugs. the look on their face!

귀여운 Blossom: Hallo!! Biggest fan hope you will feel better praying you will hit 1million

Irena_McG: Hiii, can you give any advice how/where to look for IT jobs in S. Korea? P. S. I love your channel it's so relaxing to watch your videos after a hard day. I live vicariously trough them

Reychelle Moises: Love your vlog from Philippines

bie hyekyo: Alwys love ur videos hwaiting!

Gabbie Bobbs: Some people are so petty and childish! Body shaming is so tacky and people need to stop. I did assume you were a former dancer, many professional dancers have small frames. And people can just be small. I love you’re channel! And I really hope you can do a fashion video one day!

Susie Peters: sounds like you have thought about the cartoon character question for awhile i love all your videos !!

Lora lori: your hair makes me want to colour my hair :D

Glory Bastes: hoping seeing two videos in a week. love ur vlogs keep safe

alyppali: When you said that you started buying baggy clothes and start like covering your body cause of skinny shaming, I really relate to that. ☹️ Really looking forward to your weight gain journey. Love your vlogs, always!

Kamerton Audiophile player: Indeed, your English sounds really well. What other languages beside of Korean you can speak? Hopefully German too.

Hannah G.: Nail salon vlog please! your nails always look so pretty ✨ would love to see how it’s like in Korea (:

mt nguyen: Just found out your youtube today and i binged everything while i was working ahhahaha

herbluelife: Watch it be Choi Yujin, I’ll cry of happiness lmfao

teaspoonful: Been wanting to dye my hair so thankssss

TUBESTEAKNIG: Lol, 10 years ago 2 phones was common for a working person. Nowadays everyone only uses a personal phone.

Alex: It’s hilariously they thought you were a drug dealer. In the states people use two phones all the time.

Emily Jin: thanks for the lovely vid kieun!!

Pauliine: You were studying music, or did I mishear it? How did you transition from music to marketing? Any extra courses?

Gabriela Queiroz: i love your channel, greetings from brazil

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