Ayurvedic Natural Hair Regimen

  • Posted on 01 March, 2018
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Here is a breakdown of recommended hair regimens based on your Ayurvedic hair type (Kapha, Pitta and Vata)


Ayurvedic natural hair types - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chRm2E...

The science of SEBUM and natural hair care – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gb7mP...

The Water Only Method for Kinky Hair – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrEBRW...

Science of ONION JUICE and natural hair growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4T-Pw...

Best ONION JUICE recipe for natural hair growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv4hXO...

How to use homemade apple cider vinegar as an ACV RINSE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8m9Tx...

The science of ANEMIA and natural hair loss – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVD_hA...

The Science of why the LOC and LCO methods work – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgbEtg...

LCO -vs- LOC which method is best for your hair type, and why? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w376dv...

How to do the L.O.C and L.C.O methods for natural hair – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MacR-K...

The Science of the Inversion Method – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjqmZk...

The Science of RICE WATER and natural hair growth – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiRnjN...

Take the Guess Work Out of Natural Hair Care. ~ Facts and, "Not So" Common Sense to Longer, Thicker, Healthier Hair.


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From the last video, you should have a clear idea of what your dosha hair type is, if you don't click the first link in the description section below just in case you're curious. My hair type is a combination of kapha and wata, which makes some sense, because my hair is naturally lower in porosity. Even when I was relaxed. My hair has always been both thick and dense for relaxed hair, but in the winter I become deficient in vitamin D and iron, and my hair and skin can get super dry and brittle easily before you run out and buy all sorts of Ayurvedic ingredients and products With the word Ayurveda on its label, remember that there's no such thing as a fix-all product and there are all sorts of natural ingredients all around you knowing Ayurvedic principles and your Ayurvedic hair type does not mean you have to use only Ayurvedic hair products limiting yourself, Like that will stop you from exploring other organic ingredients that may actually work better for you. So keep your mind open and explore. Kapha hair types are naturally really healthy and full, but being that everyone has all three doshas in them. Neglect and unhealthy practices can turn thick kapha hair into drive, whatta, hair or inflamed an oily peta scalp. So simplicity and balance are really important for this hair type. Keep minerals and micronutrient levels high in your body by eating clean, keep blood circulating by staying active and keep your bodily systems in check by reducing stress, pay attention to your hair and scalp and create a regimen. That'S simple and covers the basics in healthy hair that you can stick with and you should be fine beat the hair types tend to be susceptible to overproduction of sebum and scalp inflammation due to a fiery and easily energised spirit. If you think you may be experiencing a PITA and balance before anything prioritize and finding your calm, where you kinda check out a little bit every day for some people, running works or yoga or reading a book or talking to a friend with positive energy or taking Naps, if you're looking for a good New Year's resolution, finding your calm should be it. It will change you physically and will change your whole reality for the better for naturally kinky hair, especially if it's dense sebum, is a great thing. The problem is when it collects and sits on your scalp for too long. So, apart from a consistent and balanced regimen, pizza, hair type should be extra diligent to do things that help spread collected sebum down the length of each hair strand like using the bed of your nails to manually scoop up, collected sebum from your scalp and spreading that Sebum evenly down the length of your hair using a spritz with an acidic pH, will help loosen up the sebum and using an organic oil will help the sebum spread better over time as the sebum builds up. It keeps your hair strands stretched super moisturized, smooth and shiny. It'S a good practice to pick up for all natural hair types, not just Pete the hair types. I personally do this once or twice a week, also pay a lot of attention to your scalp. By doing quick, 30-second Scout massages, every time you interact with your hair, especially for pizza, hair types, mixing, a cooling, essential oil like tea tree peppermint or eucalyptus in your shampoo, will in a way put out the fire and keep the bacteria at bay methods worth trying For PETA's are the water, only method, onion juice recipe and a severe ins, not all, but many whatas tend to have nutrition deficiencies, especially iron. So if you haven't done so already get your hemoglobin checked from a doctor addressing internal nutrition deficiencies will help this hair type. A lot also juicing green leafy vegetables consistently will help load you up with tons of nutrients that will help feed your naturally weak hair follicles. As far as hair regimen whatas, naturally do not produce a high amount of quality sebum, which has some specific consequences. If it's not addressed, dry hair equals breaking hair, so it's important to stay on top of it. But it's not difficult. It'S more about consistency, a good start to get to know your hair is, after a wash day or a remoisturize, and we lubricate a watch to see how many days it takes your ends to get dry then subtract a day. That'S how often you should be moisturizing and lubricating your hair for my hair type. It takes five days and my ends to start feeling dry. So I Remo and lubricate every four days. There are multiple ways to moisturize and lubricate your hair, but for fine wata, hair types. Here'S what I suggest start with massaging your scalp while your head is slightly inverted for about thirty Seconds to a minute. This will help melt built-up, sebum and stimulate more sebum production. If your scalp is super dry use a small amount of organic oil, preferably one that's infused with live herbs, because the herbs will nourish and help strengthen your follicles on a deeper level fight the temptation to use a whole bunch of oil at once, because it's best To build it up over time, then moisturize and lubricate your hair strands with either the L, Co, LOC, L, o or LC methods below are links to three videos on everything you need to know about these methods so to avoid disturbing and manipulating your already, naturally, fine And fragile hair strands you can just lightly spritz your hair. Give it some time to absorb then rather than raking it in just squeeze in the cream. And/Or oil again try not to use too much product at once. This simple thing you just did stopped a whole bunch of breakage from happening. Whatas also tend to have fragile hair strands, so it's important to master the art of being gentle every time you touch your hair. Also, protein is your best friend. The real protein treatment has really small molecules, so it's able to penetrate your hair strands and not just coat the outside, so it will reinforce and strengthen them from within and keep them lubricated. It'S also safe to do on every wash day. This way, your hair is always able to hold on to moisture for longer periods of time, apart from reducing surface friction by keeping your hair, moisturize lubricated and strong, keeping it stretched and protected is a great way to keep tangles splits and knots at bay. In fact, it's especially hard for Watsa hair types to retain length without keeping it stretched. Watsa hair types do not need heat to properly stretch their hair, so twist, braids, banding or bantu knots will do if you want to use heat. That'S perfectly okay, medium to low heat will be more than enough to safely stretch. This hair type methods worth trying are the inversion method, LLC LC, o LC or L, rice, water, rinse, a CV rinse and the onion juice recipe. If you compare textured natural hair to other hair types, it's easy to assume that all Naturals have kapha hair. It'S not until you look just at the natural community that is easier to see the differences. You may not be able to go from wata to kapha hair, but as long as you know, your hair and our consistence in how you care for it, you can achieve both length and health as a kapha or of wata. The most valuable takeaway to me is that all three doshas need a balanced hair and scalp regimen pizzas need to pay a little bit more attention to their scalp and voise need extra, moisture and lubrication attention. In reality, all these hair needs and regimens overlap, because they're all healthy and good things to do overall for every natural hair type like with me, according to arrábida, I'm a kapha, wata combination, but because I'm natural, I still pay extra attention to my scalp, like a Pita, the DNA of Africans and African descents are unbelievably diverse. That'S why I'm not really a huge fan of categorizing people into boxes so use categorical systems like au Vita in the andre walker, hair typing system, to observe and study yourself as a unique one-of-a-kind individual with an open mind, patience and trial and error build a hair Regimen, that's customized and balanced for you with a consistent, low manipulation, hair regimen. You can give your scalp and hair what it needs from all sorts of organic ingredients and products, some of which you can find in your own kitchen. I'M not saying not to try a or Vedic ingredients, just try not to be exclusive, keep your mind open and explore, because healthy hair is more about regimen than products. Since it's a fresh and new topic that many of you are interested in in the next video I'll go over the chemical properties of Amla, shikaka and Brahmi, as always, thanks for watching see you next video

GreenBeauty: Hey guys, sorry for the delay ☹ Don’t be mad at me. I hope you like the video and you learn something new from it. Personally, I do not think we as should categorize ourselves into boxes. It doesn’t really matter what your main dosha/dosha imbalance is, everything shown in this video are all important things to include in a healthy hair regimen. Heat regimen coming after Ayurvedic series !!!

TheLadyOfSoul502: Sista, you are *KILLING* the natural hair game!

Irene Ifere Ohia: You are a BIG BLESSING to the entire natural hair community. The time and effort you put into your videos is highly commendable. THANK YOU!

Starlight :3: I’m Vatta-Kapha (so Vatta is my main). I’m surprised how accurately it described my hair. All YouTube resources would say that you only need to remoisturize once a week, but I have to remoisturize my hair at least once every 2 days when kept in braids or twists. Also, the REAL protein treatment works really well for me in retaining strength and moisture. All of this is despite me having Low-porosity hair, so it was confusing... ultimately it is always best to try things out and see what works. Thank you for the great tips!

BZ: I will never get over how educational and lifesaving these videos are. It's always fun to recommend these to my friends and family who are experiencing setbacks. I'm really enjoying this series!

BlackHairandSkinCare: I'm Vata... now it makes sense why I have to do protein treatments a lot, and can not use products with alcohol in them for they dry out my hair even worse. I usually have to keep my hair moisturized daily , or my hair will be so dry. Thank you so much for this video!

MyNaturalMyChoice: Because of you I have restored my hair back to health!  Thank you for always giving well informed, detailed information.  Thank You!

Nicole CNC: I’m kapha/vata but I think I lean further to the vata side because my hair can become highly porous really fast. I don’t deny the kapha dosha because although I have really fine, fragile hair—my hair follicles are quite dense. People used to stare at me strangely when I said my hair was thin. In the past, I’ve had bald spots that would go undetected unless I really sat down to check out my scalp. As always, thank you for your information! I’m learning a lot about how to care for my hair by viewing your content

The Queen Be: One of the biggest things Ayurveda has taught me is balance and listening to your hair/body. We can start out in life with one or two doshas as the majority and shift between all of them throughout our whole life. I think the key is understanding when we've left our unique natural balance and how to bring ourselves back into balance. You made a lot of great points here for sure!

Shelja: Hello from India. Dear you are doing a great job sister. You always come up with a well balanced conclusion helpful for everyone. Looking forward to your next video. I also wanted to ask if you ship your products to India?

Lakia Tucker: You videos are the Bible, so factual and thorough. Your lessons are invaluable. Awesome job. Thank you for your content. Much needed and appreciated.

Virginia Montaldo: The Ayurvedic system is the one that I think best describes how heads of hair can be completely different and need different products and routines even if they have the same Andre Walker curl type. I am very very Vata in both good and bad aspects of it. Ufficially it is about 2b-2c when defined but my hair behaves very differently from my sister's who has slightly curlier but less chaotic hair (my front has some very high porosity 3a and 3b curls, which look like they belong to another head, and the 3b ones only appear on random star alignments). My hair changes shape from one moment to the next. It doesn't mantain a fixed form for long, if I pass a comb through it, it becomes poofy straight pretty quickly instead of mantaining a combed wave. It grows fast and forms ratty ends fast. It looks like Einstein hair. And I love it! Except the ratty ends part. Applying protein and moisture (adding Kapha) and protecting the strands from the elements goes a long way in taming Vata and allowing for more length retention, which is why I do it, but to tell the truth I prefer the...crazy and nonuniform look it naturally has. It's just that I want to reach more length, and I almost always keep it in some type of bun because my hair is hot and gets in the way.

michelle daughtry: i love you Ayurvedic series as well as videos that explain how the foods we eat can be used to help our hair. just been watching your videos for a short time, maybe 2-3 weeks. the onion juice has help my hair tremendously in just that short time. thank you. i am waiting to see the new videos about the other ayurrvedic herbs such as neem, hibiscus etc. i would like to see more suggestions on how to structure these products into regimes and those that work well together for fine hair. for example, you suggested onion, shakakai, and alma. God bless you sis for you knowledge and willingness to share.

Prisla Em: Great video! Great information! Great personality! Love this channel! Thank you, I truly appreciate all the hard work you do for our benefit!

Goodjudy: Thanks for another great vid. I found out a few years ago that I’m a vata and I bought the products the website suggested but they were expensive over time. Your video helped me to get started on a routine. Moving from humid Okinawa after 8 1/2 years back to the dry west coast my hair has done a number on me. I’ll get back into my monthly protein treatments, deep conditioning with my steamer every wash day and use the steps you layed out in the video.

Inaesteeina: Mine is Vata and Kapha, the first being the predominate one. I truly appreciate you taking your time to share your knowledge on hair. I'm happy I came across your channel.

Chaunb Nice: Great job like always. I really appreciate the time and effort you put in your videos and how you explain things.

ann vogelpohl: Finally, the sebum video! That is why I love oil rinsing - it helps spread the sebum and coats the hair.

Dr. Simple Beauty 300: I’m VATA all day long. My hair has grown to mbl and stays healthier with protein deep conditioning, tension drying and daily moisturizing with aloe vera juice and pure argan oil. Sometimes grape seed oil.

E V: Wow, God has really blessed me. I just went to the Indian store yesterday and brought henna, fenugreek, and amla

DGARLAND4444: I really enjoyed this video, but can you do a video on your CURRENT hair regimen? Also, would it be possible for you to do a video on the difference between using a steamer and a hooded dryer for deep conditioning and the benefits of both?

In Perfect Peace: Your videos are brilliant! The information is fantastic! Thank you so much for taking the time to make them. Can't wait until your next video!

Allison on YouTube: You are my hair science hero!! I love you!! Thank you. You are by far the most efficient at educating us about the science of hair and the methods and techniques of caring for natural hair. Thank you!

Star Cherry: Such a healthy regimen for my entire body!

La Gente: Great video!! I'm really looking forward to the next videos and feel free to do as many ayervedic herbs as possible...like a series . Could you please do a video on lanolin for natural hair care? Since it was a main ingredient in og ultra sheen I've recently added it alone to my diy butter mix and blowout rotation. I'm loving the full coverage of sebum feel of it. It's a tricky product tho since it's so water proof but so far my fine, low density, high porosity 4bc hair is adoring it. Id like to know more about the best ways to use it if you havr thoughts or opinions on it. Much from the Bay i see you rockin that sweater ☺

R Jones: What an awesome video. Ever since I first watched and subscribed to your channel I was extremely impressed with the thoroughness and derailed explanations. This video was fantastic! Love the illustrations.

Pamela Leal: I really appreciate the work you put into your videos, it's truly inspiring. I wish you the best

L8ter Ivy: I’m a vata. I have dry skin and dry hair, but I manage that with a plant-based diet. Healthy fats, vitamin C, and other key minerals are great for dry skin. You’ll naturally get these nutrients in abundance when you eat nothing but plants all day Plus I’ve got really long hair from following a vegan diet. I highly recommend veganism to vatas

Kristin S: Thanks for the very interesting video. I use Amla, Cassia, Shikakai etc. a lot. Especially my girls with very fine and fragile hair benefit a lot from Cassia and Amla. It gives there hair body (I'm talking about baby fine straight hair). Can't wait to see the video

Nessa P: Thank you for this video ! Your videos are always filled with great facts and advice ❤️

Monica Delahoussaye: Your editing is just so top notch to go along with being super informative

Saeforli: This video couldn't have come at a better time. I was curious as to what ayurveda powders/products I could use for my hair to compare it with chebe. Going to do more videos on chebe and now also ayurveda products. I'm a kapha/vata combination but predominantly vata after taking the test but figured that from the descriptions you provided. Looking forward to experimenting. Thank you

Naturally Dunn: Team Vata Pitta. I think I'm due for an ACV rinse this weekend. I will also order your protein treatment because my hair is missing something and maybe it's protein ‍♀️

BlairWaldorf2013: I have Kapha/Pitta hair...more on the Kapha side though. And it's true you need to have a SIMPLE regimen that is consistent for this kind of hair. I don't 'oil' my scalp or put butter on my hair everyday my hair doesn't like that. Just a strong wash day routine once every 7-10 days and using a creme to initially moisturize my hair and then once again about 3/4 days after my wash is enough.

AJtheGritic: Yeah, according to the test I'm a dual prakiti of Pitta and Kapha, which explains why my hair looks dense, but my scalp is always on fire. Thanks for some suggestions on what I need to do for my hair.

T. Monyou Paye-Zulu: Being away from YouTube for awhile but when your video popped I had to open and again you never ceased to intrigue n amaze me with your informative, educated n nonjugemental videos... I've come to figure our where both my daughter and myself need more attention... as always tnx love n keep inspiring

ShootersforSan: Yea this confuses me about as much as general hair typing (can never be bothered to figure out which one I am) but I think I’m Vata Kapha because my hair is dry, prone to single strand knots and I can stretch it with rollers, but I have always had low-medium porosity thick dense hair. Also it’s only shiny when I put product in it. Idk ‍♀️

WhatAlexSays: I need you to know that I love you and I'm so appreciative for the work you've done to educate us. Thank you!

CarrieToo: I was thinking during the video that I use some of all of the recommendations for my hair :) My big takeaway is to watch my ends for dryness and then moisturize. Thanks for the tip.

Ieisha Greene: This is one of the most informative natural hair videos I’ve ever watched! Thank you!!!!

Its_dayday: Love your animations ❤

Kenisha Calder: Wow great video. I love how you incorporate science, it increases the validity of your content. Thank you. Shalom

Grace and Glow: Best channel till date. So happy to Subscribe you. Great way to explain so deeply. Amazing

Jamarrea Duff: can you possible make a video on going over the organic ingredients you can put in your hair?

Waulonda Williams: Hi I love your video and the information you give. Could you educate us all on DHT and how saw palmetto help stop breakage? I feel like I need to learn more about this topic because I have pcos and that causes hair lost due to DHT that is present in the scalp. I would be thankful if you do a video on this topic. Thanks. :-)

D: These Ayurveda videos have been amazing! I didn't know about this and I thank you for sharing helpful information that empowers me to have Happy Healthy Hair Journey

Anil: Who knew... One can literally be hotheaded!!!! LOL! I am loving your videos. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Thanks to you I'm making a lot of changes, and returning to yoga.

Diva Hill: Thank you, thank you. I've noticed that fenugreek helped lessen my shedding. Now I've been ayurvedic everything. But I have non ayurvedic products that I really like. Good to know I can still use them as well.

Andrea Watts: Omg I’ve been waiting for this!!! My Vata hair has been a struggle, going to start this now

Angela Shaw: I learned a lot about my hair by watching your videos! Thank you so much

Nduta Katuta: Thank you so much... I have high porosity hair that was once normal porosity but I guess my anaemia and some damage made me Vata. Your hair tips have helped a lot especially on protein treatments and loc

Lyndsay Sumpter: I'm low porosity and I relate with having fragile hair strands, you said to use a protein treatment for that but also said in your low porosity video to avoid using protein on hair when low porosity. I wanna know how much protein I should be using?

o mcclain: So educational!! Love all of your videos

Wandering_Addicus: This series is giving me soo much life! Can't wait for the next video!!!!

Rose Rodriguez: Wow!!! You just gained a new subscriber. You did a great fantastic job explaining that. Thank you for this content. Love you hair by the way.

NaturalBeauty321: Love your videos! Can you do one on heat protectants?

Agustina: Can you do a video on green tea or herbal tea rinses? and how to maintain hair during the week? My hair is getting puffy and tangles when I untwist it and if I wanna re twist my hair it's really hard to untangle it :(

Crystal Harris: I'm a kapha/ pitta combo, but I also have to keep my hair moisturized like a vata

Tieasha Samuels: This was so incredibly helpful


SIRRENA SINGLETON: You are awesome! I wish i knew all of this before my two big chops so many years ago.

Katherine Miller: Very informative as usual! Thanks!

rebecca polanco: I love your channel so much. Thank you so much for the work that you do! God bless you!❤️

Iyesha Indigo: Your Ahhmazing! (Oprah voice). Love love love the animation in your videos. So happy YOU specifically are delving into the Ayurveda world, it's a topic I'm currently exploring. You are cut above the rest. I purchased your Green beauty hydrolyzed protein, some yrs back. Always keep alittle in my deep conditioners as I'm protein sensitive. Can't wait for your next vid. Luv you much.

Lisa B.: I just subscribe to your channel. Very informative,thank you so much for the hard work you put into your videos!

Tavi Babii Lyfe Of Music: You are the Best Best Best!!!! Like I am actually learning about Hair rather than just watching tutorials...honestly you are an amazing person to put out detail informative infomation, I had no idea. Thank you for taking the time to present this qaulity video it is much appreciated

Maria Cabral: Very informative. So calming. ❤️

annaleesfantasy: I've been a subbie for awhile and I love your content with the animations! Love it! ❤

Kay Seminomadic: So true. I've upped my exercise and moisture routines include just water, shea butter and oils. I also try to leave it alone. I've also increased my vitamins.

Minimal Assembly: But what are the Ayurvedic herbs you recommend for the various hair types?

piriye whyte: Hey I used a homemade neem oil treatment on my hair and currently my hair strands seem thinner than they were before and lacking elasticity. I was wondering if there was a way to thicken naturally.

OSIR: I love your videos ...your such an inspiration.

Infinitely Blessed: very informative but am exculsively sticking to ayuverdic products started using them way long before they got popular and have grown my hair to waist length and my hair is still growing.I have less shedding strong thick darker hair.And am not mixed

neet aspirant life: I appreciate now people recognize natural thing's indian ayurveda ❤

The Whoever: Ugh thank you so much! A lot of useful info.

Kennethab13: The test said i was a Kapha-Vata combo like you. Thanks for the recommendations and informative video, Miss Green Beauty!

Klazzact: Love it!! Awesome info as always!!!❤️

ZacksVending LLC Marcelline Zacca: I’m glad I found you ! Wow- so informed ❤️❤️❤️

Canal da Deusa: #Teamvata I didn't need to do the test because all the characteristic on this video for Vata described my hair. also I have low iron and I am always cold.

K E: Wow this was amazing thank you I’m so delighted that I’m taking great care of my Kapha Vata hair thank you so much

diegaah: My hair is in cornrows. Small cornrows in the front and single braids in the back. Can you please advise on how to effectively moisturize and balance my hair in this protective style which I’ll keep in for about 90days. Thank you

Doriann Hamer: Love your channel, I just purchase the protein treatment for my daughter and me

Chin926: Does ayurveda replace protein treatments? I have high porosity hair and planned to start using protein treatments every other shampoo day.

Nadou Love: You're the best thanks for breaking all this down for us

Shai Smith: Hey, I was wondering how often to do a protein treatment on fine fragile low porosity hair

Queen Yaa Bae: I feel like we are connecting on a deeper level

A B: My hair used to be kapha; thick voluminous and smooth now it's vatta due to poor diet and stress

True: This is facts. I have kapha and when I incorporate this my hair was the best.

Mo B: As always, your BLACK GIRL MAGIC is a welcome, glowing beacon! You're brain is fierce!!!

Rhomero: Best natural hair channel ever

LynnX: I absolutely love your videos and the animations are amazing

Sameera salah: As always thanks for sharing ❤️❤️we learn to things about our hair every day...❤️❤️thank you soo much for ur educational hair videos ❤️❤️❤️we appreciate ur efforts sister❤️❤️

harmony 12: I use henna every two months can I use that as a protein for vata hair? what organic oils are best for vata hair and can you do a video of best organic oils for low porosity?

nvrnakednails1: I ALWAYS learn so much from this channel, you are AWESOME!

Christina jones: Hi, I am a new subscriber and I just ordered several products from your site. Thank you for sharing the knowledge of Natural Haircare. I am a menopausal, Anemic, High Porosity, greying, Super Tender headed, Thinning (almost bald) Crown with 18" length hair on my sides and back. Due to a 1 -1/2 small Tattoo that I got over 12 years ago, I can no longer dye my hair however, I can use and do use Dark and Lovely Reviving Colors Relax and color Same day Rinse (no, I do not perm my hair I'm all natural) I hate Gray Hair!! My question is once I receive my products from you, which steps do I take? Such as Onion>Shampoo>Protein>Black Rinse>ACV> Creme Moisturizer? Please, Please help. I have already began juicing, eating more Vegtables, Taking Iron, Vitamin D, and Natures Bounty, Hair Skin and Nail Vitamins, washing at least twice a week with moisturizers for my High Porosity hair (that I just learned on your channel). Please help!!! I have learned so much from your channels and they game me hope where I had lost my confidence and becoming depressed. I truley know now what it means when they say "A Woman's Hair Is Her Crown and Glory" I was losing my "Crown" and it has affected my "Glory." I thank GOD I found your channel!!!!

Jasigana: Kapha Pitta apparently, which kind of makes alot of sense. But for hair specifically, mostly Pitta. Which makes alot of sense actually.



StarSpell5: I took the test and I have two doshas. Pitta and Kapha, with the first one being more dominant than the other.

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