Hair Loss: Dermatologist Tips To Prevent Hair Loss & Regrow Hair

  • Posted on 24 April, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

‍⚕️Hair loss is a distressing experience. If you are experiencing hair loss please don’t suffer in silence. There are many different causes of hair loss and early diagnosis and treatment is extremely important.

‍⚕️If you are seeing or feeling changes with your hair/scalp please don’t delay in seeing a dermatologist for consultation.

Here are some tips to prepare for a dermatologist appointment for hair loss.

Prepare to review and discuss your medical history and your family medical history (chronic conditions, surgeries, child birth etc) we need this information to get a full picture of what may be contributing to your hair loss.

Bring a copy of your latest bloodwork and a list of medications and/or supplements you are currently taking or used in the past. We will likely still order additional bloodwork but this gives us a good starting point.

Keep a hair journal with both notes of your symptoms (itching/burning/tenderness/fatigue/stress/fever) but also photos to document your journey. Please be ready to share photos of your scalp over the last few years with your derm. This helps us identify potential triggers.

Be prepared to show your entire scalp for evaluation. We can’t not see under braids/sewn-ins/ etc. odds are you waited awhile for your appointment please make the most of it by coming fully prepared for complete evaluation possible biopsy, and treatment.

Bring a list or photos of the products you are using on your hair. Including any chemicals (we need to know the last time your relaxed and if natural we need to know any hair treatments used in the past).

Bring your Q’s written down or in the notes section of your phone. This is an emotional journey and you may forget something you wanted to ask.

Most important don’t feel embarrassed we are here to help you and will work closely together as a team to get you on the best treatment plan for your particular diagnosis.

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#alopecia #hairloss #hairtreament

As a board-certified dermatologist, i understand just how emotionally difficult it can be to deal with any type of hair loss or hair condition, regardless of your age, your gender, your ethnicity, your celebrity status, what you do for a living or how strong you may be perceived. Hair loss can be devastating and there is so much misinformation floating around social media right now regarding hair loss. So in this video i want to clear up some of that misinformation but, most importantly, provide you with actionable tips and steps that you can take. If you are suffering with hair loss or if someone you love is suffering with hair loss for anyone new hello, my name is alexis. I am a board-certified dermatologist. If you love learning about dermatology in an inclusive, welcoming environment, welcome join us here. You can subscribe below all right guys. Let'S answer the most important question, which is what is alopecia alopecia is an umbrella term that just means hair loss. There are many different forms of hair loss or alopecia that are broken down into categories of a non-scarring versus scarring. Hair loss is a very complex problem that can be due to external causes, like your hair care practices or internal causes like medical disease, things like autoimmune or even thyroid disorders, and then there's also hair, breakage or hair thinning, which can fall under the category of hair Loss too, is this a scalp issue, or is it a hair issue? These are all important things that fall under the same term alopecia. Now there are over a dozen different types of hair loss and one of the most common is known as androgenetic alopecia. This is also known as female pattern, hair loss or female pattern, alopecia or male pattern. Alopecia. There is a genetic component to this and in men it's seen at the temples bilaterally or the vertex of the scalp, whereas women usually will see it with a whitening of the midline part or thinning on the crown of the scalp, though it can present in many Different ways, another very common non-scarring alopecia is known as telogen effluvium we're seeing a lot of this post covid. This is where people have excessive hair shedding over the entire scalp in a normal, healthy scalp. Approximately 90 of normal hairs are in the anagen growth phase and 10 is in the telogen or the shedding phase intelligent effluvium. This is when there's an increase in a percentage of follicles in this actual shedding phase. It'S more than 20 percent. This premature transition of hair follicles into the shedding phase may occur in response to any type of acute physical, psychological or physiological stress, including things like systemic illness, which is what we're seeing with covid or hormonal changes, including post-pregnancy. Alopecia areata is a non-scarring type of hair loss. That'S getting lots of attention in the media right now. It'S an autoimmune disease of the hair follicles that usually results in one or two small patches of hair loss that involve either the scalp, the eyebrows or the body hair. But in severe cases all of the hair on the scalp is lost. That'S called alopecia totalis or all of the scalp and the body hairs loss. That'S called alopecia universalis. This usually does present with a sudden onset for most patients. It can be seen in men, women, children, adults, grandparents and all ethnicities as well. Traction alopecia is a condition. Most commonly seen in women and girls of african descent and is a condition of the scalp that's secondary to excessive or prolonged trauma of the actual hair shaft. The hair shaft can get weakened by various different grooming practices, including chemical relaxers, or really tight braids or tight ponytails in the beginning. It actually presents as a non-scarring alopecia, but with time if it goes untreated or if the insult continues it can become a scarring permanent type of hair loss. African textured hair tends to be drier in nature, and our curl pattern is helical and shape, making it more susceptible to breakage, especially when worn in styles that promote tension for prolonged periods of time. Another hair loss that is commonly seen in women of african descent is known as ccca or central centrifugal. Cicatricial alopecia, this type of hair loss is multifactorial. We don't know the exact cause, but we do know that there may be a genetic component as there has been a genetic defect. Seen in a certain gene triggers or aggravating things may actually exacerbate this condition or bring it about things like hair, braiding, certain hair care practices or anything that causes inflammation on the scalp. This was previously known as hot comb alopecia, but we no longer call it that because you can actually get this disease without ever having used a hot comb, ccca usually presents as a progressive type of hair loss. They can start as a single patch at the vertex of the scalp and then expand outward in a symmetrical pattern. In the beginning. The scarring can actually be pretty subtle, but if the disease goes unchecked and continues to progress, the scalp can become very shiny and scarred, which is why it's essential to see your dermatologist as soon as possible, which brings us to our key tip number one making sure To get in to see the board certified dermatologist as soon as possible, whenever you notice any type of hair loss, early diagnosis is key guys. The earlier you are seen by a dermatologist and diagnosed the more likely you are to respond to the treatment and the less likely the hair loss is to affect your quality of life. There is always hope for hair loss. Please get in to see the dermatologist. You don't want this hair loss to become permanent if it doesn't have to be tip number two piggybacks off of tip number one, because we want to make sure you are ready for that. Board-Certified dermatologist appointment. Make sure that you are noting any symptoms that you're having are you itchy? Is there pain? Is there tenderness? Do you have any fever, make sure that you're noticing signs of fatigue and keep them written down, whether in a notebook or in the notes section of your phone gather all of your personal and family medical history? The germ is most likely going to ask you for all of those things, make sure that you're noting whether or not there's a family history of hair loss, what type of hair loss and any other medical conditions that may be. What kind of medications have you been on? What kind of supplements have you taken all of those things matter and look back at some of the old photos so that you can make sure you have a good record of the hair care practices that you used in the past? Even if it's been a while, you also want to take a good note at looking at the different products you're using because the derm is going to ask about those two maybe take a photo just in case. You forget also make sure that you gather any blood work that you've had done recently or in the past, because, even though we're probably going to do our own blood work, it gives us a nice starting point to see whether or not there have been any deficiencies In the past, and also bring your courage guides because most likely we are going to do a scalp biopsy tip number three is to stop any style practices that have excessive tension on the scalp. In any way, you want to practice responsible, protective styling. Make sure that you are seeing a knowledgeable hair beautician, who is aware of your hair goals and knows that you are experiencing hair loss also do know that the dermatologist needs to see your entire scalp when you do see them. So if you're wearing a protective style that prevents your scalp from being completely and thoroughly evaluated, i would highly recommend you take it down before your appointment and if, while getting your hair done or after getting your hair done, there is pain or little bumps around your Hair follicles: this is not a good sign. This is a sign that your hair follicles are under attack. So, if you can, please loosen up that style. Tip number four is to consider taking nutritional supplements that we know help with inflammatory states or autoimmune conditions. Things like zinc or vitamin d neutrophil is a really good hair supplement that you may want to consider, and you may want to also consider probiotics, because poor gut health has been linked to hair loss. You also may want to start considering using some topical therapies that have clinical evidence that they can help hair loss. So things like minoxidil, though i do recommend you consult with a physician before starting minoxidil, because it can have some side effects. There are also topicals, like rosemary oil or pumpkin seed oil that do have some clinical evidence that they may be helpful for hair loss and they are much less likely to have any side effects. You also may want to consider low level photomodulation. These are the hair or comb light therapies that you see on commercials. Sometimes they actually do have pretty solid clinical evidence that they can help some forms of hair loss, and the tip that is definitely easier said than done is to try and reduce stress stress, undoubtedly, is something that cannot only cause hair loss but can worsen hair loss And then you'll start to stress about the fact that you are now losing your hair. It becomes a very vicious cycle, so try your best to find some form of stress reduction. I sincerely hope that you found this video helpful. Please make sure to check out the resources listed down below and until next time guys be well.

Arica Fontenot: Thank you for this Dr. Alexis. Our community needed this video.

Sharticia Gomez: Not all dermatologists are created equal when it comes to hair loss. I saw one who basically said you're on your own and not much he could do. But then I found a trichologist, a scalp expert, who has been working with me and I'm having great results. My bald spots are growing back and my hair in general is growing.

Nya SuDonna: It’s like you knew exactly what I needed! This postpartum is killer on my hairline

Lorena H: At the age of 29, I suffered from hair loss. It was shocking and heartbreaking after taking good care of my long curly hair. I had to cut it off. It’s been about a year and some of my hair is growing back but not entirely. It’s still falling more I would like. Thank you for this video !

Carmen Harris: Thank you. I've recently been diagnosed with CCCA after getting a scalp biopsy. Never thought about stress being a cause. Love your content.

trueGrizzlesFAN22: Hello Dr. Alexis Stephens, I don't know if you will see this comment but I want to say thank you for all you do. Your hyperpigmentation videos change my skin. Especially the video you talk about the different pathway of hyperpigmentation. I am on week 11 starting tomorrow using the Cyspera product. I see amazing results. I decided to do a detox cleanse as well to remove any toxins from my body. Not only I feel amazing but I lost some weight as well. I have so much energy, words can't explain. Working at home doing the pandemic wasn't any help on my health. Especially us Black men we definitely have to take care our health. Any black dude want to know my routine here it go below: 1st if you shaving stop using razor. Go with clippers. Learn how to zero gap the blade. You can watch a YouTube video on how to adjust the clippers. I used cheap Andis clippers from Walmart. The blade is zero gap but it's not too Sharp where as it cutting my skin. Morning routine: 1 ) wash my face with warm to cooler water using Cerva Hydration to foam cleanse ( best cleanse my opinion) 2. I used a face cloth to dry my skin, don't rubb the towel to dry face. (Pat dry) 3. I wait 2-3 minutes for my face to completely dry. 4. Favorite Vitamin C ( make sure it have the ingredients your skin can tolerate) 5. Azelaic acid 10% 6 . I used sunscreen spf50 ( color science flex ) Step 6 is a game changer in protecting your skin from the Sun. Bedtime routine: 1. Cyspera product: 15-20 minutes. Start with 15 minutes because the instructions say so. 20 minutes is what I do . 2. Cleanse face : I used Cerva Hydrating to foam cleanse. 3. Once face is dry. I used JJ labs serum ( tranexamic 5%, Niacinamide 4% ,2% alpha Arbutin, hyaluronic acid 1%, Koji acid 1%. 4. I used natural Shea butter as my lotion at night. Fatty acid help skin barrier. I was using Cerva PM lotion but I like Shea butter better. For 1-2 days out of week for bedtime routine, I skip the step about using JJ labs serum and I do used mandelic acid for exfoliate the skin. Then I go to last step . Hope this help anyone. P.S I shave in morning once or twice out of week. On shaving days I skip using Vitamin C and Azelaic acid. But at night time I used bedtime routine..

Ms Ma: The only positive thing that came out of the infamous slapping incident, is that it's brought attention to female hair loss. Thank you for doing this.

MsWillita8: This video is so helpful! I have had thick hair my whole life, lately it sheds like crazy even though I have a lot off hair. My edges have been thin since I was a kid because of tight braiding.

Down South With Danny: Thanks so much for sharing this. My mom saw a dermatologist for hair loss and even after a scalp biopsy, all they told her that it was probably irreversible, but she could try rogaine. Needless to say, she was very discouraged and does not want to go back to that particular office. This video gives me a tool to encourage her to go to someone else. Thanks so much.

Alo: Omgoodness. She was my dermatologist when I lived in Florida. Dr. Stephen's is such a great doctor. She actively listens and she's proactive with creating a treatment plan. In an era where bedside manner has taken a backseat, she's a breath of fresh air.

MITOMO GLOBAL: Brilliant tutorial, it really helps to get that perfection you're aiming for. Thank you so much!!

cheryl muldowney: Thank you Dr. Alexis. Your video has given me hope because my primary doctor and dermatologist have dismissed my hair loss concern for years but now I know the name of my hair loss. I will begin again on this journey.

EbonyW: I have bald spots over both my ears. I noticed it during postpartum. It started out as a dime size but in the last 2 years it’s gotten larger than a quarter. The scalp in that area is super sensitive and hurts when I lay on it. The dermatologist in my area have waiting lists months long

Daphne Evans: I’m so happy I found this video. My long time thick hair is thinning. I’m very concerned. Lots of stress for last few years, aging and poor nutrition are some causes. I will definitely try some of your recommendations. God bless and thanks

Dolores W: Thanks for discussing different forms of hair loss and what to do to get ready for an appointment with a dermatologist.

Anima Acheampong: I can’t tell you just how much I have been looking forward to a video like this. My hair loss is related to lack of iron. I am currently on iron tablets which I take with vitamin c to aid absorption but because I am loosing so much blood every month because of fibroids, my hair loss persists especially in my edges. I recently had fibroid surgery so hoping the situation improves. Do you have any tips on iron related hair loss? Kindly advice. Thank you.

Mary Gitiha: Hi Dr Alexis! Can you please share with us which skin peels you recommended for women of color who are higher on the Fitzpatrick scale. There’s a lot of confusing information out there. Thanks for considering this!

simplythrumylens: Your voice is so calm and reassuring and I'm absolutely obsessed with your channel! Thank you for the info. It's very much appreciated ☺️

Natasha T: I found the courage to watch this and grateful i did! So helpful and informative. Now I'm soooo going to make that appointment for myself cause stressing about my hair isn't helping. Thank u soooo much

BlissFully_Mimi: Thanks so much for this video Queen. This was super helpful☺️. I’m so happy I came across your video. I am about to be hooked.

Linda: Thank you Dr. Alexis for all of your very helpful and informative videos. Can you please recommend something for my dry mature under-eye skin I have dark circles and puffiness and concealers leave my skin even drier? Thank you ❤️

Kenisha White: This video came right on time. I seen a dermatologist recently and she did diagnosed me with traction alopecia and my scalp issue being in the dandruff family. She stated that she sees alot of baby hairs (new growth) and prescribed me with a topical oil for inflammation and said to use 5% minoxidil foam. I'm hopeful. I do have a question. Do inflammation effect hair shedding/loss? Do anyone know if the effects minoxidil wears off for those who have traction alopecia if they stop using since its technically it's an alopecia that's caused by external damage and not internal conditions?

Dr Graham: My husband has suffered hair loss in his beard post covid vaccine. Thanks for this video!

Brooke Q: Helpful video. Can you do more video reviews on the products you mentioned? Would be great to hear about different home laser helmets you recommend and the types of Nutrafol with their ingredients (some reviews have said it's just overpriced Biotin).

MishiBeauty B: Great information! Thank you. I was just diagnosed with scarring alopecia. I opted for the topical steroid cream instead of injections. Due to my high BP. Can I use over the counter methods as well or in conjunction with the steroid treatments? Such as rosemary oils and coconut oils? Also is it common for alopecia to cause itching of the scalp?

ayanda sigxashe: This video is , I am hooked to growing my natural hair though it’s really kinky/ curly! after long time relaxing my hair

Donna Banks: Very informative. I have never had a dematologist look at my entire scalp or take blood test. But, they did look at it with some type of special light.

ZTheta julietta : What’s your opinion on minoxidil causing wrinkles, and dark circles? When I used it, it worsened my chin acne, dried out my skin, gave me crepy under eyes/bags/fine lines and dark circles. I’ve had low confidence and dysmorphia since. My hair didn’t improve much and I guess my mistake my using the rogaine on my inner 3rd brows. It’s really rough on the face as well as causing bloating and for some weight gain. I’ve spoken to others who experienced this and minoxidil apparently inhibits enzyme essential to building collagen. Im at a loss.

mjgarner123: Excellent presentation. Thank you Dr. Alexis. Love your videos. Very educational.

Chrystals Clear: Thank you!! I love your videos and they’re also so helpful! I just wanna ask if you know any tips or have information for hair loss caused by PCOS

Shar Jordan: Thank you so much for this video!! My hair loss is from my Thyroid, I have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Any tips or suggestions on what I can do to get my hair back? I loose so much hair daily and not just around my edges, all over my head!! Because of my hair loss, I lack confidence and often don’t wanna leave my apartment! Please help!!

Blessednotstressed: Hello Dr. Stephens! Thank you so much for the informative video. I’m interested in purchasing an at home device for the LED light therapy due to the fact that according to my light research it takes 3-6 months to see results and I’d like to do it in the convenience of my home. I wanted a device I could use to stimulate hair growth but also to get some of the benefits of blue and red light therapy. There are so many of these devices on the market so I was wondering if there are any led light therapy devices you’d recommend that are capable of delivering the hair growth stimulation, anti aging and acne control properties?

Lakersha Olivarez: Happy Sunday Dr V. I hope you had a good weekend. Such good information and thank you!

Bri Terry: I feel like you covered every form of hair loss but genetics Is there any hope for those of us of which balding runs in the family? lol

vava vogue: I immediately went to my dermatologist when I noticed my hair shedding really bad and they recommended Nutrafol and 5% minoxidil. I go back for a follow up in 3 months. Wish me luck

Anne Klein: What do you think of the CBD oil for the scalp for a person with hair loss? I just started reading about this last week.

Tandra Hill: Thanks for this video. Two of my friends told me about Nutrafol. I've been experiencing shedding and thinning in the crown with dandruff in that area. My hairstylist has tried to get me to buy the light scalp treatment package but I'm a little skeptical about that. I will do more research on it. Thank You!

Mamie Louise Anderson: So helpful! Thank you very much. I’m seeing my doctor in March. Fingers crossed

Tiffany C: Do you have tips for monitoring how much shedding you have? Like if it’s increasing to greater than 10% of shed hairs in the telegenic phase?

Tiffany Davis: New Sub. I love how you get straight to the point and calming. Very calming!! Thank you Dove

Elle and John: Being a aesthetician I watch all your videos. Thank you because I have learn so much from you. Can’t thank you enough

Maria: My mom said I was born pretty much hairless, I had very little. But as I grew up my hair got fuller and I had beautiful black long hair since then until the end of the summer from graduating high school. When I went to college I noticed how my hair started to change. I had less in thickness and quality. I don't have any bald spots but the amount of hair I have now is so little. When I braid my hair it's a small tiny braid where as when I was in high school that braid was thicker. What do I do??

Edith Goliatha: Thank you Dr. Alexis it is always helpful to come to your channel for information. I appreciate you

willa msk: Hello Dr Alexis, just to find out whether it's possible to regrow hair that has resulted from traction alopecia? And why are some hair products so itchy when applied ? Is it an allergic reaction or something else? Do certain hair gels cause hair loss?

Verneice Shearrill: Thank you for this Dr, I really appreciate you

Courtney Thomas: This was super helpful! Thank you!

Vindicated: Regarding light therapy, is there a specific light type for darker skin tones?

cijicamp: I just want to comment and say that I use the Mielle- rosemary oil, she picked up in the video & it really helped my edges.

RoyalT M: Should you wear your hair natural or avoid certain hair products when go in for the first derm appointment?

Boulevardfox: Can you make a video on Safe products for Acne and Hyperpigmentation while pregnant (safe ingredients and non-safe ones for face and body)... Thanks! love ur videos!

Perry Rice: Hey Alexis I started having thinning edges. So I started using . Rogaine but I didn't know once you stopped using it. What little bit that grew in more came out. ‍♀️ I wish I had known that I wouldn't never started. My edges were just thin . Now they are gone. But I do take my vitamin D. And I am on iron pills also. I also use a laser low level light cap. Roller download needle. And I also go once a month for. Steroid injections. It's slowly coming back but not as fast as it did when I was younger.

Fausta Bautista: I had the same issue and though because of covid . I found out on my case after blood work that I had iron deficiency . After taking a strong iron supplement and iron rich milkshakes, new hair started coming out. Not sure if covid absorbs to much iron on your body but it all happened after covid. But iron deficiency has something to do with hair loss .

Shina R: Can you make a video about chemical peels? And also safe ways to remove facial hair?

K K: Love love love...thank you Doctor Stephens for this helpful and insightful video

C WCG: I tried using black derm directory when I was battling hair loss and some skin issues. There is only 1 in my state and it was such a disappointing experience. My hair at the time was coming out in clumps and all over the bathtub when I would wash it. I brought pictures, had my regimen in detail and she didnt even look at it or help me identify what could be the issue with my scalp. Also came in for skin issues which were equally dismissed and which later developed into a bad case of folliculitis. I'll try going to a different one in a neighboring state.

Megan de Freitas: Hi Dr. Alexis Stephans, I don’t know if you will see my comment because I want to ask a serious question but first I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I am also a med student and dermatology is in my top 4 ‍♀️!! I will start with my clinical rotations in September. My story + question: I have been struggling with acne since I was a teenager and up until last October I received antibiotics (minocycline) for 3/4 months (end of January). My face got clear (did experience rash on my neck but I used sudocrem to heal it). My problem area used to be my cheeks and never my forehead but since I stopped the acne came back in March but on my forehead as if has shifted. Also on my nose (and those ones hurt a lot haha☹️) . My chest, neck & legs also got pimples (worsened!!) So definitely the acne vulgaris is back. Last week I went to my dermatologist (I live in the Netherlands) and I am planning to start roaccutane (Isotretinoin) next month even though summer is coming up because my patience has run out. I’ve watched all your videos but sadly I didn’t see a video considering this subject. My question is: Could you make a video about the usage of roaccutane on dark skin + details of how to take care of the skin while using the medication. Another question I have is: Is the story true that you also might get a darker complex while being on this medication? While being on minocycline I sometimes received comments as if my face/ skin complex got darker and for some reason I did also went 2 shades darker with my foundation even though it was winter. I don’t mind as long as I get clear skin but it was really annoying not having even skin tone at that time. Thank you so much for your time!! With love ❤️

Mariam Smaoui: Hello Dr Alexis, does the ketoconazole 2% and minoxidil can treat traction alopecia and help hair regrowth for hairline thinning ??

Felicia .L: we need black dermatologists in Europe Belgium we need someone like you

RavenStillBeguiling: My hair has been gradually thinning for like 10 years. I suspect it might be related to unknowingly having low vitamin D levels but I do not know for certain. Now if I don't wash my hair at least every 2-3 days, my hair shedding will be much greater. It can be so traumatic.

barbara humphrey: Dr. Stephens Thank you for all the valuable information. I have a skin question. Is it possible to use revision revox line relaxer and tretinoin together?

Widline Joseph: Hello Dr. Alexis, You’re videos are very informative and I enjoy watching your videos. Also, would it possible to talk about “Festoons”? Is there a product I can use to get rid of them? I am 32 years and I’ve been experiencing this problem since my early 20. Hope you have a solution

ILM Psalmist Admin.: I responded early by seeing a dermatologist. I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. I was traumatized! I got the injections but my scalp kept burning. It grew back nicely. I have autoimmune. It still sheds just a little. After I had COVID my hair started thinning. I was so hurt. My scalp still tingles from time to time. I don't know what to do.

MichelleDenise64: I have an appointment next month. It's not hair loss other scalp issues. I'll make sure to take notes and pictures of my products. Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it.

Fiona Jake: Your generosity towards my hair lost is incomparable. You assured me of getting healed and surprisingly after 14 days of taking the medication I was tested for hair lost. Thanks DR RORPOPOR HERBAL, I will keep letting the world know about your YouTube channel >>❣️

Fiona Stokes: This was very informative. Thank you, Dr. Stephens!

LoopieZ🎈: I've seen two dermatologist and none spent as much time to explain hairloss as much and as well as you did. Many are quick to just bill and charge an arm and a leg and don't bother spending time with the patient. I've seen one for the past 2yrs and I'm worse than before. I caught it ahead time b4 it got this bad and no one listened :( I'm frustrated to know many of us are just a number with a $ sign.

Eliz Clark: Hello my favorite dermatologist! Excellent advice as usual!!

livdav: Could weight loss be causing my hair to thin/break?

Jani S.: Tfs this info. I have been really sad since I had Covid in January, my hair had gotten very thin & the nape of my neck is thinning as well. I guess I need to see a Dermatologist. I have purchased alot of healing oils and praying they work!

Fatima Muhammad Alfa: Thank for this videos I have been experiencing this for 5years now. Currently I shave my hair completely. My own start every November December.

Indi jay: How do you use minoxidil and also dandruff and condition your hair/scalp simultaneously?

Cupcake Chronicles : Hi Dr Stephens I suffer with acne/hyperpigmentation. Currently I’m using the buttah skincare kit. What skincare routine/products do you recommend??

Sarah Kelly: I waited to long all my edges are gone. My hair is bald real far back I mean all my edges is gone to my ear on both sides. Start in my 30’s. Went to a dermatologist. She was no help was diagnosed with thyroid Condition. Lost my eyebrows too. It’s been years now so don’t wait to long.


musby malatji: Hey Dr could you kindly recommend good products for ezcema prone skin

Jean Griffin: Thank you, this video has been helpful to me. I had hair loss when I was given medication for controlling my high blood pressure. I started to lose my hair in the front and the crown. When I stop the medication, my hair stop falling out. That happened four or five years ago. I started to use product to help grow my hair back, but my hair is very thin in the front and my hair is growing back. I don't use any hair protection plats or relaxers.. I just have natural hair and I am taking good care of my hair. Thank you for showing this video.

Imogen: Can a person have two versions of alopecia? I have traction alopecia along my front hairline. I also have hair loss in other parts of my hair. 30 years ago, my stylist found a small bald spot the size of a dime. Since then the bald spot has become much larger and has joined with another bald spot. My doctor has said that there is scarring that has obliterated my hair follicles, so there will never be a chance for my hair to grow. Thoughts?

MARY AKUMU: Thanks as my mum and l suffer from hair loss!!❤️❤️

LibraLove1717: Thank you! This was really helpful.

Jeannine Gorden: Good info. What are your thoughts about peppermint oil, lavendar oil and amla for hair regrowth? I know there are studies regarding their benefits but I am not sure how rigorous they are.

YS The Creator: I shaved my hair once and now it’s growing unevenly, my crown area is the area of hair loss , and it’s growing slower than the other areas, what can I do? I would do anything to have my normal hair back

Linda Allen: Thanks Dr.Stephens my hair is thick but without conditions or deep protein conditions shedding of hair remains a problem next follow up in July I will consult my dermatologists.

Courtney Bracey: I’m going to save this video. Thorough but not overwhelming. And the way you rattled off those words was amazing. Excellent job!

Simply Kel: Yes this was indeed very helpful. Thank you so much.

Zainab Gladys Kamara: Thanks for giving us information that makes people understand things better. I want you to do a video about getting flat stomachplz I am shame of it but I want to cure it. My belly get bigger when ever I ate too much or drink too much but will be flat if I didn’t ate much.

Tabitha Mayer: I'm 30 and have been losing hair since I was about 22. My scalp is now visible. I went to a dermatologist and he said its genetic nothing I can do. He asked me no questions. He just looked for about 30 seconds. I have not gone back. My hairloss has been detrimental to my mental health. Doctors do not care. Ive been so discouraged.

Danyelle: Well done Dr. Great info…

S A: Thoughts on PRP treatment for hair loss?

Ruvimbo Pasi: I'm 21, and at 17 years I saw that my hair started thinning on my crown. I cut my hair when I was 16 and every time I've trimmed my hair I keep thinking it will grow back properly. I hate it, I keep cutting my hair cause mentally it helps me avoid the irritating of my thinning crown

Trish Hur: Thank you for these valuable tips I will pass this information on to my friend who is experiencing hair loss.

mary king: Thank you so much for the information

Nona Thatcher: I probably missed the video (will search for it) but if there isn’t one already, i would love to see you post about the best hair products for acne prone skin please and thank you!

soychelys: Thank you for this video, Doctor. What are your thoughts on the use of topical metformin in the treatment of CCCA?

ik hou van pannekoeken!: Hi Dr Alexis, i have a question. i have natural dry hair and dandruff. for the past few years i have been losing a lot of hair when i do my monthly wash (shampoo,conditioner and comb my hair out). Also i have been dealing with shedding of long and short hair strands with the white bulb attached. however i never see any bald patches on my head. do you think home methods such as green tea rinse will help me? do you have any advice for me? thank you for your reply.

Leasah: Rosemary oil has helped me tremendously. My hair has grown back in places where it was really thin.

Venique Dial: This was very helpful thank you so much! What are you thoughts on Clobetasol topical steroid for CCCA? I have CCCA, and ive been using it for a few years now but im not sure if its working.

SELF-CARE MODEL ATL: The Camille rose grow back drops work wonders for edges & the nape line only. I wish I could find something for my sensitive crown area. Is there anything available for a sensitive crown area.

S Troop: Is there any promise with curing thinning and baldness via stem cell research?

denise gunn: Do you have any tips for newborns? Or products you recommend using to keep their hair healthy?

Faith Journey Walk: Love the video. I am now a subscriber. Very informative. Keep it up.

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