Women Oil Their Pubic Hair For A Week * Ladylike

  • Posted on 15 May, 2016
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

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(, big band music, ), Lady garden. Short and curlies. Human steel, wool. Hair care is important., But how important is it you know down there? It'S Ladylike and we're oiling our pubes for a week.. I don't really have many boundaries. So if there's something that comes to mind that I wan na share about my pubes I'll, usually share it., I don't discuss pubic hair because it's odd., I rarely talk about my pubic hair with anyone. Actually., There's way more a stigma with pubic hair with women than with men. Men have a lot stronger preference with women.. I love that it's a lady that invented this fur oil.. She created a product that sort of helps us embrace our public hair and just take the best care of it that we can.. I don't want it to like stimulate growth. What, if it smells What, if I get some weird UTI from it, This is a very luxurious package. I will say that much., It smells like lemongrass-y.. This seems like it's gon na, be really fun., But I definitely don't think that I need this.. I think it'll be really cool to just like pay, much more attention to a part of my body that I don't typically.. I think I'm most excited for the fact that it should eliminate any chance of ingrown hair.. I have super super sensitive skin.. Let'S do this. [ Candace ] Kirsten. What would you do if I told you I was oiling my pubes for a week I would say: Follow your bliss. Good for you., I'm about to do the pube oil for the first time and I think it'll probably be fine.. I just I don't know what it's trying to do. Like. What'S the goal here, So you have a bush right now: [ Safiya ], Let it grow. I really enjoyed it.. It smells very spa-like.. I'M really excited to see how soft and supple my hairs become by the end of this week. Tyler also tried the pube oil.. I did. It didn't really do anything for me.. I kind of felt like Justin, Bieber., ( record scratch. ) Just put on a face. Mask but also had to put on my pube mask as well.. It'S just weird to be sitting here. After a shower just only moisturizing your pubic area., It was fine., It's a little sweaty. I guess The application process is pretty interesting because you apply it with a dropper.. It feels like a sensual science experiment., It's a little more moist is what I would say than usual, but so far I don't see anything getting softer or anything really., But it is fun.. Today'S really hot., I'm feeling very oily., I'm feeling very sweaty.. It'S just like ..., It's not happening.. My pubes are soft. They're laying down like baby hairs.. What could this oil be doing? That a 10 dollar bottle of jojoba oil from Trader Joe's could not be doing [ Voiceover ] Freddie tell us what you just told us.. Well, I said that I ran out of deodorant this morning, so instead I just threw some pube oil under these things. [ Voiceover ]. No, No, I smell great.. It smells like pit.. I can firmly say that nothing really happened., But it was very fun., But nothing really happened. [ Voiceover ]. What did you do this week? I oiled my damn pubes for a week.. It'S a nice like doing something for myself. Kinda feel like ooh no one's gon na see this.. I started putting it other places., (, laughs, ). It made my pubic hairs. Softer. I felt like they were more manageable.. I came into this hoping my pubes would get softer.. Are they softer Not noticeably.? It helped me in razor burn.. I will say that this pube oil made me hate my pubic hair, a little bit less.. This did open a door in my heart towards pubic hair care., So I may try shampoo.. It was kind of nice to open up the conversation and talk to people about pubic hair. I guess and kind of get advice on how to maintain it.. I just think that everyone should talk about pubes.. I think that everyone should try specific hair care for pubic hair. I think it's a cool experiment. And I think it's just nice to sort of pay attention to a part of your body that you wouldn't otherwise

Kati e: If this will make it possible to shave without extreme pain and ingrown hairs then I will gladly fork over my goddamn money for it.

Patricia: Trying pube oil together is a relationship goal tbh

Cecilia Adu-mensah: I actually love how Freddie is so positive about this

Clearly Platonic: Freddie looks great in dutch braids!

NetherwingEgg: Honestly I hate hair removal down there, its so time consuming and it just grows back after a day. I started using Jojoba oil because my hair was so coarse and so dark, and it has made a huuuuuuge difference. The hair is now much softer, much finer and has turned a blondish colour. Idc what anyone thinks, I think it looks great, and I would recommend it to all girls (and guys, I dont judge).

Moment Inspired: I love how accepting Freddie is with her body and with life in general. If only we were all this comfortable with how our bodies are. Pubes should be talked about because we all got 'em. Freddie, thanks for being an inspiration! <3

Hello There: I honestly don't even care about my pubes, I mean it's not like anyone is going to see them #foreveralone

m: As a 73 year old toaster, I completely relate

Elenor Corano: "Let it grow, let it grow, can't hold it back anymore ..." "Do you wanna build a bush man?" ... Ahahaahah xD Let the bad puns begin ^^

kb: i love how comfortable saf and tylers relationship is

cranberrywb100: Freddie is my natural hair goals, like YAAAS queen! Teach me your ways

Kay R: i love freddie ❤️ she's always so positive lol

Pro789: And this week on buzzfeed... HOW TO OIL YOUR PUBIC HAIR!

Valeria Valencia: "So you have a bush right now?" "Let it grow" lmao, dead

DestielPhancake: I really like Freddie's braids

SlavaZone: Conditioner works almost just as well and it's not very expensive. $25 for a small bottle and $39 for a large is A LOT!! It's great that it also helps with stubble and ingrown hairs, but you can get the ingredients separately and mix your own for cheaper, or just use the oils that work best for you. Cool concept, and yeah, it might help us stop viewing women's public hair in such a bad light if we pay more attention to it. Also, having soft pubes rather than rough, wiry hairs sound really nice!! Kind of like oiling a beard? Haha

Auto Young: Freddie has got to be one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen in my life...

Rachel Rose: I can't stop binge watching ladylike, you girls are the best xoxoxo ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Scully Loveless: i hate oily stuff on my skin

Aneri Patel: As a potato, I can relate on a personal level.

Snodge Kat: WHY can't I have friends like these ladies? I love them all. Just, LOVE.

Anne Smith: Freddie has the best attitude. I love it

Red Slide Snow: Freddie looks super good with that hairstyle and lipstick

Mia Reschke: I think I shaved my bush once and never shaved again! I really hate shaving or waxing all together. The only hair I cut is my hair on my head. I am so glad that you made this video! All through out watching it was like Yassss!! Thank you!

bumble bee: quality content from buzzfeed

Miki Soraoka: Don't know how I never noticed this but Freddie's skin is absolutely flawless!

Ana T: I love how Safiya is wearing other lipstick colors. She looks so beautiful like this. Softens her look.

CookieCreamCrumble: freddie is so damn pretty, her and safs makeup is on point

Viktoria: Candace look gorgeous in the top with the crisscross thing!

kikibirdball: Did Freddie cut her hair or is her hair just THAT curly when it's not braided? the length difference is amazing

ian lee: Ladylike is my favourite Buzzfeed series.

ranee :p: Can we get a video of Freddie just teaching us how she does her hairstyles

Sophie Pallot: Can we all please just talk about Freddie's hair for a minute ❤️

Avery Rose Gibson: Freddie is so cute and honest and funny i love her

Ericka Medina: I love that Freddie embraced this experience

A S: 'Work was alright , we oiled our pubes today ' 'we tried eating worms ' 'we wore goth makeup ' - Buzzfeed employees only

OriginalByOlivia: It's funny how companies release products like this but once someone sees you have pubic hair they get disgusted. SOCIETY MAKE UP YOUR MIND

Clara Penn: Can we talk about how Freddie's hairstyle is ALWAYS AMAZING

ashleyneedstogeta: Please keep LadyLike for the unforeseeable future. I love this show.

Lily Gray: At 1:32 you can see Saf's wardrobe full of her black clothes

okashi10: Safiya, you look great in that shirt! I know you love black clothes, but you look so good in brighter colors.

kaitlyn danielle: Freddie was so into the pube oil lol

Giulietta -: i love the buzzfeed girl they are so sympathic <3

munashe: I love the ladylike series. More more more.

everysamthing: Safyia's makeup on day five looks so good though

Lady of Darkness: I love Safyia because she's dark inside and outside, but my favorite buzzfeed girl is still Candace, she's funny, she's sweet, she's so beautiful, I'm drawn to her, like if she was a stranger I was introduced to in real life, I'd make it my goal to become friends with her. Don't know why, she just seems the kind of girl that would make an amazing friend!

Charlee: Keep the Ladylike vids coming

Ryuk: Omg I love Freddie’s confidence!!!!!

Pongrácz Tímea: weird because all i watched in this video is their makeup lol. i LOVED Safiya's lip colour at the day 7 video

Ethaniel Clyne: The way that Curly said "Do you have a bush right now?" is terrible. I'm a guy and I don't care if someone has pubic hair or not. Maybe she's had it for her whole life, and who can judge her? It's normal and MEANT to be there.

TEA TIME: Freddie's hair is always so nice!

Mark Verdad: Saf and Freddie are definitely Buzzfeed jaw droppers

Mulan: these videos are amazing. even if you don't have pubic hair and stuff it's still cool to see stuff people don't talk about.

Devils5lut: You can also rub conditioner whilst you're in the shower to soften them up and care for the area at rounds it, and it works better than shaving cream too!

801: The black girl looks good with them braids

liv barefoot: Freddie's hair always SLAYSS

Vie: Coconut oil FTW!! Lol I use it on my pubes (on my entire body really) straight out of the shower & it definitely made them softer. And what I loooove about coconut oil is that it doesn't leave you feeling oily/greasy. Buzzfeed needs to do a video dedicated to coconut oil, I'm surprised they haven't already

Kate Gross: Freddie is slaying in the braids she looks like a goddess

Kirsten Molkenboer: Just've been binge watching all the Ladylike videos and then this one pops up! That's what I call timing!

SimplyHolo: probably good for nails and cuticles too. jojoba oil is really versatile.

SamVikings: But why did Tyler feel like Justin Bieber?

thea: safiyas eyeliner was so on point on day 5 omg

Andreea Bobaru: Saf's make-up is ON POINT during the conclusion

Bryn Deer: When they were taking about how she replaced deodorant with the oil, the guy behind her looked completely horrified

beautybykylie 1000: omg Freddie's hair looks soooooooooo pretty like this

JustACactus [•_•]: Saf's eyeliner game is always on point

leann: Try the poop spray lol so ur poo doesnt stink

1blueyedgirl1: I'd love to see buzzfeed staff time sheets 10:00-10:20: Oiled my pubic hair.

Fauna Nirvana: Seems like a fine product but there should definitely be a condom warning, for those who don't know that oils break down latex. I feel like that's a really important fact that a lot of people don't know and could cause a problem or two...

Tam B: I would've failed BuzzFeed so badly on this one as I got laser done so many years ago! I'm so NOT into pubic hairs when it comes to me. I bike a lot, run, dance, horse back riding, ect so I couldn't stand having something there or it felt itchy and solved the problem! If a guy or girl has pubes, I'm ok with it as long as it's not the "mayor bush" but none will be seen on me! I apply some oils though, for my skin in my whole body mixing it with cream so I kind of understand I guess.

tesia w: freddie looked so good in this video like she always looks good ofc but her braids and highlight at the beginning just looked so pretty ffs

Maria Montgomery: SAFIYA! YOU'RE WEARING COLOR!!!!!

kickthepheelstickz: tbh i am really loving ladylike as a series

tfnvv: This is really easy to DIY. The ingredients of the Fur Oil are like mainly grapeseed oil, jojoba oil... and a whole bunch of potentially irritating essential oils like lemon essential oil that you wouldn’t want anywhere near your pubic area, and tea tree. Regular oils (plain or mixed) work just as well. Sesame oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, marula oil.

RayandJaz !: I love Freddie's hair it's so beautiful.

abenaa: i love how freddie is so out there

J S: I have a landing strip and I take very good care of my pubic hair. I shampoo it and put coconut oil on it in about a couple minutes of letting the steam open my pores. Then, I rinse off my body in the shower. I didn't realize that a lot of women didn't take care of their pubic hair, I find that weird and unsanitary. My pubic hair is really soft and the oil stops ingrown hair, I have sensitive skin. Many women ask me how do I keep my inner thighs and vulva the same color as my body and I think that is the reason. I put oil on my pubic hair which moisturizes my vulva and inner thighs.

August Wogsland: I'm really digging all of the ladylike videos guys. especially those with important messages like this one.

Shay Rouse: What i want to know about this experience is, DID IT WORK FOR INGROWN HAIRS?! That was one of the points and there wasn't an opinion on it

SpaceBabe12: I love how happy Freddy is in this. Why shouldn't we talk about pubes? We all got 'em!

My uhhh: Freddie looks so beautiful with the 2 braids.

I: I swear Freddie slays any hairstyle and makeup

Holly Grieve: I love Safiya's new haircut that she got on her hair

Lujain Dawoud: Sofiya is really pretty without makeup. I'm not against makeup but I like to keep mine simple and natural. In fact I love her with makeup too. <3

Mar-tea Cat: I did this in the 70's with a perfume oil (green apple). My skin was soft & I was easier to trim the hair. I still do this with a more lighter scent.

Amanda Perez: You gals should try glam planning next! I think it would be interesting

Rachel Cooperman: Waxing instead of shaving helps with ingrown hairs. I go to European Wax Center and use their ingrown hair serum and it is a miracle product

Caroline Conner: the ingredients are perfect for a cuticle oil. I would buy it for that lol

Ashley Kessick: Safiya is wearing more than just black Her make up is so good

Daphne li: I like Safiya's makeup in day 5. looks great :)

Belen Fajardo: this is nothing related to the video, but Safiya's skin looks amazing. I just had to let it out there like how?! Tell me your secret to fabulous skin.

Latoya Slade: Totally unrelated to this video but Freddie's natural hair is sooo gorgeous!

katie z: i think freddie is so cool...... i want to be like her.... but tbh i love all the ladylike cast. my favorite buzzfeed video series!

Ashlea O'Connell: Conditioner softens and makes your pubes less sensitive. I use this method regularly and it works a miracle!

Sara R: I wish you guys would link the stuff you discuss in the description box!

Sara Wawa: I kinda want some pubic hair oil now! I know I'm in the minority here and it's going to sound (really really)weird, but I actually really like my pubic hair, like I've shaved before but I feel so weird without it. It's like on Bob's Burgers where Tina was all sad after waxing away her leg hairs, that's how I felt about shaving away my pubic hair. #iknowisoundcrazybutimokaywiththat

Lippy Witch: i love these out of the box vids their great

Niamh Amber: Freddie needs to wear her hair like that more often!

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