3 Benefits of Turmeric for Hair and How to Use

Turmeric is used for healthy hair and many use it without knowing the benefits. Whenever the word turmeric pops up, the first thought that comes to many people’s minds is the delectable and color-rich food this powerful spice can make. While it indeed holds a special place in the spice rack, its uses go beyond the kitchen.

It is particularly popular in the beauty realm for its fantastic acne clearing capabilities and how it seems to work magic on the hair. This article will highlight some of the top benefits of turmeric for hair.


Benefits of Turmeric for Hair Care

hair benefits of turmeric

The top benefits of turmeric for hair include:

#1. Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff makes your scalp dry and itchy. Add in the snowy, ugly flakes, and you’ve got a winning formula for troublesome hair.

The good news is that you don’t have to splurge hundreds of dollars on anti-dandruff products because the remedy for dandruff is sitting in your kitchen.

Turmeric boasts antimicrobial properties and will help remove excess sebum that might be causing the formation of dandruff. It is also a natural antiseptic and will tackle yeast causing dandruff.


#2. Eases Itchiness

An itchy scalp means an unhappy and uncomfortable you. It also means you’ll constantly scratch your scalp, and as a result, damage even the healthy hair follicles. However, one outstanding benefit of turmeric for hair is that it eases itchiness.

Curcumin, a compound present in turmeric, has strong anti-inflammatory properties known to soothe and calm an itchy scalp.


#3. Prevents Hair Loss and Promotes Growth

A happy scalp means more hair growth. By easing itchiness, you scratch less, which means you won’t damage any hair follicles or cause hair breakage, and as a result, this prevents hair loss.

Also, turmeric has the power to prevent hair loss caused by dandruff, and thanks to its antimicrobial and antibacterial abilities, it can fight scalp infections that cause hair thinning and hair loss.

What’s more, curcumin inhibits the production of DHT, a hormone known to cause hair loss. It’s also an antioxidant and will reduce oxidative stress while at the same time boosting the production of collagen and keratin, which are important in hair growth. The result? You experience more hair growth and attain a head full of healthy hair.


How to Use Turmeric for Healthy Hair

As you have seen, turmeric can be great not just in your culinary space but also for your hair. Here’s how to use it;

Direct Application

How to Use Turmeric for Healthy Hair

The best way to maximize turmeric’s benefits for hair is to apply it directly to your scalp. To do this, mix a few tablespoons of ground or powder turmeric with equal parts of organic olive oil. Stir until it becomes a smooth emulsion, and gently apply it onto your scalp. Leave it for 30-45 minutes, and then rinse and condition your hair as you usually do.


Drink It

Use Turmeric Drink for Healthy Hair

If you’d like to enjoy turmeric’s holistic benefits, then drinking is also another excellent idea.

Boil ground or a few roots of turmeric and two teaspoons of ginger for about 15 minutes. Pour yourself a cup and add a few teaspoons of raw honey and squeeze in a lemon. This will be a delicious cup full of immense hair and overall health benefits because the mentioned ingredients are also superfoods with quite a long string of benefits.

The secret to beauty lies in nature, and turmeric is enough proof. You don’t need to break the bank to grow beautiful hair. You can work your way to healthier, beautiful hair using nothing but the ingredients you use daily, such as turmeric.

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